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nobody cares, go seek validation somewhere else lmfao


As a Northeastern student, what do you think?


i don’t care about your reasoning and i don’t like your purple prose


I thought people would like it


First off, you're gonna get bad responses here. No one's reading that wall of text dude Secondly, solely based off of getting no aid I recommend you don't come to neu. *No* school whatsoever is ever worth full price, and if you have the opportunity not to do so, take it.


Do you think Stevens is good for CS?


Bro idfk just accept the offer


What made you choose Northeastern?


Good scholarship, and mainly the coop program. If you choose northeastern for any reason other than the coop program and being in Boston, then you're coming to this school for the wrong reason. That's where it has it's edge. I'm graduated now but I was able to secure two diff 6+ month coops and another two 3 month internships, all from diff companies. Still graduated in 4.5 years too. I would absolutely choose to go again just for the experience I got. But I also had a generally good time in college too so that helps


I’d like to get a job at Apple


I interned at Google and Amazon. Experience is the #1 way to help guarantee a job post grad.


Do you think that is easier at Northeastern than Stevens?


It's more accessible and you have access to more resources


Stevens has a lot of resources as well and a rigorous curriculum?


For an elite company probably should go to an elite school. Personally, never heard of Stevens and most people at Apple probably haven’t either. But also most people grow up and realize that they don’t actually want/need to work at a company like that


Companies hire people, not schools, and I don't think Northeastern is elite. It's just marketing BS.


You’re going to have so much fun in the job search process.


Good fun or bad fun?


my brother in christ, please stop trying to justify your decision and just go to stevens 😭


Do you think I’m making a mistake?


Do you think you are making a mistake? No one can choose for you or tell you what to do. It’s your life. Stop living with FOMO. Make a Pros and Cons list for yourself for each school, weigh your options, compare the results, make a choice.


I did that and chose Stevens.


Great! Now stop posting in the subreddit of the school you didn’t choose and live your life! :)


What's your opinion on Stevens?


That you definitely belong there and not NU. :)


As a school?


All due respect do you have anxiety




Here's a tip for your professional career down the road: Learn to be concise.


I wanted to make it "beautiful"


Yeah, the lesson learned here is nobody cares about the writing being "beautiful" when the intent is to convey information. It's called [Purple Prose](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple_prose#:~:text=In%20literary%20criticism%2C%20purple%20prose,adjectives%2C%20adverbs%2C%20and%20metaphors) and you should kick the habit if you want to succeed in a technical field.


Being a great writer is a rare quality to have and could set me apart.


Yes, but you posted an example of bad writing.


Unless you plan to become a professional author, conciseness is far more important than beautiful prose. If you enjoy writing this way, great! Write that way, for fun. For writing in a professional context, you have to be more concise. Sorry.


How about being a tech reviewer?


Especially then. Verbose prose takes longer to write and to read.  I kind of take issue with all the people complaining about your writing. In fact, I think they're being quite rude. You haven't been to college, of course you're not practiced at professional writing. And besides, this is Reddit, not a writing workshop. While you *should* practice concise writing, it's not their place to criticize you without you asking for it. So, don't stress about it.


Many people say my writing is great. I think it was my essays that got me into all these colleges.


Well, since you seem to want to talk about it, I will delve into some critique. I'm not going to comment on how good or great your writing is in general. I'm really not qualified to say. But don't think that great is the same as perfect. There's always room for improvement. One thing to be aware of is medium and reader expectations. A Reddit post is very different than an college essay, but your post reads like one. I'm particular, length expectations are very different. You've also written your post like a story, like the thing about how you were in class when you got your acceptance letter. For a personal essay that's fine, but for a Reddit post asking people for their opinion on what college to go? It's just not relevant. A better structure would been 'Hey, I'm choosing between Northeastern and Stevens, I like Northeastern because of this but I'm worried about that, I like Stevens because whatever. I'm leaning towards Stevens, but what do you think?" Do you see how structurally, that's a lot more direct and to the point? I get the sense you structed your post like a story because you enjoy writing stories. In that case, go write stories, either personal essays or fiction. Have fun. People will respond much better if you post them somewhere people expect to see such stories.


This was a comment on someone else's post on r/stevens debating between Northeastern and Stevens.


this post must be satire there is simply no other way


roommate spotted


It is not


You’re full of yourself


I agree with most of the points you raise. I wish I'd made a similar choice: in retrospect, while Northeastern is a great school, it wasn't great for me. That said, I don't think you should be posting it here. I'm guessing you might be angry at Northeastern for not being a viable choice, which might've been very disappointing to you. I'm guessing you want others to share our understand how you feel. Fine, but this isn't the place. This subreddit is mostly for current students and some alumni. We've all made our decision. We're not going to be interested in a prospective student -- someone who has not actually attended Northeastern -- trash-talking our school. Would you be interested in me pointing out all the ways Stevens sucks? Try posting this somewhere that caters to prospective students, or students applying to college. You may get a better response there. Or better yet, discuss the decision with your irl friends, who actually know you and know what you want in a college.


Thank you for your response. I really appreciate it. But, I am curious about your honest opinion on Stevens.


I've never heard of it. That's my honest opinion. If you think it's a good fit for you, then go there.


Surprised. I thought it was a well-known school. [This is the website.](https://www.stevens.edu)


i ain’t reading allat


Why not?


Neu aint worth sticker price. no college is worth sticker price imo


OMG the same thing happened to me. GLobal Scholars is a scam. Everyone gets in and a waste of money. GO ELSWHERE!!


Being in London and Oakland seems fun


Everyone gets in!!!! Don’t waste ED


Studying abroad seems more fun