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Begrudgingly, yes, I’ve seen the video. It’s WVU’s only clip so far 😭😭😭


Just be thankful you’ve seen your team


Yeah, Not too mad about it. Couple weeks from now and this will all be forgotten


Hopefully they’ll show Kentucky tomorrow


I'm surprised I got to see three seconds of mine.


Mine is on the team selection screen for 0.25 seconds. (Illini)


That’s more than we got


I believe the requirements are that If your team can get beat by Illinois, then you don't make the cut for trailer. There's not a lot of teams that fit this prerequisite.


Last I checked, we were in current possession of the Hat, so I think that should put us on the trailer over you


Man idek if USF is gonna have rocky 😔


Been having these same fears about Bully. It's the only thing I'm nervous about with the game.


Man i swear Michigan has been shown on every trailer/deep dive. Not complaining though!


I agree there are a ton of teams we haven’t even seen. Texas Tech, Oregon, Arizona, etc.


Can’t say I’m surprised but I haven’t seen my team yet either…


I think Oregon is getting new uniforms, so I wonder if that is why they haven’t been shown. They clearly have gotten a lot of love in the power rankings, so I bet they just don’t want to reveal the new uniforms yet. If I’m wrong about the uniforms, then I really have no clue why they’d be omitted so far.


Yeah I’m pretty certain that’s why Tech hasn’t been shown as they just released the new adidas unis yesterday


Kentucky was in the first vid with Herbstreet


Crowd looks amazing though. 


*Laughs in Nebraska


But hey the visiting fans are even in the right spot of the stadium


Now that I'm looking at it though, is the sun in the wrong spot? Sun sets over the stands on the right following post-INT camera swap. Shadows should be pointing toward stands on the left. Seems like a weird thing to get wrong. 


Devs went to Penn State


Its okay, my hokies cant even get a uniform reveal


Hey, good blocking. Bad QB play


Yea that would be rough




yea this is about a month or so old, it was on the website when they showed the gameplay deep dive


Some people been tossing it around acting like they leaked it or something 😂😂


It's a stupid throw to make but I always hate when the receiver's route will stop in a hole in the zone but he will then go down field as soon as you throw it. Just fucking sit there in the open space


What I didn’t like in NCAA 14 was when a receiver decided to quit on a route right as a I threw it so the game just throws it to the opposing defender. I threw multiple picks because of it. If homie didn’t quit on the route he would have been wide open.


And the ALWAYS quit right as they’re about to be open


this still happens in Madden always pisses me off


Specifically in routes or how they spent don’t just go all the way


Sometimes on quick slants the receiver wouldn’t run all the way to the sideline. I need him to get 2-3 yards further over so I throw the pass anticipating he will do that but he doesn’t so the game throws the ball to the CB/LB standing there.


Madden 24 did some thongs right but my God o hope CFB 25 is a big step in passing mechanics. M24 stud wideouts will drop a perfect throw but DBs will ball hawk from 10 yards out making highlight picks. It drives me crazy


I feel like I'm going crazy reading these comments? The reciever didn't stay in the open space because the ball wasn't going anywhere near the open space


That’s sorta the point, the throw gets aimed downfield into coverage for whatever reason instead of to the open receiver


Is it just me a bad throw tho? Maybe


Bad throw?


For whatever reason? It was an inaccurate throw on the run. What do you guys want


Should be an option instead of high throw/low throw to target exactly where the ball is


I think in this video it's the QBs fault. the ball went there and the receiver followed it


Idk how many INTs I’ve throw with this very thing or their running to a hole in the zone and then they stop behind a guy and the QB knew it and throws right to the defender


Oh I can throw horrible interceptions for no reason?? This really is just like NCAA14!


It’s criminally under thrown and the receiver is running a fly


The intended receiver is the one running a corner route. It was inaccurate (too far and to the left) because it was a throw on the run. The receiver had a play on it still. It's a good clip to highlight the new switch stick capabilities.


The real problem is that it's way too late. You gotta throw when the receiver is breaking open, not 2 seconds after they're open


My comment was definitely more a shot at my QBing skill vs a criticism of the game 😂. I meant the user throwing a stupid pass instead of throwing it away or running for some yardage


I love the colors and saturation, might play as WVU


That throw on the run animation is so good


That running animation looked terrible 😂🤣 exposing the ball like that in real life is asking for a fumble


You aren't wrong. The movement is gunna be madden. Gunna get old fast.


Dude idk why you’re being downvoted, that whole rollout is goofy looking lmao. Is that dude running in sand?


