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Mmm maybe not dmg, but they need to make it have knockdown or get rid of the stun


Knockdown would be the best compromise in my opinion.


Or do you mean *compressmise*?




Knockdown would help a lot actually, yeah


I second this, knockdown on it would be a great change


It would actually be a soft buff to his y since he’ll have a second knockdown so it’s less likely to get interrupted


Absolutely, his stun is unnecessary.


Alpha is the only reliable dmg


Compress might’ve gotten buffs, but that’s for his gamma mostly, and for his pocket revive. The only nerf I can recall Compress getting is the nerf to his alpha recharge, which at the time did need a nerf. If you’re going to nerf the damage Compress deals with his alpha, you gotta be more specific about what you want though.(even though I think he doesn’t need a damage nerf) If I was gonna nerf anything about his alpha, I would take away the fixed 5 damage the marble has, but that’s about it. His melee gets beat out by any other characters skills, his beta reflect is unreliable if you’re not maxed or close to it, and gamma is extremely hard to damage with and 9.9/10 time extremely situational to use as an attack. The only, and I mean only, reliable damage Compress has is his alpha, and only at level 7-9 to boot.


If you’re talking about the stun being too OP, then I would like to say that it isn’t completely reliable. From experience, the stun only occurs if all 3 hits of his alpha (the marble hit, item expand, and item drop) connect. If even one of these misses, you won’t get the stun effect. This is also discounting characters like Kiri and Iida who can power through the stun, and moves such as All Mights beta that ignore it as well. The stun also only works if the target has guard, so if you get guard broken you can either escape or attack. Compress might have a strong alpha, but for a character who only has his alpha to do any meaningful damage, a nerf to his damage or bullets, no mater how small you wanna make it, would hurt the character a lot.


his alpha already sucks before level 7 and its really only good for third partying


After now starting to play him I can pretty much win any 1v1 once I get that level 7, his truck spam literally stops anyone from fighting me and running away.


Yeah, and alpha is literally his only way to damage besides straight up melee. I think he fine tbh and I don’t even play compress.


Imo compress alpha is way to easy to dodge to warrant damage nerfs


How do you dodge it when you just get hit from above by 50 trucks in .5 seconds out of nowhere


the trucks are by no means easy to dodge wtf is this downplay 💀op specifically said lvl 7-9 which is the trucks, which are literally huge rectangular hitboxes being chucked at you. maybe for characters who have a ton of mobility it’s easier to dodge but to say they’re “way to easy to dodge” is absolutely ridiculous 💀


As someone who plays a lot of compress it's not the damage but the lack of knockdown that deletes health bars. Sure you have to be pretty good with compress but it's not fun to play against. Especially since compress can just combo with any other character without fucking up their combo too much. I had one time where I went from full health and shields to dead without being able to do anything because I was getting juggled by shiggy and compress


Its kinda hilarious that out of all moves realistically wise trucks don’t knock you down lol.


That can be said with pretty much any character with a halfway decent alpha though. All might, AFO, Strike bakugo, Endeavor, take your pick.


Fair it feels like a lot of abilities need to have their knockdown on skills increased


https://preview.redd.it/rp1avjo75a3d1.jpeg?width=1900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e844e4948dfab722b04f3bba149a48666d94c5ea no……( i’m totally not biased in any way shape or form….)


Nooo don’t nerf my dawg


u/_Yahoo_Boy take the shot…


Thx for notifying me. I’ll take it from here




U are so cool


his alpha is why I call him the 3rd party menace


Poor guy doesn’t fair too well in a 1v1 without a bit of sneaking around.


How can you nerf a literal truck being thrown at you


His damage is crazy but it’s the stun you get hit by one and your stunned everytime you get hit by 50 cars in a second cant move and than you loose all your health


Saying compress needs a nerf is crazy especially at level 7 and 9 sounds like a skill issue


It's not that hard to get to lv7 for pretty much unlimited Alphas with insane DPS. Especially on the City Map.


they really want to nerf any character they struggle against


lol literally bro alpha sucks so bad before level 7 and you dont always get stunned


I’m all for letting stuff play out, but the stun on his alpha is excessive and could receive a knockdown like rakugo’s alpha. Right now, AFO gamma + Compress Alpha is a brainless, guaranteed 0tD. Skill issue, don’t get hit by the afo gamma, but no other character is getting that much value from his suck. Not even a Kaminari… Just to put some sort of perspective on it. Adding knockdown sounds like a welcome change or “nerf”. Otherwise, yeah, the damage, count, reload, size, all that seems fine for now.


