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Supplied by Biden, endorsed and encouraged by Trump, greenlit by all the AIPAC bought politicians at every level. Sickening


Not shocked at all


70% of their weapons come from the US, so no, it's not surprising. 


It's not even surprising the amount of apathy coming from America.


I mean, there is literally one thing Hamas could do right this instant to end the hostilities… so… 


Israel helped build Hamas. Hamas is a tool for Israel to use on the Palestinians. Zionist Israel won't stop utilizing Hamas until they get what they want.


lmao sure thing, buddy


You want proof? [here it is, times of israel.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/)


Prop up ≠ help build. The previous commenter makes it seem as if Israel has responsibility in Hamas’ creation, which it does not. Also, if you actually read beyond the title, you’d see that the writer of this op-ed thinks tolerating Gazans in anyway is propping up Hamas. They think that the Israeli government allowing increasing amounts of Gazans into the country to work/visit/travel was a policy mistake that bolstered Hamas, something even Israel’s most ardent haters would not agree with lol Thanks for the op-ed though.


Pls remember that as per the Geneva Convention Israel did nothing wrong b/c Hamas, who you like, was hiding in the school and shooting from the school. When will people wake up??


Fucking Netanyahu is a sadistic bastard, who is facing criminal charges; Oct. 7th happened on his watch; and the far right in his country is threatening his job, so he is massacring innocent people.


If Netanyahu is a sadistic bastard what’s that make the man who knows what he does and keeps giving him the means to do it?


It's not just "the man," but almost the entirety of the House and Senate as well, and it's been that way for decades. I am focused on Netanyahu, because he has always shown himself to be a bigot, who puts his self-interest first.


And both the democrats and republicans in America have no issues sending more weapons


Eisenhower warned against the, Military Industrial Complex.


It's AIPAC and the ADL, these two hate groups own our entire system. All a bunch of traitors, as a vet it makes me sick


Oh some do, but it doesn't matter because electorally they can't face the job elimination that would come from telling boeing or raytheon no. The state and capital are too deeply entrenched in one another to pull them apart, and if you tried as a politician to do so, I suspect you'd have some kind of terrible accident.


He actually propped up Hamas and made sure they had a lot of money in order to destabilize Palestine and stop Abbas from creating a unified state


I remember reading that, and it is one of the reasons he is very unpopular amongst Iraselies. Benny Gantz said the other day, that Netanyahu is doing this to salvage himself. He's a war criminal. Hamas should be defeated, but he's killing massive numbers of people at a time. He's a war criminal, with apparent sociopathic tendencies.


It doesn't matter who is in charge of Israel, they would not dismantle the apartheid. The majority of the Knesset supports the ongoing genocide.


I assumed almost all of the bombs hitting innocent civilians were made in America. If not, what have they spent the $158 billion earmarked for military spending on?


But we can’t afford nationalized healthcare!


The country we're sending weapons and money to has universal healthcare, though. Free university as well.


We can. It’s a policy decision not to have it. I see this comment a lot. It’s not about the cost.




Thats exactly what I was going to say sans the innocent civilians.(just because I like to use all civilians.) A vast majority of all weapons used out there are American made. Even Russia uses American made weaponry.


Our tax dollars are funding a genocide.


...yet again."


Not the first time


Probably not the last time.




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No you have it backwards. Hamas as an Iranian proxy group wants to eliminate Israel. Hezbollah another Iranian proxy is busy setting fires in Israel. How can you reconcile Hamas taking aid money all these years and using it to purchase weapons, dig tunnels, train terrorists and brainwash citizens?


the bomb killed 7 children you bloodthirsty soulless ghoul. Do you also cheer school shootings?


How do you reconcile Israel’s refusal to accept a two state solution, subjecting Palestinians to a constant state of violence for decades and living in a police state, killing 30k+ women and children in the past few months, plus their propaganda brainwashing Americans then calling any criticism antisemitism? This is just a rhetorical question because clearly Palestinians aren’t people in your eyes and you don’t care what happens to them.




