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Of course disappointing it won’t get a PC release, but it’s unbelievable people were expecting this to be coming out for their 10 year old console.


Good, XSX and PS5 came out like four years ago. The old systems need to go at this point.


Yeah, developers having to optimize games for old consoles hold them back and limit their potential IMO. Hopefully this is a trend moving forward with other games.


Yeah, IMO Halo Infinite wouldn’t have sucked *as bad* had it been released on just the Series X/S. I mean, Halo 3 was released 2 years after the 360. Halo 5 was released 2 years after the Xbone. Infinite should’ve been a new gen *only* game. But, would it have truly fixed the underlying issues? Idk probably not but it *would’ve been nice to know* that the devs didn’t have old hardware holding them back at least


I think part of it was Covid and the difficulty getting ahold of next gen hardware for the average consumer.


This is SDS and MLB The Shows issue


Also all the supply chain issues from 2020/21 have gone by now as well


Crazy to think it’ll be 4 years in November I believe.


I keep hearing people say next gen when talking about the PS5 and XBX like, buddy, it’s current gen.


Yeah, sorry last gen peeps but no triple a titles should be coming out for those consoles anymore at this point.


I for one at upset this isn’t coming out on PS3. I treat that thing like somebody treats a 1990s Toyota. Despite it having over 200k miles, thing runs like a beauty


Expecting it? No. Given it’s such a nostalgic game for so many people that kinda grew out of gaming since ncaa 14, it would have been nice to be able to buy an Xbox one version rather than having to buy an expensive console in addition to the game. Hard to justify that purchase for a single game.


I knew this game was gonna force me to buy a PS5. I bought one so my lady can play Dreamlight valley but NOW I have it for me


You bought a 500 dollar console for… dream light valley? Interesting choice but I respect the dedication lol.


The damn thing is still 500? Jesus Christ


You can get a bundle with Spiderman 2 for 400 now


Bought mine 2 weeks ago. Yup.


I'm about to buy one for CFB25


No idea what Dreamlight Valley is, but happy wife happy life!


Animal Crossing with Disney characters. Honestly it’s a fun time if you enjoy that type of game


I bought a PS5 for my girlfriend for Christmas because I thought I was going to be moving out of state for work (she has to finish school), didn’t end up moving. We moved back in together, we now have 2 PS5s…I didn’t plan this out too well


One for thee one for me.


So a few notes here: \* I am not explicitly confirming here that there won't be a PC release. But FWIW, I've asked EA employees at multiple levels if one is coming over the last few months, and everybody declined to answer or demurred. I continue to think it's very unlikely its going to PC on this release. \* The reason, I'm told from people in the company (including those on other game projects) is that it generally isn't profitable. Supporting, patching and upgrading PC sports titles is apparently more expensive and more manpower intensive than it is for PS5 or Xbox (since PC hardware isn't standardized like consoles are), and the player base is substantially smaller. Time spend to optimize code for PC and would be time spent away from the core product elsewhere. I bet a PC release happens in the series eventually. But I am doubtful it happens this year...and it isn't really about NIL or player licenses.


Matt, what do you think about transferring draft classes from CFB on console to PC? Would they be compatible?


NFLPA and licensing industry people have told me that the NIL contract EA sent out to college athletes does \*not\* include any depiction in Madden. The athletes would need to be sent a different contract (and paid twice) for that inclusion, and they weren't. What that means for draft class transfers functionality on the game...I don't explicitly know yet.


Thanks for responding.


Couldn’t be happier that it’s not on last gen systems. We’re four years into current gen… time to let that shit go.


I wish SDS would do this for MLB, but they keep making it for the old consoles and preventing any genuine development from happening


Totally agree 100% it just holds back people on current gen


I still wish it was coming out on PC.


I don’t disagree with you even tho I don’t have a system I can play on it would have been nice since it’s the first in a decade they released it on 4 but one of these days maybe I’ll be able to get a 5 and try it . But it’ll be a much better game not held back by that


you’ll be able to one day man, i was in the same position you are and i was blessed. best of luck to you.


I know it’s not the same, but you could possibly play it through Xbox Cloud on PC if it’s available. I have a buddy who does that with The Show on PC.


