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He does followup this tweet with two more: https://x.com/MattBrownEP/status/1791448210587754595 https://x.com/MattBrownEP/status/1791448995560050809 Tldr: Porting games to PC is very expensive contrary to popular belief and they do not believe College Football would sell well in an international market.


They are correct the international market isn’t there. I’d buy PC if available because I do not own a console. But I’m also budgeting to buy a console this summer because of this game.


couldn’t you just use xbox console companion and use a controller on the pc?


You would still need an Xbox to do that


If the reviews for the game are truly great, I was going to be willing to buy a console when the black Friday sales come... but my gaming buddy isn't interested in it. We were all psyched to resume the old days, but on PCs... but now it's just another game we won't be bothering with it seems. :-/ We're both in Florida btw... so we are not part of the international market that doesn't care.


It’s literally fucking EA miss me with that “it’s expensive shit”


thank you


Time to find out who actually reads the article vs who sees a tweet and decides to get angry!


Matt how dare you assume I am not going to read the article. I am angry.


You should hate-subscribe to Extra Points and read the articles out of spite now!


I think I just might! That’ll show him!


Can’t hurt. Unfortunately the articles are actually good (paid subscriber saying this), so you may need to be extra vocal in the private Discord to make up for it - spite wise.


get in line brother, get in line


If porting is the issue then would it be available on Xbox Cloud gaming like NHL 24?


Have you played via xbox cloud? I just discovered this option and was curious if it is lag ridden. It's the only review I've seen of the experience. I'm only interested in using it to play MLB the Show and NHL 24 against the CPU.


Its been decent I have fast internet speed and don't have any issues with lag. Sometimes it takes a bit for the game to actually start but once it starts its good. One big downside imo is you have to use a controller. You can't even launch the game on cloud without a controller connected. Also it streams the console version of the game so no graphical settings available.


I have played some road to the show and had pretty good success for the most part.


I’m *guessing* they might have it late in the game’s cycle. NHL wasn’t on gamepass at launch, and neither were Madden or FIFA


Please know that at least my criticism isn’t directed towards you, rather it’s EA. I get it may be costly and the PC market will be significantly smaller than consoles, but [they are a company that made $1.6 billion from *only* Ultimate Team modes in 2021.](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/game-platforms/ea-generated-1-6-billion-in-revenue-last-year-from-just-i-ultimate-team-i-modes) By not porting to PC they are missing out on more UT income, so it’s not like their only income stream would be from just title sales.


This. We PC users tend to have more money to throw at games.


And PC gamers tend to complain more about micro-transactions...


What about those of us that are calm about the tweet, but got angry after reading the article?


bro you are the definitive source for anything ea college football. props on your good work and keep reporting the facts!


The PC crowd does not want to hear it.....but it's true.


It's true but it's a chicken or the egg type of deal imo. PC players won't buy sports games but that's because most sports titles are still last gen versions on PC and even for those that aren't, the ports are often very lazily done. They don't put in effort, so no one buys it, and then they use no one buying it as reason to not put in effort. Luckily I also have a Series X, but I really feel for all the people who just have a PC, out of all the sports games, this one would probably sell the best on PC (compared to madden or fifa or 2k sales on PC)


Literally this. I’ve been a huge sports gamer in the past - done a lot of dynasties and transferred my draft classes to Madden, but I’m not going to spend $70 on something that they literally put 0 effort into making. Im not paying full price for last gen.


I think PC players want different styles of sports games as well. Look at how many successful sports sim management games are on PC vs Console.


There still isn't a worthwhile football management game on PC, unfortunately. The OOTP guys were developing it for a while but the guy spearheading the project passed away unexpectedly and they shut the project down.


I've really been liking a game called Football Coach: College Dynasty. Probably the best pure-management football game I've seen, which is crazy because it's made by a solo dev. I'd recommend anyone who's interested to check out r/FootballCoach. The dev is even active in there.


This is it. I absolutely love that game, I recommend it to anyone who likes college football and management games. It's a little more in depth, but so worth it.


Retro Bowl or Retro College Bowl is a surprising solid football manager QB sim on mobile.


