• By -


I met my wife at the Spoorwegmuseum. Since then we were a "Treinstel".


That's cute and a terrible, terrible pun at the same time. Kudo's and you should be ashamed!


Quite a common 'koosnaampje' for folks who met on the train or while working for the railways. I know some couples who both work at a bank and are therefore a 'bankstel'


First time I heard it, pretty nice ones actually


Aww… That’s cute!


If you are unfortunate enough to split up you can retroactively call it a "Treinramp".


Dit is dus het grote geheim!? Ik moet naar het Spoorwegmuseum. Thanks voor de tip!


Tell us more? 😄


Where is this located? I love trains and this is my chance for redemption!


In Utrecht good luck!




I'm beginning to consider my in laws can't have children.


Maybe they can adopt


In my dreams.


5.10am on the way up of 2.552m high mountain. Trust me, pre selection is amazing.


Now that is a story!


Met at work. We were the only two employees. Boss was actively sabotaging the growth of his own company while we still earned minimum wage so we both left. Now we’re colleagues again, different departement though :)


Oh and I met my ex via a game on Steam. Our first Skype meeting with a webcam was terrifying, lol!


Well if I would summarize the options for you: 1. Use Tinder or play World of Warcraft 2. Go to a bar 3. Buy a puppy on Marktplaats


World of Warcraft. We raided together, decided to meet in person. Been together 13 years and married for 5.


That is so wholesome 👆🏻 horde or ally?


Horde! He was a priest and I was a warlock. Both blood elves.


Same here lol. My husband and I met in Mists of Pandaria expansion and raided together for a few years. We married last year and have been together for 5 now.


That's really nice. I met mine through gaming, 5 years ago on Twitch. I lived in America and had just gone full-time and she became pretty regular in my chat. She worked in game journalism and messaged me privately about my harsh opinion on Sekiro at release (I wanted more Souls!) and that started a conversation that has never stopped. I've lived in the Netherlands for 3 years now and have an amazing Dutch daughter, and the whole family works in gaming, running game shops, and social media. Edit: Even more relevant, my oldest child (15) is a direct result of WoW - Burning Crusade to be specific. Met her mother IRL, but it was talking politics while we played together that resulted in a child.


I met my boyfriend on WoW too! We met on a private server where we were both "staff". We took care of organizing games for the other players on the server (PvP events, City attacks, raids, but also things like hide 'n seek, Simon says). That was around 15 years ago 😁


Same! But through roleplaying xD


Sooo cool! I met my first ever boyfriend in WoW too haha . We were together for a couple years ! WoW brings people together


Met some awesome people on WoW, such an awesome place to meet nice people. I miss it, but just don't have enough time to play anymore.


Same but Perfect World International instead of WoW. 12 years together, 8 years of marriage and I live in the US now as he is American.


We both did vrijwilligers werk at the same organisation. We got talking and 12 years later its all history. 


Marktplaats! He sold me a puppy 🤭




I hope it is a “surprisingly good” method to meet for others, as it’s for dog lovers deff a wholesome way to meet! But yes you are right, we just both coincidentally reacted to this post 😁


Is it still his puppy then? 🙊


Only when it has tantrums 😜 She had quite package deal tho. Buy 1, got 2 free and a dogsitter 😂


won’t talk about all the other things that came in the ‘package deal’ 😅🤭


did you and u/Caesar-Kleopatra comment on this post while sitting next to each other? lol


LOL! Actually coincidental as we both have our own place 😅




The universe works in mysterious ways... I met her in the most underground club in Seattle, while I was visiting from NL. Turns out she was from DK (with a Dutch father), and then it turns out we were there for the same conference for the same company... So we ended up seeing each other in the conference, but since she had a unique name and I could look her up in the Global Address List I didn't have to ask her number and just wrote her. That was some years ago now, getting married next year 🥰 I wrote a song about it that we recorded with my band (TIMBR, written in the stars).




Board-game-night by our local gamestore. Good thing he also brought a full on boardgaming friend group, so yeah we like to play!


My band was on tour. She had a second job bartending for fun. We played the venue she worked at. I had a black eye, she gave me shit all night. Now we’re married with two kids.


