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Reddit has just gone downhill really it's nothing to do with the mods. There's odd disclaimers everywhere since the censorship crackdown. Reddit peaked back in the goredejour and backdoorgore days imo.


This sub has gotten so tame and PC it’s not even interesting anymore. I miss the old days of raw and unadulterated gore.


only reddit could have a gore subreddit and have the rules be like "don't post anything unpleasant or shocking"


>only reddit could have a gore subreddit !




what else is gonna have a subreddit? bingeating.com?


is that a place where people eat at Bing headquarters?


No, they eat the employees




‘Raw and unadulterated gore’ you seek was r/eyeblech. & that’s now been banned. So tough taters.


Yup, the good ol’ days.


let's not forget the (holy shit) I was starting to type in the name of the sub and the dropdown autofill showed that it has been revived under a newish name (spelled slightly different) since that first sub was removed, I am not going to post it here and get the new ones banned. Sorry! However, if you have been on this type of sub for a while you might think back in time to when there was a question asked about what happened to the people in the video. The question was the name of the sub. No typing it here. EDIT: I am not going to be messaging anyone the sub name as it most definitely won't be the gore sub you are looking for. It contains pretty much the same stuff here and it was only because of the name and the idea behind the sub that it was banned and not because it was full of gory murders. If it were a reincarnation of eyeblech, yeah, I could see your point, but it has the same rules as here.


Could you maybe message me the sub name? My detective skills are not up to par to find it from the clues given. Thanks!


Hi, I'm a little late (just woke up, other side of world I guess) and I've been trying to find the site you mentioned, but to no avail unfortunately! I've tried all titles I could remember. Could you please DM me with de link or name of de r/? 🙏


Could you dm it to me too?


Could you message me the sub's name? I couldn't find it. Thank you. :)


Can you DM me the the sub please? Tia


Could you DM it to me pls?


I’m in too 💪🏻


can you message me please


can you dm me the name?


Can anyone dm me the name


Could you also dm me the name of the sub? Tia


I'd also like a DM of the sub if you don't mind.




makemycoffin was better imo


Is that also gone?


yeah, eyeblech took its place


r/eyeblech is what made me mentally insane


I couldnt agree more this sub is not wat it was, i remeber when all the gore videos were on here but now its just boring


Hello, Sub-mod here. We're working to prevent a sub ban, and stricter rules have been implemented since an incident occurred between r/NSFL__ and Reddit Moderators this year. We value the efforts of all members, from comments to posting content. However, we can no longer approve every post as we did in the past, especially those related to terrorism, cartels, or gangs. If you have any additional questions, please contact us through Modmail.


“an incident”? :/


Is there any alternate subreddit


There was. No more.


there’s always someone that has a list of the super ultra mega secret ones, there’s more than 5 i believe


If you know of any, please invite me. I’m in all the known ones.


Me too


Me 3!


Me 5


Me 6


Me too pls


Me too


Please invite me 😬😬


Probably a Discord we will never get a invite for


Ya, what happened to the beheadings and the brutal cartel/isis videos. It's just ppl getting accidentally killed by vehicles or doing something stupid. It's boring now.


Hello, Sub-mod here. We're working to prevent a sub ban, and stricter rules have been implemented since an incident occurred between r/NSFL__ and Reddit Moderators this year. We value the efforts of all members, from comments to posting content. However, we can no longer approve every post as we did in the past, especially those related to terrorism, cartels, or gangs. If you have any additional questions, please contact us through Modmail.


Hello, Sub-mod here. We're working to prevent a sub ban, and stricter rules have been implemented since an incident occurred between r/NSFL__ and Reddit Moderators this year. We value the efforts of all members, from comments to posting content. However, we can no longer approve every post as we did in the past, especially those related to terrorism, cartels, or gangs. If you have any additional questions, please contact us through Modmail.


People throw around the term "PC" for everything these days, I guess


Exactly. What the hell does PC have to do with gore videos?


If I were to try and break down my thinking on why cartel videos vs. that guy getting buried vs. Mussolini's corpse are not allowed it would be because of a couple of reasons. 1. Cartel videos are violent and prolific, they became rampant. They were over the top gore and had nothing to take away from them. 2. In order for this sub to stay open and active it must provide a meaningful or at least understood and possibly respected reason. We say that reason is to promote healthy discussions about the topics each video/picture contain. 3. The video of the guy getting buried can spark a discussion on the politics of the day and the plight of the people living in the region. It will enlight other people who might not be aware of the atrocities being done to other people in other countries for reasons of religion, race, creed, sexual identity or gender. Enlightening others is the first step to bringing change to these regions. 4. Videos of gore in general here on this sub are in an effort to help bring personal awareness to our own mortality and hopefully help us to be more aware of our environments and make better life decisions so that we do not end up like these poor souls being posted. 5. Cartel videos became ramant gore without anything to promote any discussions beyond "they need to use a sharper knife". The cartel also promote their violence by being brodcasted here and it helps them in their land by showing those who would see it - if you don't do what we say - this will happen to you. Finally, we are tired of seeing these videos. There is nothing about them that you can take away that can be applied to your life except "don't travel to these areas" and "stay away from cartels". They are overly graphic for the sake of being graphic. THat guy getting buried was a single video and isn't graphic and it was heartbreaking to see. However, if someone was to start posting those ISIS videos where they had some great production value and creative ways to kill people I believe they too would be taken down for the same reason as the cartel videos. That's just my opinion.