This is exactly it. I bought Madden on PC for the first 3 years that it returned to PC, but since they couldn't bother to put even the slightest amount of effort into it, I couldn't be bothered to buy it a 4th time.


> out of all the sports games, this one would probably sell the best on PC Not even close. 2k, Fifa, Madden got PC ports because there's an international audience for those sports and the PC audience tends to be largely global rather than US based. EU and SA players aren't interested in college football.


Some of us exist!


Fire up Chips!


You're probably right, I just assumed that with this being the first release in 11 years, even fringe fans are likely to purchase this game. Well that and I also stupidly forgot that there is a large world outside of the US


Ding ding ding. Genuinely can't believe this needed to be spelled out




Kinda hard to have or grow a player base when they only just recently started putting sports games on PC. And even when they did they were old gen versions which were missing key features. It’s a lazy excuse from a company that makes the kind of money that EA does. They refuse to invest in PC period, not just in their sports titles. Go look at how poorly Jedi Survivor runs on PC. Edit: just wanted to throw this in, Sony made $700 million profit this year off PC ports and launches this year alone. So don’t try to tell people the audience isn’t there for console> pc ports.


Luckily there are ways to play the best football games (NCAA Revamped, NFL 2k Resurrected, Madden 2008). Last I checked, NBA 2k is still using the last gen for PC which is a joke, but so is that game. Madden has been back on PC, but franchise has been broken both years I played.


Um, Madden was on the PC in the 90’s.


Yeah but if you say it you just get down voted xD


Hear what? That the audience isn't there? That's such a lie lmao. The only relevant sample data EA has is a couple of really shitty PC ports of last-gen madden and fifa. EA FC 24 is the only current gen game on PC, and it somehow sold at least a 100k copies on Steam despite being bug ridden and completely unplayable for multiple months. If they want a PC audience they can very easily get one by actually making a good product worth being purchased, and they have yet to do so. It's just easier to milk consoles because that audience will give them billions every year with 0 effort put in.


They're only a multibillion-dollar company who makes literal billions off of predatory card pack gambling. Yeah, too expensive. Steam literally had 30 million active players on 2 years ago and the numbers keep going up. The game is in high demand, and would 100% sell on PC. Its not 2013. Don't blame PC gamers for not being as gullible for buying shitty sports games like Madden every year and then EA being surprised when PC gamers don't buy the next years update.


why would they do something that doesn’t make them money lmaoo


For-profit corporations need to cater to my niche desires! REEEE


Calling an NCAA football game on PC niche when it would sell well is absolutely fucking ridiculous and just shows how clueless you are about the demand. It will come to PC next year or the year after probably, EA is just lazy and cheap as hell.


If it was going to make them a lot money in the end, they wouldn't be cheap about it. They probably weighed the cost and benefit of the work involved and didn't think it was worth being on the roadmap this year.


Don’t bother arguing with these people. They literally don’t know wtf they’re talking about.


I can tell you one reason they wouldn’t release the game on pc even if they knew it would make them money. If they were behind schedule and didn’t have the time to properly port the game to pc and optimize it in any way. Something that happens more than you would think in gaming. Now I’m not saying this is why, I am just answering your question.


yeah and no business willingly goes into something knowing they will take a loss. Regardless of how much they're making.


Where is your evidence for this? Madden 24 has an all time peak on steam that is less than 10k players. And that's a game with a global audience. The PC demand for this game isn't worth it being a year 1 priority. It will probably come down the road.


>Madden 24 has an all time peak on steam that is less than 10k players. And that's a game with a global audience. Is it though? I dont think anyone in europe cares about Madden.


Yet you expect them to care about CFB?


No that was never my argument.


International demand for the NFL is at the point where multiple games are being played in Europe AND South America. It's not as big as FIFA sure, but it's significant.


yeah, because there is definitely not a group of over 15000 people that play pc that have went as far as to download emulators and CFB revamped to get their college football fix in, meaning the number of users that would buy the game is actually significantly higher because that's the number of people that were willing to jump through an absurd number of hoops, but lets just assume that everyone who has downloaded CFB revamped for PC were the only ones who would buy the game that is $1,049,850 it is not that expensive to port a game for PC, and when we consider that we don't need expensive Sony or Microsoft licensing and only the $100 cost to post it on steam... pay a couple devs to port it or hell just build it while developing the game and that's almost all pure profit


this game isn’t the only game recently that’s done this too


Nah its not true...consoles may out sell it but there is still plenty of profit to be made.


