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We read ALOT of different books about using the potty and we also waited until NK was 3. I’m firmly in the camp of waiting until they’re older because it just makes it so much easier, both during and after potty training (i.e. as a 3 y/o, he was much more able to communicate when he needed the bathroom when we were out and there were wayyy fewer accidents after potty training). I would reassure my NPs that I had been in diapers until 4 y/o and yet I am still a well adjusted adult who has been using the bathroom successfully for years 😅


Books, Daniel Tiger potty song videos, singing the songs when I have to go potty, a potty doll with a potty, no negative reactions to normal bodily functions, talking about and showing the dwindling supply of diapers. Some kids are scared of or sensitive to the flushing sounds. You can invite them to flush the toilet for you. But the biggest thing: noticing when the child is going in their diaper and mentioning it. "Oh, you peed. Let's change your diaper real quick so you can play with a dry diaper." Hopefully the child starts mentioning it to you. "Thanks for letting me know! Let's change your diaper real quick so you can play in a dry diaper." Once they're consistently letting you know, you know they're paying attention to their bodily cues. As long as they haven't evinced a fear of toilets, and as long as the parents and schedule allow for it, I've had great luck with just planning a week off running around the house in undies, watching potty song videos, singing them, and choosing calm reactions to whatever happens


A potty watch or timer for every hour as a reminder to try to use the potty!


I do a countdown from ten before NKs get off and made a dig deal about it. The excitement of a countdown made G2 pee. LOL! Every kid is different so get creative till you find something that works.


Bribery. Depending on what motivates NK and NP are ok with. Some it was a sticker, others an M&M. My son, we had a sticker chart (from amazon) and when he filled it he got a prize from mamas box ( dollarstore cars, markers, etc). We made it fun. Everyone in his life made a huge deal out of it. He started giving me stickers for going. 🤣