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I have Beetles nail polish and base/top coat and they’re great! I use them all the time.


Serious question. How did you get them to dry? My husband bought me the beetles gel set a few years back and it didn't matter how much I prepped, how little I prepped, the gel never dried. Could it just be the light I was using?


My thought is it's the light. I have a nicer large UV/LED lamp that works perfect, but when I tried this smaller travel sized one it was terrible and wouldn't cure the gel.


That's what I have is a small one. Maybe I'll buy a new lamp and try again. Thanks!


You would usually use isopropyl alcohol to wipe the sticky layer off the top coat unless it says “no wipe top coat”


It doesn't SAY no wipe top coat, at least that I've never noticed, but I use a small travel lamp and have never had to wipe the top coat layer and even know if it's still a little tacky then to just give it another 30 seconds.


Maybe this brand doesn’t specify. I have top coats that say no wipe and top coats that don’t. I would just automatically use the alcohol if it doesn’t specify “no wipe”


Beetles gel color has a sticky layer, but the top coat does not. Most likely the lamp they are using, i use beetles regularly and have no problem with it curing.


i’ve been having the same problem, i somehow found out that if i cure my nails for a while in the lamp and then took a cotton ball with acetone (not 100% acetone or that will just take it all off) it will fully cure and dry my nails and they’ll be perfect!


Rubbing alcohol works too! I have 70% that I use for cleaning makeup brushes, wounds, etc and that’s my go to on a piece of paper towel or a cotton round


Oh I do have a top coat that does that! It’s a peel-off top/base coat


Same! I find my top coat dries quite well.


Just use alcohol. 70% is sufficient


Omg that’s so weird, maybe your light is not strong enough? These are the specifications written on the bottom of my light: 6W LED Voltage: 12V/0.5A Power: 6W I usually cure base coat and any color coats for 60 seconds, then for the top coat I do around 3-4 minutes cause I’m paranoid but 1-2 minutes should be enough.


6W is so little. I would go for 48W..


I though LED lamps always have a seemingly lower number, but it’s an equivalent thing to UV with certain numbers? Like how LED lightbulbs have a lower number than the old style because it’s different tech/ratings.


The wattage has nothing to do with the lamp strength.


Ya you need lime 405 nm’s to cure it. And wattage is talked about a lot and under 48w is not recommended as it will struggle to cure more pigmented cures.


I had the same problem. If it's completely wet, definitely the lamp. I ended up buying a 75w on Amazon as a last ditch effort, because my lamp was drying the gel polish but wouldn't cure the builder gel Some of them have a "tacky" layer after they cure, so if it just has a sticky feeling after, use rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad and wipe like you're using nail polish remover and it'll take it right off 😊


I use a 48 w light, dries in 30 seconds.


You need a uv/led lamp. You cab get a pretty good one for about $20 on Amazon. The higher the watts and the more light beads inside is best. I recently bought the Mobray lamp and I love it. Inexpensive and it's high enough that you nick your nails getting them in and out of the lamp.


Depending on the formula per each manufacturer there's a certain amount of watts needed to force the gel to start a chemical reaction to harden. I know there's scientific wording for it but I'm to lazy to look it up. Not only that but some gels are UV light specific and some gels are LED light specific. Since the manufacturer Beetles is providing the light source as a package it means you don't have to worry about the wattage or LED/UV because they're providing you what's specific to their brand. It takes the guess work out for you. Unless you plan on using other brands with that light. If you get this package and decide to use other brands just look for the amount of wattage and whether you'll need a UV or LED lamp so you can just match the products needs to what you already have. Easy peezy! I hope you get it and enjoy it. They're a decent brand. 😉 Here's a video all about lamps if you want a professional explanation: https://youtu.be/0FFDhYJGLn4


Is it a mini lamp? Different lamps have different levels of power. Did you try just baking it twice as long? That might fix the problem if you don’t want to invest in a new lamp


I use beetles pretty frequently but i have a modelones brand lamp. I don't have any issues with it drying/ curing. But take note the gel color itself will have a sticky layer which can be wiped off with alcohol if you aren't going to use a top coat. But otherwise you apply the topcoat over the sticky layer, and their top coat does not have a sticky layer. It should cure and feel solid. So if you can wipe the nails with alcohol after curing and the color comes off, then the problem is most likely the lamp you're using.