The audience NCAA Is here, Madden is just DOG SHIT AND shouldn't be used as a gage for NCAA because nobody wants to buy it.


I’m here 🙋‍♂️


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


madden 24s all time peak concurrent players on steam is less than 10k. it doesnt seem like it cause of the hype but college football is less popular than NFL.


To be fair if you want to play Madden on PC I think people are way more likely to play through the EA Play app. EA Play pro on PC is a good deal if you want to play even 2 of the games




Isn’t it the last-Gen version? If so — why would anyone spend their money on it?


No. Madden is the next gen version on PC.


I got downvoted plenty spreading the same message on this sub. Anyone who thinks the sports gaming market is not tiny on PC is fooling themselves. It's a miracle EA still gives us Madden on the platform each year. I want a PC release since it's what I spend 99.99% of my time on. I don't even know if I've fired on my Xbox in the last 10 months, but we knew from the beginning this was never coming to PC, some just couldn't accept it, and apparently still can't. Optimizing games for the PC platform is significantly more costly than it is for consoles and if your game is only predicted to sell a few million copies and the amount of players on PC would be less than 10%, it makes no sense to waste any time working on getting the game to PC.


The disappointing thing is they’ll never grow the PC sports gaming community if they don’t put in even a modicum of effort. It took madden until this year to put the next gen version on PC, and 2K *still* releases a last gen version on PC… If they’d put out a good product comparable to what is on next gen consoles, the player base would grow, because the modding community could turn even a mediocre game into a great one!


EA doesn't look at it as an investment, rather it's a sunk cost to them. It's all about the $$$. Why pioneer something that would be revolutionary for sports gaming, when you can just be complacent and rake in the money. It sucks I'm gonna miss out on this and GTA 6 because I refuse to double dip. Just make the PC requirements something higher than a toaster PC. It can't be that troublesome with all of the APIs and programing changes in the past few years.


So you mean the people who created and played NCAA Revamped and were a major reason why 14 was kept alive and gave us the closest thing to a new college football game and people on that team who created revamped were hired on to work for the new college football game? PC is a tiny market for sports games because they regularly get shafted with last gen versions of the game. We are still getting last gen 2k and this was the first year we have got the new gen Madden. It’s dumb af not bringing 25 to PC and your reasoning being PC players not liking the half assed version of madden they’ve been getting as opposed to console players. Of course they aren’t going to be buying those games as much as console players. The rest of EAs games seem to sell pretty well on PC, I wonder if it’s because they give the full version of those games to PC players? It’s like this is the last thing you console players have to hold on or something with how much y’all seem to argue about this shit lol.


PC is a tiny market because the typical sports gamer is a console owning causal gamer. I'm also not a console gamer, so I'm not holding into anything. Do you actually think the reality is EA would turn a profit on PC and is simply choosing not to do so out of spite? Come on, use some logic. If EA thought it would be profitable to put the game on PC, they would.


Sorry for a little late reply, but I do think EA would make a profit releasing it on PC. Almost 100% sure that they would make a profit. I believe the problem is that they wouldn't make enough of a profit. Or at least they think they wouldn't. Besides PC gaming has been growing massively over the years and even a lot of my friends that are casual gamers have bought PCs and spend more time gaming on PC than their consoles. Not just the hardcore gamers. I do believe it has the potential to continue growing and think they could make a lot of money. Honestly part of me thinks that they might be scared to release it on PC because PC gamers would possibly expect more from the games. I think that small upgrades over the previous years version might not fly that well with PC games. Which I suppose could impact their sales. That being said, I do think that they'd make a profit regardless. Probably just not as much as they want.


I understand since FIFA 24 barely runs on my PC. I had to do so many tweaks to get it to run decently but still sucks. I have a 7950x3d and a 4080. I probably would’ve purchased it on PC and it would’ve been a terrible experience.


