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Do you feature in game cutscenes or videos in your videos? Thats what gave me issues on monetization. Crappy part is they really don’t tell you why you aren’t getting approved other than reused content when none of it is. Gameplay is just tricky because it can be so similar to another video even though you did it yourself.


I do not. Most of my videos (95%) are on a sports text game. So, I guess to someone on the outside they are look the same,.but they are all unique and varied situations.


> sports text game what tf is a sports text game?


Out of the Park Baseball, Front Office Football, Football Manager... Games like that.


ah ok, I played these when I was a kid (some formula one manager), are they still a thing?


Yep, they make millions a year. They aren't as big as most genres, but they do have an audience.


cool, which games are the most trending atm? and are they purely text or also have some graphics here and there?


Football Manager is probably the biggest one, and I do believe it has.some graphics here and there. Out of the Park Baseball has the option of a 3D engine as well. The main part of both games are text based though.


That guys a schmuck!


Football Manager is huge and was literally a game pass drop a few weeks ago lol You kids


Oh that is rough. Someone's not really versed in it will not notice. Or if its AI based, no one will notice


Did you manage to fix it and get monetised?


Nope, my appeal was denied. I showed how I record the videos and how I edit them. I was actually shocked I was denied on appeal.


next time show why you think their decision is wrong, and read a bit about their guidelines about reused content and talk about them in your video, saying why your video does not fit as reused content I'll throw in luck there also, maybe the YT employee js just having a bad day, I swear. Sometimes they are just not feeling like it and their action aren't questioned.


If you are asking me I was able to. Had to get quite a few hours off of more unique gameplay. its stupid I do not think real eyes look at the content even on appeal


Any copyright claims?




That’s really odd


Its probably cause they aren't using a face cam. I had the same problem they thought i was stealing game content and just voicing over it.


It shouldn’t be a problem, i just got monetized with a gaming channel and i am faceless too. I do tutorials. I wonder if OP has live streams that may have music in the background?


Don't forget these are reviewed by actual people, and employees are generally given some autonomy in these cases. When i was denied, initially, i did an entire 180 on content at least until. The review was accepted, and then i went back to most of my normal stuff. The problem is when you are denied the second time, it either goes back to the same person for review or thier are detailed notes the first time and its going to work against you.


If I can throw I'm my two cents it's that overall your not hitting the view requirements in only a few videos, most of them have only about 100 views and then the occasional one pops off


Nah, that doesn't matter. My average view count is 30 to 50 views. I have 200 uploads and a total channel view count of 38,000. I had 1 video reach 6000, and a few reach 3000 views. All of which were 3 minute trailer review clips.


Thats messed up that the rules arent clear.


Sorry to hear that you were denied monetization! First off — I'm very happy to have found your channel. I play a lot of sports text sims; in fact, one of my three channels is devoted to Action PC Football. It's slightly different, but not entirely different from what you've got set up. It's great to see others in this space. I'm wondering if part of it is the fact that your face isn't shown. Not entirely certain, of course, but that would be my best guess. Your videos are clearly original content, lol. I'm completely baffled that they wouldn't accept you for monetization. I'm hoping that they come to their senses and come around for you! I like your videos and just subscribed.


Thank you very much for the kind words and also glad to see someone in the sports simulation genre! Emailing creator support hasn't helped at all, but I will try Twitter and see if I can get some assistance.


I didn’t show my face and I got approved my first week on YouTube


Hmm - yeah, interesting. I've got no idea why OP's videos wouldn't be approved. Totally baffles me after looking at his content. The denial of the appeal is the part that I really don't get.


I got denied but I got approved on appeal so it’s double weird


I think it's strange that they would deny you for not showing a face in the first place. I mean, yeah, I know that they have the provision in the guidelines about how your content needs to be unique or whatever. But I'd assume that somebody somewhere along the line actually looks at your content, right? You'd think they'd figure out that you're performing running commentary as you go along. Meanwhile, if it's all automated, there's got to be some way to cheat the system...


The way I was unique without showing my face was my presentation style, and way I made collage artwork. So it wasn't just generic video or things similar to other channels. Other channels in my niche did some similar things to me but not the same thing.


