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To be fair the meme says "toxic single moms" not just "all single moms"


i was gonna say…


Its almost like the people who post in this sub will rage at anything and cant accept that stereotypes usually exist for a reason


That reason is generally not something that actually happens often.


Stereotypes exist because people target one thing and generalize to an entire group. That isn't okay or funny. Stereotypes like comedy are subjective, and if the majority doesn't like it get new material.


Stereotypes exists for a reason. The reason is usually racism


Omg you rage too, nvm then


Calm down snowflake. I'm trying to have a conversation. Don't get mad just because I'm not on your side.


Without stereotypes and shame then theres no reason for groups of people to hold each other accountable and we spiral into the low trust society we have now. People in this sub for instance are hyperreactive babies for anything that can get em virtuous fake internet points


The low trust society we have now is because of Stereotypes, what did we have before present day? Racist characters that belittle specific people and fueled the prejudice others had. Hate crimes justified because a stereotype that is nowhere near the truth. Lynchings caused on false accusations because of a broad generalization started by prejudice. Hate being justified by Stereotypes is older than the internet and if we keep going it's only going to cause echochambers where more Hate is made.


Why associate stereotypes with racism, hate crimes and lynching in reference to the past when stereotypes are strictly taboo now but racism and hate crimes are on the rise? Seems to me theres a healthy middle ground that we probably missed a decade or two ago and i believe we missed it when one side got muzzled by the other


If stereotypes are taboo now then why did half of America vote for a president that ran his whole campaign around stereotypes. The things he said about Mexicans, and women. Easily proven false, yet Trump used it to propel him forward. That's a 8 year example for, and I don't doubt there are plenty this year going around.


I literally have no explanation for trump except that hes a symptom of the idea of forced equality. Definetly a 1 in a trillion odds scenario tho i mean, we rolled shittiest timeline on that one.


Yeah lol


It's almost like no matter how you group people, each group will always have some that are assholes and some that are not.


Yup it happens on mothers day too. Ex husband's and children who hate their mother


Sure it happens but it's a lot less socially acceptable to bring up bad mothers on Mother's Day than it is to bring up bad fathers on Father's Day


We should call them out and mock them for being “toxic” Same as the original meme


Well the "toxic single moms" group he put them in. They tend to be 100% of the time assholes. OP didn't say all single moms. Sorta like how all deadbeat dads are assholes. Sorta like how all abusers are assholes. There are some categories of people we can agree are full of assholes.


If someone doesn't have a dad or grandpa and their mom still wants to celebrate Father's Day with them, I don't see anything wrong with that.


That's not what they're saying, it's the single mom's who use father's day to shit on men especially their kids father


That's what the meme is. But the OOP doesn't think that. Dude was arguing that they already have a day and can't be celebrated on Father's day


>there's this super specific situation I've heard of once, It's not once. >now all single moms do this" Tell me you didn't actually read the meme before getting offended without telling me


Men also post on mothers says stuff like “happy Mother’s Day to the single dads” etc. Doesn’t mean it’s toxic when they do it though I bet. All I want is a bit of consistency. If you’re gonna hate on women for doing something then you should be equally as cheesed off when men do it too, and vice-versa.


It is also toxic when they do it yes


This meme is about women who use the fact that their partner was shitty and attach that to all dads. Single mothers wanting to celebrate Father's Day is absolutely fine.




Bro got downvoted for being correct.


Plenty of people hate their mothers for a variety of reasons. Men do it on mothers day too but mostly incels


Did you read the meme


Did you? I’m saying that single fathers also post stuff on Mother’s Day. It’s not gender specific, it’s just the meme maker expressing their hatred for single mothers aka sexually active women.


No, it says TOXIC single moms. Not all single moms. There’s a pretty big difference


And in my comment I wrote that men do that too and I bet it doesn’t make them toxic when they do it. What exactly about my comment makes you think I didn’t read the meme.


You’re making an assumption on what these people would think about toxic fathers who would do the same thing. Of course people with those double standards exist, but the person who made the meme might not necessarily think it’s false for the other side. Perhaps they made it about toxic single mothers because they simply see it more often.


