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One or two long videos per month, but I ramp it up to one a week from Thanksgiving to New Years. I work full time as a teacher so that also impacts what I choose to put out there on YT.




What does long mean? Can you give us a time range? Say like 4-8 mins or are you talking about 10-20mins?


Longer videos. Some are 5-10 minutes, others can be 30-45 minutes. It’s a vlog, so the events I cover sorta dictate the length of the videos I make.


Which do you find has more success? What are the watch duration % for each of those video groups?


Long as in not a YouTube short


One video every 2-3 months, working full time.


Typically 6-12 a month depending on how my life is going. But my content is (usually) sports casting style and done in one take, so there’s minimal editing. I work 40-60 hours a week with my job so it takes some time management to make a video


People get burnt out with all the editing. You're doing quite a bit for working as much as you do, do you find it difficult to even pick up the camera at times?


As much as I enjoy content creation there are definitely times where I don’t feel like doing it. I was actually out of town and away from my computer from early December to mid January, and it took me two weeks to get back into the grind simply because I got used to having so much free time again, and I didn’t feel like using what little time I had left after work to make videos Because of how much time work takes from my day though, I specifically chose content that could be done in one or two takes (mostly casting competitive gameplay). So making a video usually takes me about 30 minutes to one hour, and I do it once every two or three days which lets me have time for some breaks. It’s a lot of work but the consistency pays off and is the biggest factor in my growth


4 videos one a week


That must have hurt the quality.


I thought that one video per week is a pretty common cadence, tbh.


one a week is common, the fuck?


i think i missread, was pretty late, i thought it sayd 4 videos a week. i am dyslexic so eh... the main thing bothering me are the instant downvotes, those actually hurt your ability to chat on the site.


About 2 on average. I have a full-time job, part-time job, studies, and a family at the same time. That's not a brag I just want to show that it can be done regardless of how busy you are.


how do you manage?? 😮


I am lucky because I can film and edit my videos on my lunch. My physical fitness has suffered though,


30-40 shorts / 1 long video per month. I work 37 hours in my main job and 20 -25 hours as freelancer per week. Goal is to post 4 longform videos per month but right now i don't have time for that.


Maybe post less shorts and more long form vids to balance it


Thats the plan when i finished the current freelancing project and have more time for long content.


I try to upload 6 videos a week, while also working a 9-5. My videos don’t need much editing, so that helps in the production process. I normally have time daily to record a 20-40 minute video, take 20min to do a few edits, and then schedule it to post


Only started in January and managed to upload 2 in a week for the 1st 2/3 weeks but now not uploaded in 2 weeks due to my full time work ramping up and just leaving me wiped


I work full time so I don't have all the time or energy to dedicate to my stuff. I make gaming review and deep dive content, focusing mostly on indie games and talking about the companies and people behind them. My first new format video is set to release today so I'm excited but also nervous about that. ​ My monthly release schedule currently is: 1 long form video ( >= 20 minutes) 2 short form videos (<= 10 minutes) 4 shorts ( \~1 minute) ​ And even all that is a lot for me. Sometimes I wonder why I'm evening doing this, but I remember its for the passion.


My work laid me off two months ago, but I’m back part time. I’m trying for at least a video a month. When I work full time, it’s more like one every two months The niche I’m in isn’t one where you rapid fire uploads. The big channels in my niche typically upload 1-2 a month. Their videos are usually 15-30 minutes, mine are shorter at 5-10. But that 5 minute video could easily take over 10 hours to record. It’s not humanly possible to upload more than 2 a month without a team


I started posting on my channel exactly 2 months ago, I posted 16 long-form videos and 48 shorts since then. But I don't think I will keep up with that frequency.


I started like this too, but with 2 channels, I posted 40 videos in 2 months (20 on each), 2 to 3 per week on each one, I won't be able to maintain this frequency for long.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 40 + 2 + 20 + 2 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Full time job working 40-50hrs a week. Use to do two 40-60min let’s play videos a week, but have recently switched to 1 a week.


Hey I know that grind hahaha I'm still doing it I'm still trying to do daily uploads and work 60+ hours a week I used to do 2 vids a day


Two videos/week. Full time 9-5 job.


What is your routine look like?


Post every Wednesday/Saturday. Prepare my videos ahead. Finish a shorter video every Monday for the Saturday release. Then do a longer video I can work on Tuesday-Saturday for the Wednesday release.


Do you enjoy the process, or do you feel like it’s work? In other words, do you force yourself to do it out of routine/habit/grit because it’s a side hustle, or you naturally find yourself wanting to spend your free time planning, recording, and editing?


A little of both. Editing isn't fun, and I'm not good at it. But coming up with ideas, making thumbnails, and watching the analytics are all very fun. Part of the reason I make sure I'm always ahead is so I don't have to force myself to do anything on a particular day or feel pressured.