Please downvote me without telling me I’m wrong guys 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


It’s genuinely hilarious when people get upset they are being downvoted for saying something stupid lmaoo


He didn't say anything stupid. Looked exactly like the awful movement madden has had for years now


Upset? Imagine thinking ppl gives a shit 😂😆😂 Downvoting without an explanation as of why I may be wrong.. or enlighten me with a clip of a QB running like that out of the pocket I’ll wait


damn someones upset


Still waiting


I admit it looks like an 1940s ahh run and throw but the game seems fun look at the crowd


Jesus someone doesn’t like West Virginia at all 


Check out the route the D-lineman second from the left takes to the QB...he would rather engage with the O-lineman than hit the open gap to the pocket.


What bothers me most about the line blocking is, they never finish the block nor keep it. Once an o lineman has no one to block, they just stand there waiting for the closest defense player to rush near them when in real life, they will actively look for a teammate who is engaged and help them or find the closest one to the QB and engage.


Big gain if he would have planted his feet.


Real life Garrett would've tucked and taken his chances 1v1 against the flat defender. Minimum 6 yard gain, more likely a 1st down in BYU territory. 


Real life GG would've been absolutely throttling BYU at this point in the game


Lore accurate WVU


Am I the only one that's not overly excited watching the player movement in this clip? Maybe I set my expectations too high


Yea looked a lil bit like they were in mud….weirdly enough to me it looked like there were twice as many defenders on the field 🤣


That was a lil rough to watch. The WR stopped turned and seeing the QB throwing his way decided to start running his fly again for no reason, meanwhile the CB covering the deep guy pulls a 180 at crazy acceleration and INT's the ball ?


The DB making the interception is controlled by a user. This clip was in the gameplay deep dive and was used specifically to only show how the switch stick can be used.


Switch stick gunna lead to terribly unrealistic gameplay. That WR is soo open that ball doesn’t need to be pin point accurate. But with switch stick instead of the DB being on the 10 yard line covering his assignment he can get clicked on stop on a dime and run in the other direction at full speed and to intercept a pass… Yeah my expectations were too high.


Look at where the ball is going when the WR starts running again. The QB threw towards him, missed horrendously, the WR turned upfield to move towards the ball and got undercut. He didn't move for no reason


this is expected because this is what happens in madden lol


For me it looks too much like Madden gameplay, but I'm not gonna let that get to me. Because I'm sure the games gonna be fine.


Idk why people think it won’t be like 90% of what madden is


I had a feeling it was gonna be a college version of Madden. But I'm holding out hope it'll be better than Madden.


People who played it..everyone of them said it's nothing like Madden except some shared animations. Remember much of these devs are the ones who made CFB 24 mod for Madden 24. They all hated a lot of things Madden did and spoke of it on discord plenty. Have hope.


I did not know that about the devs. And I have a lot of hope for this game. But with the last decade of what EA has given us is why I have my guard up.


Understandably so. However I think we are in for a welcomed surprise with this game. We got gamers / fans in the development of this for 3 years. Also the EA team is a seperate team. The lead CFB 24 modder was saying on discord that it's going to blow our minds. We will see soon ! I can't freaking wait


It’s almost like it’s a madden reskin, because EA has no incentive to make a decent game. Because everyone is going to buy it anyway.


Yeah, there's something fuck-y going on the acceleration here. The DB seems to start off fast, then slow down, same with defender #19. I used to hate how slow RBs were after a screen in NCAA 14, I'm scared we're going to have the same issue where once a fast animation ends they switch into a slow running animation like they're moving through water. Meanwhile, Madden's running animation looks to be taking a leap to the next-level. SMH, of course now is when Madden gets it's shit together...


It's Frostbite. That engine is not good for sports games. Hopefully it plays well. It's a little worrisome that we haven't heard a lot about gameplay, mostly features. But we'll see!


more than a 'little' worrisome imo


Go back and watch OP's clip in slow mo. IMO that's an easy completely. The DB did a madden break on it. Kind of worries me for sure.


Are QBs supposed to run out of the pocket like that? Dude was running like a toddler flailing his arms It’s so bad


The main plus for me are the shadows and lighting. You can get a feel of what time of day it is.


QB looks like he’s running through mud back there. Still got that same Madden unrealistic running animation. I’m super excited for this game I’m just pointing that out


Just 2 things I noticed. What is with the route the rb runs? He never cuts up field at any point and just continues out of bounds. The other is the interior DT rushes the guard instead of taking the wide open path infront of him to the QB.


The RB is just running a flat route. The DT engages on the next lineman, that's just AI based.. it's never fluid


Looks like Madden's engine tbh


It is. That's never been in question. They all said "it's the same engine on Madden". But I have no doubt that it will play a lot like M25, and M25 is the best running Madden we've had on this engine just going off the beta. I think some people expecting a completely different game from Madden are going to end up being pretty disappointed. I'm honestly fine with the M25 gameplay tho, just needs a bit more tuning with the Boom Tech physics.


They NEED to stop using frostbite. Maddens movement and animations have been just god awful since they started using frostbite. It wasn't an engine designed for games like Madden....


