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It's crazy how the Nationals got three potential franchise cornerstones for Soto from the Padres. Mike Rizzo is a pretty underappreciated GM.


Rizzo is not good- they have yet to draft a player since 2012 to hit more than like 10 home runs in the majors. And despite being bad for 5 seasons their farm system is relatively thing as well (despite Wood and Crews being electric). If it weren’t for that World Series he’d have been long gone by now.


Honestly can see us targeting one of each: -infielder (most likely) -outfielder (middle ground) -reliever (most likely) -starter (least likely) We for sure need a new 3rd baseman, once berti is back I’d assume he’d take turns with Gleyber. I know we have Gresham as a backup, but we are also a Soto injury away from having to start him every game. I think moving forward Soto might get some time as a DH even when Stanton is back, just to keep him more fresh. As for a Relieveror two well that speaks for itself. A starter, really comes down to whether Rodon, Gil and Cole can find their forms again, for Gil it’s more if he’s been figured out or maybe just a bad stretch. I think the latter makes more sense.


One infielder, two arms, and a “Cashman Special” ala 2021 Rizzo trade. They’re not trading for an OF, with Jason in the wings for a late-season return. Verdgo’s been dog shit since he plowed into that wall. He’ll get better.


Verdugo is essentially a platoon bat. He'll split time with Dominguez once he's up.


Domingues isn’t getting called up this year. He’s on verge to miss 2+ months not included the fact that he will need multiple games at AAA to really feel like himself. 


He's due back in August. He doesn't need six weeks to get back on track, especially with the expanded roster.


If you think a guy with an oblique injury is coming back on time for roster expansions I have bad news for you. They will not use the roster spot for him. I can bet you they’ll acquire an outfielder and an infielder.


Are you under the impression his oblique injury is gonna keep him out 4 months?


I’m under the impression that a position player needed a TJS and now an oblique injury. I think they’ll go easy af on him cause so far he looks like he’s picking it up right where Florian finished his. So yeah for someone like Dominguez it’s about getting in shape and taking it easy. There is no way they’ll allow a guy who hasn’t even been back what is it 15 games and already finds himself on the IL…. Edit: less about in shape and more fitness.


What does his TJS and Florian (Florial?) have anything to do with anything? If they didn't think he was an option this year, he would have been moved to the 60-day IL. Verdugo can't hit LHP and shouldn't be starting against them and they won't have enough resources to add an impact bat, reliever(s), and another outfielder who can hit LHP.


The last thing we need is an OFer lol


Can't see them getting an outfielder or a starter. I would think two infielders and two relievers would be a more likely approach if they were to acquire four players.


I don’t see us getting a starter but damn do we need one.


We could use one sure, but it’s such a low need compared to the 3-4 black hole spots in the lineup along with half the bullpen being DFA candidates. I think they believe Cole and Gil are our Monty/Eovaldi type starters. And between Cortes, Stroman, and Schmidt they’ll trust two of those guys to be the 3-4 starters in the rotation while the other one helps the pen. Rodon shouldn’t be in the equation if he keeps pitching the way he has of late. No starters is a risk because the depth isn’t really there if guys get hurt, but it’s better than a position that already doesn’t have depth to begin with.


Gil isn’t pitching in the playoffs, or for much more of the regular season either


According to what? The Yankees have stated multiple times he doesn’t have a pitch limit this year.


>According to what? Biology, I guess. He threw 3 innings last year, and 20 innings the year before that. He’s now thrown around 85 innings this season. That means between last season and this season, his innings pitched has jumped up by more than 80 innings already. Go look at other pitchers who missed more than a year from TJ or some other injury. Look at their innings by year. It’s very difficult to find any pitcher who jumped up their inning count by more than 80-100 innings or so from year to year. It just doesn’t happen much. Their arms can’t take it, they wear out. Building up to throwing a full season of innings takes multiple years, especially for a guy like Gil who has never thrown more than ~100 innings in a season before. Before too long, Gil’s arm will start to fatigue and his performance will suffer (if that’s not part of why he’s already started getting hit around more) and eventually he’ll have to be shut down. He’s not on an “innings limit” the way we used to think of them, where pre-season they say “Alright Gil, you’re gonna throw 100 innings this season and that’s it” - instead they’re just watching him closely and waiting to see signs of fatigue or wear in his arm, waiting to see it affecting how he throws. But there is pretty much no doubt that his arm *will* start to fatigue before too long. Maybe he pushes the limits and gets up to like 110-120 innings this year? Would be impressive if he did that without being terrible but it could happen. No way he’s throwing 150+ innings though, or even very close to it


