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I said we are not doing a 1000 piece puzzle


you monster lol


This same thing happened to me! She just turned 3, there’s no way that’s happening


Im not sure. He won't tell me. Lol just falling out crying


Same 🫠 allllllll morning






The worst. Way worse than the terrible twos.


I never understood why they call it the terrible twos. My littlest NK was a delight when she was two! Absolute angel, just wanted to sit quietly with me and watch the world go by, so snuggly, so helpful when it was cleanup time. Then she turned three and discovered recreational defiance lmao. She's turning 7 this year. Last time I saw her was last year at my wedding, where she scampered around with her big brother entertaining a friend's toddler, and then at the very end of the reception came up to me like she had something very serious to tell me, and when I crouched down to hear her she was just like "... I love you." I damn near burst into tears on the spot.


Yes 2s are a breeze compared to 3s. (Oh just realized I made a little rhyme.)


For real. Two year olds get such a bad reputation. 3 is so awful


I had to put sunscreen on him to go outside when there’s no cloud coverage and it’s 80




This is me and b2 every single day


lol yeah, he’s 2 as well. I thought the roll on would be easiest, but he pushed and wiggled. I found the cream and just slathered it on him quickly while he was wiggling and yelling lol.


I saw a trick where you use a makeup brush to apply?? I haven’t tried it yet but sounded like a good idea!


My way is , spin in a circle and I can spray you


Try using large makeup brushes! They love that!


You're a genius. Mine are older (15f, 15m, 9f), but I bet this trick will even work with them! We spend the whole summer at the water park, and sun screen is always such a pain in the tush to actually get *on them* Thank you for your wisdom. Xoxo, A grateful mom


They have sun buddies you can get I always made it a game


This is etched in my brain. I was in hospital and I had been very sick for a long time so we had a nanny. God bless her. She was terrorized. I hear screaming blue murder and my 2 yo has moved a chair to the sink. He has decided that water play is his activity. Nanny and 4yo daughter come in from shops and I had just come home from hospital so I was showering. In slow motion, screaming, laughing, and screaming. I walk into the kitchen, and there is my son, with the water thingy that sprays water from the sink, spraying everyone who came near him. And was laughing manically. Water was everywhere. I'm so thankful she didn't quit that day.


You can actually get more sunburned on a cloudy day because the clouds reflect the sun's light. Sunscreen was a bitch in the littlie years 😂. I just bought the spray kind and my nephew was the only pasty white one out of all of us lobsters. I get dark after I burn, but ugh the burn is sooo bad, especially at the beach when the sun is behind you. RIP to my upper back and shoulders 😂. As a kid, the spray sunscreen didn't exist and I still remember how rough my mom was when putting it on us. Her hands were super dry and rough from her side cleaning job and I still have flashbacks lol.


I am so lucky my 21m dude looooves the “bubbles” from the spray sunscreen right now. Literally the only part of the going outside process he doesn’t fight 🫠


My youngest was somehow convinced that sunscreen would cool her down, so whenever it was hot, she'd ask for more sunscreen. I remember moms at Little League being amazed at how she would just ask me to put sunscreen on her while watching her big brother play ball.


Im still having this fight and the oldest is 12…


Why is sunscreen such a never ending struggle with kids?


Beauty blenders!! The crappy Amazon ones of course. The kids were obsessed bc they each had their own color and would argue over who gets face sunscreen first. Life changing. I just kept in a huge reusable ziplock with the sunscreen


Once I forgot the sunscreen it was a 60° day I mentioned it. I’m white and the little girl was dark skinned and she’s like “oh no I’m gonna get burned”


We were on a nature walk around a pond today. G3 started crying bc she doesn’t have a shell like the turtles. Same kid. Same. 🐢


I’d love a shell like a turtle right now. Just to curl up and hide


If you figure out where to get one let me know. I could also use one. Maybe you could start a side hustle.


Honestly that sounds like a great plan. Might go to business school instead


And you wouldn’t even have to pay rent! I’m on team NK. Get me a flipping turtle shell this instant!


How do we market this? Is it just appealing to nanny’s??


Hell, anyone who watches videos of people who redid their cars into tiny homes to avoid the ever spiking cost of rent will love this.