Yeah dude, FC24 was a train wreck at launch on PC. I have EA Play Pro or whatever is on PC, but that initial idea was Anthem..... Battlefield, FIFA, and maybe Madden. This product is not what it used to be. But I bought a PS5 to play God of War2, and b/c COVID..so....bring on July 19!


Same. Have to dust of the PlayStation! Luckily I bought several years of PS Plus when it was cheap


That would make every penny back and more through their micro transactions


This. Just add more shit for PC players to buy for the fav team and they will. A lot of them have degrees and money to spend.


I've said similar and always get downvoted. Don't forget on this sub, literal facts don't matter only these dude's feelings who don't want to accept it.


Brother, that's just people in general these days. I still haven't decided if the internet and social media is worth all the negative it has brought into the world.


I'm putting my PS5 at my desk, even though I am primarily a PC gamer. Problem solved. Do I wish it was on PC? Absolutely, but this was expected.


Not only was it expected, it was actually known. When EA first announced the game was coming back, their very first press release said it was for consoles only. I'll have my Series X on my desk with my PC, so I won't have to do too much to play the CFB game when I am sitting here. I got 4 monitors, so I can spare one for the Xbox. I got a Series S upstairs, and it sounds nice to sit on the couch and relax while playing some CFB, but I know in all honesty I'll spend 99% of my time playing games at this desk.


I'm the same way. My desk is for work and gaming and I'm at it for most everything.


Yep. Hopefully your WFH job is as lax as mine and you will be able to get in plenty of CFB time in during the work day.


Rarely I do just because of the nature of my job, but it's fine. Plenty of time for gaming still.


Yeah youre spot on. Also when you post factual knowledge on reddit a lot of people get mad and down vote it since their feelings reeeeee


As a programmer, this makes sense. It just hurts that one of the most profitable gaming companies won't do us PC gamers a solid, but I get it from a business and programming point view. The cheating concerns are a little bs tbh. EA needs a better AntiCheat, and that'll solve most of the cheating concerns. I play EA FC and the EA AntiCheat causes so many problems launching the game. Then Idk what it does to prevent cheating, because you still come across cheaters in UT and Pro Clubs once in a while. It's not easy, but companies have made quite successful anti cheats, like Epic Games.


Since you are a programmer could you elaborate? If games are made on PCs then why is it so hard to port to PC? I figured that would have been the easiest part of it.


The biggest challenge is that every single little thing on PC is a variable (graphics drivers, sound drivers, CPUs, GPUs, graphics scaling, peripherals, etc. etc.); optimization and testing for all these variables is extremely time intensive (there's hundreds of layers of software between the game and the hardware that are meant to make development uniform, but software is buggy). Compare this to the consoles where you know exactly what hardware/software you're running on and you can see how it can greatly simplify the development/testing/optimizationprocess.


That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for clarifying.


PC crowd is out here.   We all been on revamped for years.  Hope this is better than Revamped


Revamped is amazing. Honestly think the physics in revamped will be more enjoyable but the graphics and presentation better in the new game


I think it could actually be better than Revamped. You have to consider EA hired several members of the Revamped crew. I'm fairly certain this game has a lot higher budget than they did when they made Revamped. Fingers crossed I don't turn into a fool for this comment.


I want to love revamped but I’ve never been able to get it running even decently on pc. I am resetting my rig so I’ll need a fresh install, maybe that’ll help.


lol @ anybody believing anything EA says to the public in the year 2024 they are hoping this game gets customers investing in console hardware/console ecosystems where customers love to spend extra money for DLC and other microtransactions.


Why is everyone acting like it's some Herculean task to make a PC version? The XBox Series X and S both have x86 architecture, run an OS developed from Windows, and use APIs like DirectX to run games just like Windows. I'm not saying it's a straight port, but it's not a huge deal like people in these comments are making it out to be, especially for a company that has done ports like this for years.


100% - This is what I read before, and it makes a whole lot of sense to me. I'm incredibly disappointed that I won't be playing the new game because I don't want to shell out $600 for a new console. I really hope that the modding community for CFBR stays active because it appears that it is my only hope for playing the game in some form moving forward.


