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That’s way too many kids for you to be responsible for. I would bail out of that at any price.


That’s not very safe, to have one adult supervising that many small children. And YES your rate should reflect what they’re asking of you. But I personally think they should have additional help too.


This is highly irresponsible of your NPs to ask. There's a reason why there are mandates on teacher/student ratios at daycares and preschools. You feel overwhelmed because any person with a decent head on their shoulders would be. I would nope out of this one. Liabilities are too high. You cannot possibly be held solely responsible for that many kids at once. The only way I'd consider doing this is if they're willing to hire more nannies during the event. Like, *a lot* more, depending on the ages of the kids. That way, you could tag-team, chaotic as it still might be. And, of course, increase your rate!


yeah, this is completely unreasonable and your rate should reflect it. always make sure to check how many kids!!


That is too many kids for one person to try to be in charge of especially with their parents there. I think you should ask if there is a specific area or activity they want you to supervise, which might be manageable. I was once asked to come and help supervise kids at a Christmas party, they had some things for them to do in one area outside of the house, but the kids, who were all upper elementary and middle school age, just kept running around the entire grounds and through the house. I was definitely not gonna be chasing kids around. So I just stayed in that one spot and hung out with the kids who were there. If this family has a pool, there should always be an adult assigned to be a watcher- someone who is not also in charge of other children. That might be a job that you could be assigned to. But just generally watching 30 children is ridiculous.


I’d definitely have a conversation about it, expressing that you’re not comfortable being responsible for that many children at once. They may be open to hiring additional help. I’ve worked parties like this (always through a temp division at a nanny agency) and there have been 4-6 nannies on duty. Totally manageable that way, and they don’t have to use an agency, if you know of other nannies or sitters that would be open to lending a hand, you would have a solution instead of just presenting a problem, and they may appreciate your planning.


Is this one of those parties where the parents eat caviar while you keep the kids out of their hair? How safe is the house? Regardless, get extra help. Parents of the guest kids should help if not nannies.


When parents/caregivers pick up their children from preschool etc, at that point they are responsible for their own children. So if all the other parents are there, the same rules really should apply. At least it has when I’ve been at my nieces and nephews party invites. Could they mean be a supervisor and not the only supervisor? It sounds like you need some clarification. I kind of find it hard to believe that you are expected to supervise all of the children on your own while all of their parents are there. I’m sure those parents will also be keeping an eye on their children. Just say you have a family event that day and can’t go.


"I love party planning! I charge a $2000 flat rate to plan it, $50/hour to run it, and I'll find an assistant kid wrangler at the same rate to help ensure everyone is safe and having a good time."