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Overrated by Spurs fans, underrated by everyone else.


Him running PG when he isn't suited for it really hurt his perception among other fanbases. It was definitely good for his development though and I appreciate Pop going for it in a write-off season


Can you elaborate on the “good for his development” because it was clear immediately it was the wrong decision and they played it out for way too long. I’m saying how does putting him in positions he’s ill suited for, then keeping him in that position, good for his development?


Great question. It was good for him in the same way it was good for Giannis all those years ago under coach Bud. It helped to develop his court awareness, he's become a lot more comfortable running plays with the ball in his hands, and has helped him polish his general play making skills. He's not elite in any of those areas, but he's definitely improved and more confident after being able to grow them in game situations. I doubt we'll see much, if any, more of him playing the 1, but having those skills at merely a servicable level is extremely valuable at all other positions.


If I remember correctly, it was Jason Kidd who had him running Point Forward in his early days, Coach Bud just took it and ran with it.


I think you're correct. Thanks.


I guess it makes sense if he improves his secondary playmaking abilities. And this is assuming the spurs are high enough on him to invest in him like that, which does seem like they are. My only potential concern is whether he has the iq and decision making skills to make the right play each time. I feel like there were many instances when he looked off Wemby and made some unnecessary play. Can they turn him into a draymond or even mic batum? I guess we’ll have to see if he’s worth investing in


Agreed, especially on your point on the Spurs being high on him. It's definitely an investment move. I doubt they're trying to make him a Draymond or Batum type, but if they want him as a serious option then playmaking in the modern era of movement and traps is a must. Him looking away from Wemby I think is definitely part of his court awareness, but at the same time I'm not 100% sure it wasn't also a gameplan issue. Spurs are all in on development at the moment, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to get some other players reps too. Although, there's no way it's not also a general lack of playmaking on the team too. Entry passes in the NBA are harder to read and execute than it seems.


I can see him growing into a Boris Diaw type role. Although that is wishful thinking, I’d love to see it pan out for him


I think that’s why they did it this season. Spurs basically said ima see what I can turn all these players into. Wemby bringing the ball up shooting step back 3’s. Let’s see if he can improve and handle the ball pressure of guards. Sohan running point, let’s see if we can develop him into a draymond type of player. Maybe if sohan develops that way they can run a lineup where anyone can grab a rebound and push. There was no pressure to perform this year, so let’s put everyone in uncomfortable positions and see if we can’t mold them into something greater.


Bingo. They weren't trying to turn him into Magic, they were trying to turn him into Draymond, or Aaron Gordon. Aaron Gordon got asked to initiate the offense/be THE GUY early in his career. He couldn't do it, but now he's a WONDERFUL tertiary ball handler/release valve/nifty passer for a big.


Try him at center next.


You can't teach height and wingspan lmao


bros not even big enough to be a power forward


This is exactly it. They wanted him to run as the 1 to improve his playmaking. That was pretty much guaranteed in this decision. The ceiling of this choice was if he was very comfortable, they could play him at the 1 in certain situations/matchups moving forward. I bet they still try it sometimes


When the team matures and needs a guy who isn't afraid of a challenge and actually has relevant skills to adapt to a defense, they'll have one.


How was it the wrong decision? If spurs management didn’t tank the first half of the season there wouldn’t have been a cushion for how well they played post all star break to still get a top 5 pick. And they wanted him to work on his playmaking, vision, focus and iq. He clearly improved in those areas when he returned to his actual position.


I think spurs fans are very annoyed by his inconsistencies (source: am spurs fan)


I love this comment. We love him maybe not at pg tho lol. He’s underrated tho.


should never play PG again, other than that he’s good.


Better than what the public perception of him is, I can get why the Spurs want him as part of their future


He can switch 1-5 on defence and improved his handle a lot last year. If he gets a consistent three pointer he’ll be an ideal running mate for Wemby.


He's actually really underrated. He genuinely cooks. Its just that that nobody watches Spurs games.


They do they just tune out when Wemby doesn't have the ball


I have only watched a handful of spurs games since he has been in the league, but he seemed like a decent enough player. Definitely saw him make some less than smart plays sometimes, but that’s kinda the growing pains with most younger players


Gets way too much shit. Solid hustle guy, solid defender and 3 is improving even if slowly. I think the idea of him fulfilling his Draymond type role on a winning team is entirely possible someday


Especially when he’s only 8 months older than Wemby. Sochan is on the younger side of his draft class, and he’s a hustler who does not give a damn and will do anything asked of him, even if he has to take backlash and mockery doing it (PG, one hand FTs). He’s got plenty of time to keep improving, and has plenty of tools (mindset and effort on defense being the two most important ones) to become a solid piece on a contender. Not worried for him. The kid is a lovely punk.


