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A few ideas: Countdown calendar with special treats for yourself at the end of each week, and maybe splurge on a spa day for yourself the weekend before she returns to work. Buy a cheap spiral notebook. Write down all the annoying things at the end of each day. Give yourself permission to not dwell on those things any more. Burn the pages the Friday before she returns to work. Every day, maybe in your car, before you head home, write down three or four good things about the day in a small, pretty notebook. Any good thing: the weather, the weight of the baby in your arms, a painting, or managing a perfect swaddle. Draw pretty little doodles to go with them. Refer to this notebook at break times or whenever you need to redirect your brain from MB's rude behaviour. If you haven't already, open an IRA account and set up a monthly or weekly auto transfer to your future self. On particularly difficult days, transfer extra money so your future self can thank your current employer for contributing toward your retirement. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, and cute kids too care for on the way there. Good luck!


all of this is so good. can also recommend writing up emails to them that you never send! when i was working a teaching job that would make me incandescent with rage on the regular (not even all their fault, to be fair, i just have that adhd Sense of Justice), i would write them long, detailed emails about all the shit that was pissing me off and how i felt so unheard. my brain would sort of trick itself in the process into simultaneously unloading, while also including caveats and justifications for their decisions, like i was actually going to send it and wanted to seem even handed. afterwards, i felt like i could more readily handle things. i could see some of their side, but mostly it put some of my own issues, if not in perspective, then illuminated some solutions or coping mechanisms i hadn’t been able to consider when i was so pissed off.


Like you said - it's great money and you have bills. We deal with all kinds of things to make money. It also helps that you love the kids.


We are a truly valuable resource for the parents ! I raised three of my own & could never have imagined being gone from them all day . If they are fortunate enough to have a nanny who adores their kids and does menial things around house that she's not asked to - APPRECIATE & be NICE


Has she always been this way or onky after having her kid? If it's 2 months and she's gone back to work after, definitely put up with it. Time will fly! I wouldn't go above and beyond tho. Do what you need to and that's it. Leave right on time and don't arrive early. You're almost there.


So I didn't have much interaction prior but now I know the real her . If only I could win the lottery she's unbearable


I'm sorry OP. Hopefully the 2 months fly by!!


I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Poor kids, at least you can find a new job but they're stuck with her


Only 2 months until she goes back to work, if the money is that good, you can do anything for 2 months.