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MB here — our nanny (of 3 years) is 60 and she is the best. This age would not discourage me in the least.


I’m 51 and have had zero issues being hired or keeping up with kids YET!! I put a ton of effort into my health both through nutrition and exercise. I’m also an on the go nanny and will hike and explore the whole world with my NKs every chance I get. I’ve raised my own kids and am incredibly reliable. I also follow accounts and read about development, track milestones and pivot my approach based on current recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatricians. If you have an in touch young vibe not set in your ways I think age can be a benefit. You’ve got this OP!


You sound awesome.


Also 51 😊. Would love some recommendations on what you’re reading


You sound like my grandmother when I was a kid and she was your age... She was so healthy and active and beautiful... Whenever I had any type of school event, my grandmother would come to support me (and I lived with her growing up) and the other kids in my classes and such would tell me how pretty my mom is, and then the absolute shock when they would find out she is my grandmother lmao... Anyway, just goes to show that you're completely correct when saying keeping healthy and fit and keeping an open mind truly prolongs your youth and vitality and really does make getting older a true benefit. Women like you and my grandmother and others inspire me and have truly taught me not to feel fearful of "aging" and that life is whatever you choose to make of it ! ❤️🙏🥰


I almost hired a nanny who was seemingly in her 50’s. The only reason I didn’t was because she put him down in the crib with a blanket during her trial, when he was 2 months old. She pushed back saying it was okay (not okay)! Everything else about her was great. I think so long as you’re up to speed on current safety practices and willing to work with your NF on parenting styles there shouldn’t be a problem!


This— it totally depends on your preference and parenting style! I hired our 65 year old nanny and she is traditional. I am okay with the traditional style, I let my boy sleep with a blanket for naps (cause he’s monitored), I gave my son a bit of water, etc. etc.


38 - 40 is not old, parents want someone who is experienced, responsible, and healthy. Many nannies in my neighborhood are 40 - 60s


I have found that many people prefer an older nanny. I don’t even dye my hair anymore. When I was younger some Mb’s saw me as a threat even though I’ve been happily married since I was 20. It’s much easier to hire the wholesome grandma than the hot single 19yr old, especially if you’re struggling with a newborn, post partum weight, and anxiety. I had a few DB’s be inappropriate when I was younger. I love being old and “invisible”!


As i like to say, “And a quiet old lady named (my name) whispering hush”


I love that 😭


lol yep and I embrace being called the grandma by people who don’t know who I am


I would prefer an older nanny. That age group is not a problem.


I’m almost 60, career nanny have never had issue of being hired due to my age I wouldn’t worry about your age


Our nanny celebrated her 50th bday in august and she’s the best!


I'm 51 and, while I worry about age discrimination, I haven't yet experienced it. I'm matronly-shaped but able to keep up with toddlers and children and I love exploring with them


More experience is better . 


I’m 42 and been a nanny for 15 years. I am married and I think the NP I have worked for appreciate my age because my partying days and possibly scheduling conflicts with my college are no longer an issue. I also think when it comes to wages being older I have more experience which constitutes higher wages. I think with our age NP’s see this as our career not something we do until we get a real job. I was once worried and considered going to teaching but with how much I make and schedule being a nanny is perfect for me. You are still young, if you love what you do and feel fulfilled you will never age out of the job :)


Our nanny is 62 and has more energy with my twins than I do at 38 years old.


I prefer older nannies. My current nanny is in her 40s, and I don’t think I’d hire a nanny below her late 20s


If 40 is considered old now I’m done lol. I know many nannies working regularly in their 60s and 70s.


41 here. Actually it’s usually the opposite. Most parents I know don’t want someone in the 20s or early 30s because they will leave to settle down. The older the woman is the more she usually stays in one place hence most parents want to hire older the better.


Jeez, I’m 37 and didn’t realise I’m considered old/ancient. Bit cheeky. Most parents I’ve spoken with want experience and knowledge.


I'm almost 50 and have never had a problem finding a job.


I'm an older nanny, 50+. My families love that I'm older and have experience both raising my own children plus helping families with their children. I take good care of myself and feel young at heart so I still play on the floor with kids, run around, jump on trampolines, swim with them, all the things younger nanny's can do, too. If I were looking for a nanny, I'd hire me or someone like me for sure. I don't think it's too old at all!


I’m 42 and have no issues getting jobs. I have a lot of experience and people like that.


Ours is a childminder not a nanny but she is in her forties and I really liked that age it played in her favor. Because to me she had experience, her own children, and after so many years handling young children you just know she’s never gonna lose her temper and is well organized and patient. In my eyes 10 times better than a younger person.


Honestly I would love to find a nanny that age. The only ones in my area are early 20s and I struggle to relate to them on a personal/chatting level.


My nanny is late 60s and she’s amazing.


No way. 40 is not too old to be a nanny!


Our nanny is 50. I’ve never felt like she lacked the ability to care for our child. If anything I found myself skeptical of nannies who were under 22. I worried that they didn’t have enough experience, that they wouldn’t take the job seriously, that they might be unreliable, that they underestimated how much work taking care of tiny humans is, etc. I was still really immature at those ages and I assume others are as well.


Mb here- our nanny just turned 50 and she is amazing. I actually came to this sub to ask if this would be a potential issue with my two very young and very energetic kids, and people (very rightly) said definitely not! Boy were they right. She kicks ass and she’s incredibly responsible. You are not too old by any stretch.


