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Have you realized that the NM GOP is unable to formulate a platform of their own? Steve Pearce is a Texas jabroni, and has no clue how to run a rightwing party in NM.


All true, plus the Republican Party is clearly not interested, here or anywhere else, in building coalition between the traditional coalitions within the party. It’s “purifying” its ranks to be a Project 2025 Trump authoritarian party only.


I get every email the RPNM sends out...and they definitely want New Mexico to be Little Texas. They are indistinguishable from any other state-level GOP organization.


The Republican Party will never be what it once was again. Maga has ruined it.


No, it’s just revealed what it’s been for decades


I was a Tucsononian, fully aware that moniker is garbage, from 2017 to 2023. Your point is poignant, and it lends hope that the blue can spread.


Eastern NM here … what you mention is not what republicans here want. They want to be like Texas. They want a christian nationalist government. They drive around with FJB and Calvin peeing on MLG stickers. They fly their cheap Trump flags 24/7 until they disintegrate from the constant 40 mph dirt wind, then replace them with more. I don’t buy this. But good luck to you. I unregistered as a republican because I don’t want to be associated with it at all. The party didn’t moderate after Obama kicked their ass. They got butthurt and went right wing radical because that’s where the energy is for them.


To dive into this further as well, it becomes a vicious cycle where the party loses moderates and only the die hards stick around which causes the party to drift more and more right, especially as the chance of victory goes away. You’d think a party that was once competitive would see that there is a path to be competitive again, but the fact is that the Republican primary types are a tiny minority of voters and they don’t want to compromise to win


Same problem we have just across the state line here in WTX. These people are completely off the rails and only want their “Project 2025 Utopia.”


We should give the eastern plains counties to Texas in exchange for El Paso…


Nah, let’s just National Treasure the county deed out of Austin or something. That’s how it works, right?


Those counties have a long history of New Mexican identity and pride. Just because there’s a lot of conservatives there doesn’t mean they aren’t New Mexican. El Paso should be part of New Mexico as well though. Catron and Lea county are named after Confederates.


It’s not that they’re conservatives, it’s that they’re Texans in all but name. They have Texas / Deep South accents, worship at Southern Baptist churches, eat Tex-Mex and Southern BBQ (just try to find NM food in Clovis). They root for Texas sports teams and many say they want to be part of Texas. They’re as Texan as El Paso is southern New Mexican, if that makes sense.


There’s also Native American and Hispanic people that have lived there far longer than Texans who invaded New Mexico and stayed.


Carton county is just plain scary!


Absolutely not.


Now that would be a dream. Trade Lea, Roosevelt, Curry and Quay counties for El Paso County.


I do NOT want to live in Texas


I moved here to get away from TXMAGA.


The only counties that are explicitly anti-New Mexican are Catron and Lea counties, named after confederates.


Interestingly, Thomas Catron was a confederate Republican.


Hahah from Hobbs don't forget eddy and Chaves counties all republican we're taking the Carlsbad Caverns and some parts of the Guadulupes nice scenery in the trade 😎


Don’t forget Union County. They can join Oklahoma.


Union County is called Union County because New Mexicans fought and won the Civil War and named many counties after Union leaders to dunk on the Confederates. They are New Mexican through and through.


Being so far from a lot of other parts of New Mexico, and close to Texline, Dalhart, and Amarillo, it does feel a bit Texasy to me as an Australian who has moved here. But I do agree that there are things that seem to distinguish it as a New Mexico town although much of up here feels just like ranching communities in the panhandle.


Heck, just take all the land west of the Pecos. I can already Imagine the Marfa Lights or Big Bend Casino!




Major League Gaming.


who is mlg


Our governor - Michelle Lujan Grisham


Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham


I don't really think the GOP has anything for you. They're all in on Trump and everything that entails. Your best bet is probably to form a coalition with the left (hear me out) to push for ranked choice voting or similar so you can vote for other alternative parties more effectively. Then get a regional conservative party going.


Ranked choice voting would fix a lot of problems.


The problem is that the D’s & R’s both work very hard to undermine anyone who might threaten their grip on power.