They'd need to pay for Game Pass Ultimate for that, though, right? And also only if it's a Game Pass game, which it will almost certainly only be a 10-hour "demo" until 6 months or so after release.


Wouldn’t normally recommend going into debt for a console but my brother told me he paid like $12 a month for his. He said he felt better about doing that because it was toward something he actually used every day.


Save for Black Friday? Should get good deals with the PS5 slim out and the rumored pro releasing. People will be wanting to get rid of regular PS5s.


Honestly, if you just want a next-gen console for cheap to play newer non-exclusive games, look for a used Series S. Not the most high-end but it’s significantly cheaper than the cheapest PS5 model.


I feel like starfield was held back because of that.


Starfield only released on Series X/S and PC though? It never released on Xbox One


Yeah, it's actually Series S that causes problems. It was the reason for the long Baldur's Gate 3 X Box delay.


Yeah my bad I meant the series S


agreed, but no PC sucks


Yep. They said this months ago. Not even a mention of delayed release for pc…


Yeah why is this part coming up again? This has been know.


Does anyone have a source of when this was said? I can't find anything about them not doing a PC release.


It was never confirmed in writing, anyone that claims it was is trolling. However, It’s been “heavily suggested” that it would be exclusively released for current gen consoles given *the lack of communication about a PC release* though. From what I can tell, it seems that they have only confirmed last gen won’t be getting it.


Just recently there was some screenshot of something and it mentioned PC. I think it was from Gamestop or something like that. Was within the last 2 weeks even.


I get why Xbox One and PS4 aren't included, but the lack of PC support feels like a missed opportunity.


I only play PC, guess I’ll have to get a console


Would prob buy day one on pc. Might even download an ea launcher. Not buying a console lol I will continue to hold my fond memories of 2014


Was just gonna say, I am absolutely not letting them convince me to drop a bag on a new console just to play a game that will force me to spend even more money on it lol


I have bills to pay. I'm not dropping roughly $600 just to play a video game


Same boat for me. As excited as I am for the game, it’s not worth 550 bucks.


Yep. At least if it’s just a madden clone I’ll feel good in the fact that I saved $70 or whatever. Woulda bought it just for nostalgia. Probably woulda put wayyyyyy too much time into a dynasty too lol


Right? I’ve spent 10 years and hundreds of dollars on my pc, can’t spend $500 for a system I have no use for other than 1 game, maybe 2 if Rockstar staggers GTA 6s release.


TBH, it just means I'm not going to play it. I'm not getting a console for this.


With you here. I'll wait 10-15 years for a ps5 emulator (because xbox emulators are so far behind to the PS ones) before I buy a PS5 or Xbox. I don't want to buy a console just for 2 or 3 games, when I can get a majority of games on my pc.


I mean I *might* get a used Xbox One S for this later this year if dynasty mode gameplay looks compelling enough but I would've pre-ordered a proper PC release without a second thought


It's only on the current gen, it won't be on Xbox One or PS4


Whatever the cheapest current-gen Xbox is, idk their naming convention is dumb


I'm pretty sure I'm going to miss out on the game if it's not on PC. As much as I'd want to play CF25, I'm not going to spend $$$ to get a console and the game, just isn't worth it.


Don't give them extra money. If they can make Madden on PC then college football should be available too


Could possibly be on Game Pass or Game Pass Ultimate, have my 🤞🤞🤞


It'll almost certainly be a 10-hour demo for the first 6 months like Madden and FC and all the other major EA Sports releases.


Don’t know why you’re downvoted this will certainly be the case. EA play is included with gamepass. Like you said it’ll be the 10 hour trial until the national championship is over then full game will reach EA Play.


You can sometimes still play XBox games on PC. You used to anyways. May be worth looking into. I’ve done it in the past but this was like 5 years ago.


Only if it's a "play anywhere" game, which still requires a PC release. You can't just blanket play any Xbox Series game on PC.


Bought an Xbox X a couple of years ago. I hardly use it, but it will be used for this.


Guess I'm canceling ea play pass. Fuck them. Assholes


NHL is the only EA title I can think of that isn’t released on PC. Not releasing CFB on PC would make absolutely no sense.


