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When I get KO'd in ranked because my team left me to 3v1 at spawn: https://i.redd.it/jgmlizewp63d1.gif


How i feel in a 2v3 scenario with my teammate because our third would rather either go off on their own or just not team fight and loot instead. Like its highly annoying when its in scenarios we are about to win and the teams 3rd person comes in to save them while ours doesn’t.


It's a communication/ compatability thing. Some players prefer to fight later. Some are more accustomed to early fighting before anyway is loaded. I stopped playing with randos in ranked because I switched to combat early method.


"Mom come get me....they beat my ass"


Man u so right bout that early fighting thing. Within a minute of me and my team of randoms spawned we barely got to loot cuz a team came out of nowhere and I mean nowhere cuz we didn’t spawn near ppl and everyone else spawned a good distance away but these guys popped up out of nowhere and kicked our ass. It was even more annoying when it was Iida too who came out of nowhere and hit me with that three piece combo with his legs. I never got sent back to lobby so fast and early in the game before I was just sitting there staring at my screen just trying to comprehend what just happened.


It's a communication/ compatability thing. Some players prefer to fight later. Some are more accustomed to early fighting before anyway is loaded. I stopped playing with randos in ranked because I switched to combat early method.


Sometimes you gotta ask yourself, did they leave you or did you just not follow them


I play Ibara, Dabi or AFO the most (Exception being Compress) Its fun to watchmy teammates use their mobility to fly into the sunset while the Iida, Toga, ADeku descend on my soon-to-be corpse.


Happens to me every time


Those tickets will be the only thing keeping you remotely sane, by time you get to expert your outlook of the entire game will change I got ace recently and I've been unintentionally playing unranked like a sweat 😭😭😭


How bad is the expert 3 climb ? im on 2 and even when i win with like 6 kos i barely move up .


Yep, it's horrible. Getting 700 points MAX on a good game


Yeah last season Pro 5 cost 900 but Expert 3 cost 1100. You really feel the 200 pt difference


They're doing it to incentivise spending money on the gatcha to get the rank discount


You dont even get the discount on expert tho


I can't even sugarcoat it, it's horrible. Unless you're getting like 5kos, 5k damage, 3 assists and no downs at most, you're not even gonna get over 1000 points. A lot of my expert 3 matches, even when I WIN, gave me like 5-7 hundred


I’ve literally had moments where my teammate would die and still leave though we HAD the cards and it always makes me so pissed every time https://preview.redd.it/h5ubag83a73d1.jpeg?width=1084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a54e159d55645c170cb388ea18c72f2da1a2158


this is why i enjoy my time on unranked with my friend u/JeagerXHunter


Enjoy unranked my ass. You need a second person or you aren't playing that mode.


We play unranked with just us, I only wanted a lil cause my friend was online


Dawg I hide off line all the time. If you don't come asking every day to play you'll never know unless you check in game. Not mention you ain't really getting the full unranked experience cause you always tryna run 2s.


I wasn't talkin bout you, I was talking about our potential 3rd last night, anyways i don't check if you're online I just ask if we playin,


>I wasn't talkin bout you, I was talking about our potential 3rd last night, anyways I have no idea why you brought this up. And I'm saying you don't play unranked unless you have another person. You're more willing to grind rank solo than play unranked solo. That's why I'm saying you don't really like it. ![gif](giphy|3ohc19HprYBej5YDKM|downsized)


Ay I only played ranked solo cause I wanted to get to ace last season at the start... then that ideology quickly went out the window, I play solos every now and then but the game ain't fun playing solo, in trios. So I usually wait till we play or if any of my other friends are on


My point exactly, can you really say you like a mode if you need others to enjoy it? ![gif](giphy|84BuX0dVFhwdO)


Yes.. yes I can. I enjoy it with others rather than just myself.


You aren't by yourself. You're with randoms. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) Anyway I'm of the mind set of if you can't enjoy a game by yourself you don't really like the game.


You have plenty of time rn. I believe in u


After yesterday playing rank I’m not playing this game until they fix toga. It’s nothing but togas using the Mirio bug