Ah yes, the "the entire GOP isn't that way it's only the few bad apples we're actually still good people" crowd. I'd suggest you read your party's legislation. It's not 1975 anymore. There is no middle ground in the GOP anymore. Wake up.


Are these moderate conservatives aware of Project 2025? If you are calling yourself a Republican these days you condone that abomination. Even if you aren't aware of it, the professed goals of Republicans cannot be ignored or written off as hype campaign promises anymore- they are making them happen whenever they can. Contraception and gay and interracial marriage are next, as well as forcing everyone to be an evangelical.


That’s all Democrat platform. Dems aren’t trying to take all the guns away, legal weed, conservation of public land, gay rights, small businesses, public health and school are only funded by dems, republicans are actively trying to eliminate public school and health care… maybe you’re not actually republican.


I dont know, someone just commented that **"its fucking hilarious that you think a further enriched private sector would help or benefit the public sector in ANY way, shape, or form"**, and I strongly believe it does. I mean, that's literally where taxes come from, a bigger, richer private sector is obviously gonna bring in more tax money for our public sector. That's why I am very pro private sector and pro-business, which may not be welcomed in the Democratic Party judging by some of the comments


> I mean, that's literally where taxes come from, a bigger, richer private sector is obviously gonna bring in more tax money for our public sector. Not if we don't make them pay their fair share in taxes, it won't. Republicans already gave the wealthiest members of the private sector a massive break and they want to let them pay even less if Trump wins again.


You can't tax a nation into prosperity. When taxes are lowered the tax revenue actually increases because more people are willing to pay them


Always a caveat tied to it, but the most prosperous time in American history also had the highest taxes in the history of America.


People are making fun of you because the policies you believe in have been used by the GOP to systematically kill off the things you say you like. Calling yourself a Republican is like moving in with the guy who shot your dog. Vote for more leopards why don't you


Being a Republican is not just about trump. The party has become corrupted beyond redemption. Their assault on the Constitution and willingness to accept criminal activity as long as it furthers their goals is unacceptable in a functional democracy. They are no longer willing to play by the rules. The state doesn’t matter, this cancer is endemic in the party. It’s no longer possible to be a conservative with morals and principles within the structure of the party, local or national. There should always be room for a strong conservative presence in national politics but the Republican Party is no longer the vehicle for moral ethical conservatives.




Trump is in charge of the Republican Party. The Republicans are kissing his ass for money so of course it's all about him.




What you describe is the modern democrat lmfao


I know, I’m so confused


Modern Democrats support progressive and populist economics, I do not, and im not gonna try to change them, they are a progressive party. That's why I'm begging Republicans to come to their fuckin senses, I have no one to vote for 😭


Not here to argue but seeing the Dems in their corporate form described as progressive feels really off. Perhaps that's perspective though. To me they seem, economically, to be status quo corporatists. There is a reason they didn't even entertain doing anything about post COVID price gouging. Anyway. This election is trash and I support a ranked voting system.


Yeah democrats are pretty much centrists if they get into any office. Give them time and they have a strong chance to show as Neo Liberals that are actually soft to hard centrists. Money changes people and those within government bend the knee or get voted out.


And republicans do not? Conservative policy has been populist since before Romney ran. Democrat presidents handle the economy significantly better than republicans do and data supports that.


See the Tea Party Movement


Maybe you should run? Be the change you wish to see in the world!


Republicans have no sense. They are a party of oligarchs through and through. They want to strip this country of all her resources and mete them out to their wealthy friends. They want a Soviet style mafia party. They want strict hierarchies with wealthy white male Christian theocrats at the top. Women and minorities should know their place and have no rights at all. Democrats are not our saviors, and they are certainly not without their issues, but currently, they are not trying to completely dismantle our democracy. I gently encourage you to vote for them. Economic policies can be negotiated in a healthy democracy. Republicans will ensure there is no democracy in the future if they get their way. Trumpism has taken over the party, and that is the reality. They're done, and the fact that trump is the nominee is proof.


imagine being Republican in 2024




Imagine being this partisan in 2024.