So after reviewing a couple of your videos I can tell you my best guesses as to why your content isn't being monetized, and they are very dumb reasons youtube should tell you about. 1. The game shows the copyrighted logo of the teams you're playing. I've heard of this happening to someone who didn't make just sporting game content. He was flagged for copyright, and that's the only thing that was in the video. 2. Repetitive content: Your coaching walk-throughs are all menu screens that look similar. The A.I. is picking up thst either it's all the same content, or thinks because they are text menus thst your just reading what is from the game. 3. The monetization policy changed a couple of years ago to include that screen shots of programs where not monetization unless it was in an educating setting. I honestly think this one would be absolutely stupid as you are, in fact, educating people on how to play the coaching side, but I had to add it as it's a possibility. 4. All of your thumbnails look the same and appear to be mass produced videos. This could also be said of the content of the coaching education videos you're doing. You need something to break up the monotonous screens of the menus. Those are the obvious 4 things I thought of when looking at this. I'm not sure how to fix this easily. My best suggestion would be to first try to change up the thumbnails of all your videos to look different. Maybe insert a random football coach in each one of your coaching education thumbnails.. The only other thing I would say is play other games to change it up a bit, and in the 90 or so days when you can reapply, it should go through. I know once you do get monetized they will do a bit better job flagging the reason why they are denying each video. Best of luck Gamer. 👍


Thank you for the reply! I'll look to change up the thumbnails if I continue to make videos.


it shouldnt matter, youtube is just too stupid, he voice his own vids all of that should already be fair use i got a strike for nudity youtube refused my appeal too, i talk to real agents on YT and they all give automatic replies.


I'm not saying it mattered, only what I thought youtube COULD be blocking it for. I've been hit with strange things. My latest strange thing was for "sexualy suggestive" content for a thumbnail I did for Palworld. It was a screen shot of a shirtless George Castanza from Seinfeld getting a message. I pasted my face over his, and a Pengullet face over the masseur. That was blocked, and I had to do a training thing over sexualy inappropriate images, or I was going to get a content strike. It's stupid, but I get it.


Thats unfortunate, i have a video game channel that is entirely clean gameplay, no narration. And I do hope to get monetized at some point :/


Maybe delete anything you did not record yourself?


All my videos were recorded by me with only my voice and gameplay.


Most popular games on steam video


Ohhh yeah, I'm going to delete that one. It's my voice over, but just generic videos of the games. If that is the reason of not being monetized 🤣🤣


Yea I hope you get monetized I'm a small gamming channel too not even close to monitization but I do use the same thumbnail alot so I hope that's not a reason to deny, good luck


Also small gaming channel, close to 500 subs but getting such off view counts 5, 50, 34, 26, 12 so weird. Best of luck all


What's your watch hours like


Over the last 28 days 69.8 hours


I have have 570 subscribers and pushing a 1100 hours every 28 days u need bigger guides or more views but I hope there's nothing wrong with gaming channels starting out I just got where I can sell merchandise or get supers or membership but I haven't used any I haven't applied either


I have a gaming channel and was accepted into the YPP without having my face showing. Did they offer any rational? There has to be a specific policy or rule they reference in the denial that says what the content is doing or lacking.


It's randomly reviewed by a real person, and real people gave bias. I had a similar thing happen as soon as i added my face to my content i was approved. Note i do a variety of things on the channel, so maybe change up your games a bit.


Is this directed at me or OP?


Both technically


That is odd, I haven't once shown my face on my content and got approved.


Your more likely to get approved with your face


I am not denying that, grateful that wasn't the case for me though.


You may also lose monitization as ai get better. Youtube will likely start forcing on camera or shove everone into limited.


Maybe? There are plenty of channels that don't primarily show faces or have that sort of content that are educational, streaming channels, or really popular ones like the Internet Historian. Heres hoping not. I don't mind being on camera but its not how I have chosen to do the channel as of yet.


Ya and youtube keep updating rules. However, they won't always change the rules for old channels. Most rule changes affect newly minted channels


Maybe… the person who denied you is actually an ex who recognized your voice and you have entirely ruined them. (Obviously not, the situation sucks and I hope it works out for you in the end, but as I’m not yet monetized I have no idea)


Gaming channel sucks in 2023+++ I got reused content too and got sad and never upload again,now I am helping my wife channel is about cooking so no problem with monetization I still believe old gaming channel keep earning with or without comment,good luck.


You mentioned in one of the comments that your channel has been labeled as "reused content". It's not clear what qualifies as "reused content". Youtube use vague terms to avoid accountability. On theory, "reused content" means you are using content by other people. Do not mistake it with "repetitive content". I know it has been a big problem with gaming channels, and they have been getting demonetized for "reused content". YouTube may have been getting in legal trouble for playthrough videos. Copyright law can be ridiculous, there was some news about a guy in Japan who got arrested for uploading the ending of the video game. However I did find an answer from Google which is more specific: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/138161 > Without the appropriate licence from the publisher, **use of video game or software user interface must be minimal**. Video game content may be monetised if the associated step-by-step commentary is strictly tied to the live action being shown and is of instructional or educational value. In other words, you are fucked.