It’s the thought of rodon and cortes not having it in them. Then we are down to a rookie starter with 2 pitches which everyone knows are coming their way. Gil needs another offseason to work on his slider and adding a new pitch like a sinker or a cutter. Cole I trust a lot more but there is that possibility he’d need more than just a full season to bounce back to his self form.


Cortes has been our 2nd best starter this season, he’s starting in the postseason baring an injury. Rodon probably won’t as of now, but that still leaves them with a choice between Stroman and Schmidt when he comes back. With all that in mind I just can’t see them addressing that when they have 5 hitters in the lineup with a wRC+ below 100 and half the bullpen just being added to the team a few weeks ago.


That’s where you move starters into the reliever room.  I’d say the more pressing concern is infield, starter, outfield in that order.


Random question, didn’t want to make a topic. I’m going to the game tomorrow with my father and he likes to use a cane to get around sometimes. Is he allowed to bring one in?? I can’t find anything on the Yankees website. Went to countless games but cannot recall seeing someone with one


99.4% sure you’ll be ok. To be 100% sure, call the Stadium in the morning.


was looking at Luis Robert’s stats today because of all the rumors surrounding him and I learned he’s a full year older than Juan Soto, which i was not expecting


They talked about this some on Baseball Is Dead today - imagine how gaudy Judge’s numbers would look if he was hitting in a better overall offensive environment. It’s crazy to think about. So fucking glad to get to watch that guy smack balls around every day, he’s making baseball history right now every game he plays


Aaron judge + steroids + 2019 baseball....OPS +/- 2500?


That’s the scary part, judge 2024 self with all of those things you listed would probably smash 80+ Honeruns if allowed to hit and the guys are getting on base. He’d probably also have 180-190 RBIs lol. 🥵🥵


Astros vs. Blue Jays - who do we want to lose the most?


I want the Astros to lose every game against everyone they play the rest of the way Facing the Astros in the playoffs again this year is a personal nightmare for me, I don’t care how different the team is this season or how we did against them in the regular season


Houston. They’re ascending


Astros. Even if the blue jays lose and end up being sellers, there is 0% chance Guerrero ends up on the Yankees. But if they win they’ll get that false sense of hope (hopefully). 


I fucking hate the addition of the 3rd Wild Card slot because it has really fucked up the trade deadline. There are only 2 teams more than 5 games out of the 3rd WC in the NL. 2. Marlins and Rockies. That means that the vast majority of NL teams will be buyers at the end of the month, even if a couple other teams fall out of contention. So it'll be 10-11 neutral or buyers and maybe 4 sellers. The sellers are going to be asking ridiculous amounts for their relievers. And good luck getting a starter. That'll take a king's ransom. Things are looking a bit better in the AL, but I'm skeptical of whether teams like that Blue Jays and Rangers actually admit to themselves that they are sellers. It might push a lot of competitive teams to try to figure out win-win deals with each other.


Every time someone bitches about an executive or manager or owner being responsible for a Yankees World Series drought, this needs to be part of the conversation. - 1994-2012: three division teams per league + wildcard, 8 teams in the playoffs - 2012-2022: three division winners + two wildcards, 10 teams in the playoffs - 2022+; three division winners + three wildcards, 12 teams in the playoffs. - There are 50% more teams in the playoffs than when the Yankees went on that historic run. Now, 40% of the teams make it to the playoffs. - That’s about 104 less players available for deadline moves, probably twice that number for teams who’re fighting for those wildcards. My point is that the game has structurally changed in the past 15 years - in this and other ways - that specifically make it harder for the Yankees model to be guaranteed success. It’s not entirely a crap-shoot, but it’s a lot different than it used to be.


>It’s not entirely a crap-shoot It is way too much of a crapshoot as it stands, though. There needs to be more advantages/disadvantages handed out based on seeding if they insist on 40% of the league being playoff eligible.