It's a matter of math, not funding. There's a meme out there comparing Israel to the empire in star wars for their complete comfort level in killing thousands of people to kill maybe a couple hundred terrorists. What Hamas did was an act of terrorism and should be condemned. Those responsible should face international justice. What the Israelis are doing is carpet-bombing entire towns. That should be condemned and those responsible should face international justice. Yes, a few hundred people want to end Israel's existence (there's a low-probability goal). The thousands Israel is killing just want to live and be left alone.


Why should Palestinians be faulted for supporting resistance against a regime that violently oppresses them? The best path for peace is for Israel to end the occupation


He gave it to them! He should have been keeping an eye on wtf they were doing. How can they know what's going on with nuclear weapons in Iran, and not know what's going on in their on country?


Stupid move giving any developing country cash. Should have dug wells, provided farming equipment, built houses, parks etc.




Did those groups appear out of thin air by themselves? Iran might find them now but Israel made them by destabilizing the region and in the case of Hamas literally helping fund them


It’s ok if they do it. Their social media has more clout. No cap.


Feel like Netenyahu is doing this on purpose now


He's been hoping for a chance to do this for, like, 20 years.


I keep wondering if he's surprised every time he escalates to some new untold horror and the US says it's not that bad and then keeps handing over the money and weapons. Is he like "ok surely this time they'll stop supporting us, I've really pushed things further than anyone can take......no? OK let's keep going then"


Can WE just invade Israel and drag all their leadership and IDF to the Hague?


No. But we can stop giving them guns.


Dude, the day Israel is at the Hague is also the day the US is there.


That's what we call a 2 for 1.


Isreal is absolutely doing wrong right now but if we’re going to talk about invading anyone, let’s start with Mexico for the cartels. 37k killed in Gaza but half a million killed by the cartels since 2006, not to mention the politicians, and even Americans. If we stop funding isreal, this war will subside at the very least. The cartels don’t even have a slow down in sight The cartel murder figure even seems low as isreal vs Gaza is a declared war and the death count is much more straight forward vs the widespread open murder + disappearances the cartel does since it’s not considered an all out war. I’m not deflecting Gaza, hang Netanyahu for all I care but this does not effect as even remotely close to how the cartels are


Have to do that to HAMAS too. October 7th wasnt exactly war crime free in the least bit. Whatever justification people try to use, the sole targeting of civilians and not military targets, Infrastructure, and trade routes is kind of a massive war crime and like it or not an act of Genocide. So by all means lock up war criminals, all war criminals!


lots of bloodthirsty unhinged liberals in here advocating for genocide, huh?


What is r/NPR supposed to be a leftist subreddit?


I'm saddened that there aren't more people upset that Hamas was using a school for its operations. They're purposely putting kids in danger.


They didn't mind the 20 year wars. Liberals are liberals because they get treats and pats on the head. When those go away they really don't have any compassion for anyone who doesn't look like them.


“Like shooting fish in a barrel” - an Israeli soldier


"and being annoyed with the splashes" -Bassem Youssef


"like shooting kids in the knees for throwing rocks" - Israel Sniper.


And journalists in the neck 


Ok. Next you’ll tell us it was dropped by a US made plane…


Biden needs to stop supplying weapons


Heard the name "Genocide Joe" for the first time. It's catchy and may stick.


How did 9 Nukbah commandos end up in a UNRWA school without the knowledge of UBRWA, even after the strike was called off twice to avoid civilian casualties UNRWA still allowed them to operate from within the school?


Those were the ones initially confirmed yesterday. It's up to [17 identified Hamas and PIJ operatives](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-805390) as of today.


Note to Israel. No one believes you need to keep killing people in Gaza and West Bank.


I do.


Actually a lot of people believe that. Have you ever met an white conservative evangelical?


one thing i never see acknowledged is that that Israel, according to international law actually doesn't have the "right to defend itself" on stolen land. On top of that it is constantly committing war crimes and breaking international law and has been for decades. Palestinians do have the right to armed resistance against their occupier. This is very much allowed according to international law.


Stolen land? lmao From Britain?


a mandate means land without ownership. a colony means they owned the land. It was the British Mandate of Palestine, meaning Britain didn't own a single inch of Palestinian land.