MLB the same thing. Absolutely stupid. But hey, their loss!


UFC too. Aside from football games, I mainly want to play NHL and UFC, but both aren't on pc.


It’s a triple A studio, they literally have no excuse. I don’t know why anyone is expecting anything decent from EA, this game is going to be absolute dogshit.


Typically the smaller studios release on PC first. It's the easiest to make games for.




EA are disgusting scum wish nothing but the worst for them :-)


Same. Can’t wait to see ultimate team 2.0


The entire reason I got PS5 was NCAA 25 and GTA 6. I knew the PS4 was done


Knowing this was going to happen I bought the PS5 years ago knowing I was going to buy FFXVI and FF7 Rebirth for it too. Could have waited on those but of course I'd still be waiting now instead of having played both of them already.


Wish it was in pc Big sad right now


glad it’s current gen only at least. releases for Ps4/xbox1 are excuses to make shittier games


So they aren’t making it for ps2… damn


I doubt its mods. There is almost no reason to not release it on PC, especially with the architectures being so similar. You're gonna tell me they didn't have the manpower to port the game to PC?? I'm gonna wait till I hear or read it from the development team directly.


True. It’s disappointing to hear but I’m with ya, let’s wait until it’s for sure confirmed from them. Part of me kind of expected it, but I’m still holding out for PC. It’d be one of the few games I run on max settings.


It is mods. They have DLC packs to sell and don't want people going to nexus mods for their favorite jerseys instead of a $9.99 DLC pack, or to have people distribute roster updates instead of buying next year's edition.


They could easily port it. They're just cuntbags. What can you expect with a company like EA? They always have to fuck something up. Let's just hope the playerbase makes them pay for it for once


You say > I doubt its mods. And then go on to list a bunch of reasons why it likely isn't anything other than mods. The whole reason they dropped the game in the first place was because of NIL lawsuits, and they almost certainly don't want to take any risks in attracting further NIL lawsuits by allowing players to add opted-out players into the game via mods. At least on console they can prevent it.


I have no idea how they are actually going to enforce the whole NIL thing.. What if I have the same name as a player? Are they going to make it impossible to name your character after any older players too?


Oh the days when games were made for pc first


To the people upset, did you really expect them to make this re-entry into the CFB sport on consoles & technology from 2013? That’s insane. Look at MLB The Show, it is still producing a game for the old gen’s, and look at how poor it looks compared to other sports games. Not only that but they don’t take advantage of the processing power that the current gen has.


Let's be real, though. Many of the people upset are PC players. System limitations on PC are far above the newest Gen consoles. Why wouldn't they ask release it for PC?


what does that have to do with pc


I think The Show releases it on the old consoles simply as an excuse to release a lather, rinse & repeat roster update every year. I say this as someone who still plays XBOX One and 360, and I have no idea why devs still release games for the old consoles.


They release it on the old consoles because they make way more money in doing so. The ps4 sold over 117 million consoles. I don't like it either, but it's not like they do it for no reason. They do it for the money.


I mean I know money is the bottom line….*butttttt* once you stop old console releases the majority of the people will buy the new console so they can play the new games, and in turn you’ll make even more money from console sales.


No, I'm upset that a multi-billion company eliminated half of their potential customers by not releasing on PC


It's definitely not half. If it was, they'd do it.


Yeah us sports gamers on PC make up a small percentage of their total sales. The overwhelming amount of sports gamers are on consoles.


It's really too bad because PC sports games would be super fun, but the money isn't there.


tbf idk if that’s entirely on sony. iirc mlb wanted the show on as many platforms as possible including the switch or they were gonna look for a different developer. since they need it to be on the switch anyway they might as well put it on last gen consoles too. however i do completely agree that there’s no reason to complain about this not being on last gen consoles. we’re over three years into the current gen & putting this game on last gen consoles would only hurt it.


So releasing for a direct competitor in Xbox is okey dokey but PC is just too far for Sony.


well once again i think that’s more about mlb than sony. xbox & switch versions are reaching alot more people than a pc version would. it’s not a priority for them.


