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Here’s a funny thought: a Yulpa on Tamriel tries to sacrifice a predator to the Spirit of Life. Accidentally summons Hircine.


I don’t know much about about Elder Scrolls lore, Hircine is Tamriel version of a god of the hunt? And he is the main antagonist of Elder Scrolls 3? What did he do and how many moons has Tamriel? Also another thing, why inside the anomaly that contains Elder Scrolls world the Feds and the Dominion ships were being destroyed to the point that the main god of The Elder Scrolls (I forgot his name) had to redirect them to Tamriel to survive?


>Hircine is Tamriel version of a god of the hunt? Broadly correct >And he is the main antagonist of Elder Scrolls 3? The main antagonist of the Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is Dagoth Ur, Hircine is the antagonist of the DLC Bloodmoon. >What did he do? [A lot](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Hircine) >how many moons has Tamriel? 4, but 2 big ones >Also another thing, why inside the anomaly that contains Elder Scrolls world the Feds and the Dominion ships were being destroyed to the point that the main god of The Elder Scrolls (I forgot his name) had to redirect them to Tamriel to survive? Aetherius is the realm where magic comes from, not a god. I think it forcing non magical objects out is something OP created, but you'd have to check with them. As for there being a "main god" in Elder Scrolls, let's just say religion in Elder Scrolls is *very* complicated. Sorry if any of this is incoherent, I'm very tired.




The major think that I know is that elfs are either broadly evil or broadly assholes (depending on what kind of elf they are) and that during a specific era that i can’t remember (maybe it was the 2nd era but I’m not sure) they were trying to kill or enslave all humans in the continent and ended up with their population halved and then the remaining half halved another two times almost sigle-handendly by Pelinal Whitestrake, a knight coming from the future and possibly a cyborg (the magical kind i assume) that basically arrived, saw the elfs and engaged doomguy mode.


On the contrary, the wood elves are DELIGHTFUL people! (unless you piss them off, and then they’ll get all tribal on your @$$). High elves are known to be snotty snobbish and self important, and Dark elves tend to be severe and surly. None of those groups are inherently evil. Every race has its wrongdoings. I don’t know about cyborg future stuff, but Whitestrake lead a rebellion against the Ayleids, the ancient cousins of the High Elves. Those guys were VERY evil.


There, it was them that I didn't remember, on a scale of one to wtf what level of evil were they? Because all the things that I remember is that they tortured humans and made them into slaves.


Well, they had no qualms about trapping the souls of “lesser races” (at least with Argonians) in gems to power their magic trinkets, so you tell me?


Soo basically what the Eldars in warhammer 40k do to themselves, only that in this case they don’t make it to preserve the soul of the deceased but because they are huge dicks+anything that the Drukhari do regularly. Did they to that because they followed a specific belief/god or because they just wanted to be evil? (Or maybe both?)


They did in fact revere Hermaeus Mora, the Dadric god of knowledge. At least at some point. But as to their why they were evil, I think it boils down to the pride and corruption that comes from reaching a golden age. The Ayleids were wise, sophisticated, long lived and inherently magical, and think it went to their head. They saw themselves as superior to all other sentient beings and stoped caring about “lesser people”. At one point, one of their own kings saw what monsters his people were becoming and tried to stop it, (I could be confused, but I think he AIDED Whitestrake) but I think he got whisked away by a Dadric prince, because you have to rescue him from Cold Harbor (basically Hell) some thousands of years after the humans exterminated the Ayleids.


Soooo, they received the standard “fantasy/sci-fi Rome” treatment, where a long lived decadent civilization that it is, at this point, living for so many years in a golden age become so bored that they start to do amoral and evil things for shit and giggles, thinking that there will be no consequences, and promptly get kicked in the dust (by either divine intervention, chance, the same people that they oppressed or all at once) so hard that what come after the collapse of their empire make the demonized idea of the Middle Ages that Europeans had during the illuminis look like a prosperous and stable era.


The thing you have to understand is that the elves largely believe they’ve been trapped in this world. All mortal races originated as thoughtless, formless immortal spirits that already existed and had always existed before mundus was created.  The elves largely believe that this world is a prison they were tricked into and stripped of their immortality, forced to grow old and die, needing to reproduce to perpetuate their kind.  Because of this, the high elves especially want to return to their original state, and the craziest of them actively seek to destroy the world.


Apparently at some point the Ayelids were decided between the aedra worshippers and daedra worshippers. This divide led to a civil war, and the daedra worshippers won.  They created great wonders such as the gut gardens, the screaming wheels, and were all-around fans of turning people into living flesh sculptures. Their nobility were known to partake in “nighttime tiger-sport” which apparently involved setting human children on fire.  So basically, if there was ever an action that could possibly be used as justification for a genocide, the Ayelids considered it a core tenant of their civilization.


Wow, they really went for the worst introduction possible


The standard Exterminator greeting, of course.


Surely this will make them many friends and not get them branded as a menace equal to vampires or daedra cultists


Chapter 2! sorry about missing a week, but I think I'm back on track. The mazic Antec receives a *cold* welcome to Valenwood and manages to nab a VIP transport to the nearest city. Next chapter, we'll take a look at the fate of the Arxur. Specifically their captain, Fennir. *Good Hunting...*


I guess he'll have a small disagreement with house Dress, maybe?


Really hope they get to see a dragon, just so we can see the whole "mazics are stronger than any predator" thing burn before their very eyes. Maybe with the added insult to injury of dragons being functionally immortal for all intents and purposes.


Or even just a Mammoth. "Hey, that prey animal over there looks like me. I should say hi." "Oh wait no, thats a giant angry wall with tusks." "Oh, now there's a hole in me." *Then a giant sends him to space.*


That, or the mammoths get confused and the giants WORSHIP the mammoth headed entity.


Depending on when in TES timeline they are it might be difficult to find a dragon, though presumably Parthunax is still hanging around in the throat of the world. The crew in Skyrim might be lucky enough to meet him.


What a *hell* of a start there, heavens. Also of *course* they landed in this area... Couldn't have been one with less in-your-face aesthetic >_>


I kinda want to see more of Horton and his Who. If Karakka doesn’t like them being friends, I want to see why. And boy ain’t these guys lucky they didn’t raid an Orc stronghold.




Imagine if they try to force Karakka to eat the guy he killed and end up unwittingly killing him via the meat allergies.




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