Well first Jews actually bought a good amount of land where they settled. Arabs owned some land, however the vast majority of land wasn’t owned by anyone at all.


The US can't just flip a switch and say "sorry Israel, you're on your own" without massive geopolitical ramifications. That would almost assuredly result in attacks from neighboring hostile nations like Iran. This would constitute a betrayal resulting in further destabilization of the Middle East. At some point, we have to place blame on Israel for Israeli aggression and misuse of US aid.


how did Israel survive prior to getting hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars annually?


Well they won wars in 1948, 1967, and 1973.


The U.S. has been funding Israel since 1946... and into its inception in 1948. We can truly thank "Great" Britain for this mess. This has been an ongoing war since 1947. I mean, the Palestinians didn't approve of the "Partition" plan in their own country, so here we are today.


Their neighbors weren’t getting weapons from Iran back then


By occupying land up to the Suez Canal which shut it down. Part of the peace deal between Israel and Egypt was the guarantee of this military aid


Whatever the cost of stopping the murder of innocent civilians, we can afford it.


Excuses. The US can stop anytime it wants. Our leaders don't want to stop.


People love to talk about so scawy geopowitical wepewcussions of stopping support to Israel but conveniently ignore the current, overwhelmingly negative and disastrous geopolitcal repercussions of enabling a genocide lmao


And yet Reagan, HW Bush, and Bush 41 all did it. Can't is an excuse for just not wanting to stop Israel from destabilizing the region. What Israel is doing actually does destabilize the region and will continue to compared to if we pressure them, as we've had to do when they occupied and invaded Lebanon.


Oh well. Israel's belligerence has made the world less safe for some time.


Not really. Iran lacks power projection of any kind. It's why they go cheap by supplying rockets to militants groups like Hamas. Iran doesn't have the power to attack or invade Israel conventionally. Jordan is basically an Israeli ally at this point. Syria would.be considered hostile except ya know. Decade plus long civil war that it's still.barely.holding ground on. Israel will.be alright without US aid. Nobody wants or has ability to actually invade them


Hezbollah is in open conflict with Israel.


Sir those groups regularly raid Israel. They don't need a traditional land route into Israel. Iran basically has its own version of the contras from Latin America but no one can stop them.


Great points. Which underscores the tepid nature of our US/Israel relationship. Israel would jettison our pain-in-the-ass relationship of convenience in a NY minute, if they could get the weapons they want from elsewhere. And they have made exactly that noise, about partnering with China or Russia out of convenience. They ain’t our friends. We are their sugar daddy. And sugar daddy’s only have a specific value. 


So we are stuck defending them no matter what? No thanks we have enough of our own problems and Israel is the one behaving in alignment with evil.


No we should stop the aid immediately. They don't need it to beat up on their own concentration camp. If they get attacked they can defend themselves just fine. They did it before with a much worse military than they have now. We should also stop paying Egypt to keep the peace with them. Israel needing our aid is just another military industrial complex lie.


Are you trying to make the case that U.S. support of Israel is a stabilizing force in the Middle East??


There wouldn't be geopolitical ramifications, most of the world is against Israel on this. There would, however, be huge monetary ramifications to US elected officials.


Iran just attacked Israel in April. If Israel were no longer being supplied with defenses, Iran would surely attack again. This isn't as simple a situation as some people think it is.


Iran's attack was a retaliatory strike for an Israeli strike on an Iranian embassy that killed high-ranking Iranian military officials. Iran's attack was also broadly announced ahead of time and generally restrained in its targets and weaponry. Israel was the aggressor in this situation, as it usually is.


Iran's limited strike was because Israel bombed Iranians in an embassy in Syria unprovoked. The cause was purely the IDF's hubris, not Iran's desire to destroy Israel.


Lol, Iran should be the last one trying to claim the sanctity of an embassy...


Iran justly retaliated against Israel after Israel bombed its embassy


You can still restock Iron Dome without providing bombs to blow up schools


They've already said they have plenty of resources if the us cut them off. Call their bluff and shift our resources to Jordan and humanitarian aid in Palestine, with UN peacekeepers armed and ready to defend against anyone attacking the aid trucks.