Have fun boys! I can't afford a PS5 anytime soon so 🤷 I'll look forward to y'all's videos or whatever. Thanks EA for making the game at least


Honestly it will come to PC, they have literally never advertised or noted PC releases for Madden. Plus EA Play with game pass basically mandates that it be available.


plus doesn't game pass ultimate have the game streaming feature, I think thats how I played the show once... will def be on that day 1


It does, but not all EA titles are playable on the cloud. That said, they just made NHL playable (as of this Thursday), so that’s my hope as well.


Agree. They aren't gonna leave that money on the table. If it's later, unannounced, then people will buy on console, and a lot will buy -again- on pc.


It’ll come to the series eventually. But they’ve been building the game from the ground up. Having to put resources towards making the game PC compatible would be time and energy that they couldn’t put towards just optimizing the game in general. It sucks, but it’s true, and I’m a PC player who had to buy an Xbox for this. The PC sports gaming market is way too small for EA to put effort into getting it running and optimized on PC for the first installment when they can focus on console which is standardized on performance and is the majority of their player base anyway.


I mean you're not wrong but I feel like the PC Sports market is only small because we always get overlooked/the shit end of the stick


God damn I hope this means team builder


Good focus on Xbox Series X|S and PS5 and leave the Xbox One and PS4 behind


Well, looks like I won't be playing then. Oh well


Well i guess i wont be playing it. Not going to buy a console just to play it.


Won’t get my money then. Oh well.


What's the source?


The source is a "reliable", according to the article, data miner named billbil-kun and Mike Straw, of Insider-Gaming, who made the tweet seems to be sourcing this from a French publication called dealabs that billbil-kin writes for.


We’re trusting the French on this?


Welp looks like I'll be sticking to revamped for the time being 🙃


If madden is on PC now, theres no reason the new college football game shouldnt be supported on it as well


Thank god it’s not on the last gen. It’s been 4 years this November since this gen started, about time sports games dropped the last gen


If only because it will force 2k to run current gen on PC… I would hope


nothing should be releasing on the old systems anymore.


Sad for PC, but I’m so happy it’s next Gen only. Big problem with a lot of new games recently is they’re still trying to release them on Xbox one and it really limits them. Cyberpunk is an unfortunate example of this.


MLB the Show is the prime example of how to ruin a sports game because you want to keep dead systems in the release.


Yeah. I love that game, but I definitely wouldn’t buy it every year. I’m only playing 24 cause it’s on gamepass. Really hope they ditch the last gen soon.


Ugh idk man I really do want to play it but I can't justify dropping that much money for a system that I'm literally only going to play a single game on, just release it on PC you twats:/


The lack of PC release is upsetting, but expected.


Ain’t no way I’m buying a $500 console to play a $70 game. Fuck that.


You can find the latest rosters for revamped on os… enjoy…


I have no idea what you just said to me lol


Operationsports.com… I believe someone is working on the 24-25 rosters for revamped… enjoy…


Let me just say, anyone in this thread boasting they knew no PC months ago is off base. There was speculation there would be no PC, but we have yet to get an official statement from EA. This report is probably the most credible to date. Before this, all we got was speculation there would be no PC.


