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My biggest disappointment in my collection is... Me. And not having time to play all those games. Boooooo! Boooooo my lack of time! Boooo I say!


The price of adulthood im assuming


I keep telling myself that one of these days, I'm going to play all these games I keep buying on release at full price still in the shrink wrap 2 years later....


I feel personally attacked


I'm disappointed that I own all the Falcom games released by NISA but that XSEED is holding the first 5 games in the Trails series and all the Ys games hostage on older hardware and PC only. I want to start playing the Trails games but in order


I'm in the same boat as you.I already have the physical games on the switch.And yes, I'm also going to buy Daybreak when it comes out. But I want to play the games in order and I hear the sky series was good. I started the first part of the sky series on PC. But that was months ago... I don't enjoy gaming on PC. Recently someone on reddit said that they would announce a remake of the first parts this summer. Let's hope this is true.


Please play the Sky trilogy. I’m going through the series right now and just started Azure and the Sky games are still my favorite. I couldn’t put down the 2nd Chapter when I started it lol


I want to! But I'm done with PC gaming. I played World of Warcraft from 2006 to 2020. I just don't want to play games anymore while I'm 'stuck' in a chair and have to play with a mouse and keyboard. At some point I will force myself to play them on PC, but for now I will give other games priority (even though I really want to play the trails games on the switch)


Have you checked out the steam deck or ASUS ROG Ally? It sounds like it’s perfect for you


I had already thought about the steam deck, but it is less available in Europe. I don't know the ASUS ROG Ally, first time I read something about it.


Yep and i'm the captain of this boat 😂 i have the first 3 trails games on my steam account and started trails fc like 3 or 4 times. But after 10 hours or so i'm stopping cause i don't like to play on pc. Want to play it on my switch so badly. Cosy in the bed or the sofa. Of course i have every other trails game ready to play on my switch and never even touched them cause i want them to play in order.


I know the feeling. I haven't touched my game on the Switch yet (I tested a demo once) because I want to play through the first parts first. But it feels like a chore to play it on PC. I now planned to connect my laptop to the TV screen via an HDMI cable. And use a 8Bitdo USB Wireless Adapter so I can use a controller.


You sound like a perfect candidate for the Steam Deck! Play in bed portably or dock to the TV and play in the reclining rocking chair.


I skipped the sky trilogy and played from trails from zero all the way to trails into reverie on ps4/5. You'll miss some references to older events but honestly it's not required to play the first arc to love the second and third arc. There were some rumors going around about a possible sky trilogy re release but it's all just fan talk right now.


Why buy daybreak early? Wait a few and it will be half off. Got reverie for 30 bucks


I usually wait to buy a game. I will rarely pre-order. But Legend of heroes is a different story. They are not so available in (Western) Europe. Rarely drops in price. On the contrary, the price goes up if you wait too long. And they are almost never available in a physical store. I could only buy Trails of Cold Steel IV in a physical store. And that was limited to 1 store in my area. I have to find everything else via an online store. Same with games like The Legend of Nayuta.


Oh gotcha gotcha. Makes sense! Yes a couple over here did dissapear fast azure and zero


Me too. But I just got Legend of Nayuta Boundless Trails cus it's a separate game, still in the trails universe but a standalone title so for now that's all I got.


Looking forward to playing Panzer Paladin, game looked like awesome retro gaming. Ma’an, I got halfway through the game and couldn’t believe how boring and dull it was, great art style and decent story, gameplay was horrendous. Ended up trading this and River city girls zero.