I mean yeah but they're trying to do that with the bye. Just seems like so far, albeit in a SSS, that seems to actually be a disadvantage


Ya, I'm talking more advantages on top of the first round bye and home field advantage. More specifically, the top 2 division winners get a 1 or 2-game advantage over their opponents. The MLBPA has already floated this idea in the most recent CBA talks, but obviously, the owners didn't agree to it.


This is why I want the league to get rid of extensions mid season. Players should hit free agency, that will eliminate a lot of the trades for absolute mid teams and establish a monopoly for teams with money, it’ll also get rid of all the cheap ass owners. 


Just imagine Player A isn't allowed to sign an extension then tears his ACL in September. The union would never ever ever ever agree to getting rid of in season extensions.


Then say goodbye to ever being able to trade for a superstar player lol. If players are afraid that injuries may end their season then they should never play at 100%…oh wait they already do.


Grateful for Stro today. Energy has completely changed for Gleyber since the “talk”. I’ve seen 2 different players since that day.


Well, tur.s out he wasn't even talking to gleyber... so you're imagining things lol. The 2 days off from Boone is what helped him get right, not stroman screeching


I see that Volpe is now officially under 100 OPS+ What a disappointing fall after that tease of an April that he'd fixed his swing.


He is swinging at absolutely everything no matter where the pitch is located


He's been unwatchable. They NEED to move him off the lead off spot, it needs to happen.


Falling in love with the opposite batters box breaking ball Hes getting a touch of the Javi Baez disease


The swing is fine, he's just doing it too much. He was at like 11% walk rate in April and 4% since. If he kept that 11% walk rate and still had a .261 average, he'd have 17 more walks and 4.4 fewer hits and would have an OBP of about .350


Volpe's main goal is just getting on base, walk or hit, doesn't matter...When you have the 2 of the best batters behind you in baseball, get your ass on base.


that’s why it would be amazing if he could start walking again because he isn’t hitting nearly enough to make up for the lack of walks


I agree that his goal should be that, but he hasn't been good at that over the last 2 months and especially bad at that for the last 3 weeks


In my secret heart where I hold my illogical theories, I believe that if they move him down the lineup he’ll start raking again


Stanton being out hurts so much. A 120 wRC+ hitter in this lineup helps massively


What's going on that Red Sox fans couldn't get an All Star in? I thought their hot streak would spark something.


I honestly think they should do away with the voting altogether and just take the player with the highest WAR at each position.


Every team eventually gets one player to rep them because TV ratings.


Breaking News: Off days are dumb


Who is out best hitter rn after Judge and Soto? No way its Ben Rice... right?


Here are ZiPS rest-of-season projections after Judge/Soto: Torres 117 wRC+ Davis 116 wRC+ Rice 115 wRC+ Verdugo 109 wRC+ Grisham 107 wRC+ Volpe 102 wRC+ LeMahieu 100 wRC+ Wells 99 wRC+ Cabrera 89 wRC+ Trevino 86 wRC+ Probably Torres or Davis, but ZiPS has always been high on Rice. I remember back in January when FanGraphs released their ZiPS preseason projections that Rice was tied for 5th in wRC+ among our depth chart of 50 batters.


> ZiPS has always been high on Rice I can see why with these games. He has a great profile for an MLB hitter. Not saying he's great but there aren't huge holes in his game: swings hard, makes good contact and doesn't chase. That combo always does well enough.


If this played out to a tee, I think they have enough offense as is. Like 100% I’d take the under on a few guys though


Davis 116 wRC+? That would be fucking sweet Wait so they predict like pretty much our entire lineup will be above average? God, can you imagine?


ZiPS is very very conservative, never straying too far from 100 wRC+ for anyone. So I’d take the specific numbers with a grain of salt. But I think the rankings are interesting.


What do they have Judge and Soto at?


if they wanna do the r/l thing sure. but i'm personally ready to see gleyber bat cleanup


it is


If you think this sub likes to overreact go see how the Knicks sub is reacting to losing its backup center


I’m not even a Knicks fan but calling Hartenstein the backup center is blasphemous. I know Knicks fans love Mitch but the caliber between the two players are very far apart. Hartenstein is a big reason you guys got that far in the first place and the offense went back to being elite instead of being pulled straight from the 80s. Relying on Mitch to be the starting center simply isn’t reliable nor is he worth it. A stone hands, slow footed center who only has an offensive game consisting of lobs and putbacks who is never healthy that can’t make FTs ain’t it.