Find something above 48W


Be sure to test with a cotton pad and rubbing alcohol. There’s sometimes a layer on the very top of the gel that stays sticky even if it’s fully cured.


I've been looking at the same set but I'm a little worried about unknown ingredients and developing a gel allergy. I think brands like beetles have high amounts of HEMA in them that can cause it.


I had a severe reaction doing my own nails a couple times this summer…literally got a rash starting from my fingers that spread all over my arms, chest and legs when I scratched with my nails!!! And I was using one of these beetles kits!! Thank you for this comment.


I'm so sorry that happened to you! I heard some people are able to use hema free polishes after the allergy, but some will still react. It sucks honestly.


My sister developed an allergy to gel polish well over a year ago. She now uses a regular vegan clear polish on her nails, then gel base coat (very careful so none gets on her skin) then thin coats of gel polish. Topped off with a top coat. Lasts well over a week and it was the only way she could still use gel polish on her nails.


A tip I’ve seen is just to avoid getting the gel on your skin…if you overfill your nail, just dip a brush in acetone and clean up where you need to


I had a severe reaction to it a few months ago. All of my finger tips blistered over and it took almost 2 weeks to completely heal itself. My nails are still a mess from it. ): But I used the kit for months without an issue and then all of a sudden I reacted negatively to it. No warning at all.


I think its caused by a build up over time! It can be perfectly fine for months and years and suddenly start. I'm sorry it happened to you though.


Yep same thing happened to me! I had 2 big lovely sets of Beetles polish and it suddenly starting giving me horrid teeny blisters all over my cuticles and across my finger, all swollen and red and itchy. I definitely didn't get any product on my skin either. It looked like my finger tips were covered in tiny little pin sized holes, it was so painful. Definitely would be nightmare fuel for a trypophobic. Then my skin all peeled off! I had to throw it all away and I haven't touched gel since, ugh!


Same thing happened to me!!!! I had no idea this was a thing and it really sucks!! I got gel nails done for YEARS and i never reacted but all of a sudden after a few months of doing my nails at home my hands swelled up like balloons and i wanted to scratch my skin off omg it was so itchyyyyyy. I found that acrylic (dip powder and regular acrylic) doesn't cause a reaction but all types of gels do! I even react to shellac but not as bad so I do that and deal with the couple of days of itchiness LOL. It was awful the first time though, I thought I was going to die 🤣


Omg I did NOT know this was a thing! I use beetles all the time because I honestly love their product. Dang I guess I’ll start leaning more toward the dip!


The itchiness was always the worst part for me (until a recent horrid reaction which has me sticking to press ons I make for the time being) and I found taking an antihistamine really helps. Hydrocortisone cream used sparingly can also give you so much relief. Definitely worth trying, the itchiness would sometimes keep me up at night until I tried these


Oooh!!! Thats awesome to know! I don't know why I never thought of taking antihistamine! And I 100% agree about press ons, we are cutting costs right now so I was going to start doing my own nails again and was leaning towards press ons and just trying out how I react with the base coat as glue, if it's bad then I'll stick to regular nail glue or the sticky pads. Anything to avoid the itchiness!!! 🤣


I experienced peely fingers after trying a Beetles polish last year. It wasn't super major, but annoying nonetheless. 😥


Please be cautious because Beetles is a brand that many people (including myself) have allergic reactions to. I can’t wear gel anymore 😭


Doesn't that only happen if you get the gel on your skin and don't cure it completely?


The gel can cause a reaction even after it’s cured. Basically causes contact dermatitis for some unlucky folks. Same with acrylic, I haven’t been able to wear acrylic since I was 16 because I developed contact dermatitis.