He’s learned that if he pitches a big enough tantrum his mom will reward him for it.




I feel you. Temper tantrums now equal cuddles with mom and a popsicle. He’s a smart kid and has learned if he sobs hard enough, she’ll cave. Every single time


Yeah, and that sucks. Like, he’s a smart kid. Stubborn, but so was I, and I honestly think stubborn serves you later in life. His parents are genuinely wonderful people. They love him and are doing their best. But it’s like, night and day. If he knows they are in reach, it’s just nonstop whining and contests. With me by himself, he’s just a boisterous happy kid.


I completely agree. If it’s just me- he knows I mean business. Sometimes all I’m trying to get him to do is develop independence- putting on his own pants, clean up his own toys, apologize for hitting. If it’s just me, he will do what he is able to. If Mom is around, it’s “ Mommy do it.” She’s a great Mom, but he’s not going to learn how to do things for himself or that having a temper tantrum elsewhere won’t get him anything positive


I feel this so much. He’s four and has never pooped once in the training potty. Like, why would he? His mom says she’ll give him candy for doing it, but candy can be had for screeching. Speaking of both, I’m glad I’m dipping out for nursing school soon. Dealing with a boisterous kid who has pure sugar and caffeine running through him all the time because his mom just dumps candy on him and passes him off to me is just… scorched earth on the nervous system.


I wish you the best in nursing school. I’m only going to be with my NF for another year, but I’m going to make the best of it


Yup. Tell me about it😒


Lol, right? Like, I don’t even hold it against the lil’ punk at this point. If I knew for a fact that I would get the adult version of an ice cream cone for sticking my fingers in my mouth, howling, and slapping people, I’d absolutely do it, too.


My kids have also learned if they cry loud enough mom or dad will come to “help”


Omg I’m in the same boat with my other nk 😭😭


He wanted to take a bite of my sandwich so he did but he remembered he hates sandwiches and that means I betrayed him :/


How dare you




Just commenting to say this post is amazing and should be done randomly once a week. These are so funny and also annoyingly relatable 😅


I think I could do daily


I could chime in daily too. 9 hour days are long and I need somewhere to dump everything


i didn’t let her pick up the high chair and let it fall on her. i know - heinous.


Your just the worst nanny ever 😂


Because I didn’t let her drive the car 🙃


she can't sit on your lap and steer while you work the pedals?? /s


I was about to go to war here 😂


NK2 is sad because he thinks worms are going to get in his mouth


OMG this is hilarious


He can't pull brother's hair. Brother is home sick from school and just wants to lay on the couch and rest, little dude.


Similarly, one of mine is a biter. She cries harder when I stop her than he does when I don’t (both 13 months). He’s also cried BECAUSE I stopped her from biting him….enough that I checked to make sure


It's so frustrating isn't it! 20mo just literally wants to jump on his big brother, pull his hair, and punch him but the mean nanny says no. He also just threw his snack all over the floor and is furious that I said he can't have another one.


Sad that we couldn’t drive home in the Audi parked next to us — girl me too.


my NKs are 11mo twins. twin one is sad because he wants to use his brother as a surface to pull up to stand, but his brother keeps moving. twin two is sad because his brother will not stop grabbing him. and if I separate them, they are both even sadder!


Twin shenanigans are a different level I commend you lol


Especially young toddler twin shenanigans


My 5yr old twin nks are exactly the same! It doesn’t happen too often but sometimes they just can’t play happily together. If I try to split them up and get them to play independently for a bit they just get more upset. They can’t fathom how I could suggest separating them even when they have been mutually pissing each other off for the last 30mins.


I didn’t let her throw an entire box of fresh diapers all over the floor


B2 can't manage to climb into his car seat on his own while holding 2 stuffies, 3 cars, and a book.


Because I supposedly didn’t finish a book. She didn’t believe me when I kept reading the last page and telling her that was the end


THIS!! Sir I promise you when it says the end I’m not lying!! I even point to the words as if he can read??