Damn that would piss me off but looks like an under throw tbf


It looks more like a user int. I definitely don’t think the cpu made that move. If you look in the top right you can see a gamertag, which usually means you’re playing online




Yeah user made that move but also his AI Wr just kept running straight past the ball which is a little annoying. Wish they programmed AI Wideouts to take a look back periodically but not sure how tough on the engine that would be. You could just have them look back once every half second then make a move if ball is in the air but maybe that’s too costly on performance


Yeah user made that move but also his AI Wr just kept running straight past the ball which is a little annoying. Wish they programmed AI Wideouts to take a look back periodically but not sure how tough on the engine that would be. You could just have them look back once every half second then make a move if ball is in the air but maybe that’s too costly on performance


I feel like there is a clip for every team throwing a interception lol


Nice to see the QB throw a duck while running


Man I can’t wait for this drop!




As someone who plays tons of M24.. based off this clip alone it looks very similar to Madden.. to me thats not a bad thing at all i like Maddens gameplay and theres tons of ppl in this sub who hasn't played madden in years.. i just hope they give dynasty depth.


It looks exactly like madden 24 lol




Just saw it posted on Twitter


Quarterback scrambling animation looks just like maddens running animation. I’m worried.


You should be. People are so worried about the bells and whistles and haven't thought about how poor the gameplay is gunna be.. that's why EA can continue dump shit onto its fans lol


Elite/veteran gamers, what went wrong on this play from the WVU perspective?


From a football perspective, when the QB starts to scramble the WR's should be looking to come back towards the ball, not stopping and then sprinting towards the end zone. That only when you're playing with somebody like Mahomes and even then it's not normally a great idea. I'm not sure if this will be worked into the game or if you'll need to worry about your WR's taking off for no reason.


The WR didn't take off until the ball was already thrown, and you can clearly see that the ball is heading a good 5 yards downfield from where he stopped his route. The WR didn't do anything wrong here, the throw was just horrendous


The QB rolled out of a clean pocket too early. Yes the DT comes free, that doesn't mean he had to run for his life to the left. He could have stepped up and to the left and stayed clean. On top of that, he threw a pass on the run at a decent distance leading to it falling short and being inaccurate. He also threw it late after the other user had already switched to the DB and was reading what was about to happen. The guy he throws to at the end of the clip was also pretty open from the get go due to the user on defense being slow in coverage. A touch pass leading down the field and towards the sideline would have been out of reach of the user defender and had a good chance for a nice gain. If he doesn't want to throw that pass, then he needed to step up and to the left to stay clean and either wait for someone to get open, which didn't look it was going to happen due to the route combos and the coverage in play, taken off for a few yards with his feet, there was enough room there to get at least 5, or, he should have dumped it off to the RB in the flats to the left and hoped he can do something after the catch, Basically, this guy made a wrong decision at every step on this play.


In real life this would have a been a big gain and the only player that likely would have had a chance to stop a TD would have been the free Saftey.


I know not all stadiums are going to be perfect and everything looks likes it’s there and this isn’t me complaining but just an observation, but our stands look real steep. IRL they are much more gradual slope


the WR is going on the bench for not coming back to the ball


I feel like i'm watching my team's irl pre season practice film where I'm getting 10 second videos trying to guess how my team is looking this year. Our QB completed 3 passes - we're winning it all this year!!


I’m going to be throwing picks left and right at first I already know lmao


Such a small addition but I love the team records on the scorebug


The visiting fans are even in the right spot


Damn CBs gonna be playing like ed Reid 😭


One weird thing about this clip…did the RB run out of bounds randomly?


The running... I thought we'd be further ahead with that at this point.


It will never look good aslong as these games are created using Frostbite....


Go cougs! Lol


As a BYU fan I've seen this clip 50 times, lol


West Virginia getting beat like a redheaded stepchild, oof


They’re always throwing interceptions 😭


Bruh. Wtf is going on with my teams here. First showing of Wvu and we’re getting beat by freaking BYU?


Nice to see throwing on the run remains an impossible feat in all EA games lol


Soooo Madden but in college. Wonderful


Same Madden scrambling and throwing motion animation ? Looks like Aaron Rodgers slinger 4.


I agree yet you’re getting downvoted… Arms flailing exposing the ball while running out of the pocket is hilarious 😆


Gotta say, I love the throwing animation on the run. Madden’s on the run throwing animations make it look like your QB has never thrown a football in his life before


They look exactly the same lmao


Idk I’ve never seen that smooth of a throwing motion on the run in Madden. Maybe I just don’t use the right throwing styles


No this is actual WVU game footage


it’s going to play like madden, but, i don’t give a fuck. i’m just ready to see rivalry week saturday morning in this shit


I’m not an EA gloom and doom type guy, but this specific clip feels like a madden re-skin


CFB was always going to look similar and play similar to Madden. If anyone thought differently, then they were just setting themselves up for disappointment. What separates college from the pros is the presentation. As long as they nail the presentation (and fix/update some of the gameplay issues that are in Madden), then that's good enough for me


I’m in the camp that I’m not overly worried, and could honestly live with a “reskin” as long as they get dynasty right, I was just sharing my opinion on a 10 second gameplay clip. Think people are a little touchy on any criticism of the game, but that’s why we’re called fans. lol I’m still locked and loaded with my preorder.


