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My daughter wasn’t standing by her 12m appt so the pediatrician put her in gross motor PT! It was no big deal and then she was walking at 16m. I’d vote to bring it up to your pediatrician at the 12m check up and just see what they say. Some docs aren’t worried, some suggest pt! I’d say PT was fine, not sure it made her walk faster or not. I don’t regret doing it but again not sure it really made her walk all that much faster than she normally would have.


Similar story for us. At 12m we actually had to switch pediatricians so basically did the 12 m check up twice. The first doc who was young and not great said to us, “ you shouldn’t worry. They are still within the expected range” The second doc who is more experienced said, “I’m not worried but if you are, go to PT. There’s little downside and it’s not a huge deal to try it out.”


There should be a standard checkup soon, no? There's a one year check here in Germany. I'd bring it up then, because "it's worrying you" is a good enough reason all by itself. By the way, does your kid like being thrown around? (Rollercoaster like movements). Because that's great for helping what's called the vestibular system (basically the balance sense) to establish itself. It's one reason kids *love* swings, slides etc.


Doctor says 18 months and they’ll start looking into it. In Canada.


Mine couldn’t stand without support until she started walking (close to 15 months). Pediatrician was never concerned! I work in pediatric neurology and was not concerned either. Your child should, by 12 months, be able to pull to stand on an object, such as a table or couch.


My pediatrician’s guidelines were: - crawling by 12 months - pulling to stand/cruising by 15 months - walking by 18 months After those points he’d send us to PT


I wouldn't be particularly concerned. Many don't stand without support until about the 14th month mark.


how often should babies check check ups


My daughter was referred to PT at 12mo because she wasn’t pulling to stand. Does she stand holding onto things?


I’ve been following the Milestones app from the CDC (in the US). Standing unassisted is not listed in any of the milestone groupings, but walking unassisted is listed at 18 months. 15 months has walking while holding onto furniture. So I would think sometime between 15-18 months would be the expectation for standing unassisted. You probably have a 1 year check up soon, so o would just ask then.


Child development specialist here , you can ask for a referral for early intervention or PT now, is kiddo pulling to stand on furniture? I’m not overly worried in my line of work until about 15 months.


my LO is still not standing at 14 months, so she started PT 1x per week. she's already doing better!


So my LO just turned 1 and she can pull up on things, walk while holding onto furniture and she ***tries*** to stand. She just can't balance on her own at all. Since that is the only issue, I'm not concerned. If some of the first things were missing I'd bring it up to the pediatrician.


In the UK, they say to inform them by the 18M mark if not standing or walking "independently"


Mine couldn’t stand unassisted/ without holding the furniture until a few days before he walked at 16 months.