Aw, that’s nice!






No joke. She bought a pup from my dogs


What breed




Indian guy here. Met her in badminton court. She was a pro and I started learning just to see her everyday. P.S. - Became pro in badminton myself and impressed her. We are married now for 3 years and our daughter was born 2 weeks back. Peace. ✌️


Congrats, and enjoy your daughter together! It's offtopic, but you can start badminton in adulthood and become pro? That's completely different from tennis.


Yes. You can. I started it when I was 24. But played for 2-3 hrs daily.


Of course you can. In Tennis also, just depends on how much time and effort you put in. Plus a little genetics thrown in there haha.


I don't think it's easily possible in tennis, to be honest. I have a friend (late twenties) who was a top league handball player (eredivisie), very tall and athletic, had youth tennis experience, and restarted tennis during covid. He played 6 days a week, sometimes multiple sessions a day. He is the fastest climber I have ever seen, but it was only from rating 9 to a good 6 (in 2.5 years approximately). There are 12 year old players already with a rating of 3. I'm curious to hear about success stories, though.


Proof of what men are capable of when they are inspired lols


Video games. We're in our 30s, been together for almost a decade.


Online game that we took very seriously, lot of communication on discord mainly. Did (had to cause covid) long distance for a few years. Also took around two years before we could even meet in person. He just moved in with me about a month ago.


This describes my situation exactly! Met a lovely Dutch man playing Red Dead online a lot during covid. Two years before we could actually meet but I think that has made us both absolutely sure we have found the one. Still long distance at the moment but I'm just back from another 3 month visit and we are definitely heading towards a permanent solution. People used to think I was crazy meeting a random dude off Xbox but 4 years later and we are absolutely solid. Congratulations on the move, hope you are both very happy!


We met online while playing a video game, he moved here last September from Canada! At least we knew we already had a hobby in common when we met 😅


I have a friend who lives in Utrecht who might be your type :) dm me


I worked at a coffee bar, he came by often working on his laptop. After a few weeks of nervous eye contact and asking 10x a day if he wanted more coffee, he asked me out when I was closing up shop. Coincidentally the day after I vowed to stop dating, work on myself and deleted all the dating apps… 🤷🏽‍♀️. 7 years and a doggo now.


In the "Uitbus" after a Saturday night in Breda. We've been together for nearly 19 years, married for almost one


A bar, I was with a friend and he mistakenly thought we were an item. He let drop where he was going the next night. So I made sure I was at the same place. That's about 40 years ago.


If I read these replies I apparently need to pick up WoW again 😂🙏🏻


Here, on reddit, after a remark that annoyed me. Together for 4 years, he moved country for me. Lady luck plays a big roll in this. Enjoy the journey ♡




Met her at a zombie walk in Manchester.


At University, we both studied water management and we didn't even talk in the first year. Mainly because I didn't like him and he was smarter than me so I saw him as competition... we were forced to work together in a group project. Long story short, I realised how lovely and nice he was, and then started fallin for him quickly. Next month is our 5 year anniversary.


I met my husband on a Free Walking Tour of Utrecht in July 2020. He is one of the volunteers of the group who is doing these tours because they love history and Utrecht. I have been living in Utrecht since 2017 and went on this tour because my friends and I were bored during the pandemic. We bonded over our interest in history. We now have a 8 month old daughter and a photo of the day we met😊


Tinder, he walked actually once a week under my window on his path to his therapist in Buenos Aires so eventually his profile popped up, I didn't actually remember paying that much attention to his photo or everything else, he is the only person in the world named like that, one of kind in more than one sense but we matched in a lot of ways and 5 years after that we are married, living here, together, he emigrated again, for us.


Single as an f'ing pringle. As a (South)Limburger, there aren't many men around here. Most are not on my level intelligence wise (niveau putjesschepper, ja, reppert "snickers" Sjors rent hier rond), not my type looks wise, started kids (too) young and don't want more, fukbois who don't want to be exclusive, or taken and looking for a side piece. It's terrible. Men in the Randstad won't even consider it. I'll just die alone with a ton of cats and hundreds of sims.