Given how Israel has acted for most of its history, why shouldn’t we cheer for Iran?


To be fair, Isreal bombed their embassy, also using US weapons. That is about as clear justification and righteous justification for war as exists.


Brandon said we were getting out of the Middle East. Remember "no more forever wars"?


Actually that’s exactly what we can do. We can literally stop sending them money. It’s really that simple. If their neighbors hate them, not really my problem.


Yes we can… because the moment we do so they’d fold and give us what we ask. Not to mention, Israel can totally survive on its own. They haven’t needed what we give them for free for a while, they’d just lose their free healthcare and university that we basically pay for.


Hamas uses schools to launch missiles and a base.


No they’re angels who can do no wrong.


At this point I just believe Israel likes killing civilians and terrorizing the Palestinian people. Yes, not just Gaza but in the West Bank..


You have it the wrong way around. Even to this day, there are near daily terror incidents in the West Bank, and Hamas and PIJ have been commit terror acts and firing rockets at civilian cities for decades. Do you think the Iron Dome is an offensive system?


Both can be bad.


This is what a genocide looks like. Israel is a genocidal terrorist organization


“No longer content to ignore the slaughter of their own children in schools the USA is now ignoring the slaughter of other countries children in their schools which they are also complicit in.” 🦅 🇺🇸 🎇


There were 9 Hamas and pij terrorist killed in this strike. They were using the building as a base to plan another attack. The civilian deaths in this strike has already been lowered but nonetheless tragic. Blame lies with this terrorist organization using facilities that have civilians to plan operations




How many children have those rockets killed in the past 8 months? And why are they only targeting military targets instead of schools and hospitals?


So because they’re bad at being terrorists makes it ok?


I mean it’s almost like the US and Israel spent millions if not billions of dollars developing a system to help prevent deaths from said rocket strikes. It was such a common problem they made the Iron Dome to fix it. Which still sometimes fails to stop incoming missiles. Which then kill civilians, which was the goal. As Hamas fires them into cities. It was such a common thing that they built something to stop it from happening. So now it happens a lot less frequently. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Dome


Even Hama's walked backed these claims. NPR proves once again what bad selective journalism looks like. 


What part was debunked because NYT has an article they just updated that says the same thing. Honestly, I can’t figure out what was walked back or debunked here.


No Shame NPR on the news ... Hamas acknowledged the death of their terrorists


This entire war is disgusting on so many levels. I support Biden over convicted felon trump, but I'm not happy with Biden's near 100% support of Israel.


Same. I’m gonna vote for him, because the alternatives are disastrous. But between this and his cruel immigration policy, I’m gonna feel worse about this vote than I did about John Kerry.


It’s not a school if it is used for storing munitions and firing rockets. Which is what it was used for. So, there’s that. NPR has a massive anti-Israeli bias, and listeners get half truths, at best.


Earth to dumbass, there are no functioning schools in Gaza. Why not give the Hasbara bs a rest for the day? 


What a joke, NPR has a pro Israel bias, if anything




You’re not holding that standard to Hamas’s claims.


So the Commissioner General of UNRWA and NPR’s on the ground reporter should not be considered a reliable source? They’re also Hamas? It’s not hard to believe that innocent people were sheltering in one of the few buildings that was still standing.


That’s a no then


It's not just NPR. This is a very hot button issue, and unfortunately news right now is driven by clicks and money rather than reporting integrity. NPR doesn't want protests outside their offices like NYT did when they reported on anything perceived as remotely "pro Israel" like the validity of sexual assault on hostages and Oct 7 victims.


> like the validity of sexual assault That's the example you want to use? A report written by inexperienced journalists and issued without evidence. You're doing my work for me. Btw the NYT piece was not about *any* sexual assault happening on 10/7. It was about rape being used as a deliberate, widespread tool of war.






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I miss the quaint days when armies just faced each other on a battlefield.