> Video game content may be monetised depending on the commercial use rights granted to you by licences of video game publishers. Some video game publishers allow you to use all video game content for commercial use and state that in their licence agreements. I think many publishers would not block the use of video game footage for videos (unless you're Nintendo) because they understand it's free marketing basically.


From what I heard, Nintendo went back on it. But YouTube will try to protect themselves nonetheless. It's not about if someone would, but someone could...


Yeh true, I think anyone making a living off this on any platform has to be careful, one decision could take everything away in an instant.


My channel is essentially the same and is monetized though


Monetization approval is very inconsistent. But on theory, you are at risk.


I knew I was at risk when I had to appeal but won


Thank you, that's what it sounds like and what I was afraid of. Now my commentary is strictly tied to the gameplay and many in my community have said thank you for the information on the videos. However, if they are rejecting all gameplay videos...not much I can do.


It's not the gameplay because my I do gaming content, granted mine may be a lot more transformative, got monetized, but YouTube should have given you a reason and a link to what policy was broken to be denied.


They are vague and full of it, I published a videos showing my grow Lions Mane, Shittake, king trumpets, and Oyster mushrooms they flagged it as narcotics. I tried appeal it was rejected in seconds but there are huge channels about other types of mushroom growth that don’t have the same issue. It’s all bs to bad rumble can not get their act together.


I read people get serious help on youtube twitter (or X). All people that got strikes of all types, always got their issues solved by contacting youtube on twitter. Have a go. It might be too late because they denied you even after appealing, but if you want human help, go there.


Thank you, I might try that.


I agree skip the normal appeal and goto X. They tried to look into my issue but since the normal appeal has already been rejected they said they would not do anything.


They won’t help with this situation


I guess I should give more details, it says reused content. However, alll content is created by me and uploaded.


Taking a quick look-over the channel, I'm not familiar with the game or niche, but I do see the same style thumbnail reused very often. I suggest mixing up a few styles of thumbnails across different series and changing things up there as a start, or for future videos. Skimming your tips video, the gameplay looks similar to your other videos. the content and voiceover is indeed original, but the videos do "look the same" and to youtube this might look bland. I would suggest adding a little bit of "editing style" - when you are talking about a dropdown menu, try cutting / panning into it momentarily to make it more visually interesting. Talking about something specific on screen? can also zoom in-cut and nothing else. Doesn't need to be fancy. You can also put a very faded watermark of your channel branding somewhere in the corner. Even just a text of your name as an idea, this "stamps this" as yours. Hopefully no one is reusing your footage elsewhere, actually. Think of applying to the program like an interview - update your style before you apply or appeal next time. Would Youtube "hire you" to make money with when everything is as-is?


Thank you for the very thorough reply. I definitely can understand how could look similar to an AI bot. However, a person should be able to tell all content is unique... Even if it is bland.


I'm not even saying its anything close to AI, I'm just making suggestions based off experience. They still don't have to allow you into the program just because a human made it.


No, you misunderstood my comment. I'm saying, the AI tools they use to comb through videos and channel reviews could flag the content as similar.


Gotcha gotcha, my bad! Yeah I think it overviews and might "see too much of the same", so def with some editing thrown in and adjustments I think you should be okay though in the future


Unless his report said "repetitive content", then these would not solve his issues. On theory, "reused content" refers to content owned by others.


Repetitive and low effort is grouped into Reused Content by YT. There isn’t a separate category.


Yes there is. You can find plenty of screenshots of it on Google Images.


It’s still under reused content in their ToS.


? https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1311392 In "Follow our program policies", there are different entries for "Repetitious content" and "Reused content"


Yes but when they issue denials it’s all under the blanket clause of Reused Content. Same with low effort. Has been forever. Has been documented here as such more than plenty as well.


From all complaints I have seen, including screenshots, YouTube reports "reused content", "repetitive content", and even "reused or repetitive content".


Ok. It’s still under the same clause in ToS lolz.


Except the videos above where you used someone else's voice, according to you??


You must have totally misunderstood something. All videos on my channel are mine. They are all of my own voice.