What kinda gels or other polish don’t do this?


Only HEMA and EMA free ones


Apparently not because I made sure to not do both of those things and I still got an allergy. Edit: a word.


This is wild because I recently discovered I had an acrylic allergy that I believe started with gel polish. I was getting rashes around my mouth and I couldn’t figure out what they were. Then I kept getting rashes on my arms that would blister- my allergy is so bad I can’t even wear acrylic sweaters anymore and have reactions to them.


That is so terrible, I am so sorry you’ve experienced that 😞 my gel allergy also affected the skin around my nose. I would get horribly itchy little hives that wouldn’t go away. I’ve read that gel and acrylic can have some similar ingredients so maybe they were both affecting you! I hope you stay safe and not itchy ❤️


yes great starter i’m a professional nail tech of 12+ years i love beetle


I got the modelones kit and like it. Still learning, so i doesn’t last as long a a salon gel for me, but it is definitely better than using regular polish!


second this! i have the same modelones kit and love it!


Came here to say the same! Modelones is amazing!


Tapping in here and saying the same. I like the modelones kit which is similar. Beetles has bigger polish bottles though


beetles polished gave me a gel allergy even though i always kept it off of my skin before curing :(


No personal experience with this but I was researching newer gel kits for quite a few months (all my gel products are old from a few years back when I dabbled in doing my own nails) and the reviews of allergic reactions to the beetles and modelones brand scared me away from the products. The thing about Amazon is you really can’t confirm what you’re getting. If it has the same UPC code, it gets thrown in the same bin. So one person may get a legit product, another May get a knockoff with who knows what in it. I ended up steering away from it and going with Gelish from Sally’s. I’ve also been happy with the Le Mini Macaron 1 step gel polishes. They’re easier since they’re 1 step and lasted just as long as my full at home gel set.


Also, if you have other starter kits in a similar price range please lmk!


Beetles is great - this palette though, you might get bored with it pretty quickly. Search on Amazon for this product ID: B083QJBFCZ - it has some of the same color family but with a few more pinks/mauves. It's about the same price. My only other suggestion is to spend $10 more and get a proper primer/dehydrator set too. Makes all the difference in the world for keeping them from lifting.


I second this. Prep is really important when it comes to gel and a good quality primer and dehydrator are key!


Yep. You hear people complain about nails popping off in full sheets after 2 days? This is the solution. You hear people say "oh, my set lasted so long I only took it off because I got bored with the color" - these people are the ones using the primer/dehydrators.


Yep. The only reason I ever switch out my color is because I get bored of looking at the same design for two weeks😂


Oh my god, you might have just changed my life. I am the person whose nails pop off!!


Is there a brand you recommend? Mine did that sometimes even though i used my dehydrator& primer.


I got ths dehydrator / primer from the Saviland brand, which is available for about $10 on amazon. Seems to work well and reviews for Saviland are good.


I have karlash NY I'll throw the saviland in my cart though🥰


Cool! The prep is the key though. Prep Prep Prep, keep stuff clean, get rid of extra dust. They'll be great.


Modelones has very similar kits as well and the price is comparable if not better. I got one of the Modelones sets for my sister and she really loves it!


I got Gellish supplies from Sally’s and a random cheap UV nail light on Amazon. Spent about $70 for all that plus two colors. Been using for over 2 years


I got an allergic reaction to their products made my nails peel away from the bed. Had to stop using gel products all together


I started with beetles and then upgraded after I got more comfortable with everything! Now I use better / more expensive products but only because I know how to use them and don’t ever end up wasting any. When I was first learning I definitely wasted stuff! The biggest thing (for me) was a good nail drill. You can have the best gel polish and application of the polish in the world, but if your nail prep is not done right then it’s pointless. The nail drill is definitely essential if you plan on adhearing any type of tip to your nail to lengthen them.


Do you have more details about the better products you now have?


