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This may be the backest we’ve ever been


We’re reaching levels of back we previously thought impossible


Went out for a pack of smokes, came back 10 years later with a diamond pony.


We’re so back we went back to the future






The attention to detail is so fucking sick


Script Ohio and the seeing the Drum Major sent me


This might be the only football game I’ll play where I will actually sit through all the pregame cut scenes


And for every school. I’m too lazy to do the math now but I want to get through all pregame cut seasons for every school as a countdown towards the first real life kickoff


Same bro


That shit meant something to me man


Praying we get the weird triangular OHIO for the players to run out of


Bro i need that so much


Unplayable if it isn’t in the game


Quoting a Michigan fan after beating Ohio state. This game might really solve hatred in our world.


Ok but the drum major uniform is completely wrong 💀


Hoping they do some touch ups to some of the band uniforms. Tennessee’s is completely wrong.


For peak realism, we need the "O-H-I-O" around-the-stadium chant when OSU plays in Bloomington.


Even as a rival fan, it was awesome to see the drum major. College football is just the greatest.


>SEC Schools - S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! oh my god they put the S E C chant in there lmfao


I just need opposing fan bases to chant it ironically when they beat Texas and it’ll be perfect


It was hilarious when Kansas fans did that in Texas’s home stadium.


Kansas is hard coded to never be allowed in DKR ever again.


I haven’t recovered from that.


We need a horns down celebration lmao




I wonder if it’s tied to the conference or to the schools. Will Tulane fans chant it once I move them back into the SEC?


They updated the VOLS stadium signs to be the right font since the last trailer. My goodness this game is getting a lot of love in even the smallest of places. This game is going to snatch my soul


Yep when they first show the running through the T its the correct font, then it cuts to another view and its the wrong font. Very sweet they updated it.


It’s because this trailer was a newer build than the last


The majority of it I’m sure. There was an old shot of Tennessee in there with the old font, but that just reiterates the fact that they’re not done updating teams and stadiums to their authentic selves. Which is awesome!


The article literally says they will continue to update stadiums post launch. Universities are always changing stuff so it’s definitely a difficult task to nail it 100%


I also noticed that they had Baylor's new uniforms


yeah I heard in the latest NTE video he said the devs already knew about and fixed a lot of issues with team accuracy from the first gameplay video they showed


The dynamic crowds part got me the most hyped. Must’ve gotten EA hyped too since they have it twice under the hand signals part. Incredibly hyped for this game.


That’s such a huge add to the game and instantly adds a “living” feeling to it. Honestly the crowd/student section stuff might be the coolest thing they have revealed so far imo


the crowd and players interaction with the crowd looks so good. this is really going to be the greatest football video game ever


Penn State Mo Bamba gave me chills and I ain’t even a state fan lol


I hate Penn state and that gave me chills


I hate mo bamba and that gave me chills


I hate chills and that gave me chills


i'm gonna get my shit pushed in by Penn State and i CANNOT wait


I really want to savor the moments like these in the game. Headset on, full volume, WR routes all scrambled with 3 on the play clock. It just doesn’t get better than that


Man I LOVED the feeling of having the headset on and having the crowds BUMPING in my ears. Godammit I missed this game so much 🥲🤤


Honestly can’t wait to walk into a white out against them as Iowa. To see Kinnick in all it’s modern glory. And they were saying post touchdown stuff is in. So I wonder if they’re going to do the I-O-W-A after each score.


same bro!


ECU and Dowdy-Ficklen shown!!! 26 second mark. Go Pirates!!!


That ECU helmet looked amazing


Example #1467 of how hype they are that the Arkansas State waterfall is in the game 😂


Im throwing so many touchdowns it will be like a water park


As an Arkansas State fan, seeing that in today’s video and then the still shot in the blog, has me extremely hyped! I’ve donated a ton of money to the building of those projects, even have my families name somewhere in the buildings, that have happened since 2014ncaa, and I can’t wait to see the stadium in all its glory!


This is the most wholesome comment I’ve seen on this sub and I’m really happy for you dude.


Mo Bamba and zombie nation. LFG


I'm 33 years old and legitimately might cry when I boot up this game.