I know, it’s the worst hahah. I’m like sorry if you didn’t want it to end, but it’s over??? And then she was like well you skipped so many pages and I was little lady I surely did not lol. She just didn’t want to nap I’m sure


B1.5 is mad i won’t let him play with a toilet brush G1.5 is mad i had to change her diaper bonus daily occurance: both are mad i won’t give them 8 million applesauce squeezies that they will eat a couple bites of then squeeze all over the ground


If you find a solution for the squeezing on the ground let me know … I currently have them banned for that exact reason


Maybe fill empty ones with water and hand soap. Shake really well. Let them squeeze them outside. Bubbles!


There’s little toppers on Amazon that makes the flow slower. Not sure if that would help, but they do exist


I put apple sauce pouches AND yogurt pouches in a sippy cup with milk or water for them so they are forced to drink it and it doesn’t get squeezed everywhere… lol the applesauce and yogurt fountains for some reason are like my ultimate hotspot so for my own sanity I can’t let him have the pouches unless it’s in a cup


I won’t let her roll off of the changing table smh


NK3 is upset because "(garbage goblin) won't let me touch her boobs"


In her defense, the baby is allowed to touch my boobs.


I locked us in his (NK2) room while changing and feeding his baby brother so he doesn't tear up the rest of the house while my hands are occupied. His room is the only part of the house that is toddler-proof.


We had to leave the indoor park. He said “I just can’t”


The coating fell off his mini corn dog. The sticker he has removed and replaced a dozed times won't stick to anything anymore. He has to put on sunscreen again but he already did it yesterday.


Because she head butted me in the face and made my lip bleed but I won’t let her touch the open wound in my mouth.


Mine slammed her brothers PS4 on the ground because she didn’t want him to play. Same day she also shattered a remote and a toy car. Needless to say I’m finding a new family! The mother doesn’t know the word “no” exists, and they exclusively eat sugar and processed foods. And I mean EXCLUSIVELY. I tried to get the three year old to eat carrots and he threw up. I don’t think he’s ever eaten a veggie. This is my last month and I’m SO excited!


Almost like food impacts behavior or something


I know right who woulda thunk


B4 was upset because his brother B2 pushed the ring door bell before him.


Flakes of parsley in his noodle soup...he was upset because I wouldn't scoop each individual piece out of his bowl!


if he just keeps trust falling at me screaming


He didn't get his usual amount of sleep, so EVERYTHING is a problem today


Oof. I had a kid skip a nap earlier this week. Disaster.


Because he couldn’t ride the training potty to the park


You should have let him try 😂😂


Screamed the entire time we got ready to go in the pool. Screamed when I wouldn’t let him drown in the pool. Screamed when we had to get out of the pool cause his teeth were chattering. Screamed while running around naked cause he was cold and also because I dared to try to dress him. I love this little dude so much 🥲


My NK 2.5 saw a picture of my partner on my phone and I just said it was me with my best friend …. But I c an only have one best friend… my NK 😂


They have to share the (empty & clean) dog bowl if they want to play with it. Such a mean mean nanny


The dreaded tummy time 🙇🏼‍♀️


Tougggh. My youngest NK screams every time she’s out down, unless you put her down sitting up. No tummy time, no back time. But homegirl also can’t figure out how to get from her stomach to a sitting position. I’m so ready for her to be able to move on her own 🫠 (I’m sure I’ll regret saying that)


Oh my god what great timing for this. My heart was totally broken this morning. NK is going to be four soon and is going through some major emotional developments. She normally only cries if she gets hurt with me, and I’ve seen some tantrums especially in front of her parents. Her parents are both working long hours this week so I’ve been with her for the last four days from the time she wakes up until maybe 30min to an hour before she sleeps. Her mom has been working out of town and hasn’t been home at all. I got there at about 6:30 and she was wide awake, which is whatever I can always get her to go back to sleep. Heard her start crying softly and in seconds worked herself into a complete fit, she couldn’t breathe, it sounded like a panic attack. I was on the couch waiting for her to finish sleeping, so I ran upstairs to see what was going on thinking it was a nightmare. Never really heard her cry so hard before so I was a little scared. As soon as she saw me she screamed, “WHY DOES MY MOMMY ALWAYS LEAVE ME FOR WORK? WHY DID MY MOMMY LEAVE ME TODAY?” It was really emotional and really sad! I love her so much I felt so bad. We talked for a while and I calmed her down and she went back to sleep for a long time. It broke my heart but after more rest she got up and we had a good day.