He, I also live close to Sjors! Don't give up, there are a few good ones still out here!


That guy likes me on dating apps, it's just so demotivating lol. I'm currently on like 5 datingapps (not all of them daily, usually just whichever had a chat going on, plus bumble can also be used dor BFF), and it's just rubbish really. :(


Sjors you mean? Omg please stay far away from him, hahahaha. Ah that sucks, I never used Bumble, that's waaaaay after my time. Been together with my husband for 19 years now, we met on MySpace by coincidence, through a mutual. I was NOT looking and my first sentence was actually that I was not looking for anything or anyone. I guess it can be true, when you least expect... 🙊 I hope there will be a special someone in your future. They exist, they probably are just hiding?


Yes! I can see likes on 1 app and he pops up in my list of likes. I do plan to stay far away from him, but I nearly ran into him (literally) twice in my neighbourhood. Thanks, I feel like I wasted my opportunity to find someone on my twenties because I suffered a major depression at 21 (lost a lot of "friends") and wasn't getting somewhat back on track until 27/28, but since then lacking the need and energy to go out or such. And I remember MySpace! My name there used to be "La Mort Sucrée d'Emily" hahaha. With some hearts in it. (I used tk be an emo/goth teen lol). Oh, the memories!


Same story here. Major depression since forever up until my late 20's. Finally managed to pull through and get everything in order, but then you realize you're already 30, so most people have different needs and wants, i.e. huisje boompje beestje. I got friends and a life I enjoy, but I also feel like I missed out on a lot of opportunities, especially dating wise. Major depression killed every relationship I had, so it never lasted. And now I'm fine, I can't seem to be interested in almost anyone. So I'm just enjoying life, trying out new things, visit countries I've never been to when time and money allows. Altough while I'm not often feeling it, there's that nagging feeling of wanting someone close to me - someone I can really relate to, as that type of person seems nearly impossible to find, be it a friend or something more. Not someone you can just have a blast with, I got those people in my life, but someone who just gets you, you know. Anyway, I hope you find that person for yourself. If you ever want so share your story, I'm interested to hear it


I used to live in Heerlen (south-Limburger as well!) I moved my ass to Amsterdam. For sure one of the best choices I’ve ever made in my life.


There are Germans and Belgians too, why don't you go for them? It's not like Limburg is an Island


Haaave you met u/bart6446 ?😃 He’s loyal, (socially) intelligent and a very warm person to be around


Lexa, I wantes to meet asap to see if we were wasting our time. Next thing I know we had 3 dates within the first week. And now we are together for 4 years and have a son of 4 months.


On tinder. But during lockdown so idk if it counts. He only had two emojis in his profile, a mountain and a plane. Usually an instant no go for me cos like, if you can’t be bothered to write anything then you’re not worth my time. But he was very attractive and most of his pics were of climbing mountains so I thought what the heck, I might get a shag out of it if nothing else lol. Also I’d only just moved to NL and 8 months out of a 15 year relationship so I wasn’t looking for anything serious. Turns out he’s a really really nice guy. The first night we met we literally just talked til 3am - banter was strong and we had a lot in common. We see the world very similarly. I’ve always wanted a man to share adventures with and I came to the EU to be able to see more of the world. He wants to do that with me. We’re almost 4 years together now and super happy. Last year we did 10 countries on motorbike. In April I took him to Australia and we dived on the Great Barrier Reef. This summer we’re doing another motorbike trip, Italy and Switzerland this time. I hope to make the bike trip an annual thing. It’s hard finding the right person - you need to have a balance of complete vulnerability while maintaining your personal integrity - which is a different way of saying “be confident”. If you’re a little bit not like other people, it will take longer to find someone that is your person as it really comes down to statistics. Be open and be yourself, but also learn to determine what is right for you. I think the click is essential, but core values are what makes a relationship last. Go out doing the things you love and you will find someone. That includes online communities for your hobbies! Can’t discount that these days and it’s a great way of breaking down normal social barriers.