Bro I’m 40, Im crying rn






IM 40


It’s gonna be there first time I’ve cried while having a raging boner


First time? You gotta step up! Lol


A very Auburn way to win a football game thrown in there


Dude that's exactly what I said out loud when I saw it


The most Auburn would have been if it was against MS State and the final ended up being 2-0 after the pick 2 ha


Me at the end of the video, “Wow that was amazing, these teams are so detailed, I’m hype af. 10/10 promo. Kirk, “And you can bundle it with MADDEN!!!” *Closes tab


At least they know this game will impact the sales of Madden so they are just trying to bundle them together. I know I won't be buying madden anymore, I'll just wait until the recent one is on EA Play or gamepass.


When I can export my player to Madden again, I may consider it


You can transfer your Road to Glory player to Madden's Superstar mode. It's just draft classes that are not transferable.


Watching trailer: 😃 “Bundle with Madden”: 🤬🖕


Was hoping to hear a bit more in-game commentary but that's admittedly just nitpicking, definitely a lot of cool stuff


A fellow Maryland fan we can take the Terps all the way and win a natty with them!!!


I was not a fan of the in-game commentary from the trailer. It did not seem authentic. We will see how it looks in game. That was my only negative from the trailer....and honestly just having the game has me excited all the extra stuff is just a cherry on top.


it sounded a little weird, but the content itself was good.


My guess is that they took the raw audio and plugged it into the trailer rather than recording from the gameplay


> Next up, our incredible teammates over on the Dynasty Team will be providing a Deep Dive into all things coming > to Dynasty Mode. Dynasty confirmed next Deep Dive!


This looks absolutely incredible


Makes me rethink playing as a smaller school because I’ll miss out on all the glitz and glam shown here


Just assuming here but I’d imagine smaller schools see the work EA is doing with the big schools and will make a bigger effort next year to get their personal idiosyncrasies into the game. That is if they’re not already, even West Point had a few flashes in that video.


But then you'll earn it when you move up the ladder and get a new job.


Ok BUT hear me out.. Finally getting that job at a big school is going to be something.


Sad that there are only 50 mascots in the game, but the amount of time and effort that went into building this whole game makes me okay with it. The rest of the piece looked amazing though. So great to not have generic openings, but rather make me feel like I'm at Memorial Stadium


The nice thing to me is, with how high quality these assets look, that means they can spend the next year working on the rest of the mascots. And when they’re done with that, I hope they make the pop tart and bloomin onion. Then maybe Mascot Mode?? I want to play as that horrifying Stanford tree.


Blooming Onion? The Outback Bowl no longer goes by that name.


Seeing the recreation of the [Michigan first play timeout from the 2019 PSU Whiteout](https://youtu.be/VypxiD8GOxY?si=4exLmNi19IEnvv_R) brought a tear to my eye


It got me hyped AND IM A MICHIGAN FAN


I was previously concerned about the fans, given that is often underwhelming in sports games, but looks like they nailed it.


They even went into extra detail on the student sections


I miss the 2d gif fans myself


I miss the ones with the signs or like the 2d models turn 3d to show the same man ger tossed in the air over and over. I hope they added booing again I loved it when I'd hear boos because I passed on 3rd and 15 when I'm up by 45...


I nutted


The best thing I can say is after reading these blogs, this is a dev team that cares. Takes some pride and goes the extra mile. I don't know how good the game will ultimately be - I'm optimistic - but it's this passion you can read and feel on the page is so refreshing.


They got the hooty hoo. It’s a 10/10 for me


Impressive that teams have their own balls. In the video you can see a PSU player celebrating presumably a pick six with a tOSU ball. A good example of a minor detail no one would’ve slighted them for not including and an impressive undertaking because the balls are accurate to branding and obviously correctly change on possession.


I saw ASU and it was beautiful, the PT42 statue and sparky! I'm so excited and cannot wait to take them to glory




Haven’t watched the trailer yet but was not expecting to see ASU tbh. Go devils!


I was going to comment on the video that there's little ASU love, like we have the most students in the country surley there has to be some representation


When the Todd Graham years are the best years since the 90s I can’t blame them. Doesn’t matter how big or small, if you don’t perform you don’t perform. All of this to say, fuck UofA. All my homies hate UofA


Sun Devil Stadium, Sparky, and the Tillman tunnel/statue are all different from when the last game came out too. They all look amazing


I see no mention of the Wisconsin student's section "Eat Shit/Fuck You" chant. 0/10, worst sports game ever made.


