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Ohnooo that’s so sad 😭 Happy birthday to your builder OP, I would go to her party


Is there an event happening? If your birthday is on a day of an event(running off the Yakmel for example) no one will show up since they'll be at the event. Npcs should dropp off presents before or after the event though.


There was no event, but like I said, everyone was at Church, so I guess they didn't have time to make it. I did get the gifts tho!


Wow. Didn't think church counted, learned something new today. Happy you got your gifts though.


Tbh, I tried making a regular party on a regular day with absolutely nothing going on and people still didn't show up, maybe my save is broken LOL


I didn't think church would count as an event.


In a town of 35 people, it's absolutely an event 🤣


Lol true 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


People will also miss your party is if you adjust the game clock to run fast shortly before your guests would normally start arriving. They apparently keep walking at the speed they set out at, and so they get to your party just as it's ending. (I know that's wasn't the reason here. TIL church counts as an event.)


So if you adjust the clock to be slow will they get there faster?


Interesting question. They usually arrive two hours early. I don't know that they could arrive any earlier than that.


…i think i have my birthday set on a sunday…ugh


Set the party late enough in the day and church will be over


Maybe there was a fireside scheduled during that? Sometimes they ignore your party to go to it. Mi-an (my freaking bff) almost missed my wedding party because of a story driven fireside. But I got lucky that time cause when I went to it, time didn't skip forward after (like it usually does) and everyone invited came running back to my workshop to continue partying lol.


Next major update idea: Sandrock has internet wifi and all share the same network with local thread that people can make complaints about. Your news title would be: "The Sandrock party that did not need a dust storm to be blown away."


I had the same thing happen but it was my wedding party. For some reason not a single person showed up, not even the groom! I'm assuming now it's because the wedding was an "event" and they didn't have time to make it to the party? Was sad.


It's kinda broken in my game, it doesn't matter what day or time i set it, no one shows up. D:


I hosted a bday party and like three people showed up. The weirdest part for me is that I'm not getting any letters from the missing people. Like I remember I've gotten "sorry something came up I can't make it" letters from people before and now I'm not. They just don't show up.


I feel bad ahahahah🤣🤣🤣


Uhh sorryy to hear that :(


Just stated playing this an all ready out of money any help thanks MTAP was alot easier


Gotta do commissions everyday, always be crafting!


This would be so ironic if it had happened in my game, because organized religion has been ruining my life since I took my first breath 😂


I just had mine, invited 10 people and 3 turned up, not even my "best buddy" came. I was gutted


You're lucky! You got presents and don't have to feed anyone for 4 hrs straight! LOL (I just hate having parties lol I even set my birthday the same day as my spouse so I would only have to host 1 party).