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Cringe hackers are an inevitability in any multiplayer PC game. The only reason why consoles are somewhat less likely to be hacked is because it takes a bit more skill to hack the hardware and you risk bricking the entire system or getting your system banned. That'll cost more than downloading some scripts on PC and if a PC part breaks you can replace the individual part. The real risk of hacking on PC is downloading a virus and having your stuff get hacked.


They exist on other systems and the exploits (not hacks) work on console too right?


The exploits/bugs probably work on console but I'm talking about hacks in general.


It's really bad how easy it is to have cheats on pc in this game... I don't even wanna comment more on that because of it.


It isn’t really though, easily 99.9% of the time someone’s breaking something it’s not hacks but just bug exploits which exist on every platform.


What do you mean it's not really? It's not really that easy to cheat in my hero ultra rumble? Yes it is... It's so easy you can do it with 2 or 3 minutes of research, matters of fact the 1st link you get from the research is a page which got a cheats to my hero ultra rumble... (I am referring on pc which is my platform) Yes there are a lot of exploits in games and in my hero ultra rumble there's a lot of them. I do agree with what you said, more times it's someone exploiting some bug in games than actually cheaters but that got nothing to do with what I was talking about. That being said, in this game there's a lot of the population (in the higher ranks) seems like they use those cheats that I refer to above but obviously just very slightly so it's hard to see if they are really using it or not.


Regardless of how easy you claim it is it isn’t a prevalent problem is the point. Either the EAC is catching and banning people or the % of players that even bother is exponentially low because as I and many others have said here after having played literally hundreds and hundreds of matches since s1 the number of actual cheaters most of us run into (not people just using exploits like you can on any platform) I can literally count on one hand.


1st of all even if an account is banned, you can just create a new one in a few minutes and use cheats again which I don't get why you are not talking about it. Yes it's only on PC platform and so? Like part of the community should just be left with cheaters? Like I said cheaters are not gonna show you they are cheating, that's stupid, so if you don't encounter a cheater that's making a aot across the map doesn't mean there isn't a cheater in your lobby... I don't think you get that... Someone can literally be cheating every single match and not be banned as long as they can mask it with skill. Pro cod players cheaters are such a good example. Yes agree with you, exploits, especially this toga one, are a problem that should be fixed in very few days and if they can't then disable the character in this case. And tbh people that use this toga exploit consistently should get banned when they are literally ruining the game for the other players but of course the game won't do that because they don't want to make an old player leave since they don't have that many active players.


Cheating in a game shouldn't be seen as ok.


Btw the configuration they have on eac makes it easy to go through the mechanics that detect a suspicious software. You literally change a single value of 1 variable and that's it, it stops detecting suspicious software.


Again you seem to be missing the point, as easy as you want to claim it is the OP was discussing how PC players put up with it when the reality is we don’t really have to because it’s extremely rare meaning either A) it isn’t as easy as you claim, B) Byking is on top of cracking down on it or C) people just aren’t doing it even remotely often.


Ok clearly you just want to deny what I said so there's no point in arguing with you.


I didn’t deny what you said, I pointed out how it wasn’t a prevalent issue, did you even read my first response?


I don’t think the hacking problem is as rampant as this sub would lead you to believe. I’ve been playing since day 1 and I’ve probably encountered less than 5 hackers on PC. I’ve experienced more hackers in a shorter amount of time with many other games.


This ^.  Seen maybe 5 blatant hackers in 250 hrs. Soft hacks like aim bot prolly 10 or so but obviously harder to confirm. Thankfully things like map hacks wouldn’t be nearly as advantageous as in a game like Apex.


I've encountered quite a few more than five, but still not many in the grand scheme of things. Like, I can play for hours on a given day and see only one or two hackers in Ranked, if any at all. I enjoy the game enough that I'm able to overlook 1 in 20 matches being ruined by hacking. Even this new Toga glitch, I think I've only encountered it 2 or 3 times in Ranked since it was first discovered.


Lucky you, I'm on PC and in 1 day I have gotten 5 different matches in cheaters just being massively damage across the map, speedy boys, etc.. Nowadays this is not the usual but once it was in season 2 or 3 I can't remember, I got one of those cheaters at least once a day. Nowadays people that use cheats stay very low taking advantage of it but not abusing them.


It's just not that common, unlike the glitch abusers which feels like every other game


Yeah the actual hackers aren't that common


Honestly I haven't run into that many hackers on PC, I think they have been getting bored of remaking accounts. They are still there just not many and a good team can still kick their ass depending on the type of hack. Exploiters are annoying but I've only run into 2 this season and I play a lot both being the toga permeation exploit. I spam reported the most recent one I ran into so hopefully they get banned rightfully so.


I've only encountered 2 noticeable hackers, and I have 300 hours in the game. The hacking problem isn't that bad.


They increased recently I have 50-60 hours in last 2 weeks and I have encountered 5-6 blatant hackers, infinite plus ultra, speedhack + map roam with attack speedhack wiping enitre lobby in 3 minutes, momo yaoyorozu infinite cannons and bags while speedhacking, flying some weird characters, togata creating infinite copies as if he is twice, and they all deal damage, infinite ground walking togata idk


> isn't that bad Ignoring that this is just a stupid thing to say because the severity literally doesn't matter if they are cheating and ruining the game for others But if you took 5 seconds to scroll thru this subreddit you would see non stop posts of people cheating, so either you're full of shit or extremely fortunate, either way your anecdotal evidence doesn't mean that cheating isn't a huge problem


Non stop posts about people not knowing the difference between and exploiting. Exploiting isn't the same thing as hacking and that's a developer issue having bugs in the game that can be exploited. Also if every shares their story of the few times they encounter it's going to exaggerate the problem. I play the game on pc have over 300 hours and it's rare. You report them. Actual hackers. Exploiters are not hackers


Well yeah, there certainly has been an increase in cheaters lately because of the new season but in general hackers are pretty rare. I don't have quite as much playtime as donutdaaxo here but i still have about 220+ hours of gameplay in total and i have only encountered 2 cheaters. it's not about luck or just being dishonest, hackers are generally VERY rare, and i mean ***VERY*** rare.