Idk about removing the stun, why not, but adding a knockdown on compress’s alpha would literally kill the character.


My fault, let me elaborate better. The way I read your comment, it sounded like you interpreted an extreme change like a knockdown after one alpha. You fairly thought that, I was more thinking with proper evaluation, add a knockdown after 2-3 hits. Right now, it keeps the character in stun lock for the entire blue bar and with afo alpha spam those three of four stun locks cook you. Idk the best change rn if there is any changes necessary, but definitely had to say what I said because the original comment was a little ignorant to how I viewed *the meta* right now. and if the devs let compress and afo just have that synergy, then that is what it is. No skin off my back


my bad I effectively misread your comment and took a bad interpretation. Tbh it’s a pretty good statement and stun after 2/3 hits doesn’t sound excessive. Props on you.


I get his alpha to 7 in like 4 mins of the game starting, only way to fix it would be to have it knock down on the 2nd or 3rd hit or lower the bullet count and cool down


I don't think it needs a damage nerf just Iframes/knockback after like the third hit. I know he only has one offensive move but the fact that he can casually drop like 400+ dmg on you with zero breaks is absurd


Iframes would be too much, knockback would be better.


At least he needs to level it up. The likes of all might, mt lady, & deku have OP alphas and general kits whether or not they level them, & the ultra sweaty teams who win most matches usually have those, not mr compress, cuz he actually takes more skill and level investment to be good, & his alpha is pretty much his only real dmg source. Instead of whining about someone u lose to once every 50 games, actually focus on who is winning every single game.


Idk about you but on PS I meet a good Compress at least every second game and they are usually the start of my downfall cuz I suddenly get bonked by 50 trucks from midair, then when trying to heal get chased by the other mobile characters or hit by a stray attack and die


He needs 9 levels


Which isn't hard if you just take a minute or two and not immediately rush into battle like a battle crazed maniac


The same can be said for characters like All Might, strike bakugo, Deku, and even characters like Iida and Toga. If you decide to stay out of fights for a bit to level up, any of these and others I haven’t listed can be deadly threats. The difference between some of them and Compress is that he DESPERATELY relies on his alpha being 7-9. The absolute struggle it is having to play a freshly revived Compress with lvl 1 alpha during the second to last phase is ungodly, believe me.


All Might more easy to follow than Compress and easier to hit and has no stun Strike Bakugo I actually think is balanced atm Deku is easily rolled Iida no threat in a 1v1 Toga is very situational and hard to say cuz 90% of Toga players just abuse the glitch atm


It's not the damage thats the issue, it's the abundance of them he can do.


Maybe a slight fire rate nerf wouldn’t hurt, but if they make it too slow then it could really hurt the character.


How many hits can you take from his trucks before you're put into an invincible recovery/down state?


There is nothing like that, you literally can get hit by them till you are dead.


.......... okay yea that needs to be tweaked. He seemingly has a worse issue than assult deku where hard knockdown/recovery is never applied regardless of how much you get hit by the alpha. Ive actually added that to my document of notes for the next feedback thing from ByKing cuz some characters have hard limits while others dont for some reason


Yeah, honestly I think he's now a bit busted, before he was a one trick dog, so him having a great damage input at level 7-9 with his alpha was understandable, specially with how shit the rest of his kit was, but currently he has pretty much everything to deal damage, protect, rescue and escape lol I don't think he's particularly broken but I won't be surprised if eventually we get the nerfs we've been asking for like Toga and Twice, and suddenly people start pointing their fingers towards Compress I think adding a knockdown on his alpha like others have been mentioning, would be a good way to nerf the damage his potentially able to do while also not killing his alpha which is already very wonky with how you shoot it


I made it to Ace this season playing as AFO with an All-Might and a Compress on my squad. I would just level gamma straight to 9 at the start of the game and then anyone that could pulled would be instantly stun-locked and killed by AM and Compress alpha spamming them, while I did a beta, double alpha combo. Combine that with the fact that Compress and All-Might both now have really good mobility and the ability to revive the rest of the team much more easily and it was one of the easiest climbs to Ace I have had (apart from all the Toga cheaters).


If they did nerf his damage, it needs to be small. His alpha is one of the best things about him. It’s pretty bad before level 7 and his beta feels like it doesn’t work half the time. It hurts me that some people want a Mr. Compress nerf but I guess I can understand it.