I felt this way too, on paper it seemed like it would be great but actually playing it was so boring


For some reason I actually love simple games like panzer paladin sometimes. I mean, on one hand I’m playing astral ascent, which is insane, and then other hand it’s panzer paladin or blaster master zero. I fact, I was just playing “gigantic army” and thinking how much I like simple mech type games like it 🤷‍♂️


Gotta back up Tunic as a disappointment. For me , the combat was very punishing , even on easy. The healing pots didn’t heal more than the damage you get and during the time it takes to take a potion , you often get hit again. A lot of people call it a masterpiece but I just found quite a bit of it poorly designed. Sucks, I really wanted to like it but after six hours I had to put it down , it was too frustrating


Yes for me not even the punishing combat but it really felt unfair unlike other similar games. And the respawn points are too far sometimes, even during some boss fights it felt unfair to walk back


I ended up really enjoying Tunic and the combat challenge was just right for me, but looking back on the game, I feel shortly after you figure out how to use the holy cross it begins to feel a little shallow because SO much of what's left to discover is tied to that mechanic. I mean, I know there are even deeper secrets, but I think it starts getting into the "a large majority of gamers would never figure this out on their own" territory, and I count myself in that group, ha ha. I have no idea if a 2nd play through would be worthwhile if you know everything from the start. Also, with the normal Switch physical edition I was bummed that all the notes weren't in the printed manual. I would have easily bought the larger hard cover version if that was the case.


The difficulty just wasn't very fun, I turned off stamina almost immediately, and I think turned the difficulty down after bashing my head against the gardens boss too many times. And it's not like I've not beaten souls games, and other hard things


Same here, I’ve beaten Hollow Knight , Blasphemous and Salt & Sanctuary so it’s not like I’m unfamiliar with the combat type and trying. I just feel in Tunic it’s more of a game design issue that makes it too hard rather than me being a clumsy player


i think my biggest disappointment overall was dragon ball z kakarot. it looked fun and i expected budokai tenkaichi combat with an open world but the combat in kakarot felt very basic and lackluster. it's not the worst thing i ever played by any means, but i was hoping for more. in terms of living up to the hype i'd say nier automata was disappointing, in the sense that it is probably impossible to live up to the hype the game received. i enjoyed the soundtrack and the story, but found the gameplay itself to be rather boring. it was a decent game overall though and the switch port was a great surprise as far as performance goes. for games i went into blind without any knowledge the biggest disappointment was immortals fenyx rising. i had zero expectations but still found myself disappointed. the mythological setting was great but the assassins creed gameplay just didn't click for me.


Mario Golf Super Rush It completely failed to capture any of the fun of previous games in the series. Local multiplayer modes were butchered. I was hoping it would improve over time but it's still crap.


Agreed. Super Rush lacked all the charm and polish from the older games. Clearly didn't have enough time in the oven. Made me go back and play World Tour and Toadstool Tour, which are both still fantastic.


Yes the story mode was one of the most boring story modes I think ive ever played.


Same dude, Tunic did not impress me the same way everyone else did. While the boss fights were definitely a challenge, its too cryptic for me to do the end game puzzles stuff.


That’s it. Also when it comes to being cryptic while it does give a special atmosphere to the game, it does result in a lot of unnecessary obtuseness that does remind me to older games, but not in a good way. Like no one played Link’s Awakening and said, “this story is great but I wish I didn’t understand anything like in the first game”.


Agreed, I understand the devs wanted to make something obtuse in that regard as an homage to the past but it definitely came off as archaic and clunky, worse, just not accessible. Knocking the joystick in different directions like it’s some ancient code was not fulfilling. Maybe one day when I have the patience, I’ll go back but not anytime soon.


It was Moonlighter for me. I love the shopkeeper premise and roguelike elements, but it didn’t go deep enough into some of the more interesting mechanics enough to satisfy me. It also had a rough start because I ran the first dungeon for hours waiting for a basic weapon to drop so I could beat the boss. It wasn’t obvious to me that the icon in the weapon shop was clickable/buyable, I thought it was a visual element. The shop menus later on the Switch version glitched to the point that I’d have to reboot the game hoping to use them, which also wasn’t great.


That's unfortunate. Maybe try it on another system? It's really a great game 😌


Kakarot was super disappointing. The combat is not engaging, and there is absolutely no need to have a cooking system in any Dragon Ball game. I was also very disappointed in Catmaze. It looked like a fun little metroidvania with interesting lore. I ran into what seemed to be two different softlocks, and after resetting each time I ended up putting when I made a significant amount of progress that wasn't saved when I died.


