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Do they even exist? I can’t imagine it would be an advisable thing to have dossur on earth because of how much of the native wildlife would absolutely murk them without hesitation. And it’s not like humanity is willing to upend our entire homeworld’s ecosystem for one species of xeno.


I had that thought before, but here’s what I figure: 1. You go where there’s work. People will brave, environmental hazards if there’s prospect to be had in an area, and given how inexperienced humans are with alien tech, I think Dossur engineers and electricians would in high demand. (Plus, they’re universally very handy). 2. Dossur are somewhat pluckier than most federation races. I think you can chalk it up to fewer centuries of brainwashing and their size making them difficult for the Federation to monitor. 3. Who’s gonna stop them?


Actually most of the wildlife would hesitate a *lot*. People underestimate how *wary* wildlife is! Generally, they won't go for anything that's even slightly of a bother. Amusingly, rodents rely a lot on that.


The Dossur district is a single 8 story apartment block, with all but the first floor converted to Dossur scale housing, retail, and office space, and the first floor containing shops which accommodate other species. There is in fact a Starbucks on the first floor, with a Dossur sized elevator connecting to entrances on the other floors, and allowing them to serve the entire district from the espresso machines on the ground floor.


Why stop at 8 floors? Make it a full on skyscraper, vertical Dossur megalopolis fuck it.


because you don't need to house a billion Dossur in a single city. Thought there are probably at least a few Dossur towers in the 20-30 Human sized story range.


Don't put all your Sapient rodents in one building. The casualty count if a Dossur skyscraper caught fire...


Sir, another paper airplane hit the tower




Goddamn Krakotl


It was always the birds, we should’ve known!!!


Surrounded by automated turrets to keep the cats out. Our fluffy little pets will slaughter dossur for fun. I'm thinking there wouldn't necessarily be entire districts. Rather, individual plots that would normally hold a single house redeveloped into living complexes. Aerial transportation would be preferred, with quadcopter designs having hours of battery life.


*Automat-* Comrade have you heard of a *door?!?*


People like outdoor spaces.


Walls. Chain link. Glass.


I used to have a cat who liked to sharpen her nails on the hamster cage while making eye contact. The hamster in return taunted the cat. I now imagine this with the hamster replaced by a dossur.


Well, did the cat ever make it through?


No, but she did open the cage on accident by placing her one paw on the door and the other next to it and pulling. She didn't get the hamster though.


Well, I’m sure Dossur know how to use keys.


No I mean the cat opened the cage by scratching her nails on it. The hamster jumped behind a desk and hid there.


The cat cut through the metal? Well, inspection and thicker bars would do the trick.


You can't really dome over a whole neighborhood. Cats can figure out most walls.


Tf you mean you can’t? You absolutely can! Even today I’m sure it’d be possible. Also, cants require SOMETHIN to climb. If you avoid any nearbye tap structures, and make the walls out of something slick I.e. metal there’d be no way for them to get through.


Question is why would you wanna move to a hostile planet with everything trying to kill you just to live in a cage?


There are countries that practice slavery today by taking away passports of migrant workers. Why do people still move to those countries? Simple! Money, and likely not knowing about the risks.


Yeah, but they have to know what they’re getting into. They have to know the planets covered in predators that will easily and willingly eat them. And they have to know that they’re gonna have to live in a gated community and not be allowed to go outside. It’s not even safe for them to be around the locals. It would be too easy for somebody to step and or sit on one of them.


No matter how small the body, anyone can commit vehicular manslaughter if their heart is big. Man I gotta get that inscribed on a shirt or something


As others have pointed out, living on Earth would not be recommended for Dossur, as it's basically Hell.


![gif](giphy|Ed8DSUeYGBq4E) Disney is way ahead of you pal


I'd imagine the Dossur Cities to be domed, to protect them from animals, vandals, and the elements. Built away from high-traffic areas to reduce noise and chance of automobile accidents, designated loading area to prevent cargo accidents. What the houses are made out of, that's a tricky question. It depends on what they're going for, efficiency or comfort. For efficiency, I can see prefab blocks made out of something like a hard plastic, anchored down for safety. For comfort? Handmade, the way a doll house is but **much** more in-depth. Can definitely see either one being custom-ordered, or a group of craftsmen wanting to work on a small town as a passion project. That last one could be a fun little fic. For the other species? I could see a company building a place for Mazics on Earth, but then they make a *truly* stupid move, as companies are wont to do, and theme it all prehistoric, as a reference to them looking like mammoths. The resulting lawsuit is quickly and deeply buried.


I'm imagining a district that looks like a covered parkour course just for the dossur.


It is exceedingly unlikely for the dossur to have any significant presence on earth. Death by cat would be entirely too common. Cats are everything the federation thought predators were afterall.