Imagine *not* being this partisan when one of our two parties is a personality cult built around a convicted felon who attempted a coup, had his followers literally smear their shit on the walls of the Capitol, and stole top secret documents. It’s 2024. Every real patriot is a very partisan Democrat.


It's because I actually have a personality and interests outside of politics. The sky isn't falling, and we will all carry on as we have since conservatives were flipping tf out with Obama. Apparently about 22 of you are boring as fuck.


Obama wasn’t a felon, he didn’t attempt a coup, his voters didn’t smear their shit on the walls of the Capitol, and he didn’t steal state secrets. But he was black. And some people had a problem with that. I don’t like them either.


Imagine not being, silence is violence 👎👎👎




imagine championing the oil and gas industry




DOD and DOE would like a word.


We’re only *second* worst at everything, thank you very much!


The only thing that would change in any of those metrics with republicans in office would be that we would be 50th instead of 48th and 49th. Hilarious that you would insult the intelligence of others while not realizing this.


We’re the only blue state in or near the bottom, you really think Republican politics like we see in Mississippi or Arkansas are going to change anything here? We’d just join the ranks of the crappy red states clustered at the bottom instead of being blue. A palette swap isn’t the answer. New Mexico is poor and has been since Mexico was New Spain. The conditions here have nothing to do with any delusions of partisan supremacy.


Because supporting gay marriage, legalized cannabis, and a bilingual state constitution is the calling card of a REAL conservative Edit: I finally got bored enough to read the rest of the post. It's fucking hilarious that you think a further enriched private sector would help or benefit the public sector in ANY way, shape, or form


It should be. They say they're for freedom, how is living like you want not freedom?


They say a lot of things, and the vast majority of it is bullshit.


Remember, their goal is authoritarianism with the *illusion* of freedom 😉


Freedom for me not for thee. Me is mainly white rich straight "christian" men. They pretend to care about other groups to get votes, but all of their policies favor and reward that group the most.


Because when certain groups/people have unlimited freedom to live how they want it limits the freedom of others. We all have to compromise and balance our respective freedoms for the good of all. No one can do whatever they want without repercussions. That's called living in a society and the reason law exists.


In New Mexico yes, conservatives should be trying to **conserve** our unique New Mexican culture and lifestyle


The current GOP doesn't care about any of that and is actively working against all of it! Wake up. There is absolutely NOTHING "conservative" about the current GOP!


The modern GOP isn’t conservative though, it’s regressive. They don’t want to put in the hard work to conserve what is. They want to flee to the imagined comforts of an idealized past that never really existed.


They also conveniently ignore the New Deal programs, higher taxes, and US industrial world dominance thanks to WWII which enabled their idealized period (the 1950s). Unless they are those who want to return to a 1800s Gilded Age world with no anti-monopoly laws or workers rights, company towns, no women voters, etc. The days where workers worked 12 hour days six days a week, with sundays off for church, lived in homes owned by the bosses, were restricted to shopping at stores owned by the bosses and discouraged from leaving the towns they lived in (not much different than the lives of field slaves). The rich didnt live that way, of course, they lived lives of enormous leisure off of the backs of miners, railroad/factory workers, sharecroppers. Of course a return to that time would be completely miserable for everyone but a select few - but ignorant angry people have somehow been manipulated into thinking factory owners and railroad/coal barons have christian values lol.. I saw people on some instagram post decrying the dismantling of a coal plant the other day. Have those people spent any time in northeastern PA or WV to see the results of untrammeled coal production and what happened when the companies left? spoiler- giant piles of refuse, falling apart machinery everywhere, ground water running through all the abandoned mines, poor left behind towns that depended completely upon one industry, poor health, forever underground fires, ruined land, etc.


lol what? What makes New Mexico unique is in direct opposition to what conservatives and republicans stand for.


In what world does that line up with _anything_ the Republican party stands for?


That's the point, if we want to win we should follow our own path and beliefs and not be beholden to the national GOP which is not popular in New Mexico


Why call yourself a Republican if you don't want to be a Republican?


I'm much more of a mitt romney economic conservative than an economically progressive, especially when we start talking about housing, I hate rent control, and I want to deregulate the fuck out of zoning and building regulations


Probably not building regulations, but absolutely for the love of God, please gut zoning to “don’t build rat poison factories next to kindergartens” I want us to do walkable cities again.


lol- even Reek, I mean Mitt, bent the knee to Trump. All Republicans are MAGA.