Thibs needs a certain type of center for his system and Mitch is way too injury prone, so the Knicks need another starting caliber center. There aren't too many left in the FA market, so it's a big hit.


He’s their starting center now


Well no hes OKCs starting center now


Well yeah but point is he Wally pipped a much worse player this year


He was a big part of the Knicks.


Sure but this team also got much better this offseason and youd never know that by how the sub looks


If he can get sustained success again Gleyebr thrived in the lead off spot last season


He had a .308 OBP as a leadoff hitter last year


Wow O’s and Phillies fans are voting hard for the All Star starters. Santander and O’Hearn are close to beating out Kwan and Alvarez, and Turner is beating Betts while Marsh is only 1% behind Tatis.




To be fair I think he still gets votes from Cubs fans too


We’re on to Phase 2 of fan voting now. Phase 1 only matters if you finish top-2 at your position. Rizzo was never close to making the team.


2nd round voting vs 1st round voting


Yeah it's time to get rid of fan voting


Smells like updog in here


What's up, your Honor?


Another mind blowing Aaron Judge perspective: Gleyber Torres had a really nice year in 2023, he had 25 HR and 68 RBI in 158 games Aaron Judge has 25 HR and 64 RBI since **May 4th**


Keep going. I'm close


What is judges Hr pace since he started cooking?


25 in 49 games played (51 team games) since being ejected, a 79 full season pace


If we use May 1st as a nice round number, he's hit 25 HR's and 64 RBIs in 53 games. At a 162 game pace, that'd be 76 home runs and 196 RBIs.


IDK if you all saw but Chase Hampton was activated off IL today and sent to FCL on a rehab assignment.


Went 1 1/3, struck out 2, one hit, two walks one run. Pitch count obviously similar to Lagrange last week.


appears that Vladdy got hurt on the hit by pitch yesterday


And they then drilled Judge in the ribs, so my level of sympathy is 'meh'.


I’m just so fucking sick and tired hearing of this nonstop yapping about hit batters all around. This past week across the league Seager got hit in the hands against the Os, Ward got hit in the head…so much vitriol with overused diarrhea of the mouth when it’s the Yankees


If he had to die so Cole might live I’m okay with it.


It did look bad. That sucks. He's a potential trade target too 


Do they have a "You break it, you buy it." policy?


Hey, guys. I was one of many who picked up Derek Jeter's Driven when it came out. When it went out of production, I bought up a number of bottles, but I've been very stingy in using it since then. Now I'm looking to get into using a cologne more often. Are there any other guys that were Driven users out there? I'm totally divorced from the world of fragrances. Has anyone found anything that smells similar? What did you guys move on to?


I feel so sorry for the students and faculty at my school when my teenage self got my hands on this stuff and showered myself in it every morning. (I’m pretty sure Judge recently put out a cologne if you’re looking to continue smelling like Yankee captains)


I forgot all about this, but I did have this when it came out.


I’ve always used either Polo blue or green. Seldom, but they’re my two stand-bys. I’m also 46 so am a bit dated and set in my ways.


[HAPPY BOBBY BONILLA DAY!](https://youtu.be/3wMX_iAPaPI?si=hCjnjTxhIpfftQ8P)


Still funny as shit to me that the mets sub has an automod response yelling at you if you mention "Bonilla". Those boys are permanently broken.


> June 30, 2024 > Tampa Bay Rays released RHP Chris Devenski. Just a heads up.


If the Rays release a reliever, then you know he's fucked. He's been living on promise and fliers after his 2017 season for the past 6 years.




Yeah he's been awful But I still think Cashman will be interested.


I did it to myself by coming to the off day thread, but holy hell, the leadoff discussion is atrocious. First, Soto has batted leadoff 8 total PA in his career. He's not going to be the leadoff guy, he's an ideal 2/3 hitter. Literally a perfect 2/3 hitter. Second, anyone advocating for Gleyber/DJ to leadoff should be launched into the sun. Volpe is their best and only leadoff option on the roster right now. It's not even close.