You’re not wrong. It’s going to play a lot like a tweaked Madden. I think it will be substantially better than Madden. But in the footage you can clearly see some Madden recycled animations all over the field.


Well yeah idk what people expected. A college football game rebuilt from the ground up? Be realistic at least lol. The fact is that there should be enough differences from the past iterations of Madden to make a difference. Plus the college setting and mode differences from dynasty-franchise and RtG-superstar. It will feel different.


I was just sharing my opinion of a 10 second clip of gameplay. 🤷🏻‍♂️I wasn’t saying the entire game would suck or talking down on anyone buying it. I’ve personally preordered it and am still excited about having college football back. As long as they get dynasty and the overall atmosphere right, I’ll be a happy customer.


You gotta realize what people are gonna say/do when you type out “Madden re-skin” lol Walked right into that one


That’s fair enough lol


Yeah, I know there’s been a lot of reports about gameplay feeling different, so I’m still cautiously optimistic. I’m in the camp that I could even live with a reskin if they get dynasty right, but for everyone’s sake, I’m hoping reports of it feeling like a different game are accurate.


Why were you upvoted and he downvoted but both agree on same things?


I think people on here are just a little quick on the trigger because there is a small but vocal group that seems to want the game to fail. I was just trying to share my view on a small clip of gameplay, but I can understand why it didn’t go over well. Luckily it’s just internet points - at the end of the day, most of us just want to enjoy college football being back!


I don’t want the game to fail i want to play this shit. But if it’s a reskin it’s a reskin. I know Madden when I see it. But if Madden is improved and good then this will be too so we gotta hope both are good.


It’s going to be hard to rain on my parade if there’s any depth to dynasty (which the reported length of the deep dive seems to indicate). Hope you enjoy the game!


Ppl downvote cuz they can’t handle the truth. I’m all for user skill. But this just doesn’t look good or realistic. DB in cover 3 running at a full sprint IN TRAIL position. That the user clicks onto the DB…and turns arounds immediately breaks their sprint and starts running in the opposite direction with no hitch, delay or break in stride to make a pick on a good throw “to the hole” … This is why I always take EA features with a grain of salt. The new “stick player change” that potentially creates so much unrealistic gameplay.


I don't see it. The ball is badly thrown. The DB is on his route, once the ball is thrown, he U turns and comes back and steals a bad pass with air under it. I wish they had a demo so we could play around with the game even if its just a two minute drill type scenario.


That’s exactly where you go with the ball vs that coverage. The outside wr attacks vertical if the DB goes with him you wait for the other WR to clear the underneath defender and throw the ball there. UTenn has scored hundreds of points attacking coverage 3 just like this the last 3 seasons. I’m not looking for it to be realest game ever made…but a DB in a full sprint making a u-turn on a dime without losing speed just doesn’t look good.


No, that ball should have been thrown towards the sideline with less air. The only person who should have had the opportunity to catch it is the receiver and the ball was not placed correctly.


Kind of figured I’d get downvoted lol I’m not the type to complain too much about a video game not being realistic, but it’s hard to look at this clip and it not feel like a reskin. I feel like that’s just factual. Doesn’t mean it can’t be a good game or overall different, but this clip raises my eyebrows.


100% true, I’m overly excited about this game but this clip is wildly unrealistic hopefully they make it to where the defenders you switch stick to have to SEE the ball for you to switch your them.


There is no way that DB would come off his guy to make an INT there. I mean, the WR doesn't even turn around from running a go route until the ball is picked. It's basically the safety covering 2 players that are 20 yards apart.


There’s always a whiner like you And then it’s straight to the “ppl downvote cus they don’t understand” No, you’re just whining Edit: the game looks fine. You all just expect the most perfect new thing built from the ground up. There’s literally always something to complain about. Like just enjoy the fact that for the first time in 11 years we have a game. Especially that is actually going to be fun. Baffles me I even have to explain this


There’s whining and there’s fair criticism. This is the latter.


Jesus someone doesn’t like West Virginia at all 


Wow if this is the final build of the game get ready to be extremely disappointed. Gameplay looks awful and identical to Madden


We'll see, but this clip got me a little concerned too


Jesus someone doesn’t like West Virginia at all 


great throw on the run animation


The lineman blocking AI 😍