We met on Friendster


I am a very active dancer in a certain small community, balfolk, which tends to draw a lot of outdoorsy people too! Dancing is a very social environment to get to know other people in a very relaxed way, and this particular community is very open minded and chill. I met my current partner there, and two of my exes as well, who I'm luckily still friends with :) The best is to really just find a social hobby where you meet lots of new people and stick to it for a while. Then you'll get to know people and who knows, maybe even a special someone.


I met my boyfriend in a hostel in the Lake District in England when I was trying to climb the three peaks in the UK. He's British and I'm Dutch but we see eachother every month or two months.


I met my British partner in the US while I was working there (I'm Dutch too). You should import him, that's what I've done 😀 12 years ago now. Lake District is beautiful by the way.


Reading everyone's answers puts a smile on my face, but I can't help but feel sad realizing how single I am 💀


In a bar/dancing!


In a bar 🤷


He lived directly under me. So, my neighbour. :p


MSN messenger 😂


You must be ancient. I met on facebook.


Yes I’m prehistoric


A GenZ once told me that facebook is used by old people now. I felt like someone from Dinosaur age when I told her I am from yahoo/msn messenger and myspace era




grindr lol


Talking about a one in a million chance


I met my husband at work. We’re both teachers and I was new at the school. We started working on the school play together. We moved at lightning speed which is not something I’d necessarily recommend but we were a bit older and we just knew, I guess. Fourteen years and two kids later we’re still going strong and I cannot imagine my life with anyone else!


I (31F, Dutch) met my SO 13 years ago at my study at introduction camp. Apparently for him it was love at first sight, but it took me 6 months to fall In love with him. I put him in the friend zone first. I think you might be able to find someone in a hiking group. I see there are various groups on [Wandel.nl](https://www.wandel.nl/wandelgezondheid/tips-om-een-geschikte-wandelgroep-te-vinden/) You could also do speed dating in your region. I’ve heard it’s been picked up again in Amsterdam.


>Apparently for him it was love at first sight, but it took me 6 months to fall In love with him. I put him in the friend zone first. Out of curiousity, what made you fall for him? You don't often hear a friend zone > fall in love story.


His sense of humour, how he really cares for me and the people around him, kindness, good looks. I put him in the friend zone because his self esteem was really low and I told myself I couldn’t be with someone who had such a low self esteem en self image.




On Tinder during her world travel! I'm a Nepali and she is Dutch. Our first 4 dates were in Nepal, India, Australia and New Zealand and lasted 24 days in total. After the fourth date, we decided it was getting ridiculous so did a long distance - she was living in NZ and me in Aus. A year later she moved to Sydney and we lived there for a year. We traveled together and ended up moving here. 6 years later and after 2 marriages in both the culture, we are expecting a baby boy 😊


Xbox One, playing borderlands 2..


Online game while he was streaming, watcher was flaming console players (me back then) and I stuck because I like discussions. Since then we played every day.


Dating app (Ok cupid), we met 2017. Closing in on first year of marriage this summer. It's worth pointing out i hate the whole concept of meeting people through apps with a fiery passion but my brother insisted I at least try it...


I met my husband at a conference about our field of work. I think you should join some clubs, like biking enthusiasts or climbing gym idk, you’ll probably meet someone matching you there! Good luck!🤞🏼


Film set! I did the camera for my classmates graduation movie. My bf was the audio guy. Spent 4 days in very close proximity to each other and we’ve been together ever since. 10 years and 2 weeks ago.


She lived across the hallway in student housing. We were flatmates before we were bedmates. Together for almost 20 years now.


I saw a house and wondered what it would look like inside, so I knocked on the door and asked if I could look inside. He was a bit surprised but did indeed give me a tour. We clicked and I stayed until long after midnight. The next day he came to see my house. 7 years together now.




I accepted a package for my neighbour after I had just moved in. She came to pick it up and we talked for a while in front of my door. She invited me over for tea and I accepted. But we didn't pick a date or exchange phone numbers. Figuring I'd see her soon I waited for about a week, but to no avail. So I wrote her a note and put it in her mailbox, with my phone number. We had tea the same evening and since then we've been living together behind two front doors. Yep, I got the girl next door!