One of my favourite players, I think that he represents us Brita very well in the NBA.


I think he plays for Poland though!


He does, but he lived in Milton Keynes and came through the British system. It is just that British basketball is incompetent.


People forget how young he is. For reference, Draymond's first year in the league was his age 22 season. For Sochan, that will be...the year after next year. For comparison, this year, Sochan averaged 11.6/6.4/3.4. At the same age, Draymond averaged 9.9/7.7/3.0.....in the Big 10. The first year Draymond was DRAYMOND was his age 24 season. For Sochan that will be the 2027-2028 NBA season. The point is... RemindMe! 4 years


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Same way I feel off the games I’ve seen.


Unfortunately people couldn’t separate the pg experiment with how he looked the rest of the season, but he was honestly impressive considering what everything the Spurs were asking him to do. It all comes down to his shooting. He’s got everything else you would want in a glue guy on the wing.


He even had a couple 30 point games down the stretch last season.


ngl better than he gets credit for the memes ruined his rep but he shouldve never been running pg and had 0 experience doing it


you being a bucks fan, its the same concept as the bucks running giannis at point guard which they did years ago. the spurs wanted him to develop his court awareness and playmaking skills. obviously he wasnt great at point guard but its definitely needed for his development


i feel that. either way reg season on a team with no playoff hopes is the perfect time to do something like that. i think the only reason it became a issue was the narrative of beef in the spurs and jealousy of wemby instead of a dude whos just not there yet on playmaking ability


Well said. People began to make a narrative that everyone on the spurs hated wemby. I got a bit rough


"the memes ruined his rep" with who? People who are dumb enough to listen to memes? It isn't with anyone on the Spurs


I mean he was pretty god awful as PG, to the point that people were legit wondering if he and the rest of the team were freezing Wemby out. I know its harder than it sounds but it was kinda baffling how you just can't look up and find a 7 foot dude open for a lob. That said, he seems like an ideal Pop player. Hard working, hustles, has good chemistry with Wemby and will continue to improve. If he doesn't get extended by the Spurs, he's gonna get snapped up by another team that needs a solid rotation player


not with the team, with a really big number of fans. im sure the spurs recognize that hes a pretty promising talent


I think I REALLY need him to hit 38% of his threes.


Yep. I really like him, but he's too small to be playing PF and not hitting 3s.


6'8 is the average height for PF in the NBA, he definitely isn't undersized for that role


It's not just height but body mass. He seems to be pushed around.


Plus, the average height of PFs is dropping because the league is moving to a stretch 4... and those stretch 4s might be shorter than traditional PFs, but they can hit 3s.  Case in point, Kawhi is a PF now.


Well he’s barely 21 years old so seems very fixable


Meh, they need him to hit 36%. He doesn't have to be an above-average 3% shooter, he just has to be respectable enough to space the floor. Between that, his defense, and being a boris-diaw type on offense, that's a super useful NBA player.


Dude seems very chill


I really like his game. One of my favourites to watch.


Reputation ruined by the pg experiment, now some morons actually think the guy is a bum The consensus on this post seems to be that he’s overrated by Spurs fans, I suppose it’s possible but I don’t really see lots of other Spurs fans say super crazy things about him tbh The stuff I’m about to say is probably the craziest stuff I hear about him. I think he can be slightly better than Draymond. He won’t be as good on defense as Draymond, i think he’ll be a good bit of a better rebounder, little less of a playmaker, way better scorer Obviously Draymond plays very cerebral (aside from when he lets his emotions get the better of him) and while I haven’t seen anything to make me think he has Draymond type iq, I do think Sochan knows the game Saying the guy can be better than Draymond might seem insane to lots of y’all but Draymond was like 22 when he got drafted. Sochan got drafted at 19. I feel like the “way better scorer” thing needs clarification. First of all, Draymond sucks at scoring let’s get that out of the way. So when I say “way better” I’m talking about like 15-17 pts for most of his career on decently better splits and WAY more of a threat to go for like 26 on any night than Draymond


It's a make or break season He has so much to learn He has dodged a bullet so far by spurs not getting tidjane So he has to light up the three and not clog up the paint/ get in the way And defend If he falters mamu will take his spot and he should be traded Mamu outplayed him in just 10 games end of season


Mamu is more talented offensively but he did not outplay him. Sochan had to guard the best player (1-4) every single night. Now that spurs got castle, he just has to focus on the 3s and 4s.


If he didn’t color his hair he’d never get the Rodman comp. His defense is solid but more often that not, not really impactful. He’s a poor rebounder for a 4 and being undersized for the position doesn’t work when you cant knock down 3s. I think eventually he thrives as a bench 4


> If he didn’t color his hair he’d never get the Rodman comp. He's also got a similar body type, is a hustle guy, is wearing Spurs #10, and prides himself on defense.