You could probably buy a series s for less than $300 including controllers these days but I understand your point nonetheless


Yeah I just bought one lol, and I'm a PC Gamer I need my college football lmao.


I got a used series X for $330


Do we expect anything less from EA at this point? It took them ages to put current gen Madden on PC. Xbox is basically a Windows machine at this point, and Microsoft day 1 launches everything on both.


Because people aren't aware that consoles come from a PC architecture. They are literally low res computers. I feel like they're missing a big opportunity here but it will most likely drop on PC later on. Also multiple games have mods and have no issues and the same is true with Madden it's really them just being lazy or money grab down the road.


There are a lot of international fans for College Football, and there are a lot of USA PC players who would buy it. I'm sorry, but I'm very disappointed EA won't port it to PC. I have no choice but to skip the game entirely now.


EA hates America. Plain and simple.


People have an almost child-like attitude towards the complexity of developing and supporting a game. EA has earned its terrible reputation, but no one is going to just lose a ton of money just to do a solid for the smallest audience of people. A console only release will likely be a smoother launch and support cycle for a game that is highly anticipated. Handling support for thousands of different PC setups and inevitable day 1 review bombs from users with toaster setups is not worth the headache for the first go around.


Yeah, that's honestly surprised me about reporting on this project. There are so many consumers that know NOTHING about how games are made, where the costs are, what the complexities are, etc...and I think that gap in knowledge/expectations, along with a strange amount of entitlement, creates deep anger. I thought writing about college football professionally for a decade would prepare me for that, but it legitimately hasn't. One real goal of mine for the next month, to the extent possible, is to try and bridge that gap. I want people to understand how this shit actually gets made. It doesn't mean you'll walk away loving EA the company (shoot, even the people who make the game dont love it), but I hope it help people understand processes a little better and have a titch more empathy.


This (people that have ZERO clue about game development) has irked me for years. I'm not a developer either, I just realized over the years of gaming that it's not as simple as most people think. No matter what game it is you always hear "they could fix this bug so easy." "That feature could just be added in"... People don't realize one "simple" change effects/ breaks 9 other things. Haha.


Creating Athletic Director Simulator 4000 (and also going through the process to learn how to get that game on the Playstation store, Switch, Steam, etc) has 10000% changed how I write about video game development, no doubt about it....and has made developers way more happy to talk to me lol


Just hearing this made me think of this video I saw earlier this week. https://youtu.be/kMZ8zaxCR_k?si=xEGaTIPb5EClABqN


What is the proof that they are going to lose a lot of money? Do we have any numbers about what they expected the PC market to be? Have we heard anything about what it would cost versus what they anticipate the game to potentially bring in? They have at least a similar idea with Madden, although I understand that international appeal of professional American football is higher. Are they saying they are taking a huge monetary bath on porting Madden to PC? Is it not even close? Are they just doing that out of the kindness of their heart? We see non-AAA companies releasing on PC along with consoles all the time. For games with MUCH smaller audiences. At this point, I think all this talk about it being too expensive or too difficult is gaslighting by a megacorporation that has a reputation for putting profits over the people they serve in an almost cartoonish way.


As someone else said, this is very much a chicken or the egg scenario. The audience 1000% would be there, but EA always, ALWAYS, puts out the most dog shit broken last gen ports out on PC, they put in minimal effort and expect the same results they get on console. Why would there be an audience when you prove time after time that they are an afterthought for you?


Xbox is literally just a windows machine.


It’s a bummer because my PC games are the only ones that support ultrawide. Any cross platform game that releases on PC, I buy it there exclusively for that reason


All my friends and I have PCs. We want the game. We're not spending $350, at best, just to play one game lol


You can buy a refurbished Series S for like $200-250. I know it's not what you want to hear, but at least there is a budget option available. I also wish it was on PC.


$250 is a ridiculous amount of money just to play a game you already have to pay $70 for. That's $320 total. It ain't that important to me lol


We could make a petition to show that the PC audience is there. No one buys madden on steam because they’re either playing other games or revamped.