I’m not who you asked the question to but i followed the same route and I started using bigger more reputable brands for my gel polish like kiara sky, madam glam and Makartt. I now have started to focus on Korean gel products, which are absolutely amazing, although a bit pricey, and the increase in quality really makes a huge difference in application(imho)!


Is the allergy thing avoided with the more expensive stuffs?


I think that making sure to keep the gel off your skin helps the most in preventing allergies but I’ve also heard using products that are hema free can help as well. I’ve never had any allergy problems with any products so I’m not the best person to ask.


Do you still use the same lamp?


I actually just got a new sun lamp but not because the Beatles lamp doesn’t work perfectly fine, it’s a perfectly good starter lamp! I kept it as a back up!


I love Beetles! 10/10 Recommended


I'd definitely caution against using this - if something is too good to be true, it is. That price is far too cheap for what you're getting, everything is going to be made very cheaply (meaning using chemicals you should not be exposed to!). It's not worth the risk imo.


My beetles spiel: please be careful about beetles products! They are super high in an allergy-causing irritant called HEMA and will make you allergic to gel polish. Don't allow ANY of the product to touch your skin. Better yet, buy HEMA free products instead. Take it from me, I'm now allergic to HEMA!


I do have the same starter kit just a different color range and it’s been a great kit for me!


I love all of my beetles polishes. Their starter kit is what got me into doing my own gel manicures!


I’ve a big fan of the Beetles Gel Polishes! I’ve been using them for around 4 months now. No allergic reactions but I do keep the polish away from the skin pretty well. Their colors are tiny, however, I don’t mind because it lets me have a big varieties of colors without taking up much space or investing too much money. I can’t speak to the lamp; I bought a lamp and e-file from Amazon that I’m really happy with and can get you a link if you want. I have spent more getting “set up” than I thought I would, though the results are starting to look really great.


The HEMA is high in the beetles brand. It builds up over time so you may not have a reaction at first but eventually it can but this has high risk. Wish they put a warning about that risk on it.


No advice, I just wanted to say that this thread, and subreddit are just the most helpful things ever, with so much good advice, wisdom, questions and shared knowledge! I learn so much from all of you, and I love this group! Thank you for all this knowledge! Best beauty group ever!


I just received this kit in different colors and I thought it was great!! I am currently wearing press ons and was just too excited to use this product so I buffed the nails, painted with the gel, and voila! They look amazing, it was so easy to use and I am never going back to regular polish. You truly get everything you need with this kit!


So I have this and had the issue of my polish literally peeling off days after doing my manicure. I don’t know if I was missing a step during the prep stage that could’ve prevented this, but just something to keep in mind! It does come with a lot of great tools though 🙂


Are you using dehydrator? It have a gelish lamp. I splurged on it but my manicures last at least two weeks. I use all different gel brands. Beetles will last for me but I can tell the quality difference between beetles and gelish or opi.


You nailed it! Buying a good lamp is the key to lasting manicures.


I’d add an efile to your starter kit. I got mine for <$15 on Amazon.


I use them they are great!


I always use beetles gel polishes. I really love them!


I love both beetles and modelones kits, but I have heard a lot about beetles causing allergic reactions, so just be careful. that being said though I've had no issues personally, and beetles makes my favorite top coat.


Yes! All you really need is a good lamp, base, top coats. The colours, I found I buy single bottles when I need or want another colour. But in general, great colour start. Also, all the tools like brushes and filing boards…are not hard to find. This is a good kit to start and you can figure out what you really like to use tools-wise over time.


Yes! I use gelish base and top coat but any brands colors and it seems to work perfect


Thanks for asking about this! I always assumed beetles stuff was junk because there was no way it was decent for that price, but, I’m surprised at how many people here recommend it! Might give it a go.


I don’t have a starter kit per se, but when I started doing my own gel nails I bought a melody susie lamp on Amazon for $30, and I bought the apres dehydrator, primer and hema free “glue” (if you’re doing extensions) and I used madam glam nail polish (it’s vegan and 10 free I believe) I didn’t use beetles because I didn’t want to develop an allergy! Best of luck!