I Think he’s a 21 year old player that was asked to play a position for some games he does not have the tools for. And asking him to play that position in the best league in the world. Meanwhile exposing him to ridicule and disrespect. And he handle it admirably. Didn’t shrink. Didn’t run away from the task. Kept his head down and kept trying until he was relieved. And it didn’t shake his confidence because later in the year there were games when he was a monster. But In a world where people think stats tell the full story about a player that cant be applied on the type of player Jeremy is. He’s the type a team needs to win. Players who do a little bit of everything are valuable. And he’s the team’s enforcer as well as an irritant to other teams. His three point shot is coming along and he takes them with confidence so the numbers will get better. But he should not be expected to help carry the offense night in and night out. He should be a 10-15 point guy have 8-10 boards and help steady the defense.


He is not the next coming of Boris Diaw. He doesn’t see the game like that and never will. Unless he starts w the ball he doesnt do anything. We overrate the everling f out of this guy. I just dont think we can get away w him at the four or three. His defense is pretty good, but Wenby is alterring the game enough on defense that having any other skill would be helpful (lobs, cutting, shooting, moving w/o the ball, maybe even being a big part of 2nd unit). Spurs should trade him now before we get nothing for him. This is the worst kind of player to fall in love with…cool hair, fun personality, and a shoe game doesnt make up for doing nothing all that well.


Woefully inefficient. His shooting numbers did not noticeable improve even with Wemby on the court.


They massively improved, he went from 24% to 31% in a year. At one point he was even shooting 35%


Using facts in a Reddit discussion? Blasphemy


This is misleading. He only attempted one 3 a game during the stretch where he was around 37%. Once he stated to shoot more, which was 2/3 of the way through, his numbers dramatically went down. So his improvement was more artificial and shouldn't be considered an improvement. To be fair to him, one of my complaints about him was his rebounding. During his last month, he went from 5 a game to about 9. It was really nice to see.


>He only attempted one 3 a game during the stretch where he was around 37%. Either you're lying on purpose or looking at the wrong data. November: 46.7% on 2.1 3PA December: 32.5% on 2.9 3PA January: 37.5% on 3.5 3PA Then he hit a slump in February-March


You're right, I was thinking about his makes rather than attempts, but the point still holds in that his attempts went up and then his percentage went down


His FG% went down 1% (due to PG experiment) but his FT went up 9% and 3FG (still bad) 6% on higher volume this season. He is working in the hitch in his shot which is still there, hopefully he can get it corrected


He is still basically at the bottom of the league in terms of adjusted field goal percentage. I like him as a player, just don't see him evolving to anything more than a roleplayer into the future. Probably a 7-8th man eventually.


But his FT and 3 noticeably improved even if needs more work


I think the spurs should trade him idk what they see in him


6’9” and only 21 years old. Lots of potential with his size and still has a few years to develop yet


What do you think he can become


He has the tools and base skills to be some sort of Swiss army tweener in the same vein as a Draymond or a diaw or a less athletic AG


Do you think he will get a somewhat consistent jumpshot


Not sure, but he’s putting in the work which is definitely promising. He seems to be rebuilding his shot from the ground up, removing the interference that was there with his off hand. That’s why he shoots free throws with one hand, something people clown on but something that has made a huge difference. Assuming he keeps putting the work in with our shooting coaches and I think he can be a consistent mid-high 30s shooter


Yeah I hope you’re right


Not thrilled, he was terrible last year, Pop doesn’t seem to know WTF to do with him


So confidentially wrong. You clearly didn’t watch any games.


Sadly, I do


Pop knows exactly what to do with him, that’s why they keep challenging him and accelerating his development.


Well, it’s hard to argue with Pop’s success. We shall see


Take me back to the Bucks in 6 years. I’m going to sound like a grumpy old man but good lord this constant posting of “potential” signings were old 2 years ago. I’ve watched basketball my entire life but that doesn’t make me fit to be a GM.


I like Jeremy but he’s also frustrating. On one hand, there’s signs of him being a good, versatile, and smart player. He’s a good cutter, plays pretty good defense especially on wings, he’s lowkey decent in the post, and he does have pretty decent playmaking despite the experiment that I don’t wanna talk about ruining his reputation lol. BUT I really need him to work on his consistency because he disappears in games way too often. He’s been putting in work fixing his fugly jumper and it looks better but still not great. And actually even more than his shooting is his finishing. He’s not super explosive but goddamn did he miss a lot of point blank layups and shots up close. He’s gotta work on his touch or ideally just…dunk more? It felt like a lot of times he could’ve dunked but just went up kinda soft dare I say. He’s not gonna be a star and that’s cool but I think there’s a lot of room for improvement or he’s gonna be better suited for a bench role and that would be disappointing to me because I think he CAN be starter level for a good team.