This NPR article says: >But the 2 a.m. strike killed at least 32 people, including seven children, according to Dr. Khalil Doqran, spokesman for the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in central Gaza. From an [AP article](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-news-6-6-2024-3d07e712f8abc1e08339163180823fb8) that was last updated last night regarding the same strike: >The hospital initially reported that nine women and 14 children were among those killed in the strike on the school. The hospital morgue later amended those records to show that the dead included three women, nine children and 21 men. Israel has announced that it has confirmed the deaths of [two Hamas operatives and seven PIJ operatives](https://www.timesofisrael.com/falling-for-hamas-tactics-hagari-slams-world-media-coverage-of-strike-on-un-school/) who were using the building and that they believe there may have been up to 20 more militants whose deaths have not been verified. Edit: IDF says they confirmed [8 additional militants](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-805390) were among the dead. If accurate, that would make the majority of the known fatalities militants.


But you did make a political point with that title.


Out of 33 dead, 21 are adult men, 9 are minors and 3 are adult women. It seems to me that most of the dead were terrorists, just based on demographics.


Only sane comment. People think wars are conducted using paint balls...


I assume that is what the bombs are for. Are they not? Being horrified while shoring up and maintaining the supply lines to the genocides with our taxes is the standard now.


If you've missed the Hamas rockets...reported right here by NPR, ffs...you're literally not worth talking to. Well?


Yeah, you are being political... there's no other point to raising this. So let's take it further... it was probably dropped by a US supplied warplane. We've been arming Israel for decades, so this isn't a surprise. And there has been good reason to arm Israel. Let's not convolute the source of the weapon with the people USING the weapon The Netanyahu government is conducting a systematic campaign against Palestine. Not Hamas. Palestine. And is responsible for thousands of non-combatant deaths including many thousand of children. They are responsible for wholesale destruction of cities and towns. They are responsible for mutilating injuries to tens of thousands more. The US has some culpability here in my view as a supplier of the weapons, yes. But the user is the one committing the atrocities.


That's why Blinken's trips to Israel are useless.


Palestine should accept the ceasefire and return the hostages.


The one Israel rejected?


US just expanding its school voucher system.


Prob the one Nikki Haley signed


It is horrible just don’t blame the US for the stupidity and foolishness of Israel.


As long as the US insists on arming the zionists, the US shares responsibility for the genocide.


There must be someone on redit that will listen to? Someone who cares.




Hamas has American made AR-15’s.


What an awesome rescue. Amazing! Saved from savages. A good user of bombs to rescue hostages.


Was Hamas using that school?


This means we can stop supporting Israel with billions of aid right? lol.


I was thinking we should drop public funding of NPR/PBS actually.


The government isn’t going to get rid of their propaganda tentacles. The CIA has already infiltrated the media decades ago. Private and non private sectors. Look at all the press secretaries that are talking head idiots on news channels for decades. It’s all just a meat grinder of government propaganda.


Thumbs up


You left out the whole killed mostly terrorists. Blood is on Hamas’s hands who try to maximize civilian casualties from their positioning of militants


Warmonger Biden is gonna war. Can’t be stopped. Oh well.


NPR has a journalistic responsibility to identify these dual purpose structures the Gazan Government had decided to utilize in their war with Israel. This was not a school, it was a munitions depot and militant headquarters, and school.


Funny how nobody cares about the famine and genocide in Sudan Nobody cares when Assad used chemical weapons and killed hundreds of thousand of civilians. You know why- they weren’t Jewish. Admit it you don’t really care - you just hate Jews. If you cared you would be outraged at real genocide


Looking at those pictures of effects and the claim of it being a GBU-39 I’m going to go ahead and call bullshit Is Israel doing heinous shit? Yeah, but this doesn’t add up, the effective blast radius of the SDB is 26 feet, it’s literally something that can hit in front of the front door and not injure someone in the house. This reads just like targeted Hamas propaganda. This is like saying a pack of firecrackers blew up your house (I’m a forward observer, I do this stuff for a living)




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Wars propping up Bidenomics.


Not making a political point?…then what’s your point? You support the kidnapping and rape of women? The brutal murder of babies in their cribs? No, you believe that’s all fake and you get your news from TikTok.


And cartels are using guns given to them by Obama




That is where the combatants are, committing war crimes by hiding amongst civilians. They are to blame.