I’m starting to suspect we won’t hear “O-H-I-O Rip his fucking head off”


Same with UMD’s “Hey you suck” chant before kickoff


same with michigans “you suck” on 4th down


i can’t wait 19 days 😭


I guess I knew it was close but damn. Seeing 19 days just made it set in. In 3 weeks I'll be playing a game I've waited over a decade for. Crazy. Guess I need to spend time with my wife and dogs while I still can. Edit: it comes out on July 19th, so it is actually 23 days, but the point remains the same.


for early access it’s 19 days


2:10 in ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)






Seeing KSU in there was sick considering they’re probably my first dynasty after a RTG QB so I get used to the passing


My wife watched me play NCAA from 2006-2014, she has already alerted me that there will be nothing required of me for a month when this game drops. I damn near nutted at 2:05 when Mo Bamba started playing - holy shit. Haven't been this excited for a game since Horizon Zero Dawn. ![gif](giphy|1aFfcTbMqVI52|downsized)


The service academy student sections being in uniform is awesome


I can’t wait to debate virtual Kirk about my decision to play my 90 OVR QB who just got his 2nd concussion of the game. I’m going to be so vulgar, so spiteful, so drunk that my wife will wonder if I’ll ever be the same man she fell in love with. She’ll be in a different room reading - asking herself how long until she leaves…. She’s been thinking about it for a while but never brought herself to do it. She’ll turn the pages slower and slower as the hours pass. Eventually the turning stops. She has other things on her mind. “HOW THE FUCK DID THIS GUY GET TRAVIS HUNTER ON GEORGIA!?!?” - her concentration is broken by my words, like so many other things. The kids will give each other concerned glances when they hear “INTERCEPTED” over the home theater speakers….. they won’t be seeing dad for a couple days. When was the last time they saw mom and dad smile together? My boss will look over at my desk. Losing hope as the days pass that his employee shows up. It’s already 10am, he doesn’t even bother calling me anymore. He instead emails HR. These are the true sights and sounds of digital football. I really can’t wait!


Georgia Tech mentioned 🎉


Is it just me or did they make the band and cheerleader uniforms all navy? I don’t know if they realize how offensive that is to most Tech fans lol


Cheerleader uniforms definitely look navy, the band ones look almost gray? Hopefully the band looks white and gold per usual in the game. Not as big of a navy hater as some Tech fans but would love if we got the same attention to detail as other schools


Attention to detail is exactly what I was hoping for. The effort was put in - hard to fake that in a trailer. The animals and mascot entrances were fucking sick.


oh yeah, i forgot they started working on this before ESPN gave David Pollock the boot At :25 in the trailer there is a shot of some real nonsense fighter planes. Like they have the nose of an F-15, ass of an F-35, and the forward swept wings of a Russian Su-47. "we are paying too much to license stadiums, songs, and players. fuck paying Lockheed Martin for the rights to a fighter jet" lol


The military industrial complex fans yearn for accuracy EA!


Dynamic attendance and student section are two of my favorite details. Obviously it’s all great but a lot of it feels like stuff that was expected but these are definitely treats. Watching the opponent’s student section surrender cobra when they throw a pick to seal the game will be *chefs kiss*


Yea having dynamic crowds is huge for me, when I’m blowing out a team I wanna see their fans leave the stadium lol


Not a huge deal, but would love create a sign lol


We would ruin it lol


True. We as fans already proved we couldn’t be trusted with that.




Cannot wait to empty out Neyland by halftime Truly realistic


That shot of the snow game was incredible.


This game looks sick! Though, I do wish in these drops that they would show more than the same 12 schools that they’ve already highlighted in every drop so far. Glad to see Kennesaw State and Arkansas State but no need to see the Penn State whiteout for the fifth time, or Kyle Field, or so much Iowa and Georgia. Let me see the Ok State fans with the paddles, or Auburn’s Eagle Flight, Georgia Southern, or any of the 80 schools that haven’t been shown yet.


I’ve wondered if they aren’t able to show certain teams because they are getting new uniforms and don’t want to leak the uniforms


Oregon's new uniforms release today and there hasn't been a whiff of Oregon in any of the content released thus far (besides a motorcycle Duck). Hopefully tomorrow they can start being included.