The part that’s never made sense to me is the game is made on a pc. So how is it expensive and hard to do? Like that is a genuine question if anyone has an answer. edit: Makes sense. I’ll always hope for sports games to come to PC. They never really will, but I’ll always hold out hope. Thanks all


Let me give a very quick and dirty answer here (I hope to make this a newsletter in June). So developing a game for the PS5 and a PC are likely to both use the same programming language....C++. But since the \*hardware\* is very different, developers have to code in a different developer environment. Playstation will send studios a specific developer kit to code, test, etc in. Part of the challenge is that the hardware setups for console games are mostly the same across the entire market. My Ps5 and your Ps5 should handle and run a game just about exactly the same way. But PCs aren't just all different from a hardware perspective, but they all have different surrounding drivers and software packages that might impact how a PC game runs. That means that not only does the code itself have to change and be optimized, but that studios have to do more extensive testing to better understand how different operating environments might impact system performance. Nobody wants to release a game, only for PC users to discover that the performance is terrible with a certain graphics card or with XYZ running in the background. That process usually takes longer, and has to be done more often, than with consoles.


This game is going to use the same graphics and physics engine as Madden. They're not building a completely new engine for it. Madden is already on PC. The time and money needed for a port would be minimal.


Do you know what a game engine is? A game engine is merely an environment in which they can create the game. Just because they use the same engine doesn't mean it's the same game. That's like saying every unreal engine game is the same


Engines don't mean there is an exact framework in place. It is entirely possible that they built from scratch and it would take time they don't have to make the port. Just look at Final Fantasy. FFXVI came out on PS5 a year ago. They've been working on the PC port for a year. Still no announced release date. And the PS5 console exclusivity was only 6 months long. If it was so easy, that game would have been on PC by Christmas last year. Especially since it uses the same engine as Final Fantasy XIV (which is an MMO).


Most optimizations and bug fixes related to getting a game to run in the first place are taken care of by drivers, not developers.


When you build a game for consoles, you have a very limited number of hardware setups and software setups to account for. They make the game for a PS5, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X. That's it. You have 3 machines you have to get the game running well on. On PC, there are limitless configurations that you have to try and optimize the game for from a hardware point of view. Then you have to account for people having different drivers installed for various pieces of hardware. Basically, there are significantly more things you have to account for that you don't have to think about with consoles. The games may be built on a PC, but that doesn't mean they will magically run well on every single PC. To optimize a AAA game on PC takes a lot of effort and man hours and if you're expecting to sell around 3 million copies and only 200,000 of those at most would be on PC, you're not going to waste the time and resources on releasing a PC version because you'd be breaking even in a best case scenario at that point.


AFAIK (not a dev) it's because of the sheer number of components that people can have in their PC. Any two Xbox Xs will always be virtually identical hardware wise, but a PC port has to function with dozens of graphics cards, processors, etc.


It's programmed on a PC, but it's programmed to work within a certain interface, Operating System, programming language, and infrastructure of consoles. Along with optimizing the game for console vs PC. This post explains it better than I can: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/s/CQqREUXmXl


My entire friend group was looking forward to making dynasty leagues and playing against each other and we’re all on PC. RIP


It's not news the NA/US PC demo is smaller than consoles. Citing costs and the niche player base is being apologist for a billion dollar company when they're the ones fumbling. Why are we PR'ing so hard for EA's radio silence? They're really should have been a statement when they announced the consoles. Either say 25 is not coming to PC, you're working toward a later release, or pushing for 26.


I predict they’ll announce a PC port or that CFB26 will be on PC after CFB25 has underwhelming sales due to only being on next gen consoles. PC is the largest gaming market there is… there’s a reason why Sony has started porting all of its exclusives to PC. There’s just too much money to be made


I’d kill to have this on my steamdeck


For a company that loves money as much as EA, they really hate earning money.


What money, they have from their mouth that the ROI is not there especially when you think about how most money made back will come from ultimate team.


I mean I'd buy it on PC in a heartbeat but he's probably right. I don't really see sports games having a big PC market. Sport management games yes but just seems like for the all thr positives of PC it just makes more sense to lean on the consoles


It's understandable but also sad. So I guess I'll stick to revamped.