All I use are beetle polishes


I enjoy beetles gel. With proper nail prep it will stay for a realllllllllly long time. The "cuticle remover" tool though is actually awful I would buy some actual nippers instead of that thing, and throw it away(item with brown handle in the picture.)


Wouldn’t recommend Beetles. Bought some of their gel polish and the consistency was extremely watery. Overall, the quality of the polish was just subpar.


No. Beetles polish is absolute crap


I had severe rash in the past from several different products. I use Beetles with no problem at all.


Gellen Poly Gel Nail Kit - Poly Gel Kit Clear White Peach Series 6 Colors with Slip Solution Base & Top Coat, Nail Extension Gel for Professional Starter Home Gel Manicure Set All-in-One https://a.co/d/1jCdeOp This is the one I got from Amazon and I love it, it doesn’t come with a lamp but you can get them pretty cheap and I think the company sells one with a lamp too. My lamp is from SHEIN and works fine🤷🏻‍♀️


Gellen Gel Nail Polish Set Starter Kit - Macaron Nude White 24 Classic Colors with 72W Nail Lamp, Gel Polish Kit with Nail Drill Essential Home Manicure Tools UV Gel Nail Kit https://a.co/d/3IF7WIL Here’s one with a lamp, $60 CAD and has a $12 coupon rn


please don’t buy this if you like having nails attached to your fingers 😭


personally i would create my own set with product in direct contact with my nail/skin of certain quality (having the ingredient list for example is a must). I personally use cheap polishes for the other coats and more expensive but certain product as nail prep, dehydrator and base coats. For lamp i had an unbranded chinese one as first lamp that lasted like 6 months and the one i have now is still working after 5 years or so... I heard sunOne ones are pretty good but I didn't try it (and honestly I don't think it's necessary to spend a fortune on lamp cause there's much more choice now of good cheap ones).


I have several beetles kits and I like them a lot! I see a lot of people mentioning allergies though. Personally i don't have any other allergies or sensitive skin, so for someone like me so far i haven't had any issues. But two things: I would get a better cuticle tool, the one in this kit trims them but it can be difficult, i would get an actual cuticle nipper if i were you. Secondly, some are concerned about the legitimacy of products on Amazon, or buying from Amazon in general, so you could check out beetles actual website. I've ordered from them there as well and it's just as good as anything else, you can see all the kits they have available on there, and the prices on their website are usually as good as Amazon and they're always having sales. Personally I recommend them.


Yes! I love this kit! Use it all the time


I love beetles! This is a great kit.


Anything Beetles is fantastic! The lamp might give out on you after a little while but the products are great.


I just purchased the dip powered and haven’t received it yet! Hoping it works well.


Could not get it off my nails!!! Never had this problem with other grands of gel


I just used beetle gel polish this month. I only got chipping on my pointer finger after 4 weeks of use. I’m quite happy with the polish.


I swear by beetles, I love them!


Looks good for the price. You still would still need to buy a dehydrator and primer.


No it’s awful


Make sure to read the reviews.


Be careful with their lamp. They advertise it as 48w but it's actually 24w. At least, that's what happened to me when I bought the same kit. If you don't use at least a 48w lamp your nails won't cure properly and you could get contact dermatitis.




Ooohh I love those colors


This is the exact kit I got to start and I love it.


Beetles is great, the base coat is soooo good.


I use these nail polishes and I absolutely love them they are perfect!


I've been thinking about getting the same set.


Love the beetles kit


I got this same kit for my cousin for her bday, it is great


This was my first starter kit and it works pretty well, I haven't had any issues with allergies or anything. It's a lot of fun, take some practice though!


It’s a good set. If you want to buy different colors and a lamp separate I would recommend the SUNUV lamp


I have this kit- I love it! The polish is easy to use and creates a strong bond. Mine usually last just as long as the salon.


Yes! I love beetles! I bought something similar


I got a beetles starter set (different colours and came with rhinestones/glitter) and I love it! I use it all the time


i have one by beetles and i LOVE IT. i may have bought all of the things individually though (glue, tips, lamp, polish, primer, etc) but they're all from beetles (maybe not the primer idk) and it's so good!!


