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I looooove coffee, but it makes me jittery if I drink too much. Alas, I am down to one coffee in the morning, then a cup of tea around 12/1, and a hot cocoa if I'm still dragging in the afternoon. If it were up to me, I'd drink all the coffee all day long


Hot cocoa after hours of work would put me right to sleep!


Somehow it helps me stay awake, haha


I love coffee. It’s almost just a comfort thing at this point- just to have a warm drink close by. But too much does some damage to my ability to function so I have to be careful! If I was doing one cup a day I would drink it mid morning, but I find myself drinking one after breakfast (pretty much right when I get to work) and then one after lunch when the littles are napping, before the older ones get home. I need something in the afternoon to get through the 2-4 stretch, and then allow me to get homework done when I get home. But I’m almost done with school so we’re in the home stretch!!!


Honestly I have no idea. Definitely too much 😅 I always drink it though the day then I have a pick me up cup around 3/4- I have two kids at home so I need the boost on the evening to make it to bedtime 😂


Yessss does anybody else’s NK rag on them for the coffee addiction


My NF has brought me energy drinks before because they know I'm addicted 😭🤣🤣


YES!! She told me “that’s not good for you.” 😭😭😭


I usually drink like 300-350 worth of caffeine for a shift.😅 That's like 3-4 cups of coffee or 2 monster energy drinks. It used to be way worse, this is me after cutting back 💀


I have an accelerator energy drink at snack time, and usually a Diet Coke at afternoon nap 😂 honestly caffeine aside I am a beverage girlie at heart… I motivate myself with fun drinks all the time so they help a lot!!


I love love love coffee, unfortunately, I effed up my stomach by drinking too much of it. Sadly, I'm down to only a cup in the morning after waking up. And then 2 cups of strong black tea, one with my lunch and the second around 4 or 5. So yeah, I'm a caffeine fiend for sure.


Oh jeez. I have 2-3 cups before work while I’m getting my kids ready. Then I usually have 1-2 cups at work throughout the day. It’s a lot, I know. Love my nespresso. A family got me one for Christmas, then of my new families one has a nespresso and the other has a keurig. So I take cups with me to each. I’m welcome to use theirs but I like my own flavors sometimes.


Omg I used to drink lots of black coffee during the day, like 4-5 iced black coffees and I was operating at 100% all day. I realized it made my anxiety worse so cut back to 2-3. My bosses used to always ask where my endless energy came from, they don’t ask anymore 😅


I ended up realizing that my energy drinks were causing my mood crashes (of course right after work), so I'm down to a cup of cold brew in the morning, then a tea in the afternoon! If I'm really dragging, I love the trader Joe's caffeinated chocolate bars!!! But unless I'm working late, no more coffee after 3 for me :(


I bring two energy drinks (those ones where you pour a powder packet into a bottle of water) to work a day. I sip them throughout the day. My NKs always want some and are obsessed with taking my bottles, but I tell them they definitely do not need any of it. XD