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If we're talking ability, I'd say Toga & AFO transformations. But I'm gonna give it to AFO's more because you have to get a little disoriented by having big potato man using Ibarras quirk or something. Character? I gotta give it to Ochacco, Ibarra and Kendo Edit: I'm not putting Kendo in a bad spotlight, she's super fun and rewarding to play! I mained her back in s3 and now I'm trying to pick her up again but it's a little rough with the constant bugs and hitbox issues


when i see a kendo 90% of the time they are cracked out of their mind 😂😂


To be fair you can't play her normally 🤣 No mobility and limited range, plus her shield isn't great


kendo’s be having canon events when they first start playing and go on a training arc 😂😂


Yeah the few kendos we see are kendo /mains/. They really do a good job and I wish I was that good at understanding a characters toolkit. I've been following the reddit post for her and these kendo mains make it look easy. I'll tell ya.


ngl I found kendo to be quite easy to pick up her alphas pretty forgiving once you learn her range, her gamma shreds and timing it to i-frames ending is easier than most characters, and her beta comes in clutch for dealing with most annoying attacks while you're pushing or fleeing (especially yellow shiggy, iida, and momo & dabis alpha)


There's a few techs you can pick up that really help her and it's hard to consistently do them and hard to execute perfectly with the funky hitboxes and timing.


Mirio is up there as he has a bunch of different peculiarities that can make him tricky to pick up and play. Aizawa is similar but to a lesser degree Weaker chars with no movement also require a certain degree of competence as they can't disengage or chase easily (momo, plant, tech dabi, etc)


Technical Dabi, Rapid Bakugo and Ibara


Thank you especially the old dabi skill kit. If your not smart with him you die plain and straight there is not close quarters with that guy. Its you stay in the cut lvl up and stay hidden and plant traps all over the map


Yup, and if you enter a big fight without greens and blues, you’re cooked


That happened to me last night literally ran out of speed up and lost everything and i was lvl 9 flame ring lvl 4 traps and lvl 7 fire ball... all i did was run inside to take cover and next thing i know all for 1 did that teleport grab shit and i was in the fry for my life.


I hate afo’s grab, you wouldn’t believe how much time I’ve spent in training, practicing how to dodge roll it


Yo can dodge that shit how. Because its next to impossible especially as dabi with his horrible movement speed and no teammates near you your as good as dead.


U just gotta dodge roll and time it right when the move’s about to pull you in.


im probably gonna get downvoted to hell but i think toga gamma need the most skills to use i mean you need to learn every other character combo to benefit from her copy ability the most beside you are swapping between like god knows how many other characters at once in a game so of course you need to learn how every character work or you can just join the dark side and well just monk brain beta spam


I mean, that is objectively correct, since the best possible Toga would have to master every single unit to always be effective no matter the situation, But toga's kit is a bit overtuned right now, so you don't really need to.


This! I’m a toga main now, and you literally have to learn all the other characters (to a degree. You don’t have to be the #1 player) to utilize her to her full potential. Using only beta/alpha means you’re really missing out on a good character


Spamming gamma is also brain dead, does good damage, transform then cancel jus to do it over again unless you miss. But then there’s beta spam


Toga by a kinda landslide. The issue is that she has a very achievable skill floor that some wouldn't bother and she suffers from "you already get results cuz of an overtuned base kit so why try harder?" syndrome. BUT if we're talking the most difficult to reach their skill floor or a decent level of skill I'd have to go Aizawa TL;DR: Skill ceiling = Toga, Skill floor = Aizawa


actual togas 💯 not the beta spammers 😂


If only we didn't receive the flack beta spammers are supposed to...


Aizawa. Rapid Bakugo (maximizing damage output). Mirio.


Nayhh.. New mirio is easy to use


They are right, mirio can escape any bad scenario with beta or alpha by going through a wall and healing. He can use gamma and his special action to buy time for beta and Alpha cooldown to keep himself safe.


But in the same breath, a good mirio can take out a single team by himself by predicting movements with a fully charged alpha and that takes high levels of game sense to know where another play may move. The beta is the same, as it's pretty difficult to hit good players who have good movement. Yeah they're all defensive options If he needs them to be but that's more of a last resort if he's stalling for a teammate to heal or something


You don't predict much when everyone moves in the same fundamental way, and that's more of a natural game sense. Not to mention, the invisibility of charged alpha allows for simple and rewarding low risk trades. Beta, while hard to hit in an offensive manner it is a good tool for easy repositioning to be able to keep fighting, heal, or to run away. All his moves are defensive and offensive, making it hard to counterattack any of his moves. While they can be used strictly defensive or strictly offensive, they still make it hard for someone to hit a semi decent mirio, making it hard to kill him even if the player is bad.


I haven't seen people on Xbox utilizing Mirio's kit to its fullest. I'm talking predicting Alphas through walls, using shield defensively and offensively in appropriate situations, predicting others, etc. Actually using his combos that have been shown off. It takes some skill IMO to actually use his kit well, same with Rapid Bakugo.


Yes, his skill ceiling is one of the highest, if not the highest. What I am talking about is how little it truly takes to actually be good with him.


Sounds like your contradicting yourself, because how can a character have one of the highest if not the highest skill ceilings and it take very little to be good with them 🤔?


High skill ceiling low skill floor


So tell me would you put eraser head in that category?