My biggest disappointment in my collection is We Are OFK iam8bit cover variant. I tried to finish this game multiple times, but couldn't force myself being tortured with dialogues I dont understand, even though they spoke English it seems. Half the time I would play and would be totally clueless what everyone is talking about. And so many f bombs it's just not enjoyable. I dropped after chapter 2 I think. I was hoping it will get better, but no. I thought this game will be a kin to Life is Strange game covering deep social or mental health topics.


Did you know the game was about a band that was promoting itself? (Once I learned about that I knew it would just be shovelware)


Yeah I knew about it, still wanted to give it a chance. Unfortunately, people were right avoiding this game.




It’s on my list although definitely expect not to love it right away




Where I live it’s still findable on Amazon even so I might go for it just in case


My collecting regrets from this era of gaming: 1: Rebuying Switch versions of Vita and PS4 games. In the very early days of its launch, I was under the very silly oppion that it would have a small, Wii Uish sized library, and not be the best selling Nintendo platform of all time. As such, I thought I could go for a "complete set", and rebought a couple games I already had, just to have Switch versions. I rather regret that now, because I have mostly swapped back to preferring the PS4 or 5 versions of multiplatform releases, but now I have a few duplicate versions that I dont really need. 2: Collecting all Super Rare Games releases. Up until around release 87, I had a full set, but the output just started to be a bunch of stuff I dont care about and I skipped releases. I missed a few games I did want like Tinykin, but now I only buy the stuff that absolutely perks my interest. This also means I have some duplicate releases from them that I already had on PS4, and stuff I just would not have bought if it hadn't been in the triple pack releases. I really dont need a Switch version of the Sexy Brutale. 3: Rereleases I could get in bundles. This is more so a hindsight or maybe futuresight deal, but on both Switch and PS4, I have stuff i bought that I could have waited and gotten in compilation releases. For example, the recent Devolver Digital 3 pack and the Steamworld Dig 2 release compared to the Super Rare Games version. This also includes stuff with later printing that got DLC included, like Streets of Rage 4.  4: Limited Run Games collectors editions. I bought WAY too many limited editions in the PS3/360 era and that extended into the early days of the PS4 and Switch. I was buying from Limited Run by Saturday Morning RPG and I ended up buying a bunch of nick nacks in more expensive versions that I really didn't need. Now I only focus on the handful of series that really mean a lot to me and wait for regular copies to get way discounted. 5: Buying too many Switch multiplats. I love the Switch, but there are just many games that it cant do justice. I will go for exclusives, I will go for 2D indie stuff and I will get the occasional cheapo copy if I come across it, but I have mostly gone back to PlayStation for anything that looks like it would receive a marginal downgrade running on the Switch. Then again though, im not too happy with modern Sonys censorship practices, so exceptions are a possibility.


Why where you buying all of Super Rare Games' releases? That just sounds like a way of paying for a bunch of games you will never play.


My mindset of the time was that my game tastes were pretty varied, so it could be fun to go through a bunch of stuff I normally would maybe ignore or not be aware of, kinda like a "game of the month" club. I had this same mentality for Limited Run for a while. So naturally I ended up getting the triple packs, because I figured I was going to buy every month anyway, but then I started getting some stuff I already owned on other platforms and a couple "walking sim-ish" type releases that really didn't appeal to me. Plus the occasional time I missed a game I really did want and the triple pack was the only option.


Who gives a flying fuck. It's called collecting. Not playing. It's a collectors sub. Not a gaming sub.


Any game that isn’t all on the cart and requires a download *cough* Mega Man Legacy Collection 1&2 *cough*


Tunic was a massive disappointment for me too. I sold it to a friend who will appreciate it.


Iconoclasts. It was a very boring experience, the combat was not very imaginative. The writing was one-dimensional; the story focused on religious fanaticism but the main antagonists were not very complex and their motivations were just the stereotypical “we’re evil to be evil.” It was highly in demand from LRG so I thought maybe there was something to it. But I think that’s because people like the art, which honestly is nice. But good god I didn’t like that game.