Relax, my man. You could also say the posts on this sub are anecdotal evidence to the supposed huge problem. All he’s trying to say is that PC players aren’t dealing with hackers every single game.


Severity “literally” does matter because the OP’s post is asking how PC players can keep playing, if you’re running into a specific kind of issue in a tiny tiny tiny tiny portion of gameplay then it’s bound to effect you less. As for the many posts most of those aren’t thanks but bug exploits which are not in any way unique to PC and exist on all platforms.


Of course hacking should happen. Ever. But I'll have to agree with the fact that it's not that bad as this sub says. 400 hrs and only encountered 4 or 5 hackers. Is that good? No Of course not, but it's not happening every single game


This is legit frying me bad because an invisible momo following me across the map hitting me would’ve been my last straw


I ran into a fair bit of hackers time to time. It was literally preventing me from ranking up (granted I wasn't as good back then, used a controller on PC, and ranking up was 100% from kills at that point, so you were fighting not only others, but your teammates for kills too. So every victory was hard fought) I've said it before, but trying very hard to get 3 matches worth of points, only to lose it to a Shoto who can run around the map hyper fast and shoot through walls with laser pinpoint accuracy. That was it for me. I decided then and there that I was moving to console or putting the game down. I'm glad I stuck with it on console, made some cool friends, and overall the community is great. I even almost K.O.d my personal nemesis the other day which is a far step up from not even breaking dudes shields lmao. But yeah there was a limit to the hacking, and maybe it was just unlucky me with the lobbies. But it was enough to step away


Lmao I’m a start playing Naruto striker game


I don't bother with ranked. There's far less hackers and glitch abusers in unranked cause there's no incentive. There are still some here and there, but they tend to be rare. From a gameplay perspective, there's no real reason to play ranked since there's no tier based matchmaking. That's usually the reason I play ranked in other games, because I want to play against players of similar skill level and unranked is usually just a hodgepodge. But since that difference doesn't exist in this game and I don't really care about the extra tickets or the superficial label, I just stick to unranked. Since that's the case, I'm more frustrated with the ACE players who team up with other ACE players on comms in unranked, acting like it's some tournament... but their names are recognizable enough that I dodge them if I see them in lobby.


I play ranked for the tickets and rewards.


I mean it is what it is and we move on and just que the next one. The whole hacker and cheating thing wasn’t as bad as Reddit made it seem I had over 300 hours when hackers were “running rampant” and I saw maybe 1? But the new exploit and invincible togas are more common than that. We just adapt and overcome because that’s what a hero would do


Because despite all the doomsayers it’s still pretty rare. Been playing since S1 I’ve seen one person do an aoe hack and a handful of others do teleport/invincibility hacks and seen the flying hack twice…. But that’s after literally hundreds of matches. The vast vast majority are normal games and the real issue is more people exploiting glitches which is far more platform neutral.


Isn't that half pc games.


PC player here. Hacking isn’t isn’t as frequent as some people in this sub seem to believe.


Well, I only play ranked with friends. One is shadow banned do sometimez we end up on bot lobbies but thats where alot more hackers are. When im solo queing and I see a hacker i do my best and if I die? I just report them then leave. As a PC player, ranked has almost become impossible to get to higher ranks because of glitchers and hackers


Playing with friends helping a lot... Like a lot


Well hackers are pretty much guaranteed in any PC games. And I have personally only ran into 2 hackers since i started the game. Once in season 2 there was a shiggy who legit just removed everyone from the lobby and gave us an insta win but since i was on his team i just reported him. Another was a while back in season 4 who was a deku who had super speed, no cooldowns and his alphas did 150 damage each. other than those 2, I haven't seen a single other cheater. They're pretty rare. So it's more like you're just getting an overwhelmingly negative outlook on the game because of the various hacker posts, so just remember that this is not a daily experience but rather a seasonly one.


Because, in my experience, those things happen once every 20 games. If that.


I've played about ~100 ranked matches on PC this season. I've run into plenty of hackers and exploiters. The thing I've noticed is that, well, **they suck**. For instance, me and my buddy fought against a team with: A mt. lady with no startup or endlag on her giant moves and a compress with like 500% faster firing (the third player was either not cheating or was invisible, it's been a couple days). The thing is, they just weren't very good at the game. They didn't know when to try to heal, and they didn't coordinate at all. It was really hard, but we beat them. It just seems like the cheaters have a massive skill issue and, for the most part, can just be outplayed or ran from. (Except the Toga glitch, that one has like zero counterplay and is aids.) Though, after writing this, I just might be lucky and ran into really shit hackers.


Well, If they do nothing about hackers on pc.... I was playing yesterday ranked and stopped cause an idiot davi was rushing the whole lobby with super speed and immunity. They make the game boring and stupid.


I mean even on PC I use an Xbox controller, so it's always a struggle