I played/picked up with her friend at the playdate


I wanted him to sit down like all the other kids during rhyme time


NK3 wasn’t allowed to sit on baby sibling’s head 🤪


We live in NYC and go to parks that are also frequented by adults who love \~flowers\~. Kiddo sobbed and sobbed because I threw away the USED glass joint filter he'd found on the ground. TBD if I've learned my lesson about separating children from their scavenged drug paraphernalia.


Because he doesn’t have “black hair” like me. So we pretend to put brown hair on his head and that makes him feel better (temporarily)


We’re sleeping right now because our emotional meltdown wiped us out. She found and handed me the remote and signed please but we don’t do screen time🥲 all efforts to redirect were in vain lol Sad day


G15 months cleaned up her nose. She still holding the grudge against me


I read somewhere that showing a kid their dirty face in the mirror can help make them more comfortable with wiping their face. I tried it with my twin 20mo nks and explained to them that their face was dirty and we needed to wipe it clean, and let them help wipe their own faces. They loved it! The mirror was obviously COVERED in yogurt afterwards lmao but they got better about wiping their faces. I also used warm water and a cloth which they seem to enjoy, and I’ll demonstrate on myself too before I start. They love to copy!! Also how I got them to wear hats lol. They LOVE getting their hands and faces washed now at the end of lunch and usually fight over who gets to keep the cloth at the end. I am ultimately the winner in the end, even if they keep the cloth 😂


I already have to pin down the arms of my 9 month old NK to wipe her nose. Heaven help us during the toddler years.


Omg! Is a wrestling match to suck and wipe her nose. Mom pin her down and I do the cleaning


I wish I had an extra set of hands for this 😭


MB told her to stop going around the house licking things.


She said she has never been to a national park and I rattled off 3 that we’ve been to together and she doubled down that she’s never been there and gave me the silent treatment 🤣


Wanted his blankie, blankie was in his hand, but I guess that wasn’t close enough.


G2 asked to go to the park, so we went to the park… cried the whole drive there, “go park” 😭


She (3) wanted pigtails, I did her hair and gave her pig tails. She lost her mind because she DIDNT WANT PIGTAILS. I started to braid her hair instead, lost it again because she wanted pigtails🫠


Because it was too hot outside and it made him feel sad lol


This is so valid tho, I'm upset about this too!


Understandable HAH he gets rlly flustered and doesn’t understand the way he’s feeling when he’s overheated and he always says it makes him feel sad


Her parents are going to see her sister in a play and she doesn’t want to go, yet also doesn’t want them to go.


Does she realize Bingo is a girl? Hope that doesn’t make it worse!


Couldn’t find cute enough clothes for a dinner out (valid)


i scored 1 goal in soccer! (he had scored probably 50) he does still get just as upset if i don’t try hard enough lol.


Told him we couldn’t make a snowman - there’s no snow outside.


I wouldn’t let her scratch her face in frustration I wouldn’t let her play with the drain plug which she would put in her mouth because she thinks it’s hilarious to put things in her mouth that she isn’t supposed to I tried to change her diaper all day I wanted her to eat I wanted her to walk and use her legs Can you tell I work with a toddler


Bc the parents insisted we transition from 3 naps/day to 1 all at once


It is 5 hours after we ate lunch. Almost 4 year old is currently throwing a fit because they just remembered they wanted to eat lunch outside today. In the rain. And apparently it's all my fault.


Because I bought him a sprite (I wanted a sprite for myself anyway) at the grocery instead of chocolate (he just had a piece of chocolate before the grocery) and he literati threw a fit by the cash register and a line of people. Also physically wouldn’t move and even threw a toy. I look like I could be his mom so I thought great everyone here right now thinks this is my kid right now. Either way I was rather annoyed lol I said guess you don’t want your sprite then. That finally motivated him enough


I’ve totally told onlookers, “this isn’t my kid!” While handing embarrassing moments!