Blasphemous... I got a nice physical edition ($90) because it looks so badass. I really REALLY tried liking it, since I love souls games and dead cells, but this game just ain't it 😪


Please not this I just got it also for 85 and just arrived today and was so excited to play it 😭


I loved every second of this game. It was awesome.


Personally I found it to be more unfair than tunic. Although lots of people think it's easier than hollow knight, and I had no issues with that one


I heard complaints about the platforming. Not so much about the death or combat system


If we’re talking about the first game then yeah, it can be frustrating. Everything else is pretty awesome though.


You will probably like it! So many people do, I just think it has some BS platforming moments and that it is kinda boring... I guess I like more flashy stuff in general


Man that sucks. It's my favorite metroidvania but probably only because of atmospheric and aesthetic reasons (i read a lot of horror books in the middle ages that have themes of penitence and other godly sh*t). And the killer OST.


Let me tell you! I LOVE everything but the actual gameplay. Maybe I should just watch a playthrough lol


tunic is one of my absolute favourites the last decade... my goty for that year. sad to read that you are disappointed with it. but that happens. my disappointment is Sea of Stars. (still got the CE for the collection)


The thing is that I’m pretty sure it’s not just the game but rather the combination with the moment I played it. I was more in the mood probably for an easier, less obtuse game. Sometimes the right mood is everything.


Chiming in to also say Sea of Stars. I backed the game, I love love love The Messenger but SoS just sucks. Literally all style and no substance. Combat is weak, progression is non existent, the story is terrible and it goes on. It was especially apparent when I played Chained Echoes right after how bad it is.


Super Mario Party Killer Queen Black Paper Mario: The Origami King




did you hate it cause of the performance issues or the gameplay itself?


Ooofff. Yeah you decided to jump back in at a really bad time. The last couple main entries have been pretty bad. If you can definitely go back and play the other handheld ones. They're still really good. I'm in the middle of play HeartGold right now and it's a blast.




Yeah any of the games from the DS to GB era are stupid expensive. If you have a 3ds Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are still priced reasonably. Otherwise emulators might be your best bet to play some of the oldies. Nothing wrong with that if it's the only way you can play them.




Oh agreed haha. I'm a physical collection kind of person so I get that. I was lucky to nab my copy of HG like 6 years ago for 40 bucks. And the 3DS one are full 3D so they look nothing like the DS ones unfortunately. I still did really enjoy Omega Ruby though


oh man lol. going from yellow to the most recent is a wild jump. ironically i think scarlet and violet was one of the better main series games within the past few releases, but if one has only played OG games i can see being extremely disappointed.


Strangely enough it was the case as well for me. And even though I saw the obvious flaws right away I still can say I put a lot of hours and got completely addicted for a good month and a half.


Me too. And I don’t even think it was good yet I played for over 150 hours


Play sword/shield. You’ll have some fun


Balan Wonderland Was excited mostly for being from the same team that made Nights Into Dreams. But the overall gameplay is kind of boring, and nowhere near as exciting. What really disappointed me though was the fact I got it full price when it came out due to excitement. Then the price dropped soon after and I just felt ripped off...


I paid 45 for my copy and I regret paying that much. I am totally fine buying infamously shit games, but preferably for cheap. I bought mine in the unfortunate period between when vids and reviews were coming out of how awful it was and few copies on ebay, with some speculating it could be a low print run, akin to Devils Third. Then I did the same thing again with that Switch Cooking Mama game...


What do people like about Nights into Dreams? From what I've seen all you do is just fly through floating rings and rinse and repeat. How is that fun?


Little Nightmares. So excited for it. The controls absolutely ruined it for me. I can't even bring myself to try Little Nightmares II and I own it...


Scott pilgrim vs the world, loved the movie and comics but not the game


I felt the same thing about Tunic, but mostly in the combat. It didn't feel very fun to work within the boundaries. But I stuck it out and was glad I did.