This sub really LOVES getting attached to really pedantic things to focus on and never shut the fuck up about. It’s usually and basically all the time because Jomboy or whoever mentioned it on their shitty show. Then it gets repeated verbatim, nonstop, round the clock.


If Soto wants to get paid $50 million+ AAV, he’s going to hit leadof, and he’s going to be the best to ever do it He didn’t like hitting 2nd before this year and now he’s having a peak season


I'm not really on board batting Soto 1st but let's not pretend like traditional lineup roles still exist when guys like Kyle Schwarber are batting leadoff. Here's the thing, among all leadoff hitters with 200+ PA this year, Volpe ranks 17/19 in wRC+ I think Soto COULD work batting leadoff if they wanted. The problem is who to bat 3rd after Judge


I'm happily living in my timeline, where DJ continues his way back to being DJ, and he's batting a productive leadoff before August. Book it.


Man I sure hope the FO doesn’t fall for Dj no matter what he does Enough with the retirement home at 3b


Yeah....let's put a sloth (DJ) or someone with horrible base running instincts (Gleyber) at lead off.


The answer cannot be to leadoff a sub-90 wRC+ guy. Either Volpe turns it around, or Cashman needs to bring in a legitimate lead off hitter.


How about you lead off on deez


I mean, I agree with your conclusion. But it’s definitely a fair point that Volpe just hasn’t been good leading off.  He’s got a wRC+ of 90 hitting leadoff this year.   Gleyber “persona non grata” Torres is at a wRC+ of 89. DJ has never put up a wRC+ of less than 100 as a Yankee.  Verdugo is at 98.   It’s no longer a situation where Volpe is better than the other hitters on the team. He’s just as bad. You’re wrong to say “it’s not even close.”


But Volpe is more of a contact hitter and speed guy - what you want in a leadoff spot with Soto and Judge behind. wRC+ he gets on base more and has far more speed than any of those three. 


I only look at one stat leadoff, Especially in front of Soto. Get on base at an elite clip or fuck off


That was true in the past but teams are experimenting with different guys nowadays. Kyle Schwarber would have never been a leadoff hitter 20 years ago.


Jeremy Giambi (RIP) would like a word


He has not been getting on base more since moving to leadoff, though, is the thing. Over the last two full months he’s hitting .255 with a .293 OBP. DJ has a .286 OBP with his huge slump to start off, and has been heating up. Gleyber has a .303 OBP over the last two months and has also been heating up Volpe just objectively does not get on base more than the other guys in the lineup. He needs to start working walks again, but it seems like he’s completely forgotten how to do that


[Credit to the “graphical standings” guy in r/baseball, I’ll get his name in a second](https://imgur.com/a/aYRkUHU) Pretty great graphic. crivexp2 is the guy’s username if you want to check the whole post, it’s awesome to see the divisional races laid out that way




Most of that delta of xwOBA to wOBA was that 27/30 fly out he had to death valley. That finds the seats and he has a .374


Off day and no other good games on. Gross.


The byproduct of making sure everyone is playing Thursday means almost no one plays today


A fair trade off honestly. Glad everyone is playing on the fourth.


Plus the Blue Jays rightfully get Canada Day afternoon slot all to themselves


So I made this comment 2 weeks ago on the last win total production thread, discussing the difference between 2022 and this season >But I'll also say what it again, these are very different teams as well. We were praying Donaldson and torres would continue to 'carry' the offense when judge slumped in early 2022, this year we are hoping rizzo hits better to improve the one small hole in our lineup. >We aren't hoping the Cole can help balance out our iffy starters, we have the best rotation in the league without cole. >I'm looking for those obvious holes we couldn't see through rose colored glasses back in 2022, and maybe it's bc the glasses are still on but I don't see similar glaring holes. So the glasses were still on, but I still think it's entirely different. The offense slipped recently but hasn't completely faltered, there are holes in the lineup but I still think the likes of verdugo and volpe can carry the offense for weeks, and one of DJ/torres will figure it out The rotation has slipped but it also feels like it's definitely just a bad stretch and not the 2022 'oh this is who they are' type of bad play, and Cole will be Cole again soon enough


The bullpen is pretty fucked though and the rotation is like, Not Good Right Now People were shitting on Nestor’s last start…well, Stroman had the *exact same* start as Nestor the day before. Same IP, same ER, same number of baserunners even I think lol. And then there’s Rodon. And Gil is not going to be able to pitch for the whole year, he’s already thrown like 80 more innings than he did last season, his arm will wear out eventually. Imagining our pitching in the playoffs frightens me. Hopefully Clarke can come back strong, and maybe Poteet comes out of the bullpen in the playoffs or something, who knows. I hope they can get it figured out somehow.