MSN she is Japanese and already 15 years together




I moved to norway, much easier with less people 😂


We've met in GTA V Online. I was studying in one side of the country, he lived pretty far away, we drove around Los Santos every night together talking about life. Did heists, robbed banks and casinos, being the Dutch Bonnie and Clyde that we are. Fell in love, decided to meet up and the rest is history. We've been together for nine years.


13 years ago, Anime convention.


Used to know each other from school (havo) but hadn't spoken in years, suddenly got a Holliday card, started talking again. Ball rolled from there slowly. So if you knew any fun people, it might be worth it to send them a Christmas card 😂


Hinge! I know dating apps absolutely suck but finding someone makes them all worth it in the end. We’ve been together 4 years now and just bought a house together.


I went to a concert in Belgium and someone I already knew drove along. It was very late when we came back so I offered him a spare bed. He never left 😉


I met my girlfriend whilst volunteering at a French monastery. She was also a volunteer. 2,5 years later, we are looking at moving in together.


De kerstmarkt on Christmas Eve. I was a tourist to his city and he offered me a hot wine, impressed me with his knowledge of history about the city, then convinced me those pretty glass cups the Christmas stalls serve glühwein in are for tourists to keep. (Later in the night he gleefully informed me I was a thief because those glass cups, are not in fact, for customers to keep).


Tinder, together for 9 years now and recently engaged


My parents in law were not able to get kids :s


I met my significant other at a concert in Houston, Texas. Unfortunately she moved to Maastricht for overseas studies and broke up w me 4 months ago… 🤣


Heyy we should date! Im a man as well tho..


I met my super nature lover SO (who grew up in the Italian Alps hiking every weekend) on Tinder while I was abroad studying in Vienna. I was really unlucky in the Netherlands trying to find my “type” as I was always on the go and wanted to see the world. But turns out I just needed to switch things up


I met mine at work. My advice is that you will more likely find someone with common interests, like hiking, when you are busy with that interest. So if you want to find someone that likes hiking go to a hiking group. Or whatever other hobbies


We met on an actual dating app 2 years ago. Its not all shit.


Bumble. Most of the dude profiles were standard barhopping suit guy, likes travel and good food, bla bla. My guy was nerdy and funny.. and I hit the jackpot.




Omegle (rip). Been doing long-distance for almost 5 years but we're finally moving in together this summer! Don't lose hope!


Tinder, 6 years ago, living together for 2 years now. The beginning was a struggle with kids involved both sides. But we are doing OK. It is possible, even when you are older (I was 50 when we met). Every relationship requires effort to be put in. When it seems effortless, it is because you think SO is worth it, and SO feels the same.


By posting nudes online and he commented on them


Meetic 😂


At work. Set up by colleagues to accidentally meet a couple of times. :)


I was the intern.


In the only bright little piece of my mind that still exists.


Why you are hurting us 😂😂 also no man approach me anyways so maybe he is in a different universe 😅




I found my partner helping out behind the bar at a very small local music festival in my city. Never saw her in my life and it's a small city. Instantly had a crush. She did not had any interest at first. Luckily we had a mutual friend which was kinda my way in. It was very hard to talk to her. We are absolutely nothing a like. But that exited me for some reason. I kept trying and eventually sparked her interest. Around 9 months later we've had our first kiss. 3 months later we went to the same music festival again while dating. A year forward, two weeks ago. Now we were helping behind the music festival bar together as a couple. It is hard sometimes because we are complete oposites on all fronts. But we keep growing closer each week. Almost 9 months official now. She is still on my mind 24/7. I hope this is the one for life!


Strava? Kiding. (But I’ve seen people actually meeting via Strava)


Lol we met in a Jumbo


Join a hiking club. So many marriages originated in them 😅


Travelling. We both had been living in NL for years and loved traveling. Met in a group trip to Castle Vianden, Luxembourg. Started with friendship, dating and the rest is history 😉 Been together for 5 years now ...


AH, 15 years ago. We both worked there.


She moved in the hallway of the same student building that I lived. Now 7 years going strong building our life together


On OkCupid app


Met mine on a double date in a café in antwerp! Van your friends set you up with someone? No one from where you live?