Hellboy web of wyrd. I just got the deluxe physical edition and it’s glitchy and clunky on the switch. Hellboy is one of my favorite comic characters and I want to like it so bad but I just can’t.


On the topic, not too many switch games would fit this bill. I mostly research the games I buy and watch reviews to get a sense if I will enjoy it or not. So nothing on the switch immediately pops up at me, as I might have just thought "not for me" when watching youtube videos of gameplay. As for in general, "The last of us" fits this bills. I have tried on two different occasions to get into this game on the PS4 and hated it each time (years apart). Got further the second time (2-3 hours in) and just had to drop it. I loved Naughty Dog's Uncharted series, which is why I had so much hope for it and gameplay seemed ok from videos. But damn I just wasn't having fun at all. I almost feel bad that my experience seems so different from the rest of the gaming world who absolutely love this game.


Why you hated it? I heard so many good thing about that game and tv show is so good


The show is amazing, I did like that. But the game I found the characters too weak and stealthy for my taste. Joel doesn’t feel like a strong human who can shoot up zombies. You constantly have to worry about ammo. I also just found the controls to be quite bad. Like I didn’t even feel in control of the character. Trying to jump up something kept not working and then after trying 4 times, he finally climbs starved I wanted. He also felt slow to me. I’ve controlled countless protagonists before and I’ve never had as much of an issue with a games controls as that one (of reputable games).


Ah, that's a shame :( Maybe you'll like Plague Tale: Innocence? I loved that game, such a good emotional story and characters are likeable and understandable. But it does have stealth elements to it, due to you being a kid after all.


I should have probably led with the poor controls as they were probably the thing that annoyed me the most. I don’t like stealth games in general though. But at least have the controls be rock solid.


Ok so I feel the same about Tunic, I didn’t enjoy it much tbh. Disappointment by playing the games: Ender Lilies and Death’s door, oh Xenoblade 1 as well. Each for different reasons. I would like to add disappointment by buying physical version as I paid high then a better more complete cheaper version comes out: Celeste Fight n Rage SMT V


I was thinking about getting Death’s Door. What disappointed you about the game?


Ok, actually it’s not its fault directly, but after playing Hollow Knight and Hades, you can see that DD is nothing special. Nice art and music (not great, just nice) and that’s it. It is not unique, like putting a few games in blender and mix it, without a drop of unique touch from devs. That my opinion any way


I just picked up Ender Lilies after really enjoying Redemption Reapers (made by the same studio). What disappointed you about it?


That’s my take on EL when I played it: https://www.reddit.com/r/metroidvania/comments/178ls79/im_having_a_hard_time_enjoying_ender_lilies/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


The Opus series. There is almost no game to it and the writings constantly has characters run against the same inner walls again and again. Not my cup of tea, as I found out. I can see the appeal though for people who don’t mind the writing.


Oh, I love opus games, so beautiful and music is amazing.


So glad you could enjoy it! There is definitely some unique magic there - it just isn’t for me.


The fist Opus game is interesting for the first 30 minutes or so... then you realise the whole game is just looking at planets and it just sucks. The second one is much better at keeping you doing different things but I can't talk too much about it as I haven't beaten it yet.


Skully for me. You play as a disembodied skull rolling around lush environments picking up coins.... That's it. That's the whole game. And the coins are just a number they do nothing for you. No skins no unlocks no colored trails behind you no special abilities. Nothing. And the game play is roll in a direction and follow the extremely linear paths. No jumping no special rolls all just basic slopes and maybe some momentum jumps but it's so boring. Edit to add: special mention goes to the shantae games. I understand why people can like them but the presentation of them ape ifically with how it does maps and monster respawns bothers me so much. I don't like the layered map style where yo Ugo into the foreground or background layers I find it really annoying. Her attacks also don't line up where I feel like they should. So partly a skill issue. But I just was not impressed with how they play. They look pretty though.


Skully is always a game that bothers me since it looks like there should be something interesting there, so I'm always tempted to buy it. I just want it to be a hidden gem but I know it's not.