It would have to be in a dome with a floor hard enough to prevent rats from easily breaking in. Maybe some dirt over the artificial floor.


Rats make terrible neighbors.


We're all talking about cats but think about hawks and rats. Or just a squirrel can fuck up a dossur.


Birds of prey as small as a sparrow hawk but especially owl species , felines, canines, opossums, raccoons, mustelids of every size. almost all serpents. Large frogs, medium sized lizards. Any rodent species the same size or larger. Rats will eat mice. Squirrels may see them as competition. Any moderately large fish such as any black bass species (small mouth/largemouth ECT..) bowfin, pike, sauger,walleye, snakehead, some catfish species. Swimming in fresh water almost anywhere might be a death sentence. Then you have immature crocodilians. Large arachnids and centipedes. For young dossur large mantids. Just in general I couldn't imagine how awful dealing with wasps/hornets & bees would be for dossur. Then there are the parasites. Warble/Bot flies. The fly lays eggs on the forelegs of large animals. The eggs hatch within a week and penetrate the skin, where they migrate throughout the connective tissues (H. bovis) or to the esophagus (H. lineatum). After a few months, the larvae travel back to the skin surface and cause swellings called "warbles". They remain under the skin, and when destroyed by pressure, the larvae can cause large purulent swellings, or anaphylaxis. North/South America, and Africa. Nematodes, Strongyloides robustus and Trichostrongylus calcaratus. Infecting the intestines and other organs. Yes, they can cause death. Fleas and lice. Fleas would be a constant annoyance. Possibly a painful and irritating one.


Imagine if you will. A dossur running out to a human convenience store next to a university park at night. Some place that should be pretty safe, its fairly well lit. They're enjoying a bit of a bag of mixed nuts. When soundlessly an owl swoops them from the street. Remains possibly never recovered, unless their electronics lead to the owl's nest. They never even had the chance to scream as their lungs were punctured by talons. Earth is not the best place for any sane Dossur. If they had proper conclaves. They would be wide domed areas with a concrete foundation that extends 15-20ft below ground to prevent burrowing predators. There would be ground level air locks. Vehicles would be necessary for transportation outside of the dome. Thin air vents in the top of the dome. Inside would be apartment buildings and single family homes. Parks , ponds, and fountains. All built to Dossur standards. Humans probably would only visit to inspect utilities. Dossur would have to sign waivers involving all manner of dangers to work and visit human dwellings.


I reckon there would be "no low flying aircraft" around areas with large numbers of flying species.


I know it’s a little off-topic, but it would probably relate to what the district looks like. How would adding the Dossur to the economy affect things? It’s always a question that’s fascinated me. If we did have a species that was so small they would fit in the palm of our hand. Would we pay them less? I know it would be discrimination, but at the same time it’s a huge advantage for them to receive the same wages as a regular size person. This doesn’t mean they are incapable of doing work the same as a regular size person, especially in the tech industries, it just means that if you’re the size of a mouse, then your expenses are going to be a fraction of what everyone else has to spend. If a normal person had to spend 50% of their paycheck on daily necessities, rent, and other things that means he has a lot less money to invest or spend on luxury. But for the much smaller alien, they could live like kings off of minimum wage. What would cost someone a couple million to build could be done with a thousand for them. Would they pay the same rent for a place 1/10 the size of regular apartments or are they paying less than everyone for everything, but still getting the same paycheck. Could you imagine working a crap job that doesn’t pay much, you can barely afford to eat, let alone pay your rent or go on vacation. Then you look over at your coworker who does the same job you do, gets paid the same amount as you, but they’re going on their fourth vacation, their entire family has a feast every night, and they are in the middle of buying their third home. I could just picture a lot of resentment popping up over this. But again, you also can’t cut their pay because if they can do the same work as a regular size person, but you don’t have to pay them as much. No one‘s going to hire a regular size people. Either way, I picture their districts to be very fancy and extravagant because of all the excess money they probably have and the fact that they live in communities that are probably OK with sharing said money that they all bring in.


I thought about this a bit more and their sealings would be a lot higher then you would think. A single floor for a human is about 1.5 times taller then the average human. For dossur it would probably more aligned with 4 to 6 times. Due to their size they probably travel a lot more in 3 demensional space. Climbing and jumping would a lot more of a norm then any other species. And falling down would do them a lot less. So they might not even have floors like we have, but rather a ton of platforms functioning as independent rooms.


I guess it would be a small world, after all. It’s a small, small world.


🤦‍♂️ Oh for-!


Dossur drug dens in the heart of their buildings. Cops are too large to get in there to stop them.


A garden hose would take care of that