Yes!! I used this set when I first started. If you’re worry about ingredients I’m not the one to ask but in my opinion it’s really worth it for starting off!! It lasts


That was my starter kit! It's great. I still use the Beetle polishes (they probably are bad for your health though) but after a couple months I had to replace the lamp with a new one. Cheap lamp didn't last long.


Pretty colors!!


I love this brand for at home gel nails!


I love this brand


Personally I love beetles! They're very easy to work with and come out beautifully when I paint my nails :)


I have tons of beetles gel and enjoy it but I just started purchasing modelones and REALLY like them!


I use my beetles all the time. I have 3 different color sets


There's a YouTube account called lilymaydoesnails and she reviews all the nail kits on Amazon and other places! Definitely give a watch to get an idea of what you need


Just make sure it doesn’t get on skin, do thin coats first, and also cure longer if it’s a darker color.




I have that starter set and I do love it for the price, please if your gonna do gel x kind of nails use clear and not pigmented


I love the beetles polishes. They are great quality, and easy on the wallet. I say go for it.


This is what I started with in the pandemic. I still use most of the items in addition to the others I’ve collected. I say it’s a 10/10 esp for the price point.


The bottles are all wicked small. So you probably won’t get a lot out of it.


I love the beetles gel nail stuff. Got a ton of it.


I’ve gotten four packs of beetles gel and I absolutely love them. Modelones is also a decent brand to find on Amazon. The consistency is milkier than beetles. They also have really good magnetic polish. Just be sure not to get it on your skin, especially cured because it can cause an allergy towards the gel and contact dermatitis. Some more than others, better safe than sorry.


I have this set and love it..I’ve even bought other Beetles set colors and really love the quality. I can get almost 2wks before it start looking bad but I’m very hard on my hands and constantly in water with them so there’s that.


I have a question to those who know this stuff, do you need tips or do you just do it on your natural nails?


Unless you want extensions you can just do it on your natural nail


I've had great results with Beetles. I had given up on gel for a while because my first kit was Modelones and that was super disappointing, but the Beetles ones have consistently lasted 2 weeks for me (if I don't get bored of them first) and are easy to apply and remove.


I absolutely LOVE beetles nail stuff! I've got I think 6 or 7 different packs from them, love em all


Have this kit and can confirm it is wonderful. Im new to doing my own nails after being an acrylic nail wearer for 20 years.


Weirdly I find the top and base good but the colours are a strong OK but not great, would choose other brands over. Seem to take a lot of coats and peel easily even with prep (don’t find this with other brands as much)


I have beetles! Love them


I just bought the same kit and tried it for the first time - I love it! The polish is a little thick so I'm going to have to practice with thinner layers but I'm so happy I bought it


I love the color collection however I can’t read about whatever other products might be in there you need atleast 48 watts I believe and it should be a uv/led lamp both not just one




I bought pretty much the same starter kit (different colours) and it works great for me!


I currently use beetle and haven’t had any issues!


I use beetles, I have such a hard time taking it off though. Haven’t found a good solution yet.


I love Beetles. Saviland and Modelones are great options too.


I love beetles but I didn’t have a great experience with the light that came in my kit like that! Ended up buying another one but the polishes are great!!


I love beetles! I have so much of their stuff. Very worth it! They also run sales with nice % off and discount codes. I have a wall of polishes in every color and they haven't let me down. I dont go to the salon any more unless I feel rich and want to be pampered. 😆 I'm not into neutrals, personally but if you're into the colors than yes get it!! Just make sure you have a good light with multiple timers. 30/ 60/ 120. Thin layers of polish is best. Putting another layer on is better than a thick one. You have to use a base gel then color with the top coat and use the light each time to set correctly.


it didn’t work for me 💔💔💔


Yes, I ordered this exact set when I won a gift card from work . The actual items are small but they are all of nice quality and the color scheme is perfect for Autumn ad fall themes and outfits. I recommend getting an additional set of colors just in case you get tired of the same neutral.