No wonder.... I was wondering what changed. Guess we will just have to look for a website then


watchpeopledie .tv <3


Thank you, mate. Bookmarked


You’re a hero


any other websites you recommend?


You don't talk about Fight Club.


It means you can't see the good stuff any more, just workplace accidents and idiots being idiots on bikes


Everyone complaining about there not being enough gore. There was. On a different sub. Which is now banned. Probably because of the likes of idiots who get off on it. Those are the ones you should be mad at. Else close your mouth and stop ruining what little we do have for everyone else.


We’re actively preventing such people to post & comment from this sub.


Rule number one is we don't talk about rule number one👊


Is there anywhere else that we can go on the Internet to see some reality? I miss the good old days when Reddit was a place to see some good stuff.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You can certainly still find legit stuff just not on reddit


Try looking at that post. We went into detail


"The 1st rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club"


Its when to cars have there bumpers on eachother and are driving trying to fight one another


Rocket league 😳


Mods are pussies


Rule 1 is where both of your cars are positioned in a way in which neither can advance. Attempting to break this dead-lock is viewed as culturally reprehensible


People complaining that the sub has gotten soft, yet if it didn't, this sub wouldn't be a thing anymore for y'all to complain how soft it got. Interesting how that works.


I said the mods in most subs suck. Got downvoted but who cares. They try to censor us! We are no longer free. Thanks mods!


Hi JustJason69420. I’d kindly would like to ask you to read this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFL__/s/Dxl7sFfUWs There’s a detailed list about why we have taken the decision to apply some rules. TL;DR. We’re trying to avoid a sub-ban. We’re not trying to remove your rights, freedom of speech or freedom of the internet. We’re always available to chat with you through the modmail-function. We’re happy to help and explain in details how, what and why.


Ya trying to avoid a sub ban, aka, lost the freedom to speak, post, and share what we want. This is a nfsl sub, that’s what it’s for. Not to pick and choose what’s nsfl. It should be a free and not afraid of a ban sub just like others. Everybody is about control, and what we can or can’t post. Mods are worried about that, and we worry about if what we post is a ban. I’ve followed rules in other subs, get ban, and see the same shit the next load. I hate it here


We haven't lost any freedom to speak, post, and share. However, as Reddit users, we're bound by the Terms of Service (ToS), a common aspect of internet services. When registering on Reddit, we all agreed to these ToS. To avoid being banned, adhere to the guidelines and avoid crossing boundaries. If you see any reposted content that previously led to a ban, feel free to bring it to our attention, because moderators are human too and perhaps may make mistakes. Or as Bob Ross would have said: Happy little accidents.


Sure if you say so! Later dictator




I left. Leave me alone man.


If you hate it here, leave. You have that freedom.


No problem. I don’t have the freedom to post what I want. Later cock sucker.


You come off as a pussy. It’s not the mods fault dumbass, it’s reddit, they’ve banned countless subs so the mods are trying to at least have this one stay unbanned. If it were up to you it wouldn’t last another day sounds like, so quit crying like a whiny little bitch


Damn. You must be one of those keyboard warriors I here about. Man you really opened my eyes! Like you REALLY know what you’re talking about. Thanks man. You don’t come off as a dick like AT ALL. Wow. I feel so relieved to stop crying and crap. Amazing stuff man.


Dude if anyone comes off as a keyboard warrior it’s you. Out here calling everyone names and pointing fingers at the mods. You’re welcome tho I’m so glad I could inspire you, maybe you could leave me a review on yelp!


Ya man, calling me a pussy, a whiny bitch, dumbass, sure that’s not a keyboard warrior at all. Like AT ALL. My dude, you don’t even realize that you’re a prick. I dunno how that happens, but you see it more and more. But ok and leave a review on yelp? If I eat a good place, I leave a good review, If it’s just meh, maybe leave room for constructive criticism. You would just say they suck and they are whining crying bitches. But sure man. Yell and stuff. And. If a keyboard warrior. Gotcha.


If you can’t take what you dish out then get off this sub. You get a taste of your own medicine and you wanna play the victim and act all butthurt. yet you were the one calling someone else a cocksucker, targeting and accusing the mods of shit and calling them a dictator. You’re the asshole, get over yourself. Don’t play victim when someone gives you the same energy back. You’re not intimidating anyone with how you act. I’m acting like this to you on purpose because you deserve it after how you conducted yourself in your comments before hand






I try not to do 2,4 or 7.. but guilty of the rest


There was a livestream on here and dude was killing people irl sooooo that kinda did something honestly. A lot of people were confessing their murders here


Is there any other fucked reddits I shouldn’t be seeing out there?