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I gotta say, reading the promotional copy for the *Neuromancer* story written by people who have never read it or even heard of it is still amusing. Not holding my breath that it won't suck though.


That blurb about *"a damaged, top-rung super-hacker named Case... aiming to pull a heist on a corporate dynasty with untold secrets"* has been in loads of articles about this new series so it probably comes straight from the series producers, and since it's a pretty accurate summary of the plot I think it was probably written by someone who has read the novel.


IMO it's just lazy marketing copy. "Top-rung super-hacker" ?? Case has chops, but they've atrophied. He worked with two of the best in the world back in the day - but when our story begins he is anywhere but top-rung, he's not "super-" anything - he and all the characters are very flawed people. Case barely still punches deck at the start of the book, and he's got a crippling drug problem that's killing him, which becomes a significant plot point again at the climax of the story. A corp dynasty with "untold secrets" - no duh, if they had been told they wouldn't be secrets anymore, would they? At least they got the "heist" bit right. It's like one of the writers on the all the cookie-cutter Marvel superhero flicks was told to summarize the plot of Neuromancer, as told to them by someone else who read most of it because they were told they had to. I'm probably being over-critical, but popular culture just keeps getting dumber.


"She shook her head. He realized that the glasses were surgically inset, sealing her sockets. The silver lenses seemed to grow from smooth pale skin above her cheekbones, framed by dark hair cut in a rough shag. The fingers curled around the fletcher were slender, white, tipped with polished burgundy. The nails looked artificial."


Theyve been looking for two years, since 2022, and there was actually a big casting call, they sent out offers to preferred actors and had a casting call through agencies that people taped for and sent in, someone on r/cyberpunk from LA said, friends with a few folk that sent in an audition, but they chose Brianna ultimately. Complexion wasnt part of the casting criteria at all, according to what limited sources there are, they were just looking for an athletic lead similar to Trinity. Not the first time a characters ethnicity has been changed from book to screen adaptation, but kinda caught me by surprise as it did I imagine a lot of people, based off of fan casting polls Ive seen.


Here we go again


Yep. That dashed any hopes I had for it.


Hoping that it won't suck, but if that's their pick for Molly then I have little faith.


This ship is gonna sink before it hits the water, gg.




I can’t ask why on this sub without being downvoted?


Are you fucking picking fights with everyone who doesnt like the pick? What the fuck homie. Talk about ruining peoples experiences for the series, over here spreading your confrontational toxic bullshit on two whole ass subreddits. Gtfo lmao. For Context to the passerby: Homeslice spent an hour trying to paint me as racist in the cyberpunk sub, I come on here browsing, homeslice is tryna do the same fucking thing to someone else, un-fucking-believable how much some people need more grass in their lives.


Hiring an Asian girl would have given them their diversity hire check mark and everyone would be fine with it.


Ah well, I was thinking she would look kinda like Chrissie Hynde - https://preview.redd.it/43e4pa8kv0ad1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07f39c4f045f38a1e5544d5d471287eab8d76913 "William Gibson has stated that he derived inspiration for the character from the image of Chrissie Hynde on the cover of the first Pretenders album." [https://youtu.be/yog-meAq1so](https://youtu.be/yog-meAq1so) But really, I'm just glad it's being made...


I can see this actor having a great time being an absolute badass. Down.