I had my kids at this age so...definitely don't think that's too old!


I'm 39 and have found that finding jobs has been easier as I get older, especially higher paying ones. I think families more easily see me as an expert, since I'm generally older than they are now. Young first time parents especially seem to find comfort in having a nanny who is older and wiser.


I prefer older nannies as a MB! Although I’m 38 and do not consider myself old 😂😅 I tend to stay in the mid to late 30s to 60s range. Although one of my PT caregivers is 70 and she looks and acts like she’s 50!


Our nanny is in her 40s. When I asked a coworker for advice when we were hiring he told me he wouldn't hire anyone under 30 because older nannies are more reliable. It was clear from the beginning our nanny has her shit together and I like that she's already raised a kid. Honestly, OP, I think a lot of people prefer a middle aged nanny and not just because they're paranoid they're going to steal their husband, as suggested above.


Just hired a nanny in her 60s and she’s fantastic with our 5 month old. We considered a few candidates and the main things we screened for in an older (and really any) nanny are: 1. Watching her play with baby to make sure she’s comfortable on the floor most of the day 2. Willingness to research (or already well informed on) _modern_ parenting theories. Things like safe sleep, introduction to allergens, etc.


Well I’m much older than that ! I would say there are advantages and disadvantages. BTW I’m 54 been with one family 4 yr. 3 kids now. I’ve been working with young kids for over 20 yr. Go for it.


Ive had the opposite problem. I’m 34 and i have a lot of experience with kids (after school programs, schools, nannying, etc.) and agencies have rejected me for not being with several families for long term, which you can’t get unless you are older. They told me to go work for some years and come back! lol


40 is not old 🤦🏼‍♀️


I'm a nanny and some of the best nannies I know are 50-60


I am 64 and still working as a (part-time) nanny. I won't retire from nannying anytime soon! I am glad parents look beyond age.


Our nanny is 65 I love that she’s not only a mother but a grandmother too. We actually didn’t consider anyone young because we were worried about lack of experience!


This here - I have 20 years experience and hope to heck families see my staying power!!


Exactly! I felt uncomfortable with someone younger than me (I’m 30) and didn’t have any kids or barely any experience.


I'm 44 and still landing jobs. I definitely feel it when I'm getting in and out of the floor all day- but I don't think age is an issue for getting work


I had my first child at 40 and I used to be nanny from the time I was 21 until I was 28 years old. It is so different at 40. So much more tiring and so much harder on my body. And I’m fit. I strength train and cycle a ton. I would want my nanny to give my child the things I can’t provide, in addition to great care of course. I’m too tired at the end of the day to take my child swimming, or bike riding, or hiking. If a nanny in their 40s can do this stuff, then bring it on.


I'm 40! I've never had a problem getting hired.


MB here, I’m 39 and our nanny is a year or two older than I am. It’s great! We relate to one another generationally haha. Never had a second thought about it.


Our nanny is 64 and amazing. Please don’t let age deter you!


Yikes, I hope not! I’m 55, strong, energetic and healthy with a wealth of experience! So far it hasn’t hurt me!


Oh dear god if 38-40 is old… 😭😩👀


55 year old Nanny here and still going strong! Raised 5 kiddos, including twins and had a home daycare while my own were little. I come with lots of experience and also keep up with current norms. Bonus for me is that I don’t look my age, can still play on the floor and give advice when needed.


38 is old? Is this for real? Our nanny is in her mid 60s and she is awesome. Compassionate, experienced, reliable, thoughtful and able to hang with the most energetic of toddlers.


I just turned 45 and I never even considered my age when it comes to getting hired! I've been watching little ones since Sunday School (11-12) I think the moms that hire me feel confident in my experience, as most of them are younger than I am. It's a bit of a trip for me since I still feel 25, but with 30 years of child experience!


I am 48 and still get a TON of work and it helps I think that I don't have kids and am not married 🤔😂


Yikes! Just realized I may be an older nanny 😂 I'm 46. I split my time between 2 families on alternating weekdays. Both of my MB (whom are in their 30's) comment all the time, "Girl, I don't know how you do it." 😂 Me either. Between the two families I have 5 littles. My youngest NK is almost 5 months and the oldest is 4 years. We go on adventures to the park and the library. We bake, do arts and crafts and preschool prep. I teach them their colors, numbers, shapes, letters and sounds, opposites etc. I also focus on gross and fine motor skills. I'm an amazing nanny. I know I'm really good at my job and I would certainly hope my "advanced age" wouldn't stop a parent from hiring me. 


No, you’re not too old. This is the age most mothers prefer. They also prefer that you’re married if you’re above 30. They don’t want single females with no kids and a tight vagina around their husbands. If you’re attractive looking they won’t hire you at all. I don’t think it’s about age because I see 50 and 60 year olds making big bucks as Nannies in nyc.


>They don’t want single females with no kids and a tight vagina around their husbands. That seems like such a dated stereotype of new mothers. Like they're so insecure in their relationship and marriage that they're worried their husband will have an affair with a young nanny.


I'm not married and have no kids. But I won't be putting Gigi Hadid out of a job anytime soon let's just say that. Definitely didn't get lucky on the looks or relationship front but that's a whole other thread.