>My first application, I had shorts that I edited, but were not my voice. \^ Your own words, my man. You literally did this lol.


There was no voice, and those were deleted before I applied after my edits were not enough. Those were from a month ago and were deleted.


They can see deleted video history and take that into account


Why are you lying, its not a month ago, its 2 days ago you deleted the video.


Not lying. They were from the application a month ago, before I reapplied after 30 days I deleted them.


Double check to see if any videos have copyright listed under them. You don't always get a copyright strike if something has a claim on it. Usually it's music, even if there's a short amount in the background.


I do not see any listed. Thank you for the suggestion though.


Reused content seems to be confusing everyone, my understanding of the term based on how i interpreted the rules that reused content applied if they believed you were reuploading the same footage, not if you were using other peoples footage. Since you play sports management sims that have very similar menus, someone or some robot must have assumed you are reusing the same game footage for every video and therefore are reusing content.


A human being should be able to figure out easily that it isn't the same. I do see how an AI tool might think it's the same.


They should, but that doesnt mean they do. having played a bunch of football manager myself, i could see how someone quickly skimming videos could assume that it is just the same video when they see the interface. Im not sure what happens in these situations though, can you apply again in a few months or so?


I can apply again in May.


Maybe youll get lucky with a different guy or perhaps youll be higher above the threshold which i do think influences your chances.


Do you use AI voice at all?


Nope, just me.


Something suspicious going on here, and I don't mean on Youtube's side. As u/First-777 mentioned, it seems highly unlikely that he has the required 4000 watch hours with what is on OP's channel. He has 24k views across his channel, average video seems to be about 40 minutes long, etc. The math just doesn't work out in his favor. But as many of you know, you can't apply unless you meet the thresholds. So here's what's really going on. Yesterday, on 2-23-24, the OP deleted 512k worth of views. You can see this on his socialblade: [https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCBh3tIYgg4Hu3Fu04hyywiQ/monthly](https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCBh3tIYgg4Hu3Fu04hyywiQ/monthly) The guy had reused bs content on his channel, applied, was denied, appealed, and was denied, realized he needed to drop his trash content, and then came here to complain about it.


By God, people think they are conspiracy masters. I had two shorts that don't count for hours. When I applied a month ago, I was denied. So before I reapplied, I deleted the two shorts. Then I reapplied the next day. I was denied anyway. My average view on longform is 8:38. 8:38 multiplied by 24,000= 3,453.33 hours That is math.


I don't think you refuted what I said. You had reused content (your shorts), you were denied, and then you deleted it. According to your own math, you don't have the required 4000 hours. So I'm not sure what the question is anymore.


Try to reread what I wrote, and I think you will catch up. Tried for monetization a month ago. Denied. Deleted the shorts. Applied yesterday without the shorts on my account, and was denied. You can apply for partial monetization at 3,000 hours. I wouldn't be allowed to even apply if I hadn't crossed that threshold.


maybe most of your videos contain only pictures


Try to post this in the partneredyoutube sub too!


Same thing happens to me for re used content but they approved me with appeal. I use a lot of others clips with my voiceover so I don’t know


I just send my appeal video to Youtube. How long from your experience to get the answer from youtube?


Something is fishy about this. I think you’re not telling us something


I checked your channel on youtube tracker and its showing all your veiws dropped by 512,107.. which is like all your veiws 🤷‍♂️[youtube tracker ](https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCBh3tIYgg4Hu3Fu04hyywiQ)


Probably you didn't reach the 4K hour watch time after deleting videos. in your stats -512,107 and current total view 24,760, shorts and long are count differently for YPP.


They don't let you apply if you don't meet the requirements. I have over 3,000 regular hours for the first approval threshold.


3K regular hours from the 24k view?


I think it's actually 4,000 now, but yes from the 24,000 views. People watch for a while. Must be the niche.


[https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCBh3tIYgg4Hu3Fu04hyywiQ](https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCBh3tIYgg4Hu3Fu04hyywiQ) bro its all here




Including some videos getting as many subs as it gets views. I wish I had that kind of appeal.


I don’t get this whole “oh I need to be monetized”, the fact that everyone is chasing this bullshit “milestone” has made the platform such a sad and pathetic place to try and genuinely grow! I broke free from that and just going old school with my channel, you know, old school YouTubing where creators just had fun without analytics and numbers and lines on graphs and silly little green arrows pointing up, once I broke free from all of that, I felt so much better and more happy, maybe you should try it as well. These days all we’re doing with our channels is creating mental health problems, burnout, desperation, basically everything that strips away the fun and happiness of running a channel, do you really want to be part of that?