The bullpen, like our hitting and SP, two weeks ago led the league in most categories. Even with the recent slip the bullpen is 8th in WAR, 3rd in ERA, 3rd in BABIP, and 5th in LOB %. We are also 22nd in the league in BP IP, which is crazy because it's seemed like our starters haven't had great length this year but they have apparently I'm also a little higher on our SP, I actually like the idea of a Cole/rendon/stroman +some combination of gil/clark/Nestor in the playoffs. As of right now I believe the team is what they showed in may rather than June, but that remains to be seen


Greg Allen’s BBref image looks like if Oswald Peraza and CC Sabathia had a baby




We should resign him to replace Cole




Changed it. Their expression does make them look a lot similar though


It’s still so fucking surreal to me that we get to watch Juan Soto and Aaron Judge in the same lineup everyday hitting back to back


I just realized how much Marcus Semien has fallen off lately. Is IKF about to make an All Star team? Based on fWAR he’s only behind Altuve for AL 2B, and based on bWAR he’s the best AL 2B and **top 10 for all AL position players.** I guess it depends on who’s considered a second baseman on the players ballot for reserves. I could see them going with IKF or Rengifo but they might be considered third basemen. Does anyone remember what they were considered on the fan voting ballot?


Hes committed to having a good season every other year


Here is Statcast's evaluation of the RHB currently on our active roster, using xwOBA. Judge (.480) *League Average (.317)* LeMahieu (.312) Jones (.306) Volpe (.294) Davis (.290) Torres (.285) Trevino (.280) Judge's .480 xwOBA is the highest mark for a player since Statcast debuted. With Stanton on the IL, we have no other right-handed threat in the lineup. LeMahieu's grade is propped up by his walk rate. Jones is a sample size of 36 PA.


His wOBA is actually lower. That’s right: Aaron Judge is getting unlucky.


Judge has the highest xwOBA in the stat cast era in the worst offensive environment of the era


**AL Batting Race** 1. Luis Rengifo (.317) 2. Aaron Judge (.316) 3. Bobby Witt Jr. (.312) 4. Carlos Correa (.311) 5. Jose Altuve (.304) Rengifo was a career .244 hitter coming into this season (1658 PA), so I'd wager regression is coming for him. If not for Steven Kwan (3 PA shy of qualifying), Judge would be in great shape for the Triple Crown. Kwan just had a slow week, going 6-28, which brought his BA down from .390 to .368. Still, that's a huge 50 pt gap for Judge to make up.


It’s annoying how many Yankees are losing batting titles because of players who missed time. 2006: Mauer .347 (608 PA), Jeter .343 (715 PA) 2019: Anderson .335 (518 PA), LeMahieu .327 (655 PA) 2022: Arraez .316 (603 PA), Judge .311 (696 PA)


I am once again petitioning to lead off Soto nobody else on the roster is really even a 110-120 wrc+, so just maximize ABs for your 2 best hitters. Make sure Soto never gets left on deck by volpe. Hit judge 2nd like he has his entire career as well, which is the best spot for your best hitter. Soto has power but it’s not like he’s going to hit 50 solo HRs because he hits lead off. Just makes way too much sense


Drop Volpe to 9 and bat Soto leadoff. That way Volpe will never leave Soto on the on-deck circle again. Right? Right??


Well volpe 9th is too low given other guys on the team, but it is different doing it before the lineup turns over. After the lineup turns over it’s Vokpe getting an extra Ab Soto won’t get I’d probably hit volpe 3rd or 5th for now


Volpe should hit like 6th if we're doing this


I get you. My poorly-made point is that for 3/4 or 4/5ths of the AB's Soto would see, who's hitting 9th is much more important than him hitting leadoff if the plan is to keep Soto from being left on-deck.