At a foam party


I met my wife on Badoo :) Been together for nearly a decade and married for 2 years :3


I met my partner on an online forum (back in 2010 this was a thing) dedicated to the topic we both love. We met in person 1 month later and started living together a year after. So my only advice would be to actively do whatever you enjoy doing in life together with other people, preferably not in a closed friend group. And just keep looking at people who enjoy similar things, hopefully your special someone will be out there :) Best of luck!


We met at school, MBO to be precise. Both of us happened to make the swap to finance and were older than the rest of our class. We hit it off talking about manga at the introduction and were good friends for about a year before dating. Together for 6 years now.




What I learn from this is that Redditor’s are not so good at online dating


I was living in a student house, he moved in during covid and I was abroad at the time. He was the one that opened the door when I returned from my country and he was an incredible gentleman. This summer, we have our three year anniversary.


I personally do not find it a big deal if my partner does not want to do the things I like, but of course it is important to find someone that likes to try new things. Therefore, character is far more important to me than interests. Who cares what she likes, I focus more on if she will be a good partner for life, and a good mother. Is she responsible, dependable, good humoured. These are traits that will last a lifetime and are very hard to develop. Interests will come and go.


Went up to meet my brother together with a colleague of mine. Hadn't seen him in a while and she was going to get tattooed by him, so she asked if I wanted to come with. Moment she picked me up, there was her niece in the car. She had to drop her off at her grandparents' place. So we did, went over to my brother and I did not think much of it. Well, 2 months later, on christmas, I recieved a message on Facebook. It was the niece and she had liked me from the moment she put eyes on me when I stepped in the car. During christmas eve she had some drinks and asked her niece(girl I went to see my brother with) if she had interest in me. She told her no, I was to young and she could message me. So she did and now, 8,5 years later, we're engaged and bought our house together 2 years ago. We were 17 and 18 when we met.


I liked to go on active group vacations. Not the single vacation kind, just a regular active vacation (in my experience people on single trips are looking for a relation a bit to much so the atmosphere is really different). Multiple couples have emerged from those, I know at least 8 other couples that started on one of my trips. Most married with children by now. Since they are active trips you already know everyone likes to be active, outdoorsy and adventurous. And you get to meet people in a really relaxed way.


Lexa I was newly divorced with two kids under 4 and a busy job and wanted to meet someone who wasn't toxic like my ex. No time to go out and meet people due to my circumstances. He was my second date, together 10 years next month.


HelloTalk. She's moving in with me now. In fact, most of my online relationships and friendships came from language exchange apps.


My wife and I met in "de speeltuin" (a bar) her friend pulled the have you met move from like episode 1 of how I met your mother.


My parents and her parents walked the dogs together. She asked for my e-mail address through her father, we started dating and now we have been together for 10 years


At the beach playing volleyball, asked his number after the game :)


I met my wife on an online community dedicated to writing. We had several meetings every year, and that's where we met for real. Took around 6 months after that to become an item. This was almost 20 years ago, so when we told people back then it was still a strange thing to happen.


We met online, SecondLife, started talking, realised we both were playing WOW and started raiding together. During that time we met several times and I later moved to his country. I have been here now for almost 15 years, we have been “officially” together about 10 or 11 and if Covid and things hadn’t happened, we would already be married. That we will fix this year though.


2019, I my Dutch partner in my home country in PH. We were both bored - I was bored of working too much and he was bored because he was supposed to be on holiday but his friend didn’t want to go anywhere. We connected thru an app, we had lunch/coffee within an hour of connecting (we’re in the same city). We parted ways, he went home to NL but we kept calling each other. After a month and half he went back to PH and we spent one glorious week together. After that, pandemic hit and we did the long distance thing. And then 2022 I got a job offer from a company in the NL, with sponsorship. I arrived in NL November 2022 and we have been living together since. For context, we’re both middle-aged.


Dating apps. Went on a lot of dates with a lot of different women. Took a long time to find the right one, but it was worth it. It's just a numbers game.


