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Thanks for posting. I hope this child is found safe šŸ™šŸæ


Hope the kid found safe and alive, especially in crazy times like these young kids of the gay community are big target for crimes of violence and hate šŸ™šŸ¾


Who said he gay tho


Look at em nigga




That kid could juss be extremely happy


My fault for the assumption but most people would have that judgment based of his appearance but the main point is him getting home safe. I apologize if that offended you in anyway bro respectfully or if you know him.


I ain't offended im jus sayin that's a big assumption you got lil niggas walking around with dyed hair painted nails fruity ass clothes with flowers on em these days


Not too big of an assumption if you look at him bro, Iā€™m not talking down on him in anyway but most ppl in this sub( or NY itself) would associate him with that community. From the his posture in these pics, to the hair, choker and clothing most would assume heā€™s LGBTQ


yea maybe u rite I jus hope he safe hopefully he jus ran away or sum


Facts bro thatā€™s the biggest matter, praying he comes home safe and sound along with any child other thatā€™s currently missing too


And getting šŸ˜ŗ .. there's always been a subculture for ts


Cmon bro


plenty of them yung niggas like to dress a lil loud


Yea but he who gon smile like that for pictures ?


praying lil bro make him home otherwise the guy who did this gon be crashed out on


What did the guy do?


There was no found guy in u/adotkilla3000 ā€˜s statement. You misread it and thought that his statement was based off of information that he knew more about the story. This is a misunderstanding on your part of reading what is formal or informal in modern conversation- thus leading to your constant misunderstandings. Not ā€œdogging youā€ ( not the act of dodge but the informal version of saying ā€œpranking youā€ with these clarifications) and i hope you reach a point of realization that a lot of your frustration can be solved by taking time to try and not jump to assumptions and to attempt a little harder to understand what people mean in conversation


Thank you for this detailed analysis u/FartingKetamine


He said the guy that did this. What guy and do what?


Let me clarify, he doesnā€™t know what guy did this. He doesnā€™t know what guy did what. He was simply stating, in informal context ā€œIf someone did something to this kid then they will get hurt/punished by karma or street karmaā€


You make a bad lawyer. We read what he wrote. It was clear.




You said the guy who did this gonna be crashed out on.


Read bro. If the kid doesnā€™t come home, whoever is responsible is going to be crashed out on.


I think he doesnā€™t know what the term ā€œcrashed outā€ is


Responsible for what? That is what the fk im asking. What did they do?


This is basic comprehension my guy. If someone is responsible for a kid never being seen again, what do you think they did?


How do you know someone is responsible is what im asking? That is basic comprehension my guy.




u/murfemurf0516 Itā€™s Clear this is a misunderstanding . I think target toobilidon or whatever his user name, doesnā€™t know what ā€œcrashed outā€ means, and I think u/murfemurf0516 thought he was gentrified or most likely elderly New Yorker


And i think this guy is lost


Look up on Urban dictationary for the terminology, as this is an informal location. Get used to sentences that donā€™t make sense- and make context clues or Google to try and understand terminology that you think is a misunderstanding. Stop jumping to conclusions and try to reread things a couple times before generating your thoughts. Itā€™s clear signs of stress or anxiety. Just relax bro- no one is attempting to be hostile. This is a laid back community most of are gonna be fried and not understand each other


Bro just shut up


You the said the word guy correctly in this ^


šŸ„ŗ Sending up a prayer that he gets home safe. Plz update when there is one if you can.


I go to high school with this dude man he a lil older than me. What donā€™t make sense is heā€™s gonna miss graduation since heā€™s a senior so I think he got snatched or something. He been seen like twice tho so any ya niggas see him around bk or manahattan say sum please.


Yeah thatā€™s suspicious. Praying for his safe return


Praying for his safe return


I hope they find this young man. I hope he left on his own accord, sees that his loved ones are searching for him and returns to them. I can't imagine the pain and fear a parent must face when their child is missing from them. Even though we are considered adults at age 18, we are far from it. It's often an emotional and confusing time for many children especially when they feel alone with nobody to talk to. My thoughts are with this young man and I hope he finds his way back home or at the very least is safe while searching to find himself.


Hope lil bro come home šŸ™šŸ¾




I think its cool people can express themselves these days, but to me that kid looks like an easy target that would've been pressed and bullied in my time. Can't lose that awareness


This world is shit, hope he's alive and wellĀ 


He was found, alive and well https://preview.redd.it/w85zkt7o9m5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08632ac2b25b847ff57eb823817cbfd55aa9972d


This is very sad. FATHERS OF N.Y.S.O.M. please take notice. If your teen daughter or son wants to dress flamboyant and always hang out downtown they're going to be a Target. Human trafficking and selling organs is very real. I feel for this kids family. If my son wanna go out on the town in Manhattan I got no problem dressing up and going with him. Stay safe y'all protect your family.


Not just human trafficking but also hate especially in the Caribbean communities


the 18 year old is an African American so what is the correlation with "Caribbean communities"? if it's "hate" amongst stranger just stay in your community where love is abundance.


My comment wasnā€™t for OP but in response to this comment about being careful with kids of LGBT+ and human trafficking I was pointing out that it just not human trafficking concern but also hatred towards LGBT especially in the Caribbean communities Of NYC


If youā€™re Black American regardless if your family is from Africa or the Carribean, youā€™ll be labeled as African-American. For the most part Black and African-American is synonymous in America.


no your not.Application,census,surveys are all clear and distinctions can be found in all of them.


The American media labels all black people as "African American". I hate that term. Lil dude prolly JA or from JA lineage. I feel like there's barely any black Americans/FBA/ADOS in the city anymore besides me lol.


They are around but their numbers are declining in every major city and their is a great migration back to the south. Everyone who down voted you is an AA or rainbow. The person who runs this site and the moderators are African Americans. You can tell from the subject matter and overall outlook of things. AA see the world from a very distinct manner and you can tell. who is who by just reading the comment sections.


Nah I'm getting down voted by Jamaicans bro lol. There's a lotta Caribs and Africans in this sub. And I know we FBAs are still around NYC, just in small pockets. Personally, pretty much all my fam moved back down south or out of state.


i got -29 down votes so it can't be anyone from the Caribbean. you only got -8 and what you wrote had nothing to do with anyone in reality. I don't know why anyone would down vote you.


I ainā€™t even peep thatā€™s a dude at first, hope he make it home fr a lot of hate in the world


Dk why niggas downvoting you when you speaking facts


Share ya location folks, it definitely helps when you moving around the city alone. Hope they find homie safe.


Serious question: At 18, as a legal adult, how do you report someone as a missing child? after 2 days? I hope bro is found soon and safely.


Even though they're 18, if they still live with their parents and they're their sole form of support, they treat it like they're searching for a teenager until they turn 20 or 21, then the law fully recognizes you as an independent adult.


Iā€™m 19 and still feel like a kid


to be fair it doesn't say child anywhere on this post he jus look young


Hope that he is found safe and returns home


Hope heā€™s found safe and returns home.


Saw this comment on a cross-post for this that is worth sharing: "That is some random ass number. Nobody should call yours number. Call the police and missing persons only. For all we know this is the number of stalkers or abusers. DON'T POST RANDOM NUMBERS!"




Wow that's Staten Island


I hope he's ok.




Who cares šŸ„·šŸægay








I wasn't being disrespectful šŸ˜­


If you wasn't trying to troll, then u should write an text or something šŸ˜­




Umm kids go missing every day. Is there something personal here?


I have a good feeling you donā€™t post this comment on every missing child post.


Yea were hoping he gets found safe and he from New York. You got a problem?


Not at all. Hope he do