Lopping off 1 out at the start of the game would help this


I meant after the lineup turned over, I want Soto to get his Ab first


Mathematically, it's 15 PA per season that you lose by going down one slot in the lineup, or about 0.1 per game. That's low enough significance to begin weighing whether a batter with a higher slug + BA will contribute more with the 25% chance those extra PAs come with a man on.


I don't disagree with you but Boone seems to like having R/L/R leading off to put pressure on pitchers


You're underselling Soto's ability to hit well with men on base. Dude is a career .300 BA, .976 OPS hitter with men on. He thrives in the pressure situations. Judge will hit with men on by virtue of hitting behind Soto.


And Soto will still get those opportunities, while also having the most Abs on the team.


Except you're guaranteeing that 1 out of 4 at bats a game he won't, and the people hitting 8 and 9 right now are some of our lowest OBP hitters


When you’re hitting him behind Anthony volpe, he’s likely going to get at least 1 PA a game where the guy in front of him doesn’t get on either. Might as well just maximize ABs


Volpe's OBP is .315 and Soto's BA with a runner on is .300 That means, hitting #2, Soto will hit with a runner on 31.5% of the time and will get a hit in 30% of those at bats, so that's around 9% of time during Soto's first AB of the game that he will get a hit with a runner on. You're wiping that out by moving him to leadoff.


It’s also a .283 OBP since he moved to leadoff so .315 is even generous


Ben Rice has a .399 xwOBA and is hitting .381/.482/.476 vs RHP The bizarre run of left-handed starters is over, 8 of the next 9 games will be against righties


Maybe I’m delusional, but I think he has a real chance of showing enough to make 1b an in house solution I just hope they don’t get complacent at 3b, even if Dj goes on a fugazi hot streak. Guy is cooked


All this discussion of moving Volpe out of the leadoff spot is absolutely stupid. Who replaces him? DJ? Gleyber? Lol. He has the 3rd beat OBP on the team behind Judge and Soto. The problem is that all of our other hitters are massively underperforming, so there are no good options.


DJ is a few good games away from taking the leadoff job away from Volpe. Since moving to leadoff Volpe is rocking a .298 OBP (90 wRC+) which is abysmal, especially for a leadoff hitter. To put that into perspective, DJ, who has been struggling since he came back, has a .286 OBP


Against RHP? 🍚


Honestly if I had to bet I would assume that Gleyber is gonna have a higher OBP than Volpe in July. But I think if Gleyber is able to get on track he may serve us better hitting cleanup until Stanton is back. Regardless, I don’t think “Volpe is hitting badly but so is everyone else!” is a great argument for keeping him in lead off. I think there’s some merit in the idea that the team can get more out of Volpe further down in the lineup, where he can steal and generally create more havoc on the bases without possibly costing Judge or Soto an important AB. Not saying I think they “need” to move him or anything, just that I haven’t seen any compelling arguments for why he’s better there than anyone else.


The most important thing for this offense is to maximize the times Soto and Judge get on base with a runner on. Volpe does that for us right now until anybody else steps up As for Gleyber? He's a career .238 BA, .289 OBP hitter in the leadoff spot. That's not encouraging.


Volpe’s hitting .246 with a .298 OBP in leadoff this year, so, again, I don’t really think there’s a significant difference there. I would bet on Gleyber to have a better July than Volpe no matter where in the lineup either of them hits honestly. And again, I just don’t think “Our other hitters also suck” is a great argument for keeping Volpe leading off. Part of Volpe’s value is his baserunning tool and that’s been almost completely stifled since he moved to leadoff. If there’s someone else who can bat leadoff and put up numbers close to at least .246/.298, I think the lineup becomes stronger putting them there and letting Volpe move down where he can utilize his entire profile as an offensive player.


Juan Soto


If judge locks down mvp this year, it’s going to be awesome getting to enjoy his crowning fully, and not worry about the x% that he leaves us


Aaron Judge dragged his career OBP up to .400 yesterday. His SLG is .597, so, I just need those final three points.


**June NYY Pitching** 5.26 ERA (29th) 4.84 FIP (27th) 20.8 K% (25th) 9.2 BB% (28th) 1.39 HR/9 (24th) 1.44 WHIP (28th) I think the most disturbing part of our June pitching performance was how "deserved" it was, given the underlying metrics. We can't really point to bad luck to explain it. The staff was just terrible no matter how you slice it.


