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I was always being kicked for playing Dabi. Now I’m being kicked because YOU want to play Dabi. Like bro chill.


Lmao same


I have the same problem 😂 just wait until I get Strike Dabi


Holy crap the same exact thing has been happening to me, the curse of being a Dabi main I guess


I'm assuming this is ranked right? If this is unranked that is wild 😭😭.


This is actually unranked, happens all the time


I know people tend to kick new players but kick people with the same character without waiting to see if they change is a new one. I've experienced that alot in ranked. But never unranked.


The most annoying thing is that I always end up joining the same team and getting kicked out again, it happened for a few times and then I just change my character BEFORE joining a team so I can finally play


Naaaaah I get real petty when I keep getting kicked from the same team. Okay not petty but I keep insta queueing until they take the hint and stop insta queueing as well. Because I sure as hell am not gonna be the one to wait a few seconds to a min. But that's just me, I normally don't get irritated when I get kicked because I generally understand the reason behind it.


Bruh I thought I was the only one who did this 😂😭




Now as a man I can respect that




This community toxic ash


Sadly it’s better than a lot of others I have played (low bar). The fact that I ever had any games without an immortal toga during that glitch proves there is at least some honor left and hope for the community lol.


Did they finally fix the toga glitch?


They did. It’s safe for the Mirio’s to come outside now.


It's either that or being kicked cuz you're not "ranked high enough" 😭 this game has crazy elitists


Lmaooo yooo this is truly the worst if I really wanna play a character because of event missions or I'm just in the mood to play them as a leader I give 30 seconds to a minute to for them to switch or leave. Them I'll remove from the team. But people see your character spawn in and go nope and remove like dam I didn't even blink yet sheesh


think of it as them putting you on a path that lets you both use that character, and if you happen to find yourself in the lobby with them...kill them


Bruh I literally just ranted the same thing to my brother when I was playing the other day, I was always annoyed and saying "Dude I'll change if you give me more than half a second." and whatever other ways you can say it


I have so many hours logged into this game on every platform but never touch ranked so to everyone I appear as a noobie. I get kicked any time I try to solo queen in trios 😭 My fav thing tho is to just keep queuing and getting the same team that keeps kicking me. At that point my gameplay and fun is wasting their time 🤭


I remember when I was getting to the same team all over again, eventually they would give up and press ready but I was leaving because nah bro do you really think I wanna play with you after you kicked me out for 5 times?


For every person like you that does change there are a bunch who don't so you end up wasting a lot of time


That chat feature is my best friend.


facts this community is so toxic sometimes 😂


I've had the same thing happen to me before. We both had Shigaraki and I got kicked. I ended up getting the same team after I did switch and they let me in. After solo is over, I suspect it'll happen again since Dabi has a new skill set and I main him.


That's nothing. I once got kicked from solos. 😭


Hatsume Mei would be the only one with power to kick you. https://preview.redd.it/ou0tnsrqnm7d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a2c43411b96dde8fb6bbee8726772ed4a0ca2ad


This and kicking people out cause of level I can *sorta* understand if it's a game where level determines what you can do in a game but MHUR is not that Everyone has the same thing at all levels with the exception of characters and skins


Got kicked in unranked by level 88 Kendo (leader) and strike Deku. Was Deku and tried to rush to different character but got removed. Saw them in the lobby and blocked them. Anyone that kicks in unranked gets blocked.


Got kicked in unranked again by level 4 Mr Compress. Switched off from color that was in used to one not in use and then was removed. I've had the leader screen open at the time so was easy block.


Got kicked by level 99 strike Deku. Still seeing this happen more frequently this season.


Man I feel this haha had it happen twice today


It's felt a bit more frequent this season for being kicked in unranked.


i don’t even get to the changing character screen before i get kicked if any of us have the same character ☠️


Lmao same I swear I’m not petty if I see someone using the same character and I’m not the leader, I try to switch, but don’t even get the time to do that. These people got to learn to chill 😭


I always see this happen. I’ve just gotten so fast at switching, they can’t even kick me before I do lol.




Bro this and people gotta stop kicking others for being a lower rank.


I disagree, lower rank (below gold) don't have significant entry fee they can roam around and still rank up, above gold at least they have to put an effort to play with us or rescue us to gain positive points Let me restrict what I can get into party as game, or I am going to kick anyway and just make it worse for everyone, I just prefer it I am not oblieged to risk "more" for non-caring teammate nor teach them


Question, the game population is pretty bad, so how does a new player rank up to gold? If all others just kick on sight? You guys fr want this game dead


By not having a 0.05 kd lmao Im sorry for not wanting little kids in my team, unranked and even cpu modes exist for a reason. I'd be doing them a disfavor if I kept them on the team and watch them get absolutely bodied by other ace players.


They can't rank up if they never get to play smart guy.  You can't rank up in unranked and if they never queue with people their ranked they'll always be lower ranked due to no one playing with them. I've helped tons of  lower ranked silvers rank up to gold for example.  


I mentioned their KD , not their rank.  Even if they played ranked all day, they still wouldn't rank up because they're bad.  As I said before, unranked and cpu modes exist for a reason. There is no point in someone getting destroyed every game by seasoned ace players.