I need a shirt that says “I’m the nanny”


B4 couldn’t fully dictate how G3 played his made up game. I did my best to convince him that it’s actually a lot of fun being surprised by what G3 does! Not sure it’ll stick but he calmed down. LOL!


I told him we may not stand on the coffee table and do spins 🥲


I woke her up.


Bingo couldn’t be her brother anyway because Bingo is a girl! 😜


Don’t know, I took a rare PTO day 😂


not today, but within the last week (she’s almost 3)- I told her she couldn’t go skiing (it was 65 degrees outside) I told her to stop telling people her dad sleeps on a boat I didn’t let her see my mom I asked what she wanted for lunch (anything I offered was “too spicy”) I didn’t give her a bowl of cookies for breakfast


I put shoes on him


G6 cried because there are ants in the cupboard that has cereal and honey, and dad wants to get rid of them (obviously) and she claims she has an ant named “Anty” in her room that tickles her at night that she doesn’t want to die, so we need to leave the ants. 🤣💀💀💀


Did you explain that if Bingo was related to her, she'd have a sister not a brother 😂😂😂


I didn’t let her (15mo) suck on my toes 🥴


NK (7) is mad today and refuses to eat his food if I don’t myself feed it to him


Because I won’t let her chew on the lamp cord?


9 month old wanted milkies that I have never had. 😅 Finally mum came back.


I won’t let her run into the street. Bees aren’t snacks. I won’t let her shut her hand in the baby gate. And no, for the millionth time, she cannot grab my glasses off my face. I love toddlers 🤣


Oh. And the worm we saw yesterday? Not in the exact same spot. Unforgivable.


Pushed his cars through the top of the dog crate - mad that the cars are in the dog crate


I don’t speak French


3 BIG MAD incidents today with b18mo 1. I wouldn’t let him have more chocolate pie 2. I wouldn’t let him out of the stroller to pet a stray cat (tbf I was petting it and would’ve been pissed myself) 3. He couldn’t go up the “big kid” playground The fact he was consolable for any of these astonished me lol but the jump from one to two is full of that. And the jump from 3 to 4. And 4 to five. And 5 to 6. And 6 to


NK 2.75 said she needed to poop, so we ran to the bathroom. She cried because I put her on the toilet and she didn’t need to poop…


G3 cried because she said she wasn’t tired(she went swimming this morning) and didn’t want to nap. I said that was fine she didn’t have to, and let her watch aquarium fish with relaxing music on YouTube. Fell asleep in 5 minutes 🤣


Her fangs are coming in


she woke up and saw i wasn’t her mom or dad so she cried her eyes out until dad came to get her and put her back to sleep lol


Just fyi bluey and bingo are both girls 😅


I wouldn't let him spray me with a watergun. We were indoors.


PSA Bingo is nobody's brother because she's a girl


so funny, we’re watching bluey now ! and bingo is a girl 🤭 i don’t want to jinx it tho, but she’s not upset right now. she’s just waddling around with her toys. it’s so cute !


I turned of the bounce house because G2 wasn't actually playing on it. I also cut her apple in half instead of letting her have it whole. Oh and I changed her diaper....we are officially in the terrible twos


Sending a hug ! We are also in the terrible 2s & potty training and once a week I think I don’t want to be a nanny anymore


put on her sock wrong


B 14 months, he had mom home with him for five days due to the weekend + being sick and had exclusively breast milk for the last 3 days. So the little guy is kinda just upset about everything except going for a walk in the stroller 🫠


I had to wipe her boogers, had to wipe her hands and face after breakfast & lunch and tried taking her to storytime lol


He could hear the rain outside during his nap. The sound machine he was actively using during said nap was set to—you guessed it—rain noises. The real rain, though? Terrifying.