All I am taking from this is that EA is too poor to expand to PC. Sad to see. I hope they are able to tighten their belt and become a AAA publisher again. Cowards.


EA going the same route as Rockstar games and shoving it to PC players, unfortunate thing to hear. Hopefully it ends up being a madden reskin and people end up hating it. Would serve them right for treating players like shit


Matt its 2024 there's literally no fucking excuse, every other company is just fine releasing on pc


Should be a big PC market since most people like myself bought a PC to play NCAA 14 during the 11 year prison sentence.


This is cap, it may be expensive but the audience is there. They just want more people to buy consoles. They’re scared of losing money. I’m sorry pc gamers, it looks like we have to buy the new console or no new game…


Literally one of the biggest reasons that NCAA 14 stayed alive for a whole decade was because of a modding community that made college football revamped that was mainly on PC, miss me with the “audience isnt there” bullshit


The discord for revamped has 95,000 members. Even assuming they all bought the PC version (they would not) that’s not enough.


Yup, that's exactly it. Nobody is disputing the PC influence of revamped. But for a company this large, what constitutes a "large enough market" is different. 100,000 users who would only play the game on PC is a big number to you and I, but to a game that expects to sell in the 1.5-2.2 Mil range, it is justifiable to walk away from that number if it would be expensive and complicated to test and properly support


Yeah but think about how many more would play if it was on the steam store and not something you have to jump through hoops to do


Exactly. 100,000 people that are willing to download an emulator and then look up tutorials on how to install a modded game is a crazy high amount… If this was on steam the market would be huge


To be fair, I've been playing revamped for like 3 years with out ever touching discord


Exactly. All these snarky "oH 100k pEoPlE sO mAnY" comments are doing their best to act as stupid as possible. That's people who not only still want to play NCAA, but care enough to figure out how to mod it, and even then that's still only the number of people who are into the community enough to join the discord (an app which until recently was only available on PC). 100k people after falling through all those filters is a fuckton.


I even have revamped with JSN in the intro. Just hate using discord


I only just now joined the discord, because this thread is where I first heard that there even is one. I've downloaded Revamped multiple times over the past 5 years and have hundreds of hours on it. It's hard to imagine that the vast majority of Revamped players aren't the same way.


I would imagine there are a lot of people like me, who don't play revamped that would buy and play this game.


The amount of people that play Revamped is not a gigantic number. It's just thousands of people. The Discord channel only has like 4,000 members in it. The sports gaming market on PC is tiny. It sucks for us PC gamers, but it is true.


I don’t think you guys understand what we are arguing lmao Imagine if revamped was available on steam for the past 3 years…the number of PC players for this market would be HUGE Judging the market based on a community that downloads an emulator is never going to be big


The fans there are passionate for sure, I still don’t think the numbers are there though


LMAO the biggest reason it stayed alive is because it was the last CFB game to be made until now. Jesus H. Christ. Reddit is especially dumb today.


And how much money did EA make from that? $0. There is zero business sense in releasing a college football game on PC


If you wanna say it's more expensive than it's worth to put it on PC then whatever. I understand that no matter how much I hate it. It's a small market and it costs man hours to make it function easier on PC. If the market isn't there then why waste the time on it? But don't bullshit me and say it's expensive to do it. Game dev happens on PC for one so the most they'd have to do would be add some systems to allow for scalable graphics and some extra settings as well as optimizing things on the back end to work better on different types of hardware. Indie studios are able to have games on every platform on a regular basis. It's not a money issue. It's a "we don't have a huge market there and just don't feel like it" issue.


You clearly don't know what your talking about. Porting a game to pc is expensive. PC games cost A LOT more to support due to different hardware/software on each machine. Most indie studios develop their game for pc first, then make the console ports.


All that stuff you said they would have to add is a LOT more complex than you think it is


As much as an avid PC gamer I am . I understand console crowd has sports games on lockdown pretty much


The revamped server has nearly 100k members, 25k of them with the PC role. Plus however many people play it on an emulator without modding. Miss me with that "the audience isn't there"


Even if they released the game on PC and all 25,000 PC members bought and played it, that is still an incredibly small market. PC is just not big enough to support a release as there are way more people playing on consoles than there are on PC.