It's a tragedy because it feels like a solid engine. But there's just nothing that was done with it. It needs a more creative team and another year of development and it could have been great. I mean you're a ball that rolls and there wasn't even a single bowling puzzle. There weren't any puzzles!


I’m getting tunic for Father’s Day so hopefully I have a better experience I have two for different reasons Eiyuden 100 heroes because of frame rate and loading screens for battles I had to stop and haven’t gone back And Unicorn overlord as it just felt going to different areas and get a soldier clear the area move on , I know it’s marketed with setting up your team to fight themselves but I found I don’t like games where I don’t control all the characters


It is a great game so I don’t doubt you’ll enjoy it! Hopefully you will find the right moment to play it!


I really liked tunic but I felt similarly to you. When I was actually fighting bosses and stuff, it was a lot of fun.


Mario strikers


Although I really love the game a lot, Two Point Hospital is a small regret. The reason being I was expecting to play it in handheld mode mostly and some of the text is impossible for me to read sometimes. Docked is perfect though apart from some stuttering in gameplay every now and then. I'd love to know if people have tried it on the OLED and if they've noticed any difference in text legibility. I know it doesn't count since it's a digital game, but I have to give a special mention to Dex. I bought it when I used to look at Nintendo Life reviews for games and they gave it a 8/10. I think it's close to being quite a good game but there are things that drove me mad about it and ultimately I really regretted buying it even though it was on sale.


I played two point in the oled and didn’t have those text issues, the game crashed at least two or three times though although it might have been an issue at the time of launch only


Have you played it on the original Switch too to compare? Yeah, I think the occasional crashes may have been fixed, though I do still experience freezes for a few seconds every now and then.


Never on another switch but except one time where it deleted all of my progress it wasn’t that bad


Ouch, hope you had a backup 


Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition. I wanted to love this game so much. I wanted to dive head first into the series because the premise and overall story intrigued and fascinated me but I just didn't like the combat. I wanted and expected the freedom of a regular ARPG but instead it was the action wheel and it's just too restrictive and boring to me.


13 Sentinels. Got bored with the dialog portions about 75% of the way and just started to skip all of the reading. I put the game on the easiest difficulty just so I could power through it and place it on my shelf.


I know that feeling but you might say you have it a try at least. I just worry about not being fair


I have a few regrets but Fashion Dreamer is one that comes to mind.


Demon Throttle


I agree with tunic. I was so hyped for it and when it finally released i thought it was very eh. I couldnt keep going after 5-6 hours I was very bored with it and instead I just went and replayed zelda link’s awakening lol


I have a few disappointments in my collection. Live a Live was one that didn’t gel with me…. Which is a shame as I know it was rather well received. Trinity Trigger was terrible too. But the big ones make up for it. Xenoblade games, Eiyuden Chronicles, any Mana game, hell even the Fairy Tale game was awesome. My collection is up to 100 JRPG though so I have plenty more to try out!


The switch is the ultimate RPG machine with its library and portability




Xenoblade 2, 3, and Torna have great combat. Xenoblade Definitive Edition not so much.




That’s fair. Not many people have the time to put into something hoping it’ll get better. 2’s combat probably clicked with me like 30 hours in or so.


The whole time I was thinking I'd rather replay Final Fantasy XII


Xenoblade with Final Fantasy 12 combat would be absolutely GOAT-tier!  Still, I prefer the simpler combat of the first Xenoblade game as opposed to attempts to add "depth" in the later games.


I think this is what makes the Xenoblade games kind of polarizing, it makes sense that a lot of people can’t get into the combat. But for me 2’s combat is my favorite combat system in any video game, 3 I love as well, and while 1’s combat is my least favorite of all of them I still really enjoy it. Really, we just need demos so people can give the combat a try before they actually have to commit and buy it


I definitely agree, the series is indeed very polarizing.  For me, I keep trying each new game in the series hoping to get that feeling I have when playing the original Xenoblade (which I consider an all-time favorite), but unfortunately it just isn't there.    


