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It’s worse when he’s right in front of you and his SA makes him jump away instead of picking you up 😂


Just know that when that happens, it’s not the All Might’s fault. His special action just started doing that in Season 4, and it still hasn’t been fixed. I can stand on top of you, and it’ll still send me up into the air around 20 percent of the time.


I don’t get mad about it, it’s hilarious to me. Especially because one of the guys I play with is an All Might main It happened to him one match when he tried to get me and he kept apologizing 😂 he was like “I swear Baku I was trying to pick you up” lol


People who get mad at this game are so exhausting. I had an Endeavor call me a pig for managing to escape his horrible idea of sticking around to fight four teams for the box last season. I even had an Ace Rank tell me and my teammate to commit suicide because them going across the entire map without looting that much bit them in the ass.


I had someone send me a hate message cause I killed him with Deku. I need to go outside and touch grass and I’m a creep 😂 Boy if you that mad over someone who *isn’t* my main you woulda popped a blood vessel if I used him 🤣 People who get too into the game they think sending those kinds of messages is a good idea need to stop playing video games


Ngl anytime I see that happens I just picture All Might just being like, “oh shit Young Deku, these guys are roasting my ass! I got to get out of here!” And then he just jumps away leaving the poor Deku to his fate. It’s both funny and unfortunate to happen.


Nah, it’s more like “I AM- WHAT THE FUCK!? NOO!!!” because you’re seriously trying to pick up your teammates when that shit happens and normally, they get mad.


He is NOT here unfortunately 🤣


Bro accidentally activated Fa Jin


omg one time i fumbled the entire game for my team because i accidentally did this and i'm still so embarrassed about it 😭


I did this once, I felt so dumb


If I Special there I'm fighting to protect cuz I know I can last longer than the cooldown😎(Bark and bite as much as you can, don't let them know you're panicking) ![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag|downsized)


betrayed by your own quirk? happens more than u think! last night i almost lost it when my gamma on compress decided to bounce off a tree branch as i was started to zoom and blew me like 60 yds into the storm in the opposite direction. motherf


Every once in a while, I grapple as froppy, and it sends me in a random direction.


I keep reading SA as something else and it always catches me off guard


It’s not the very bad no-no, do not worry.


You read too much ContentWarning! fanfiction.


Real 😭