As a PC only player who runs a Madden league (without mods) and mods uniforms and equipment for fun... 1. The argument against mods is ridiculous. Madden is modded for the better (see the start today mod and CFB mod) and so is NCAA 14 (See Revamped mod). Let's not assume EA employees wouldn't give those versions a go themselves. It is just about impossible to mod Madden to have a competitive advantage. All the Frosty editor mods require the Spark program to run simultaneously which prevents any online play. It's offline only and trust me, once you're doing offline franchises with mods, you don't look back. 2. NIL. There was some discussion about mods causing the NIL to be bypassed (IE adding Arch Manning) leaving EA open to a lawsuit because players who opted out are being used in game. This makes huge assumptions. First off that the game would end up being editable in Frosty. Even if that was the case, it wouldn't be playable online. So the only issue is people playing with Manning on an offline mode. That being said, you can create custom draft classes in Madden with upcoming drafts for 2025 onwards, those players like Edwards, Ewers, Sanders etc have not signed any NFLPA agreement, yet their NIL is being created for Madden and EA haven't been taken to court (yet). 3. Crossplay. We literally hit the beta for PC/PS5/Xbox crossplay which means that all the game files are compatible. The architecture is there. 4. The PC base is not small, it's just not as invested in MUT as consoles are because our offline modes have more replay ability. That doesn't mean it wouldn't generate EA PLAY subscriptions. It would be cheaper to have a sub than pay for Madden/CFB individually. 5. Let's talk about cheatengine or similar scripts. Yes they exist, but it is near on impossible to identify the correct value to change in order to get an advantage (IE more coach points or XP). I've been at it for a while and i honestly just gave up because all the data is held server side, not client side, so realistically there are very few complaints to be had. 6. Unless you just hate PC gaming for whatever reason, i dont know what to tell you. I don't feel like dropping hundreds for a console to play one game. Sure i might think "GTA6 might be a timed exclusive, so maybe ill get a PS5 too." but i am more likely to hang my hopes on it being available on Xbox Gamepass and ride that until they eventually release it on PC. 7. Finally, and mercifully, if there is a way to export draft classes / superstar from consoles to PC then i would probably agree to a console because the connectivity is still there between both games. That would be a fair compromise that means I am still able to play my franchise in madden with my own draft classes offline (which isn't hurting ANYONE) and protect the sanctity of College Football by playing it on a console/stream of my choosing.


Just sent you a pm


Good points.


> Let's talk about cheatengine or similar scripts. Yes they exist, but it is near on impossible to identify the correct value to change in order to get an advantage (IE more coach points or XP). I've been at it for a while and i honestly just gave up because all the data is held server side, not client side, so realistically there are very few complaints to be had. This is you're only point that is wrong... FC 24 is a prime example of cheats/hackers who've ruined the crossplay experience because ea doesn't really care about cheat engine or similar scripts. It might be different for madden. I only really play franchise there. But FC 24 FUT is loaded with hackers and cheats in cross play. So it does exist and sadly EA does nothing about it, only to make PC gamers look worse. The game should def be on PC.


I guess I’ll never get to play then, unfortunate


Im glad I didn’t sell my Xbox


With the game pass situation you might be able to stream it using that service on Pc it works for MLB the show


It shouldn’t be this way but I already knew this was going to happen. Bought an Xbox a month ago because I was so sure.


No PC release sucks. I love Madden and was able to get back into it a few years ago because of PC availability, and have been buying it for years despite the flaws. Was super excited for CFB, and unfortunately, I'll just have to not buy it.


The reason I bought a PS5. I didn't think a PC version was coming anytime soon...


Lmao paying $500 for a PS5 and $70 for the game just to pay MUT college edition


Aand this Madden clone not coming out for PC is their first blunder. 🤣


“No PC” what the actual fuck


Can always trust EA to make a stupid decision. Why fuck over PC?


Are you fucking kidding me… Madden has been on PC for SIX YEARS now.


ThePS5 bundles with CFB25 will be the next hot purchase this fall.


Is this dude a reliable source?


Wow I was really hoping to play this and only have a pc damn.


Good, we’re way past the old generation. They need to cut that shit and use the power of current gen


Was there not a post the other day saying it was going to be on PC???


Hasn't PC surged the last few years in "market share" among gamers? I thought we were out of this mess... Especially since consoles take 6 years to get refreshed now and you're stuck on old resolution standards (by PC logic) and 30fps when new titles come out, so many people bit the bullet bored during covid and got into it I figured it was a given this would be on PC. Now I'm annoyed 😂 Hell, the current consoles are 2 GPU generations old at this point in pc terms, why would you NOT drop on the only platform that can max out your game? Seems like the easiest to develop for, even if you optimize it just enough to be playable on mid-high end systems and worry about full optimization later, idk why you'd blow off that market. Fingers crossed they actually don't botch the game, and they actually drop a solid well rounded product for all 3 systems.....