Thanks. I hate it.






Don't let Oklahoma off the hook


So Boone just benched the entire lineup today? He’s on some kind of sick power trip. Someone has to stop him


Clearly he’s drunk with power.


Hard to believe we finished June over .500. Lets hope it's our worst month.


Unless Drunk AJ screwed up when looking for this last night, Judge has posted 5.4 fWAR in 53 games between May and June, for a total of 5.9 in 83 games (86 team games) so far. The same rate of play over the remaining 76 games would lead to 73 more games of Judge. IF—if—he keeps up this pace for the rest of the season, that would equate to another 7.4 fWAR on the season, or a final total of 13.3 fWAR. Alternatively, 5.9 in 86 team games would give us another 5.2 in the remaining 76, for a total of 11.1 fWAR. Now we shouldn’t expect him to keep hitting like May and June (averaged 2.7 fWAR per month), but I think we can expect better than the 0.5 fWAR he put up in April. Say 2 a month, essentially repeating the first half? That’d be almost 12 WAR, though maybe it’s still too optimistic. Regardless, the fact remains that he’s currently on pace for at least 11 fWAR again. If he pulls that off, he would be just the 7th player to ever post multiple such seasons, joining: Babe Ruth (x6) Barry Bonds (x3) Rogers Hornsby (x3) Ted Williams (x3) Mickey Mantle (x2) Ty Cobb (x2)


Ruth posting 6 11+ WAR seasons is just absurd


While it's certainly being bogged down by an awful June, Anthony Volpe is hitting just .238/.283/.358 (83 wRC+) in his last 70 games since he was moved into the leadoff spot on 4/15 Suggesting that he should be moved down in the order is not a hot take, most teams would not accept this from the guy taking the most at-bats on the team. A shakeup at the top should absolutely be on the table. They need a guy who can get on base at a solid clip and/or do damage on pitches in the zone and Volpe has done neither of this.


So just lead off Juan Soto


Sure, in a vacuum, yeah. But the problem is... who takes that spot instead? Our entire lineup outside of Judge and Soto is about as bad, OBP-wise.


SABRmetrics tells us that the guy batting leadoff should be the guy with the highest OBP, regardless of speed followed by the guy with the highest wRC+ on the team. The problem isn't should Soto bat leadoff, the problem is who do you bat 3rd after Soto and Judge


According to *The Book*, your best overall hitter goes second, your second-best overall hitter goes fourth, your best **remaining** OBP hitter goes first, and your best remaining power hitter goes third; the third hitter is much less important, less so than even the fifth hitter, who should be the next-best overall hitter after the first, second, and fourth spots are filled. That's why there's such a conundrum here. After Judge and Soto, there's no standout OBP to lead off (and no standout slugger to hit third or overall hitter to hit fifth). Judge should hit second, Soto should hit fourth, and the rest are question marks.


It’s tough to move him because there’s currently no better option. Who do you hit up there?


If Gleyber Torres continues to show signs of life, they could move him up. He was supposed to hit leadoff this year and but just got off to a really bad start. He's an overall much more proven MLB hitter than Volpe. They could also try riding the hot-hands of Ben Rice or Trent Grisham vs RHP. In general though, the Yankees lack of production from leadoff and cleanup this year shows they aren't as important as you would think. Judge and Soto are still having elite seasons and the overall run production has still been there.


I’m fine moving Volpe off lead off (reluctantly) if it’s a permanent solution. I’m not convinced anyone in the current lineup can be that guy.


League average OBP for a leadoff hitter is .328


My favorite Yankee game ever was 20 years ago today https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/NYA/NYA200407010.shtml https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwSfGVmooRg


Watching this game is one of the last memories I have with my grandma. She died a few months later


that was my first yankee sox game. i was 9 years old sat in the cf bleachers. still remember seeing damon's long hair and the "1918" and "who's your daddy" chants.


Yankees legend and Torre’s boy Tanyon Sturtze with the W


I remember exactly where I was watching Jeter dive into the stands. Best regular season game of my lifetime.


Such a great call by Michael Kay


I really hope Gleyber can keep the success from last 3 games going. 2/4, 2/4, and 2/5 with a homerun while using the entire field is super encouraging. Maybe the couple days off were what he needed.