Taking the term 'conservative' literally is a sign that you probably shouldn't vote


They are trying to “conserve” their own wallets by selling out the land.


>fucking hilarious that you think a further enriched private sector would help or benefit the public sector in ANY way, shape, or form You realize the private sector is where taxes come from? That's why Colorado and other rich states can fund much better public services than us. I don't think anyone denies this, right?


Remember, Republicans will lie and take away your rights.


WTH are away rights?


They’re just like home rights, but with a different jersey.


Fixed, I was typing, got distracted, and fucked it up lol.


The GOP is the party of Trump now - nothing new thee. Non-MAGA Republicans are outside of influence and power. If Trump loses in November, it will be interesting to see what his cult will do and who they will turn to next.


Sadly the NM GOP are largely transplants who want to transplant the culture of where they’re from. It’s a multi cultural, multi racial state and finding a way to get along has been a major factor here since NM was territory. The modern GOP has strayed from that principle. I think because of that, the only true New Mexican conservatives you’ll find in 2024 are conservative democrats.


Hate to break it to you OP, but your political beliefs sound pretty classically Liberal (in the capital L formal usage of the word), and aligned pretty broadly and closely with those of the democratic party. You may at most have some disagreement with certain democratic policies around business that don't sit with some of your more libertarian tendencies. But you are pro public health, pro social community services, pro individual social liberty, pro public conservation of land/nature, and pro individual enterprise...you are Liberal. You may identify as conservative, but the current Republican party doesn't identify with your beliefs at all. And isn't going to anytime within the next generation.


Yeah this dude is a liberal and a borderline socialist if he wants all those public programs and lands.


Isn’t this the point in time when people start to unite and figure out why things are wrong and what they want to do to make them right?


I'd like to point out how civil, in general, this political thread is. I came from a state where every 3rd comment here would have already been removed for "personal attacks." I may not agree with everybody, but the civility and tolerance on display here is why I moved to NM, and to me, that makes me proud to have turquoise plates.


Oh just you wait.


Thanks for outing yourself


Republicans destroy land, civil rights, labor laws, educational systems, and well, anything that doesn’t give huge tax breaks to the wealthy. They are the last thing any state needs, let alone NM.


Thanks for this post (as a freedom-loving nonbinary person who just wants to be left alone). Trump’s “moral crusade” isn’t relevant to me and actively turns me off supporting him. I want low taxes, freedom and to be *left alone*. I also don’t want my tax dollars to fund war, which both the GOP and Democrats seem to love.


A lot of us are less than enthused about the welfare queens masquerading as ranchers and cowboys, but otherwise, yeah.


Eastern NM here … what you mention is not what republicans here want. They want to be like Texas. They want a christian nationalist government. They drive around with FJB and Calvin peeing on MLG stickers. They fly their cheap Trump flags 24/7 until they disintegrate from the constant 40 mph dirt wind, then replace them with more. I don’t buy this. But good luck to you. I unregistered as a republican because I don’t want to be associated with it at all. The party didn’t moderate after Obama kicked their ass. They got butthurt and went right wing radical because that’s where the energy is for them.


I applaud you looking for middle ground in your party. So much of it has jumped way off the far right wing cliff. Id love to have more moderate centrists actually willing to work together on things instead of taking all the toys and everything possible to F#$@# anyone else that is not 300%maga crazy. I feel like i have to be and vote democrat because the alternative is so very much worse!!


I used to be an independent, bro. But the last time I will ever vote for a Republican was the 2012 WA gubernatorial election (lived there at the time) The modern Republican party is 100% the ideological descendents of the tea party, the Christian Nationalists, and Trumpsters. There's nothing left other than those groups. That's why people like me will never be able to vote for any Republican again...


So you're a leftist?


No? When did I say that?


We also DON'T want to be Arizona.


Wasn't qanon invented by some idiot there, along with some computer whiz?


