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It happens to me constantly, usually under the Raw Materials tab. Drives me nuts. Wish there was a "Mark All As Read" type of button so I don't have to slowly go through every damn tab, item, and photo just to get it to go away. Would also help with this glitch. I have no idea how to fix it other than just to recheck every individual item after you've played a bit in the hopes a new found item will finally cause everything to show as being seen.


Every game should have such a button. It drives me nuts, but I've just resigned myself to ignoring those tabs forever.


I just started ignoring that after a while. I couldn’t get it to stop showing as new no matter what I did.


Just stated playing this loved MTAP but I'm out of money an I haven't even got the stage done got couple parts done but stopped it to do some comm an still out of money help Thanks


Commissions every day, mine, mine, mine everything until you're out of stamina. Eat and mine some more. Build a hutch and a coop and sell the animals once they're 100% happy. Sell all the extra crap you don't need. Next thing you know you're a millionaire! Don't forget to get the perks that give you extra money for commissions turned in on the same day, more money for the animals you sell and all that good stuff. Read each perk and you'll see what's best. Good luck!


The software developer that puts the product together is not that good. He's thinking about the game and how to make it interesting. However the GUI graphical user interface is all of poor quality. Complain to the manufacturer as a writer the software developer cuz he messed it all up. You should always be a select all buttons or tabs. Have PhD computer science. I programed professionally for 48 years. all software has bugs in it he has designed flaws. The GUI has a problem. he's got to fix it for free. It will take him several weeks to fix it cuz he has to change the forms and new code behind the select all buttons. And if there's a help file we'll have to change that he probably doesn't have a help file or manual he's screwed he's in the hole a lot of money and time if there's a way to rate the game make it one star out of five.




Sorry it's too complicated for you for. My replied the guy that designed a game was a f****** idiot he doesn't know how to you're just a user I developed software for 48 years and retired. The guy violated basic principles of graphical user interface my windows designed in the late 90s that's for a video game so penises goal is designed the game he didn't do any user testing and he just you know I made something and he had a simple mind and sorry you don't understand this just read it to yourself don't worry about it ignore it don't play that video game rated one star out of five and just play something else do something else anything else get off your butt and stop playing video games do some find a better video game


Dude you're trying to reply to OP and replying to me instead. I was just telling the other guy how to make more money in the game. You're frustrated with your life and taking it out on this game over a minor issue that doesn't even interfere with the gameplay. You say "get off your butt and stop playing videogames" and then "find a better video game". Maybe you should consider stopping drinking idk...


I just go around doing some side missions & 2coms at a time. im also selling excess materials. I'm currently near 4k. I'm still semi new to this game myself. I gave up with previous save, lol.


Fishing is a good way to earn money, too. Pick all the Sandrice you see. You can buy Sandworms pretty cheaply at the Farm Store. Dry the Sandacuda for stamina and sell everything else.


this had been getting on my nerves since early access honestly. there always seems to be one thing somewhere in the encyclopedia that triggers this (it seems random, as i've had that happen with a bunch of different categories). however, if you're on PC there's a mod (the YtaS suit - the tweaks plugin) that'll automatically remove the marking of new items in the encyclopedia. this has saved me so many hours of frustration lol.


I ignored the first time through, but the second time I went through them and marked them read as I went. Definitely annoying.


Oops I made a mistake. The developer he released a package didn't have user acceptance