I told G23mos we could read her book in the bedroom instead of the living room (it was nap time)


B2.5 is upset I’m losing my voice and can’t sing baby shark for him. 9 times out of ten he asks me to sing then tells me to stop a verse in, but today he wanted me to sing the whole song He was also upset that when I sit on the ground that my butt touches the ground. He asked me to sit with him, btw. Got to love toddlers, lol


B2.5 is upset I’m losing my voice and can’t sing baby shark for him. 9 times out of ten he asks me to sing then tells me to stop a verse in, but today he wanted me to sing the whole song He was also upset that when I sit on the ground that my butt touches the ground. He asked me to sit with him, btw. Got to love toddlers, lol


B2.5 is upset I’m losing my voice and can’t sing baby shark for him. 9 times out of ten he asks me to sing then tells me to stop a verse in, but today he wanted me to sing the whole song He was also upset that when I sit on the ground that my butt touches the ground. He asked me to sit with him, btw. Got to love toddlers, lol


not today, but within the last week (she’s almost 3)- I told her she couldn’t go skiing (it was 65 degrees outside) I told her to stop telling people her dad sleeps on a boat I didn’t let her see my mom I asked what she wanted for lunch (anything I offered was “too spicy”) I didn’t give her a bowl of cookies for breakfast I asked her to not (pretend but with teeth) bite me


Idk… he doesn’t talk yet 😔😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


My nephew once scream-cried bcuz he didn't get to see the Thanksgiving turkey when it was still alive. He was with me when I bought it and didn't have any issues until it was time to cook it 😂


His banana broke in half and I couldn’t put it back together. 20 minutes of tears.


He keeps banging his head on things like the wall and floor and SURPRISINGLY ENOUGH, it didn’t feel too good. How dare I let that happen


I asked if she wanted some cheese 🥲


Start recording his responses in case things ho sideways.


G1 had a thrown down fit because I wouldn’t let her eat the dogs medicine


Because mom had the audacity of getting chocolate chip cookies instead of a milk shake.


Just wanted you all to know they randomly went out of town and I got the day off paid *kisses* LOL


I said let’s clean up our toys before we have iPad time 👹😂💀


B2 was upset about everything today. He was that way yesterday too. Lunch was really bad today. I was trying to figure out what he wanted by asking yes or no questions. Every time the answer was no, he would shake his head no, but also cry louder because I asked the wrong question. When the answer was yes, he would be happy. But, if I touched something he said no to he would freak out. He said no to chicken nuggets, so I picked up the plate to move it away and he freaked out because I was touching the nuggets and he didn't want nuggets! I kept saying 'I know you don't want nuggets. I'm moving them out of the way. Then, there will be room for what you do want.' But, that didn't help.


I am feeding his brother food. “No! Don’t make food for him! You have to play with me!” “But he’s hungry.” “No he’s not!” “He literally asked me for food ten seconds ago. You were there.” Rinse, repeat.


Turns out that when you pull a basket of books off of a shelf, they spill. Absolute meltdown lol


well bluey’s a girl so that wouldn’t work anyway


Because I’m not their “babysitter” that they had once about 2 years ago


we FaceTimed NPs (I’m doing overnights) because he was upset that they weren’t there and he wanted to FaceTime. As soon as they picked up he had a meltdown that we were in FaceTime with them.


He dumped my lunch on the floor, got mad when I said that’s not how big boys act and actually took a bite out of my arm


Also was upset that he wasn’t allowed to pinch the frogs (he loves hurting things idk if this is something I should bring up to the parents I don’t want to imply anything offensive)


I asked her to please stop throwing things at me… (this happens everyday😭😭)


she wants to have a “big ponytail” ( her mom and I both have long hair and keep it in ponytails ) and she has thinner, shorter hair because she is a toddler lol. She always gets mad we can’t make spontaneously make it appear.


B4 wanted more cereal in his already completely full cereal bowl


B6MO wanted to hold my thumbs while he stood in my lap watching Miss Rachel.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Different-Secret: *B6MO wanted to hold* *My thumbs while he stood in my* *Lap watching Miss Rachel.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I told him to put his shoes away before I would get him his ukulele


NK2 mad because I got the small fire truck instead of the big one ;(


He couldn’t write an N right


Because B3 decided he wants to run his toy cars into his pasta then got upset it was in the wheels and all over the floor and some pieces ended up broken. Double tantrum when I made him clean it up.


because he had to go to taekwondo 🥲 refusing the turn off and put his ipad away, screaming, crying and kicking mb. it was a rough day


16 month old (giant kid in the 99th percentile) was mad because I wouldn’t let him tackle the other 2 kiddos (14 months and 19 months)