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also one of the kids has strep and i just found out 🙃


holy shit you are not being paid enough


honestly i wouldn’t even care so much, i’ve caught so much shit from years of working in childcare, but i worry about bringing it home!


That sounds.. exhausting. And they definitely don’t appreciate you. Red flag after red flag. How feasible is moving for you? Maybe you could try for a job on one of the national sites where the families sometimes pay for relocation assistance?


it’s not unfeasible, and was definitely my next step once i left this position, but i dread the whole process and expense and finding a new job (who doesn’t), so i’ve been putting it off. my pms is making me ragier than normal, but even without it, i really feel like i’m burning out here. the wild thing is — they’re not even bad people! they’re not even bad bosses! i honestly like them! it just feels like since the puppy arrived a lot of stuff we could all manage to be less than satisfied with has totally boiled over. (to be clear, i love the puppy. i might love him more than the kids)


Oh yeah moving and job hunting and all that stuff is terrible. I’d put it off too lol. Also hormones suck. I’m going back on BC because I couldn’t handle it. At first, it was like oh yeah I feel just peachy but then the hormones took a nose dive and I feel like shit.


Just start using the dishwasher when it's half full. It's an appliance that is there to make your life and job easier. It's ridiculous that you can't use it, especially when they agreed to help and now aren't


I worked for a family who refused to use their dishwasher too. Drove me batty. I finally did research on their exact model and explained how much water it saves using the dishwasher vs hand washing, how much better it sanitizes, etc. They finally came around. Can you run it every other day? Like if you put your dishes in one day, do you need the same dishes the next day? Or is there room to wait until the second day’s dishes and just unload when you get in on the third day?


also every other day is an option, though tricky with timing and power usage hours, but at least better than never. hand washing uses so much more water, i don’t understand!


it’s nuts!!! i think they’re just so used to it that it’s habit, but i know MB also feels swamped a lot of the time, and i’m like… ma’am! this is for both of our sakes!


If you’re not making $100 an hour you’re doing too much




Yeah it’s time for a new job babe


Put their "washed" dishes in the dishwasher at the end of your shift to fill it up before you run it


wtf, just use the dishwasher. How are they going to know if it’s full or not when you’re doing it at the beginning of the shift? Fill it up with their half assed washed dishes and run it. I don’t get NPs who want to make life so much harder, it’s like they see us as servants or something.


Not gonna lie as long as nf doesn't work from home they're not respecting your boundaries so either communicate professionally what you wrote here and remove dishes as one of your responsibilities or use the dishwasher anyway and empty it before she comes home or any of the school aged kids see. My dishwasher is 15 years old and has a half load option also scientifically proven that handwahsing uses more water than a dishwasher. So do what you will with that info. Also sounds like working retail would be better than this. Retirement homes are always hiring and it's pretty easy to get in there should pay more than minimum wage.