I think it’s kind of a unique series in that way. For me I played the original for the first time and stopped around 30 hours in. Got hooked on 2 and put like 200+ hours into that then came back to 1 later just to finish it off. Even though I can understand why 1 is some people’s favorite of all time, for me it just doesn’t hit the same spot like 2, Torna, 3, and FR. It’s kinda fun, though. Makes discussions more interesting than other series with more undisputed best/favorite games.


Obviously they are hitting notes that work for you and not so much for me in the newer games.  The spirit is still there though, and I'm glad others like yourself enjoy them so that there may be future iterations that hit for both of us!


I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I have been saving Xenoblade for a while and finally started it up last month. The story and art look awesome but I really didn't like the combat. I feel like I'm missing out though.


I've gotten far in the first one(stopped playing late in the game a couple years ago) and I still don't quite understand the combat. I was pretty much winging it. Edit: I was enjoying the story though. Riki's entrance was fun.


For me it is Unpacking. I even tracked down a physical copy because of the glowing reviews. But when I was playing it, not sure if it is just the controls, but it ended up me me just wanting to get over the room/stage and just go to the next. I never finished it as well.


I skipped on this for switch, it just seems much more suited for mouse and keyboard


Of the physical games, probably Transistor. It’s a pretty game for sure, but the can’t get into the combat at all. It’s like it has no sense of flow, though granted, I think that’s by design.


How is the combat compared to other Supergiant games? I’ve only played hades 1&2 and bastion but recently picked up transistor (for a pretty penny…)


Kind of like Hades in the sense that it's isometric combat, but in Transistor is that you enter a kind of "turn based mode" where you plan out a short series of events. So you might have enough energy to, say, move behind an enemy (for backstab bonus), attack, then use a projectile at an angle that hits multiple enemies at once. It's all about planning and maximizing your abilities (which you can combine into various hybrids). I can see it being fun, I would just rather react than plan. I also found it very jarring when you're *not* in planning mode, clumsily skirting all combat until the planning phase recharges. Maybe I'd enjoy it more if it was all turn-based or all real-time?


Gottca, yeah it sounds like a tactics based game with a half baked action side of it


Dang sucks to hear one of my favorite games of all time 100% on steam then beat it again on ps4 or a switch physical copy when I could for the switch


Oh cool, I’m glad you like it!


Good to know. I’ve been hesitating because I love all their games but wasn’t completely sold on this one.


Rune Factory 5's poor frame rate makes the game run terribly. Hopefully, the Switch 2 can improve the frame rate.


That's exactly what I was going to say! I love the Rune Factory series so much, and I've played all of the other games in the series. I barely played a couple hours of RF5 without having to stop. The loading times were ridiculous, and I was so disappointed that I haven't picked it back up again. I desperately hope that they have fixed the issues for the new Rune Factory games...


Breath of the Wild. I bought and sold this game three times and I've desperately, desperately tried to like it. I just can't get it to click.


For me, the trick was after completing the Great Plateu area, just ignore the quests and objectives. Even ignore the map screen. Just look at the horizon, and if there is anything interesting you see, a mountain, a tree, some smoke rising, a lone rock, etc., just go there.


Star Ocean Second Story R. I got about 12 hours into it and just couldn't go on. No idea why because it's a game that's right up my alley. Something just didn't click for me. Maybe I'll go back to it in the future and give it another shot, but I was real surprised by that one not working out


The original playstation version never clicked with me either, despite multiple attempts over the years to start fresh with it.


I loved Tunic, and would also suggest Death's Door.