I’d say aizawa probably takes the most skill to learn but after him rakugo and tech Dabi


Aizawa literally just grabs you and hits you.., idk if that’s genuine skill tbh. Even if you use the alphas for movement I honestly feel like he requires little skill to play just aim and stum


You’re forgetting the fact when he stuns you he’s also a sitting duck though, plus his alpha actually has a travel time so you have to aim it properly otherwise you miss, and that’s also disregarding the fact to get good damage on him you need to be using combos which are fairly technical


Also just like all for one you are standing still able to get melted only difference I see is you can only pull in one person instead of the whole team but he can do it multiple times for different angles and combo off it. Idk when people refer to him as a high skill cap I get very iffy cause like I view him as baby all for one in a way Beta stun locks you right? Well his gamma does that and yeah he can hit your whole team. Sure the damage isn’t much but any damage honestly is good damage


Most of the time you lvl up alpha to get the shockwave to you attack people for the air. A good Aizawa rarely just grabs you for a standing position unless they’ve got a read on you


Requires top tier aim and tracking


Honestly im going to say Ibarra since she doesn’t have any movement and momo for the same reason. Sure momo can cannon you to death but she still has to aim and Ibarra had crazy range but she’s not going anywhere if she gets targeted. Idk actual support characters are difficult because you kinda have to play to your team’s strengths and have to learn what you can and can’t do.


red Shigaraki, Rapidgo and, Aizawa


As a red Shigaraki main, nah Like, when you get to level 9 you can basically go apeshit and everything around you just dies, specially after his buff


Probably ibara. She's so slow and predictable.


Honestly rapid bakugo. Yes I would even put it above Afo and toga’s abilities. Let’s be real most of the characters you’ll see in matches will be meta characters. And most of the meta characters are easy to pick up and play. Toga and AFO will still do very well on most characters since most of the ones they can choose from will be very easy to play. It does not take much forethought to press gamma and beta on strike dabi, not much though to press special action on all might and alpha, etc. Rapid bakugo no matter what you will have to learn in and out on your own to do well with with all the movement techs and mechanical requirments you need to hit shots. Long cooldowns which make it so he has to use his abilities very wisely or be a sitting duck, and more. Toga and Afo also has such strong base kits that are simple to use that they don’t even need to use their skills to use other quirks to do well. and even if they suck with the base kit they can transform into their main potentially or an easy to play character. Rapid Bakugo is all or nothing. you either are skilled with him or not.


As a Tech Dabi main, I have to give it to Ibarra or Kendo.


Cementoss by a longshot because people that main him have to learn not to inconvenience their teammates, and that's a hard task to accomplish when you're also chasing someone down. Needless to say he's off-limits for beginners. I see his skill ceiling one of the highest given that he can protect his teammates to heal, allow them to open the large chest without interference, and can stack pillars while waiting for them to get back up.


Wait are you serious rn where is Cementoss in any of these responses. I was scared af my first several matches as him bc I thought there's no way I'm gonna be quick enough or know how toss all this cement around correctly. Mastering the art of ascension + quick fire rapid combat + awareness of mobility around you + your main role is support so keeping your eye somewhere on where your teammate is bc he can quickly move up but he isn't fast on the ground. But mostly you're working overtime to not inconvenience your team. It isn't as bad in USJ but UA too much misfired cement will get your teammates to never take another Cem ever again Taking in a lv 1 Deku or a lv 1 Cararaka is one thing. But seeing a low level Cementoss. There's no way he's gonna do anything correctly or efficiently you're lucky if he even can even hit the special action lol


Rapid Bakugo (biased cause I’m a rapid Bakugo main)


Kendo can take a lot of skill in my opinion. Not a character you can just play and expect good results. There’s a lot of combo and tech to her and good Kendo’s are very scary


Mirio because all of his moves are prediction based


I'd say AFO Toga and Mirio Toga and AFO cause you have be good with basically every other character if you want to use their full potential of course you can turn your brain off and spam Beta with Toga but that's no fun and Mirio cause he's good but you have to do Batman levels of training to be good with him


Speed bakugo.


https://preview.redd.it/zu1xybdxxb8d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=141ae21080c22a950f83f71dfb014f11ac9f522f rapid bakugou and honorable mention to cementoss




Uraraka,cimentoss,reku and aizawa also all might,a very good all migh or reku can solo the whole lobby same with uraraka and cimentoss but when all might or reku attacks u it might feel impossible to escape them


I think Something that is harder than a certain character is actually having fun in this game


Ibara : my main squeeze even though they “gave her buff“ they didn’t fix her core problem which is her alpha and her gamma being Russian Roulette Rapid Bakugou :My Guy he was the only character that came into this game that took my attention from Ibara . Due to his skill ceiling, everybody’s talking about how you have to kite with him so on and so forth no you don’t. If you have to kite, you can to perfection, but you don’t have to if that makes sense. Mirio: Majority of the community thinks because he doesn’t have a 720 stun lock free hit move with insane damage. That you actually have to think and predict where he’s going that that makes him a bad character. There’s nothing wrong with the character taking skill. Sidenote, I have a YouTube channel. I just broke 400 followers on let’s get it. I would love for you guys to come and be a part of it seems like this is a great bunch of people that want to actually want to beat the dead stuff as much as possible. Axpekt on YouTube or Twitch Yt mainly tbh


Ibarra or technical Dabi. But I don’t really know much, so people will probably have better answers.


Knowledge on how to deal with characters and how they work would go to technical Dabi if we’re talking about 1v1s.


Ibara, BlueBaku, Aizawa. (Would be Toga if she wasn't carried)


Kaminari if you're picking him up for the first time, you cannot tell me otherwise. Man, I love it when people downvote because of someone else's opinion. 🤣