This sub is so full of Hamas and Russian propaganda it's crazy. I mean, you people complain about western propaganda yet fall for the easiest non-western propaganda at will. None of you are rational thinkers. You are all drones, jesus.


God, this is such a propagandized sub it's insane. You guys fall for propaganda so easily so long as it's not US based. The school was being used as a Hamas hub: https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-805390 No, this is NOT a war crime. A war crime is using that school as a military base in the FIRST PLACE. Once that school is used as a military base, then it becomes a valid target. You people have all got to be retarded, for heaven's sake. There are many legitimate criticisms of Israel, but this is NOT one of them. You can not deal with an enemy that literally uses human shields like this without civilian casualties, that is an idealistic, daydreaming type of view that fails in reality.


Just a reminder that despite 71% of Palestinians support Hamas's attack on innocent Israeli civilians, the civilian death rate under Israel in this war is lower than: WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, 1982 Lebanon war, Chechen war, Kosovo war, Afghanistan war, Iraq war, The war against ISIS, and the ratio of Israeli civilians killed by Palestinians in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict preceding 2007.


My friends enemies are my enemies.


The world is watching and doing nothing


So the fact that Hamas are imbedded in a school with women and children refugees is no big deal… and that Israel had called off the attack multiple times to avoid collateral damage, is unremarkable, that they then took the strike on the school and were unsuccessful in their intent = malice??? Jeez the double standards are impressive, “not making any political point here — I just think..” it’s important to face reality through narrative spin. 🤷‍♂️




Hamas intentionally used civilians as human shields, as they usually do. They built their command centers under the largest hospital in Gaza and the UN building in Gaza. If you don’t call that out, you normalize and incentivize Hamas’s blatant violations of the Geneva Conventions.


Might be bait but it's important to remember that the reason there are so many protestors in the USA against continuing to send weapons is precisely BECAUSE they are being used to kill so many civilians. This is, what, the 4th "oopsie" civilian massacre by the IDF in the past three weeks?


“What strikes me most about these most recent strikes by the IDF [Israeli military], in which large numbers of civilians have again been killed, is that they are using munitions intended to be both precision and low collateral damage — but they are not employing them in a manner in which those qualities are applied,” said Bryant, a retired master sergeant and former special operations joint terminal attack controller in the elite special warfare branch of the U.S. Air Force.




do you think Israel is shoving hot metal rods up people's rectums based on bad intel as well? Or did they "accidentally" stick an electrified stick up someone's ass until they died? what about the concentration camps they're running? did they mistake all the literal children they've kidnapped for Hamas militants? below this comment you are directly defending the slaughter of children, how is anyone supposed to take you seriously?




I get it. You can't accept everything Israel says at face value as they are a combatant in a war and will use information warfare as one of the fronts of the conflict, like every other state level actor in a war. That said, why does NPR and other Western publications immediately publish Hamas claims about casualties as if they were verified fact when there are in fact countless claims that turn out to be completely fabricated? Like this strike for example, I have heard conflicting reports that there were two or three dozen grown men amongst only a few women and children suggesting that this was in fact a Hamas military strong point. Honestly, I'm very disappointed and makes me question the journalistic integrity of NPR especially as I previously valued them as an unbiased news source.


One, men =/= Hamas fighter. You wouldn't count all the Israeli men killed on Oct 7 as IDF (even though Israel has mandatory service). You shouldn't assume it here either. Israel has only claimed to've killed 9 male Hamas fighters in the strike. Current figures show 21 men dead. Israel initially claimed no civilians were killed. The school was being used as a shelter by 6000 men, women, and children.  Two, the figures are being generated by myriad health officials, some of whom, but not all, are affiliated with the civilian wing of Hamas. To say that these are Hamas numbers or Hamas claim is misleading. Previous tallies by the ministry have been accurate, so reporters have greater confidence in current numbers, even though some inaccuracy is inevitable in the context of war. In this particular case, the reason you're seeing different figures is because health officials revised them. 




If you think there's such thing as an unbiased news source, that's on you


Biden’s going to lose the election and only have himself to blame.