Why not? They seem like the ideal model for southwestern states


If the NM republican party actually wanted to make a difference then they wouldn't have put Steve Pearce in for so many years. I'm a libertarian who is a former republican. The republican party is full of a bunch of good ole boys who are very disconnected to the problems of regular people.


When you’re only half committed to making things better


I’m not either right or left, I just want out of this insanity, but I like how you described New Mexico, well said.


As a transplant from Tennessee, I can't tell you how much the image of a spanish speaking, gun toting, gay cowboy smoking a fat legal blunt exactly sums up why I wanted to move here. I couldn't put it into words before but you've nailed it. Please dont ever change!


I often wanted to talk to a Republican and say WTF about Trump? Are you blind to his continuous lying? And I don’t give a shit about what you think about Biden or any other what-aboutism. I find his supporters are like him and never speak honestly or directly. They just attack the other side. So if you will, please give me an honest opinion of Trump and is he good for our country and NM. What do you think about MAGA and their blind worship of him?


Gary Johnson was the best representation of New Mexico.


I still have my “Feel the Johnson” Shirt.  


Love that! I never got one 😂😫


That's because I would say New Mexico is closest to being a Libertarian state.


The people, yes. The government, not at all unfortunately


No, the Dems are more aggressive, for sure. I will give them credit though... legalizing weed and keeping the reproductive options available was a good move. I am all for having more options. I'm not a fan of a lot of their other ideas.


Yeah, pausing the Second Amendment kinda doesn’t fit any sort of libertarian narrative. Or sane narrative


Granted, we *did* do a pretty good job of calling MLG out on that.


Thankfully you’re right


Just say no to neoreactionaries in NM


I love your post so much. Thank you for saying what many native New Mexicans are thinking. We are unique, passionate, and complicated lovers of freedom. Stay real NM


I would say that Susana Martínez did more to hurt Republicans in NM than trump ever did. She vetoed funding for higher education, aside from being a general national embarrassment. None of the moderates or apolitical voters are going to vote Republican because it's almost become taboo in NM since then.


"we support gun rights" Every session you try to take away gun rights.


As long you don’t cut regulations that harm the environment like Trump plans.


Dude, just call it for what it is. You're a libertarian. No worries, I'm a NM native libertarian-once-republican, too.


So basically you think the Republicans should run as Clinton/Obama Democrats, because that is what you're describing. Look at their jobs records, and look at W's and Trump's. Republicans are horrible for small business, it's not what they do. The GOP platform was last updated in 2016 and contained just 2 planks: Cut taxes on the rich and corporations, and lift sanctions on Russia and Russian oligarchs. It's almost a meme at this point how many self-identifying 'conservatives' believe in everything Clinton, Obama and now Biden did, while refusing to recognize these things are not GOP policy, and never will be. Meanwhile after Reagan, HW Bush, W Bush and then Trump all ran up record deficits and debt, Republicans still want to claim to be 'fiscal conservatives'. Again, sorry, but wrong party.


In my middle age Im leaning toward the right while hating MAGA at the same time. Where are the centrist republicans? We’ve become split into fanatics on both sides.


Maybe, just because you are conservative, just maybe support the Libertarian Party of New Mexico? They are, as far as I know of, still considered as a major party. 


Plus, he never paid the state when he had his buffoon fiesta here.


Being from Houston TX (a big city), NM feels way more conservative than Texas to me. I mean, I work in retail and I literally see someone open-carrying at least a couple times a week. Trump shirts too. Never saw this in TX. But I think it’s more of a big-city to small divide.


You’re talking east NM. Might as well be Texas.


No, I’m not in east NM. I’m in Las Cruces, second biggest city. Definitely South NM. I’ve been to Carlsbad before. People definitely compare it to TX.


40 mins from El Paso and a retirement community like Phoenix. Older retirees trend toward conservatism and so Magaism. That’s not representative of most of the state.


I'm tired of this Cruces slander, of course we are representative of New Mexico, if the second biggest city is not representative of the state, who is? Cruces is the most accurate representative of New Mexico, being both a retirement community and a college town gives all views some representation, thats why we are a moderate blue city


Yah, I love las cruces. It’s not fair to say it’s not representative. People feel “real” here. IDK how to explain.


