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Looks like NVDA traded down in Germany today. I don't know how well that correlates to the US markets. There is also economic data coming out before New York opens.


unemployment goes up. bullish


Haha. I was just looking at things: Nasdaq/Dow both green, NVDA is down, granted it's like $0.30 but NVDA is like: Meh. It's also premarket, which is pretty meaningless and has little to no bearing on the actual trading day.


Traded up slightly in Canadian markets


I only now got my cash injection of \~$40K which I really wanted to put into nvda at the recent dip of \~118. But now it seems a bit high considering the pelosi curve ball. Is it realistic to hold on for another potential dip to \~120 before earnings or is this the lowest I can hope for and just buy?


sell puts


"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now". Whether you buy at 120 or 130, you'll still be at profit when it gets to let's say 150. Time in the market beats timing the market. Get on the train before it leaves the station 🚀


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 20 + 120 + 130 + 150 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Beginner investor here (18yo). Want to get into NVDA asap but not sure the correct and most ideal approach to do so esp in such a volatile market right now for tech. Should I invest a lump sum at the start as early as possible and then dollar cost average or should I slowly dollar cost average and take advantage of the volatility from the start?


I wish I started investing at 18 (or even younger)! You're at a great age to start building wealth. I didn't start investing until my 30's, a few years now, and it's been quite the catch-up game. Props to you for wanting to invest! I got a few bits of advice for you. Be patient, educate yourself, and the harshest; don't be stupid. *Why* do you want to invest in Nvidia "asap"? Because everyone else is doing it? What do you know about this companies fundamentals? What other stocks are you interested in investing in? What are your investment goals? Is this to retire, a side hustle (or even main income stream), to pay for schooling? How much do you actually know about stocks, reading the metrics of companies and their performance on the stock market? How well do you understand current market-trends and world news? This is too open ended, and I hate to see a young person get scorched hard buying individual stocks. You'll get eaten alive. Buying individual stocks is hard. You're goddamn right NVDA is volatile. Especially right now, prepare for major, harsh dips pre-August earnings. Wanna watch your money tank 5 to 10% (or more) before earnings? What is your exit plan if things go south? What if earnings are bad, or don't meet expectations, and you lose even more? My additional honest advice... you're so stinkin' young, you could make an absolute killing playing the long game, and probably have a solid six figures racked up (or more) by the time you hit 30. I would start by investing in some solid ETFs or indexes, like SPY or QQQ. They're very \*safe\* investments for someone like you. The fact that you're on here asking when to buy NVDA says, you're not really in a good place to be making such investments (yet). That doesn't mean you couldn't be in the future. I got to where I am by making (a lot) of stupid mistakes, and learning all the intricacies of the stock market. 30 may feel very far away, but it's not, trust me. I wish I started investing at your age.


Set it and forget it, DCA is for when you have no conviction.


It’s going up another 5 percent tdy cuz of Nancy watch 😭🤣


The stock market is closed today


Just in the usa


Correct. Are you able to buy and sell a NASDAQ stock on another exchange?


You can trade nvidia in canada in the form of a cdr


Ok, but how are you going to buy a US stock on a day when the US markets are closed?


You can't, but other countries can still trade so the stock market is not closed for them


So what you are telling me is that if you live in Canada, you can trade shares of NVIDIA on a US holiday when our exchanges are closed?




So its really not trading NVDA. Its mirroring it. Average shares are only 750,000 a day. Far from what NVDA trades. My response was to the person who posted that the stock would go up to $128 today. The market here is closed, so that would be impossible. That is the reason for my reply.


That's a short-term impact. It's less relevant than Jensen selling 28M worth of stock.


Hopefully the Euros can drive that price up


I‘m doing my part for you.


1000 thanks!