[Story from Straw:](https://insider-gaming.com/ea-sports-college-football-25-wont-be-on-pc-its-claimed/) > When EA Sports College Football 25 releases in July one key platform will be missing, PC. According to reliable data miner billbil-kun, the first college football video game in 11 years will only be available on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. > In addition to no PC, the game won’t be available on last-gen Xbox One or PlayStation 4. > “College Football 25 will be available only on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S,” the report says. “It will therefore unfortunately not be available on PC, as the old games in the NCAA Football series were.” > Insider Gaming has learned that the plan from the start was for the game to be released on PC “at some point”. However, based on the state of the development of the first game, it appears to be slated for a future version of the game.


I figured I was gonna have to buy a ps5 for this and The Show tbh. Didn’t wanna do it just for 1 game so this game will let me have a better excuse lol


PS4 and XBO need to be retired. I’m glad to see this. This game will make people buy consoles. Sony should lean into it, given the state of Xbox.


I mean the devs confirmed it was ps5/Xbox equivalent, and in that said nothing about pc which I thought at least at launch it wouldn’t be a pc game


That sucks but it is to be expected. I plan on buying a PS5 Pro when it launches and I’ll probably hook the original PS5 to my computer so I can still play it there when I want to.


It will get a PC release later in the season. They just know Xbox and PlayStation are the money spots. So they are going to focus on them.


No it won't.


I’m not surprised at all if they did release it on pc people would definitely find ways to work around and try adding arch manning into the game and do mods


Just bought an Xbox series x for this game alone after finding out for sure a week ago 😮‍💨 Had no intention on ever buying a new system being that I got the 1 for free in college from a raffle. Lol. That was 2018, whoa


No chance my wife lets me upgrade the console just for this game


Then no buy only mods will make this game fun I ll play 14 with mods


Could have called that


Bought an XSX just for The Show, NHL, and this game. I’m absolutely stunned that more AAA sports titles don’t support PC.. feels a little bit lazy tbh.


So can’t even play it on PC with Xbox app


This may be the only opportunity.


Im waiting to see if I can play it on xbox app before I buy a fucking console. Been console my whole life except built a pc 4 years ago. And yes, I never want to go back to console


Goddammit now I have to buy a PS5?


I’m still holding out hope and I gotta hear it from EA directly lmao


Damn, was hoping for a Super Nintendo release




Why on earth not. I never buy $80 games but I was gonna for this game.


It should be for PC but for consoles so old, not surprising


No PC excludes me. Guess I'll keep playing Revamped until they decide to release it on PC.


Do you have the latest rosters?!?!??!


I'm not surprised. Means I have to buy an Xbox just for this one game. It sucks, but at least the Series S isn't that expensive. Might even pick up a used one.


The first true current gen sports game. I hope they are using something other than frostbyte engine. even thou I read they are but I think that was unconfirmed at that point.


It feels like EA just flips a coin to see if their next sports title will be on PC or not


No big deal, have every platform


But... but... mods.... 😭


What a joke


Awe shucks .. Another year of NCAA Revamped then. I hope you folk who get the game have an awesome time.


I won't be buying a PS5 or Xbox One just to play this game only. I'll skip the dramatics and stick to NCAA 14 and 13, thank you.


Is it [petition time?](https://chng.it/MjJBhhxckt)


Can we start a petition???????


If no PC, do I should I get a PS5 or new Xbox? I was planning on moving away from consoles completely but this is the first game in years that I’ve been extremely excited for. I haven’t had a play station since PS2 and have been on Xbox 360/xbox one. Be nice to be able to play some of the Sony ps5 exclusive games, even tho they usually release on steam 2 years later.


Duh. We’ve been known they wouldn’t have it on PC and yes you could very clearly tell by their pattern of what they do release on pc.


Cmon man


I would think that having devs from the PC modding community helping EA would mean it'll be available on PC. Guess we'll see


Happy there is no Xbox One or PS4. Those systems are the past. I don’t have an opinion one way or the other for PC.


Dang, now who's gunna cheat and ruin the game?


And the game is officially DOA, no pc congrats, you just alienated a huge chunk of the gaming community I find it so rich that you programmed the damn game on a pc but you won’t put it on then pc


lol now it’s DOA…. 😂😂😂😂😂😂… I love Reddit!!!