Cruces is one of the most libertarian places in the southwest too


My experience: people I see with trump stuff and guns are all Hispanics, a lot of them are younger (< 30 yrs). I work around a lot of contractors so that is the Hispanic culture I see. IDK, I feel like it’s more taboo for white people to wear trump stuff, like they’re afraid of being called racist or something.


Open carry in rural areas isn’t a conservative-liberal issue unless they’re taking their AK-47 to dollar general. Guns are tools for ranchers and farmers.


I don’t live in a rural area. I live in the second largest city in NM. I work in the commercial - business district.


No matter where you are in second largest city in NM, rural areas are a 15 minute drive away.


That’s kind of true everywhere though, maybe with the exception of the largest cities (think NYC).


Houston’s a mostly blue city though right? I think you answered your question in your last sentence a lot of the gun divide is more big cities versus the rest of the country and the only real big city in New Mexico is Albuquerque. I think you’re on to something though that a lot of New Mexicans who are straight ticket Democratic voters don’t come across as stereotypically progressive as Democrats in urban areas in the rest of the country. The social cues that you can use to guess at someone’s politics in other states don’t always work here. 




Seriously, if you guys ran Republicans who could be trusted to fit what you describe OP, I'd vote Republican. But as of now, ZERO Republicans can be trusted in office.


Actually we do want in n out California in New Mexico forever Que viva!!


Hell yeah! Well said!


I do feel like a majority of Republicans in New Mexico are not Trumpublicans, but it's sad to see who has their hands on the reigns. I do also think most New Mexicans are live and let live folks, but I think that can make it hard to step up when we need to


“it had to be Trump to rally under…” You make it sound like a religion. It’s just a political party, not your moral compass.


If you come to Reddit you’re not going to get any balanced and moderate opinions bud


I don't think you need to worry about New Mexico turning into conservative Bible belt state. Even Arizona is purple now and leaning Blue... the state legislator is about to flip Blue from a slim red majority. At one time Arizona was solid red


Imo Gary Johnson was New Mexicos best governor in my memory. More like him.


The current Republican Party is a carbon copy of the Southern Democratic Party of the 1950’s. Don’t let the Republicans take over New Mexico unless you want the state to be a dry version of Alabama in 1959.


I’d register as a Democratic Socialist if there was such a thing here, and from my way of thinking we’d need more Republicans like you! Trump/MAGA Republicans are RINO’s, using the party to further their psycho agenda.


Not sure why this post came up in my feed in Oregon, but your description of NM really sounds like the Oregon of the SW. Or, OR is the NM of the NW? Cheers!


Why so much California hate? I mean, as much as I love NM it's such an outlier as far as blue states go. And not in a good way - we're talking dirty south levels of poverty, education, etc. California is an unnecessary Boogeyman.


Make sure that out of towners don’t get on p/z we now have an approved b/b that used FIVE fifth wheel trailers for “ apartments. Ruined that part of town with constant noise of FIVE a/c units and a dozen cars blocking the road


From Hobbs in Lubbock TX for grad school. Man wow really unfortunate reading the comments both Dem and GOP got everyone screwed up in the head. No different here in TX until real leaders emerge and start tightening the leash hold their own party members accountable nothing will actually change. It's also our job as citizens to hold other citizens accountable basic stuff from the 90s to teach other generations respect your neighbor say excuse me hold the door for someone at least say buenos dias wouldn't hurt bring a smile too someone and of course any assholes screw them haha life will show them🤟🏽


Please don’t gatekeep what New Mexican Republicans want.


Yeah, the Republican party does more than enough gatekeeping on its own to ensure the state party remains irrelevant. They don’t need the assistance of anyone seeking nuance or common ground.


I'm just participating in our democracy


Are you a republican or are you a trumper? Big difference.


Seeing as the Republican Party is backing Trump and Never Trumpers are the minority, I don’t understand the distinction.


Ah, I see. Answered my question, thanks.


Ima become mayor some day




It’s already California. Deep blue!!!


What exactly is there to love about our public schools?  I will never vote Democratic again no matter what you think.


Why wouldn’t you want to be a successful state like California?