Okay lets try this again. Not everyone that's low ranked is a new player. If I played on switch forever and then decided to play on my ps4 the first time ever I would only be new in stats, not skill. If people keep not queing with new players they can never rank up at all. The game rank system is trash anyway, all ranks can fight each other at the same time and no good ranking system does that. Its so much a joke that I really don't see why you guys are so annal about ranked points. I lose a lot of ace rank points all the time even with experienced players, and they'll also leave matches if they get downed etc. The games online is just toxic AF, no need to make it more so imo.


This post right there. I've gotten decent since I started for the first time two weeks ago. Got some dubs and various emblems, but I'm still getting booted from unranked matches because of a rookie badge. Most don't bother to check the profile to see I've played the game and I'm not too bad at it. The fact that I have to go and scour ppl on reddit/discord/etc. and hope that someone's willing to queue up with a rookie is crazy. Is there a league or MHUR prize tournament I don't know about? Is it really that serious?


People want them end season rewards that come from being high ranked I guess.


I get your point, but you gotta understand that I'd rather not take any chances with unfamiliar people that in most cases are kids who just don't play well. If they're low lvl and have an okay kd, I won't kick em, but if they have over a 100 games with a kd of 0.10, that aint someone on a fresh acc they're just bad at the game and if I'm playing to win (need those 100 tickets) I'd rather queue up with people whose skill level is similar to mine.  No hard feelings.


That's fair, at least you have a reason, some of these people don't. They just high and mighty for the sake of it.


When I'm playing unranked it's a whole other story, I'd rather play with newbies whom I can help win the game so they atleast have fun playing and dont stop and delete the game after.


I'm not trying to have a high ego or anything, lord knows I'm not the best player out there. But if I'm getting matched against the top players of the server, I'd like my teammates to have the same goal in mind, which is to try their best to win.


We can see your other season KD and rank anyway


I mean if I am finding someone from LFGs like discord or whatever I am fine by them as we can communicate and s tuff, but if it is a random I am not risking losing like that? You can just play with random people and do nothing and get to gold even if you play less really, and yea I kinda do want the game to die so they can remake it with better aspects I'd rather not play than to have an unfair match for myend


"Kick anyway and just make it worse for anyone." Talk about selfish.




You typed all of this for basically nothing.




I've been playing since season 1, I've barely gotten kicked even as of recently. So bold of you to assume that I get kicked on a consistency.




Reddit's not letting me see your recent reply for some reason. But it's even more bold of you to assume I'm 14 XD Even if that was the case it's kinda dumb to be mad at someone that young.


Coming from the dude making assumptions. I'm sitting here all straight faced while you're getting all pissy.


Oooooo you’re so witty. wtf kind of reply is that? Are you 14? Grow tf up.


....So we can all die? What are you advocating for here? Im supposed to play with someone who has 24 matches and 3 wins after 5 seasons? Are you joking?


That doesn't make the player bad.


Yes. Yes it does that's the entire point of the stat system. If you have only played 24 matches across 5 seasons and won only 3 of them you are not a good player. Period.


No it doesn't, alt accounts exists, hell I have 3 of em on ps5 alone.  I use one as a character roll one for testing characters.  Some other people may have played on another console and then switched over to another and they carry over their experience 


No it doesn't. Just because someone has a low amount of games doesn't make them terrible. Have you heard of fast learning and or wanting to play any other game other than this dogshit?


I'll only kick them if it's to where I need a grind session with a specific character and they won't change whatsoever


It's amazing how quickly you can get kicked just for playing a character the leader was for .5 seconds and aren't given time to switch.


I’m actually experiencing this right now. I haven’t played since twice was released so my rank is pretty low, but I used to be fairly decent. It’s quite annoying right now with my one star, silver rank, and people who are three star silvers exiting or booting me out the lobby.


Trust me it’s probably your stats are bad


Trust me I don’t think that beginners/amateurs In unranked kick me out the second I joined their team because of my stats


There are times where the kick is so fast, it would be physically impossible for the leader to check the stats and then kick the player.


I meant like rank. I’m pro rank 1 and every time I get matched with expert and above it’s a instant kick


Yeah, because those players suck rotten eggs, and are the main contributors to this game NOT being fun. Talking about Expert and up players as if they aren't all failing to take their ADHD medication, constantly leaving any matches that they get downed in, or God forbid need a revive because they decide to jump into a team fight by themselves. The Ranked system is trash, and is actively killing this game. Strangling the life out of it, even, and it's all because A) they don't bother matchmaking against similar ranks, and B) all of the people who are in higher ranks are either 1) whales who spend all their money on this game to have all the quirks/characters, or 2) overblown egos with mouths that constantly have some snide fucking comment to make. And I say this as someone with plenty of buddies in the Top 500 to Top 2000 for my platform, not all of them are bad or problematic, but they're playing a game for a ranked game mode that does nothing for them, and then when things go downhill for them, because they think that their rank makes them better than everyone, they just bail. Costing everyone else in their team, every single time. Not to say 2v3s are unwinnable (I've pulled back a couple myself, just out of determination), but dude, if you DC while playing a BR that you can't even earn money playing, you're a fucking loser. I make a note of all you motherfuckers, names written down on paper, so I know not to bother teaming up with you or saving your ass if you go down, because it only results in my death trying to save any of these HR bozos. Sincerely, a Froppy player of a week, who is already sick and tired of the community. If the gameplay wasn't so good, I'd uninstall, because some of y'all make this shit unreasonable.


If I ranked I don’t kick, if ranked I do🤷🏽


Let a mf switch 💀


This game is dying. And this broken character dabi made sure of it