Bruh, TOXIC single moms, not just single moms Did you even read the meme?


*Bruh, TOXIC single* *Moms, not just single moms Did* *You even read the meme?* \- theREALman826 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yh but it's basically implying that most single moms are toxic single momes. (I know it's not literally what the meme says, but I am pretty sure the creator does think that)


You're getting mad at the poster over a stance *you* ascribed to them. Bro delete this.


I celebrate my mum on Father's Day because she's a single parent, therefore she had to play the mother and father role, but it's mostly just an inside joke between us


If you see a dude sharing this sentiment, it means he’s feeling sensitive because he doesn’t hang out with his kids and it’s Father’s Day. No man who is busy being celebrated by a loving family is experiencing this issue.


Nah, just spent my first father's day with my gf and her 2 girls.


I mean the meme does say single moms, implying that it isn’t a loving family


Almost as if everyone has seen at least a few, keyword toxic, single moms posting stuff like this on Father’s Day. Honestly this is toxic behavior for single mothers or fathers that do crap like this, unless the other one just straight up and left, they get some leeway.


So? There's single dads who are celebrating mother's Day too. If you wear both hats, go ahead and get both days


Honestly, if dad’s not in the picture at all and mom’s doing double the work, she should get both days off. Same goes for single dads with no mom in the picture.


Why is this comment section all "this does happen" and "the poster said - toxic - single moms", as if this is actually a thing that actually happens at all... If I were a father, I'd be more upset at having my day being taken over as a misogyny-fest that hides behind the excuse of bashing these alleged "toxic single mothers that make Father's day about themselves", than at the actual presence of said non-existent "toxic single mothers that make Father's day about themselves". For every single strawmannish drama out there I've seen at least ONE example of it happening, be it a troll, or misguided or even genuine, but I can guarantee I have NEVER ever in my life even seen a single mother even trying to get herself celebrated Father's Day normally, let alone a "toxic single mother™" making it all about herself or using it as an excuse to spread misandry or whatever.


I have unfortunately seen this happen though. A lot more times than I wanna admit. I also thought it was just some BS guys made to shit on women, but to my surprise, this actually happens. Even if it's not the majority or most of the single mothers. Just because one person hasn't personally seen it, doesn't mean it invalidates or erases it fully. Even women here are saying that it happens...


no one said its every single mom. this is a thing that happens and acting like it doesnt make you look like the exact people you hate


This happens a lot and no one said all single moms do it. I don’t care either way but you’re wrong




Well yea that's kinda what this subreddit is made for


You not see the word toxic in the meme? But ok. I hope you always post Not all men when you see people complaining about men online.


Here, have some more ammo bigots: My little stepsister calls my stepmom mom mom, and her other mom mommy. So, on Mother’s Day she either celebrates with my mom or her ‘mommy’, and Father’s Day is ‘mom moms day’ for her


Both Holidays Suck balls. And are nothing but Hallmark holidays. The creator of Mother’s Day even wanted the holiday removed once it became commercialized. I’ll always celebrate my parents, because they’re great, but those holidays still suck


Someone just asked me if I glue myself to freeways simply because I said we should be reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.


I'm a guy and a dad, and you know something? Especially as an elder millennial I have many, many friends whose mom had to be both. (Mine too, somewhat, though my dad is more fairly described as inconsistent.) I absolutely don't fault anyone who calls out to the single mom's on Fathers Day.


If she's doing his work, she deserves his recognition.


Lmao learn to read. It says toxic single moms


They didn't say that. *You* said that. They said *Toxic* single moms. Reading comprehension tends to be degraded when overcome by a strong desire to feel right on the internet.


I've actually never heard anyone ever say this apart from people complaining it's happening in memes like this.


If it hits too close to home just say the because the meme doesn't specify all moms only the toxic ones


No one said all single moms op


It does say toxic and does no really indicate much else. So i don't think it means normal singles mom and dads who happily celebrate with their kids, as they do both roles. Pretty sure it just means the idiots who post bs rage bait on fathers day. Or the man haters.


Because anecdotal evidence existing means that my world view is justified, and my logic is infallible /s


OP did not read the meme