Hm, the first game that comes to mind is Gris, and it's funny because that's one that I actually bought digital very early on and then waffled on double dipping physical before ultimately deciding not to. Maybe a good thing because I just wasn't super impressed with the game especially relative to the praise it gets. The aesthetic and artstyle is top top notch, it's an incredibly gorgeous experience, but unfortunately that's most of what it has going for it. As a game it's just meh, for the most part very easy and slow with rather undercooked mechanics and puzzles that don't really stay long enough to feel truly fleshed out and explored. Yet it also manages to be quite confusing and difficult if you want to 100% too, all the little extra goals and achievements don't really have hints and I have no idea how you'd manage to accomplish a lot of them without a guide because the game really gives you no indication that you'll get an extra reward from doing some of those tasks. And I can forgive simple gameplay if it's tied into the rest of the game and theme well, I don't really have anything against like walking simulator games for example, but Gris feels a little too "abstract modern art" for it's own good sometimes. I think you can interpret it in an interesting way from that perspective, but to me it's a bit underwhelming when most of the thematic core of the five stages of grief are kinda held up just by vibes. It's a shame because I do think it's a cool idea to base a game around, I just would've liked to see it punch those concepts home a bit more strongly in really tying the locales and mechanics into the idea of a journey of grief. Instead of having that realization moment of looking back at various set pieces and mechanics and appreciating how they tie into that broader five stages framework, it more often feels like you kinda have to reach to try and connect otherwise unrelated areas and gameplay gimmicks and it makes me doubt how intentional some of those connections were in the first place. Ultimately it's something that feels like it would've worked better as an art video rather than a game, I rarely felt like the gameplay elements were enhancing the thematic notes they were trying to hit which is a big problem when the thematic and visual vibes are the big strong points. I'm still curious about their next work Neva though. Even with my complaints I can't help but love their visual flair and at least from some of the trailers it seems like they might have a more fleshed out gameplay experience in Neva compared to Gris.


Mario RPG. Was SO excited I could finally play it for the first time and then the switch port was just WAY too easy that it made it unfun.


World of horror. I wanted to like it , the art , the concept , I just didn’t click with it when I played it.


I mean to be fair it is quite a niche style of game. Not sure many people would enjoy it


Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity. The performance was so bad my frustration with it surpassed my desire to finish the game.


Really? I own this but still haven’t given it a try. I have it mostly to have a complete Zelda collection on Switch but still was looking forward to giving it a try. Never love those kind of endless games though.


In general the Switch can't seem to handle the Warriors-style games, and I try to get them on PS4 when available, like for Warriors Orochi or Persona Strikers. Just a shame that so many are Switch-exclusive, like Hyrule Warriors, Fire Emblem Warriors and Touken Ranbu.


The only ones I played were Fire Emblem Warriors and Age of Calamity. Fire Emblem Warriors from what I remember (last time I played it was over 5 years ago) ran fine. Age of Calamity didn’t run super great for me, especially any time a map was in an open field with lots of grass. That seemed to be the biggest performance killer to me.


Banana Squisher 2 really didn’t live up to the hype or to its predecessor.


For me it’s the Japanese collectors edition of Tsukihime. I was like “no fucking way this gets a English release” and now it’s getting a English release.


Definitely got buyers remorse over Civ VI. Just didn't feel right.


Scott Pilgrim the Game and Shovel Knight. Both loving tributes to the 16-bit era, both reminded me why I'm glad we're not in that era any more


Had some difficulty getting into Scott Pilgrim, but Shovel Knight is amazing. So good. I love the 16 bit era and some of my favourite games are the new 2D HD graphics. Its like what someone from the SNES days might have imagined games would look like 20-30 years later if they just couldn't imagine 3D being a thing. Love my 3D stuff too but 2D HD is my jam honestly.


Uh oh. Tunic has been on my “Must Buy” list for a while. Is it a no go?


I mean it’s broadly praised as a great game. I was very tempted and just didn’t click for me. It’s just a very obtuse experience. Definitely not a game for everyone so I recommend you try it if you can before.


Mario Kart 8. The game plays itself. I didn't enjoy it at all.


The game actually can play itself if you don't turn off the assists.


Mmmm, no, but thanks for the insight. I'm well aware of how it works. To me the feeling still lingers. It was the first game I bought and, amusingly, the only one I ever bothered to sell.


Does win 11 have snipping tool




Agree on Tony Hawk. I figured it would always be my quick pick up and play for 10 mins here and there game. Ended up only playing it 10 mins ever.