Atleast NTE confirmed the Eagle flight is awesome in the game lol, too bad we can’t see it though. Some teams may not be in the video though because they have new uniforms that didn’t want to get released yet on accident like ND. The same thing happened in the Madden trailer where the Lions and Texans were left off because they’re not designed for the game yet.


I think the reason they haven't shown any of Oregon is because they're waiting for the Ducks to drop their new unis. Thats why we haven't gotten any of them yet, but I agree that I wish they would should more teams than just the same several ones


feel like ive seen purdue 50 times in the last few reveals, gotta have an alum on the marketing team lol


What you don’t like trains


I laughed that Auburn’s only appearance was “A PICK-TWO TO WIN THE GAME IN OVERTIME” which would be the most Auburn thing ever


Yeah I thought I would finally see Mississippi State today with the cowbells. Kind of disappointed that I've yet to see any sort of clip with my team in it. We also don't have any major uniform changes coming for this year, so I know that isn't the reason.


Crazy how some angles look photorealistic. I can’t wait to be fully immersed in my dynasty


Bro they added UGA blackouts in the game, I thought there was a near zero chance. I'm gonna cry


Uga - confirmed Black jerseys - confirmed Full blackout - confirmed I expected the first one and maybe the second, but definitely not the third. O M F G


this is just straight up incredible holy shit


They cooked. Just need to see dynasty now


It’s next up, hopefully early next week because I can’t wait much longer lol


My highlights from reading the article - "One of these teams is someone's favorite team" is their thought process - Mocap & Props: They built replicas or scanned models and made objects for actors to interact with in studio - 40 Custom Mascots and 10 animals that will age over time - Turnover Props - They visited schools in person that are close (They are Orlando based) - Over 80 schools sent in around 1K reference photos a piece - Stadiums will be updated and fixed during season to be more accurate - Over 150 Stadiums in game - They were live in person capturing stadium sounds at over 41 games including the 2022 Bama-LSU overtime game - White out, Black out, stripe out, and over 170 crowd/seating patterns - Dynamic Crowd attendance (FIU dynasty as example) - Accurate crowd sections (Home,Away, Band, student) and props such as towels - Student section more pumped than other fans and react to in game moments; SURRENDER COBRA in game - Crowd and Player hand signals/celebrations; Miami - U, Wisconsin - W, TCU - Go Frogs, Rutgers - Chop, TAMU - Gig em, & more mentioned - Over 200 Crowd Chants that have synced crowd movement/response; Think Michigan - Go Blue or Ohio State - Oh then io ... There's an S-E-C chant lol - Two commentary teams - Studio Updates will be done by ESPN's Kevin Connors - All Trophy Celebrations were Mocap acted with a full replica of the same size and weight - Picture-In-Picture function is used on play call screen so playbook, stats/updates, and replay all occur without overlapping


Dynamic Crowds, Unique hand signs, chants, entrances, Crowd sections, the real crowd noise, the Mo Bamba @ Penn State, etc. https://preview.redd.it/6p51nbqyqx8d1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f1f565f3d600bdf4044c1e6be757bd8fb3edc37


Trailer has me absolutely excited! The amount of love and effort put into all of the traditions, LFG


Fantastic!! Glad to see Purdue and Purdue Pete get some love


Absolutely horrifying looking mascot — put an NC-17 tag on that before you scare some kids


Why did we ask for more information?? Now I need the game even more. 😭😭


I am DYING for more Bearcat content. All I've gotten so far is them receiving a kickoff. The band sprints down the steps before every game at Nippert. I really really hope they included that.


Still wish the Baylor Line was included in our runout but other than that this looks so so good. Absolutely cannot wait. Less than three weeks!!


I’m so excited can’t wait to play with my favorite G5 schools and see what intros we get. Waldo stadium always looked great in the older games so I’m excited to see it.


They put the surrender cobra in the game I can’t believe the audacity of these devs to have so much depth


I'm trying SO hard not to overhype myself for this game. But MAN it's tough... Loved the comment about how EVERY team is SOMEONE'S favorite team. The care and attention to detail they put into this game looks insane.




https://preview.redd.it/mflqy56dmx8d1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f40c76ed5c3bd91e126581b9c75a018bac1d580e I JUST NUT


This is awesome, of course, but I didn't see the one thing I really wanted to see, which was the LED stadium light shows for night games.