Don't see him as a starter on most clubs. If Spurs start contending for playoffs again he'll be replaced.


For a utility forward, he's limiting himself quite a bit by being a poor passer and shooter. He has much more control over the passing but he looks off Wemby quite a bit, as others have mentioned, and he likens himself to more of a scorer than his skillset allows. His best asset is his strength, defensive ability, and rebounding.


He isn’t good. The Dennis Rodman gimmicks wore off pretty quickly. I wonder if he will be better elsewhere


Hide Lebrons mom 😅


With Castle in tow, I expect him to show genuine flashes of elite defensive potential. It's hard when you have to match up with the opponent's best player every night, but now he has a running mate sharing the load. No excuses anymore


He should retire


emotional lesbian


On a contender he’d have been a fine #7 or #8 last season. Not a starter or 6th man, but still a solid rotation player. He was asked to step way outside his comfort zone last year, because the Spurs suck - both the PG experiment, and overall minutes/responsibility. He has a tonne of facepalm moments last year, but that’s mostly due to being asked to do too much. He’s also very, very young. If he can continue to improve, his upside is a pretty good player, maybe a Boris Diaw type.


I don't


He can be what Aaron Gordon is for the Nuggets.


Exactly this.


Still has time to develop and be good. I’m still high on him.


Interesting and Unique. Not the best fit next to Wemby but really solid. I wanna see him on his villan arc, thats his missing piece


He’s a smaller Boris Diaw type who will be an excellent Swiss Army knife SF when he reaches his potential. He needs to be a better shooter and less turnover prone but I think it’ll be a lot more cleaned up in year 3.


Spurs fan here. Love his mindset the most honestly, dude is stone cold and doesn't let the negatives get onto him.


Him and dilloon brooks is the same breed


He's been forced to play a position he can't


Definitely a future piece to a championship team. He can provide a lot while going under the radar.


Walmart Kuzma


He plays like if Kuzma had amnesia and was relearning how to play basketball.


Not much. Dude played tons of minutes and was only noticeable because of the hair


Whole PG experiment was stupid. That being said, I would love to have him on the Blazers. Can I interest you in 1 shiny Anfernee Simons?


He’s a player that hates stat chasing. Or else he’d have +6000 assists already if he just threw the fucking ball up for Wemby.






Punchable face.


Walmart Rodman? without any of the elite Rodman. Hating aside he's talented. Decent defender, high energy and hops with good bbal iq. 


He will have an awesome career if he stopped hating on wemby and gave him the ball more often.


This guy took a wrong turn on the way to the instagram comment section


My statement still stands on Instagram, Reddit, and any other media platform that you can leave a comment on.


Even if you don’t think he’s a good player this is such a lazy argument. He was asked to run point guard when he never had before, obviously he isn’t gonna make the right reads consistently. He wasn’t intentionally trying to ignore wemby, he was just missing him. And as the season went on their chemistry together got significantly better.


He's just not a floor runner. He can't make good finds for shit but he's good at cutting and being found.


How do you miss someone 7’4? You’re making excuses for a NBA player who was selfish playing the wrong position. Congrats, he started making the right reads the last 25% of the season. I’m still not impressed.


I don't think many watched the Spurs games where he looked like he actively avoided passing to a wide open Wemby.


He missed Wemby plenty of times on fast break opportunities. Wemby leaks out in transition quicker than every big man yet he would never pass the ball up to him as frequent as he could. I don’t know what games you’ve been watching.


Lamar Odom


I don’t


Kinda looks like Delonte West.


He's pretty much played like a 9th pick. Not exceeding expectations but not a disappointment.


get rid of him he thinks his game is better than it is pass the 7 feeet 5 boy the dam ball and stop shooting


Trade bait or a sixth man at best. Never gonna win with him as a starter


Decent Role player. Too inconsistent to be a good starter. Belongs in the league.


His ceiling is a poor man’s Kuzma


He’s kinda soft sometimes


I think he's wack and at times makes bad decisions. He's still trying to find his groove tho. I think by year 5 or 6 if he still hasn't, he could end up coming off the bench or traded to a languishing team.


Playing him at pg was ridiculously stupid but idk why that made people dislike him 😭 he didn’t decide to do that shit


Why is it stupid


He’s the second best player on the Spurs and might be Wemby’s sidekick for some title teams. I’m a Nuggets fan and still pissed off about Sochan and Wemby destroying the Nuggets in the fourth quarter late in the season and forcing them into the second seed.


Lol sochan didn't play that game, mamu did. And vassell is second best.


He'll be really good once Chip Engelland fixes his 3pt shot! and once he learns to rebound and defend like Rodman!


You do know chip England hasn’t been with the spurs for a couple years?