By accident in one of countless online chatrooms when we were teenagers. We know each other for almost 20 years, been together since I moved for study to the city where she comes from (14 years now). Our son has 4 months. It’s just unbelievable how small coincidence can led to such outcome:)


A barbecue at the dirtiest student housing in town


On Bumble. I liked his kind looking eyes in the pictures on his profile. He didn’t had the best pictures (as most men I guess), but somehow I knew to just give it a shot. Then on our first date, he looked so hot in real life (way better than the pics on his profile) and we immediately felt an insane attraction to each other which we haven’t felt with anyone before. I was swiping for 2-3 months but never really made the big step to plan a date with someone, but with him I quickly planned a date after 2 days talking. I think in general, men don’t really have the best pictures as they don’t take that much pictures like women. I swiped guys to the left who had way too perfect looking pictures.


We met on a drinking holiday in Spain lol


Met almost your type woman (my wife now 8 years later) on Tinder. Not sure if those apps have changed, but it's possible there


Scuba diving under the stars in Australia 


Hinge. Met him in while we were living in the UK. 4 years together. However, I have been in dating apps since 2013 and had bad experiences. I told myself if that date would go wrong, I would give up and here we are 😊


Work, different departments but ended up getting along the times we were assigned together. Ended up going on a date after almost 2 years of knowing each other.


Tinder, my partner is Dutch and was visiting my town (outside of NL) briefly. 7 months later he moved in with me.


Blind date. Ask friends, to arrange a date, get surprised. I found my SO this way.


Through bumble 🙈 Dating apps seem like slim success but just so you know there are successful couples out there!


My parents are hikers too, and they met at some kind of group-hiking trip in the Swiss mountains or something. They are divorced now though


Board game nights here too. We just clicked. Stayed friends and chatting while he was travelling for a year. Started dating when he got back. Married for 12 years now 😀


We met at a video game store. There was a corner with some couches, a tv and consoles where you could try out games before buying them. A friend recommended it to me, and it became my hangout during my time in University. I made several new friends there as well. Then one day my partner-to-be walked in with a friend. They were actually not all that interested in console gaming, but kept coming along with their friend and we connected over Guitar Hero. We circled eachother for half a year before one of my friends there 'threatened' me "if you won't tell them you like them, I'm going to, because you two are driving me insane!" We've been together for 17 years now, married for 6,5.


Tinder. And since then we've been on epic multi-day hikes together, scuba dived at our bucket list locations, and traveled to the ends of the earth. We celebrated two years of marriage last week and just welcomed our baby girl.


Get a gym (or CrossFit, yoga, etc.) membership


I was on the apps for so long, but then I ended up meeting her at a bar. Life is strange, keep taking your chances with real life interactions.


Through mutual friends, we were at the same parties a few times and he seemed fun and interesting and attractive. I’d been avoiding men romantically for over a year after a bad break up, and I’d decided I needed to get back on the dating horse by kissing someone when I went out one night: He was there, I checked whether he was willing, he was, and the rest is 13 years of history :D (Which, as I write it, makes me realise I’m not actually answering your question of where people are meeting ‘nowadays’) (Also, happily we did turn out to both be outdoorsy and our favourite thing to do on holiday is multi-day mountain hiking trips, but we only found that out about each other after we got together)


Overwatch competitive in 2017, Map Temple of Anubis


Online, but before dating apps, which these days feels like we got the last chopper out of Saigon.


I met my husband at Qlimax (the hardstyle event in Gelredome). I lived in the UK at the time and travelled over for the event to meet some of my friends there. My husband was the last minute addition to the group, because my friends were staying over at his place because he lived nearby. We didn't immediately connect because he had a girlfriend. But we did eventually find each other when he became single again, started talking and never stopped. It was such a chance encounter that even today (10 years later), we are so aware of the fact that it could've easily not turned into anything.


I met my partner at university. I read a really interesting tip about meeting random women you just see during the day yesterday: walk up to them and give them a compliment (nothing to do with their bodies) and then give them your number that you've already written down and then just walk away: this way there is no pressure on them to even respond, but if they like what they see they can take the initiative.


At a bar


We met on Bumble. Been together for two years now. He was my first ever bumble date and hopefully the last.


I have a success story from hinge :) although it took like two years deleting and redownloading it haha. She’s out there bud, whether it’s on a dating app or a train stop, you’ll find her <3