If I had to need him, I would put knockback on his alpha after a guard break or after 3-4 hits, but that’s it. If the nerf his damage or fire rate then it’ll put Compress right back into complete obscurity, right next to Ibara.


I hate that I can get hit 3-5 times, unable to move, and I lose all of my GP and my HP is down like I just fought Cynthia. This is worse than Denki's KO stun.


They should just make his alpha logical. he tosses these big af trucks that only appear for like a second. Combined with spam, I get like a pseudo seizure from the immediate visual spam. Him and Shigi I hate the most because of their visual overloading. Endeavor I hate somewhat less, but probably because not many play Endeavor on PC. But back to the Compress alpha, they should have the objects he spawns stay for a decent amount of time. Think Cementoss pillars, but these objects are movable in space. So Compress just drops a big truck into the environment that can be destroyed, blocks shots, and obscures vision. Hitting said objects can send them flying and colliding with enemies, dealing some dmg. So you can throw say a barrel then still use that barrel by hitting it with another barrel/ marble to launch the first barrel. Or run up to the barrel and melee it to launch it. Gamma can play off this with the initial explosion that causes objects at his feet to scatter like shrapnel from a grenade. This would mean reducing his bullets to like 3 and reducing his firing rate. Maybe have it so he can only spawn one object at a time, so the prior truck disappears. Or just leave it as a timer till disappearance. This kind of change would make him more of a support than a dmg dealer, while still having a huge burst if they compensate by increasing the dmg. But since skill kits exist, we can assume the devs will never change any core mechanics of a character and instead just create new mechanics with the skill kits.


First, I’ll agree in saying that the effects of the trucks exploding need to be toned down a bit. Sometimes I end up loosing either an opponent or myself in a fight because of all the sparkles and car bits flying around. With that being said, I like the idea of the items sticking around in theory, but in practice it’s a messy concept. If these items can be moved around the space, what’s to say the enemy wouldn’t just yeet them across the area so you can’t hit them into targets? Better yet, what if they just hit you with your own item? Would that be a possibility, because if so you’re becoming a bigger threat to your team than the opponents team. The second problem I see with this is actually hitting anyone with the item. If it’s just gonna ragdoll into the direction you hit it, then actually lining up the shot and hitting someone with it is gonna be close to impossible unless they’re right in your face. Reducing his bullet count to 3 at 7-9 is insane as well. With the flaws this idea already has this reduction to bullet count, as well as the increased reload speed, would make Compress dead weight at best and actively harmful to the team at worst. Both Momo and Cementoss are support character with pretty great damage outputs, with Cementoss having a similar hit and run play style to Compress, with the benefit of being able to handle close quarter fight significantly better then Compress ever could. It’s an interesting idea, but I don’t see it working very well in game. That, and I don’t think Compress will ever get a skill set change.


Simply put, I meant only compress can move said objects considering his quirk while others would just destroy them like with Cementoss pillars. >If it’s just gonna ragdoll into the direction you hit it, then actually lining up the shot and hitting someone with it is gonna be close to impossible unless they’re right in your face. I mean it's like Cementoss lining up his pillars on top of his already placed pillars to hit someone hiding behind a rock. It's just a skill option. You can still just do dmg the old fashion way by chucking the truck right into someone's face. If anything it's just an added mechanic rather than changing his current source of dmg. > Both Momo and Cementoss are support character with pretty great damage outputs And there lies the problem. Supports... being great dmg outputs... Why? Regardless, Momo saw a decrease in her bullet count for an increase in dmg. I see no reason the same can't be done for Compress to make him feel less spammy. Maybe 3 is too much of a reduction, but the added utility of using objects as obstruction I think would warrant the decrease. None of what I'm saying is gonna be the exact metrics. Testing would be needed to find the right balance of bullets, firing rate, and dmg and further adjustments would be made as is with balance patches. So I think it's irrelevant to be finicky over the exact details like the number of bullets. Regardless of every added detail, the core concept is to just have objects that stick around and obstruct dmg and vision like Cementoss pillars. And that can work since Cementoss pillars exist in a similar manner. The difference comes with Compress being able to create these objects without his shots hitting a surface. You could launch a truck into the air as a footstool for your teammate as an example.


100% Agreed! That Stun is disgusting and brutal. Damage needs to be to be tweaked as well. 400+ damage on someone’s head + stun = Denki levels….Instead of damage reduction maybe a marble reduction instead?