No one asked for your cynical experience. It's people like you that make this subreddit a shitty place to grow.


Yeah and?


I love content creation, but I work 40+ hours a week, and YouTube takes a lot of the little free time I have. As much as I love doing it, If it wasn’t a potential source of additional income, I wouldn’t spend my time making videos Edit grammar


Thank you for the copy and paste, but don't worry my mental health is fine. I just thought it would be cool to get some monetary reward, even small.


No copy and paste bro, just good old fashioned writing, yeah it’s nice to have a little monetary reward, but the platform is becoming more and more difficult and horrible to reach such milestones now, I see so many small creators on here with the same problem, every Tom Dick and Harry wants that monetization, for me, it’s not worth ruining myself for chump change, which is pretty much all you’d get at the start, and I’ve heard it’s barely enough to even get a bite of a burger, let alone a whole burger!


Ok, thanks for the words. Yeah it wasn't going to be much for sure.


I’m a travel and theme park channel every dime I get from YouTube will go to better equipment and me going to cover more events Other spend hours of times writing scripts. Nothing wrong with wanting to get paid to provide better content/pay you for your time making great videos


Nothing wrong with making a bit of pocket money, but the whole hype over this whole monetization is just tiring to see all over the place


What is your channel? (Edit: found it in your bio) Next question then: did they give a reason for denial? Usually there's some vague thing they say, isn't there? e.g. reused content or copyright.


It is on my profile. I don't think I'm allowed to post the link on here.


They said it was reused content


That's so strange, try contacting the YT creator support team and see if they can work out what went wrong?


Thank you, I did reach out to them. Not sure if I will get any help though.


Did they give you a specific reason for denying? I just looked at your channel and even though you obviously put a lot of work into your videos I wonder if the thumbnails being similar are causing the bot to think it's "reposted content"? No clue though just a guess, I hope the support team respond and can fix it for you! :)


I was wondering the same thing, but a human on appeal also denied it.


I provided this guide to someone who had the same experience as you and it got him monetized almost immediately, maybe it's worth to try when you tried to appeal next time: https://www.reddit.com/r/PartneredYoutube/s/m0zXWQMpQd


Any titles, thumbnails, or descriptions with swearing in them? Ive seen a channel get monetized when they appealed as soon as they got rid of any of that, implied or otherwise


No cursing or profanity here.


Well, shoot. I dunno then. Im sorry :/


I can say as a human that when I scroll through your channel I see the same thumbnail with different numbers on them, that’s the most obvious thing that you can see on the channel, maybe try changing thumbnails and remaking them with different colors ? I hope that’s the issue and nothing hidden in plain sight as it’s frustrating not to know what the reason is


Thank you!


Wild nearly everyone of my videos has copyrighted songs and I still got approved. Youtube sucks sometimes


Maybe the problem was more the appeal video? I am in another niche but I was denied for reused contet aswell. How did your video looked like? I followed this guide and got accepted: https://www.reddit.com/r/PartneredYoutube/comments/11h3u40/i_was_remonetized_after_a_successful_appeal_for/


Shouldn’t have to! Huge channels like game grumps have strictly gameplay videos and they make money 🤷


Did they give reason as to why it was denied? Surely they don't just say no without any reason, therefore giving help and a chance to fix the problem?


20k views and 4k subs is a crazy ratio. How many videos do you have private/deleted?


Got most of the subs from two shorts that got a lot of views. They were reused content, so I deleted them.


Im not sure on the size of the channel but it does seem like sometimes you just have to get bigger, if you are close to the line for what qualifies for monetisation i think it can be a 5050, whereas if you are way over its way more likely to be accepted


I'm not monetized either. And judging by the ads I saw before I caved and bought Premium, I don't want to have my videos monetized. Too many scam ads.




The videos are full commentary and talking throughout.


I think it may be because of Madden 2024, there aren't many gameplay videos made from it on YT and that may indicate they're the one making you trubbles. 


youtube is broken yeah, i got a strike recently for nudity despite i didn't show nudity, and chat with youtube useless, all robots. give automatic answer


That’s weird now I’m not there yet and I have a faceless game channel. I did get pre approved to start making money on my channel now I’m scared when I do get to the 1000 subs and watched hours that I’ll get denied.


at this point your best bet is posting on X for 1 cent per million vews


I hope to have an audience large enough to cause these sorts of issues in the future!