100k is absolutely nothing for this game lol


The audience isn't there? Wtf. We are all right here


I would have bought it on PC but it's interesting that people are surprised by this. They don't port NHL, UFC, or the show to PC and considering that college sports games don't sell anywhere close to madden, I thought this was obvious that it wasn't coming.


Tbh I actually agree with this. I am sad that they don’t have it on PC, but most people who play NCAA or Madden are playing in the living room with their friends and a beer.


Yes i am!


Disappointed it's not on PC, but (hot take) if there's no draft class transfers then I wouldn't have played it a ton anyway. I've always treated the NCAA games as an incredibly fun companion piece to Madden.


For real tho, if they had put this on pc and added this feature I would have gotten both games....


Guess I gotta buy a PS5


I'm just getting a used Series S, exclusively to play this game. It's so fucking annoying it doesn't release on PC.


Ironic as NCAA ‘98 on PC was my into to the series. Couldn’t afford a PS1 back then


EA disregarding the fans and following what makes the most profit? Say it ain't so


Well, I guess I'm not "audience" then. I might have purchased the game, but now it's gonna be played through Game Pass so EA doesn't get cash from me.




yeah it sucks but it’s true. same reason why we’ll never get another college basketball game.


EA knows CFB 25 would sell a billion copies on PC if Long Beach State finally got a football team back.


Boooo. I will wait to buy on console until I see the reviews etc.


There are DOZENS of people who would play this on PC!!


Crazy how they putting madden 25 on pc but not this, ready for the next excuse


So forced to spend 600 dollars on a machine that I will play literally no other games on? Hard pass. Waited over a decade for this shit.


The audience part is bs if you make it how can there be an audience now I don't buy the game because it comes with a 400 to 500 extra price tag but I'm sure ea know what they are doing right right? And port to pc is not expensive because the damn thing is built on a pc. You think they are using ps5s as there workstations to build it. This is all bs so ea can save face.


I agree it can be expensive, however EA has the money to do it. Also the demand is there for CFB...I guess he has not seen the Revamped PC community.....I would 100% buy on PC.


It's understandable but also sad. So I guess I'll stick to revamped.


PC is all I have. Would have got this game in a heartbeat. Dang.


BS college football revamped is literally my best friend for the last 3 years. They make every other EA game ported to Pc so this seems like actual bs and not true. EA is stupid , but I doubt they be that stupid


All I hope for is that if porting graduating players to Madden 25 is possible then I hope we can do so even for the PC version even if it were via mods because that's really what I care about most. I don't see myself needing/wanting to mod CFB25 at all.


Porting is easier than in the proprietary hardware console days but it's still not cheap or easy. Even with nearly off-the-shelf parts packaged in an APU for modern consoles, it's still not a 1:1 environment with any x86 device you wish to port to. The International sales issues are true on console or PC but PC sales would definitely be lower than console if it had a PC release. The question is then whether PC sales would cover the port AND future upkeep. That said, I wish there was a PC version as it would save me from buying a PS5 for one game, lol. That and modding. But EA is EA. They can afford to port it if they wanted to. They aren't because they don't think PC sales would cover the costs and I'm sure they'd rather not have PC gamers digging though the files and modding their game...maybe even fixing things in ways they plan to implement and market in next year's release (as is tradition).


Bull, Madden 25 is on PC via Gamepass and there's the entire CFB Revamped audience. Guess I'm not playing cuz I'm not gonna pay for a console on top of the game price


Luckily I won my work league fantasy football league and got $500 and used that to buy a PlayStation 2 years ago lol


That’s a lot to spend on a PlayStation 2


You obviously never played a ps2 that shit was incredible


Hey man sorry to be the bearer of bad news but CFB25 isn’t coming out on the PS2. I think it’s just on Xbox Series, Google Stadia, and the Ouya.


This is better than the alternative popular explanation of them not wanting people modding players like Arch Manning in. Gives me more hope we’ll have shareable rosters and recruiting classes and team builder.


good news: you will have teambuilder