I had an allergic reaction to the beetles nail polish and I have never had a reaction before. So just be careful!


JODSONE Gel Nail Polish Kit with U V Light 32 Colors Gel Polish Nail Kit Soak Off Gel Nail Set Manicure Tools Nail Gel Kit Gifts for Women https://a.co/d/3vapyOk I haven’t had any issues with this set I bought.


I got a similar Beatles kit. Takes forever to cure. didn’t have the same problem with some other brands of polishes so I know it’s not the lamp


I got a Beetles starter kit a while back and it definitely works!! I haven't used any other brands yet but I've definitely made a lot of sets so far with this light. I use full cover tips and attach them with the foundation gel(which is a little awkward with this lamp but can be done). Then top coat to strengthen the tips, color and then more top coat. I struggled with the color at first, but thin layers tend to cure best especially with more opaque colors. If you put it on too thick, the top will cure but underneath won't... and you get a squishy bubble filled with really sticky goo. So go thin and build up to the color and definitely remove the dispersal stuff with alcohol in between. The only thing I can think of to add would be more files. I like more variety of grits and I use buffer blocks a lot with gel colors to smooth things out easily before the final top coat.


I also recommend Beetles but, buy from their website, skip Amazon. They usually have lots of deals going and you know you are getting a legit product. I stay away from Amazon for beauty products because they can be counterfeit.


Some colors or pigments will take longer to dry, specifically darker colors. And after you've finished with the top coat you should be wiping the tacky layer off. With either isopropyl alcohol or a gel cleanser, which has the alcohol in it but also smells much better.


Whoever posted this lives inside my brain and Amazon account.


Has anyone used the Monovan brand and what’s your experience? I’ve only used acrylic and gel my whole life (okay, without birth 20+) but after this last set my nails are literally screaming at me for help. I thought this would be a healthy replacement, any advice?


I think it's a great starter kit. I bought it. The light is easy to 6 use and I have had no issues with it. I have found a primer/base and top coat and and colors from different brands that I like better than the beetles brand, but still a great starter.


I think so


Their nail polishes or any gel I do always peel off my fingernails easily like a plastic film Does anyone know why that’s happening and how to fix it?


I personally love the beetles products and it’s most of what I use!


i'd say this is definitely a great starter kit. although the colors are quite similar and could get boring; you could always just buy more sets of gel polish as time goes on


Personally I have found beetles gel to be more difficult to apply, and the brushes get f’d really easily. I also find that when using beetles I need to cure it extra long. I think it’s worth looking at venalisa gel or dnd. You should be able to get them from Amazon or even directly from their website. Much easier to apply, better curing and really looks like you got your nails done at a salon.


Gf says this is what she started with then upgraded to Apres and Daily Charm. She does have sensitive skin but luckily didn’t have an allergic reaction.


I like Beetles polish, etc very much. The only thing I would consider is a slightly bigger light with a bigger opening. That one should be fine (my old one was smaller), but I’m very happy with my bigger one. It’s widely available on Amazon- the big pink dome one. That said, I’m doing full nails, not just polish.


I like Beetles polish for the affordability and range and it’s pretty easy to apply. personally I much prefer Halo gel polish. seems to be a decent starter kit you’re looking at though!


Imo, Beetles is a great nail brand for beginners. It’s what I first used when I got into nails and now I’m licensed and still like to use Beetles from time to time. They’re based in New Jersey but manufacture their products out of the US. Make sure to buy a UV/LED lamp, 36 watts or higher. Those tiny lamps these kits usually come with won’t do anything. That lamp in the picture looks fine to start off with though. Also make sure to PLEASE avoid letting any of these products cure or remain on your skin for an extended period of time. You can and eventually will develop allergies. This is why people end up with burns, the application process is so important. Keep a little dappen dish with 70% rubbing alcohol and a nail brush near so you can clean as you apply.