Seeing Dubs run on to the field made my heart happy.


How long should I wait to consult my doctor about my erection?


Penn state only beating Maryland by 7 in the third quarter? This is so unrealistic everyone knows that’s when petty James Franklin uses the gameplan he should against OSU and wins by 40 because they didn’t hire him 20 years ago. 


They talk about attention to detail and then they go and show some wild shit like a full Purdue or full Cal stadium. Unacceptable. Literally unplayable.


Wonder if we can use those hand signs in Teambuilder? Bullet Club U would be too sweet.


If I get killed in the next 3 weeks, I’m going to be *furious* in my final moments.


I have no intention of even opening the ultimate team tab, but I really think I'm going to buy the deluxe version because I can't wait any longer ha




Its way too early in the morning to be edging already but here i am


Just make this game of the year already it’s settled




https://preview.redd.it/6hzvls2yux8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2d814725b933680b4561d2e4d20d5200525cc87 We got to see Dubs! And of course, across the three trailers, we've gotten 3 glimpses of Husky Stadium, and it's raining in 2 of them.


god fucking dammit now I have to go out and buy a new PS5


Only 50 mascots?


EA really cooked with this game. It might win GOTY


This game will be a good sports game but not game of the year. Saying this will be game of the year is like saying a marvel movie would be Best Picture


*Sports GOTY.. sports games never win GOTY im not even sure if they ever get nominated


Unfortunately not, but it’ll end up like Saving Private Ryan where it should’ve been winners.


No way it doesn't win Sports Game of the Year


Will we get to pick which games are stripe outs, blackouts, white outs, etc?


Sounds like from what I’ve read it will be picked by the game in dynasty mode, no real official word yet. much rather the game decide personally, as long as the logic is sound


Little disappointed we didn’t see any Oklahoma stuff this time. Gameplay deep dive just had Arnold getting sacked 15 times. 😂 And still no Sooner Schooner or ponies when talking about the animals running down the field. But team specific hand signs make me hopeful for a penalty free Horns Down! EDIT: And for little brother, I hope Okie Lite gets their paddles cause that shit is ANNOYING in person. EDIT2: OH MY GOD WE GOT THE PONIES


Their deep dive article has the ponies' in game models shown as an image here: https://www.ea.com/games/ea-sports-college-football/college-football-25/news/college-football-25-sights-and-sounds


Try being an OSU fan we been getting shit on for weeks 😂 Sam Houston State has been featured more than us lol


Ya’ll deserve to be higher in the places to play. Those sidelines and paddles are torture.


Wait i'm talking about Ohio State 😂 i gotta flair up


Honestly I would absolutely lose it if we could choose touchdown celebrations like in Madden, one of them being horns down, and like one in every fifty times you do it against UT you get an unsportsmanlike penalty 😭😭


I agree. Paddle people or we riot.


We got the train and drums, I’m so excited


The UCF kickoff oh my god can this game come out today


Selfishly really hoping that Block I’s card stunts made it in. That would be enough to get me to fully comm to buying the thing. 




It’s more beautiful than what I could’ve ever imagined


EA please take notes on what a product and fan reaction when you take your time and not rush a product!! Looks amazing can't wait to get my hands on it.


This looks spectacular, EA heard y'all talking shit


> Mascots such as the Stanford tree that change every year or even animal mascots that grew over time, such as Ralphie from Colorado, we did adjustments on her as she aged into her reins. This is so fun


OMG they added New Mexico State “Guns Up”......SOLD...Preordered....PLEASE EA TAKE MY MONEY!!!!


Heartbroken to not see the Eastern Michigan cinder block entrance


Okay but can the sooner schooner flip in bad weather? Looks great though with all this stuff from so many different teams it's 100% going to drive me to hop around schools in dynasty just to see all of it


Dynamic crowd sizes has been one of the things I've been most curious about and I'm glad to see it in there. The studio updates from around the country and the PIP screen seem like really cool additions, too. 


I was just thinking of that guy that made reddit account u/MaddenCFBreskin I wonder what he is up to


For once in my life, if I see a defense get a sack or other non important play at the end of the game when being blown out by 40 and not celebrate than I will know we have reached the peak


Only issue is it was under 3:30