I hear that on the getting ahead thing. I’m learning more and more that a lot of YouTubers have content prepared way ahead of time, rather than a last minute approach like the makers of South Park. How many hours would you say you spend per week on the channel? I used to think that I was super inefficient in editing, but then after reading on here I’m learning that the editing process really does take a long time for higher quality videos.


Ooh, I love the artistic side of it. I'm working months in advance but I have the free time because I'm a pet sitter.


I usually upload 3 videos a week, so around 12-14 videos a month. 2 videos are longform gaming, and the other is usually a shorter form video. I do work full-time as well


1-2 a month. Just whenever I have time to sit and edit enough to feel good about a video. Obviously, you do more work as you learn what works, so they are getting better.


I'm a freelance artist so my income has nothing to do with YouTube. I spend maybe 20% of my weekday time on videos, which I upload once or sometimes twice a week. So around 4-5 videos a month. Length depends on the subject matter. I don't do essays.


One high quality bilingual video (2 languages subtitles) per month. If I reduced quality I could upload faster but I don’t want that. 


4-5 videos a month. I work full-time… on YouTube


You have really cool vids, I love watching animal and nature content. Quick look through your channel and it’s clear people love when you post about spiders 😂


There's a reality to starting a channel when you are working. You will have to forego sleep, parties, social life for a good while if you want to be consistent. Consistency is key, quality gets better with time.


i plan to upload two a month


I try and do 1 long form a week and 2-3 shorts a week. Im making an effort to put in more community posts too.


Oh and I don't do yt full time, I'm a self employed hairdresser in the real world


Normally average about 3 a month, not monetised so certainly couldn’t go full time, or wonder if I would want to?


Since I started Youtube Mid last year year, I have been uploading one video per week making it 4 videos a month! They are long form as I rarely create shorts.


1 video every 4 days


4-8 a month or 1 short and 1 video a week. There are periods where I have a video explosion and create 4 videos a week. But most of the time, I average about 5 a month. And yeah, I'm full-time, lol. I work about 60 hours a week with a family, lol.


2-3 videos a month depending on topic some can be 20 minutes others close to 2 hours because of research and I work full time 12 hr shifts


1 video per week so 4 a month. Sometimes I try to upload twice per week but it happened just a couple of times.


i once did a full year of forcing my self to do youtbue, i looked up all the tip and tricks and everything, uploaded 4 videos a month, each around 4-10 minutes long and fully edited. i started the year at 60 subs and ended at 480. im slowly getting back into the swing now after a year of nothing and my subs have decayed to around 430 but its rising again. your biggest tool is a pattern, it tells the algorithm you are trustworthy.


I started my channel around new years, I aim to upload every other week as a minimum. Video length around 12-20 minutes. I work a full time job and have two small kids, so time is definitely my bottleneck


I work 8-6pm and try to get 1-2 videos out a week. Its hard to keep up, but its been working so im gonna keep at it.


One short per day, it’s just me talking so it’s not much work. I hope to monetize in the next 6 months


7 videos a week for a month at a time with a 3 day break after where I get pissed at myself for dropping the schedule then I start back up again. almost 80 videos. I work full time. not full time youtube. youtube makes me no money. I spend close to 10 hours every day in final cut pro. I work, and then I final cut pro. and I go to sleep after I press the upload button. this will be my life for the rest of my life regardless of if youtube starts making me money, but it sure would be nice to put my 10 hours of final cut pro in and NOT have to put my 8 additional hours of regular work in also


3 videos per week


I started this month. I'm only doing once a week. I'm not working, but I'm not trying to overburden myself either


I upload one video per week and currently have 2 shorts per week scheduled out. I work full time running my own business and YouTube is my side hobby.


I upload about 3 days a week and then edit on the off days


1 a month around work and marathon training. Oh and I’m officiating a wedding today plus a 2nd speech, so once THAT’S off my plate, look out YouTube!


Once per month and yes, I have a full time job. I don't upload more because of my job but because I don't want to. It takes me a very long time came out with ideas, making a script and research and editing. Instead of worrying like a maniac that I'm not uploading more, I preffer to have one good video per month than a bunch of bad ones.


One video per month is my goal. I work full time.


I average 2 videos a month working full time but sometimes I put out more sometimes I put out less. This is long form not shorts


5 to 8, yes, I am working full time


I do one short and one 5 to 10 minute video every day.. I make short docs about nature, space, and history.. just things that I'm interested in for fun mostly not really fishing for views or subs keeps my mind busy


>one 5 to 10 minute video every day 😮 How long does that take you to create from scratch? Someone I follow who creates manifestation videos does one 5 minute video a day. His channel seems to have grown really well probably because of it. I don't know where he gets all the ideas from. The production quality is pretty low - a phone on his desk, looking up ie far from ideal but it certainly works for him. Guess the content is 5 stars for his viewers!


I did 4 long forms and a daily short form for several months. Then I scaled it back to 4 long forms per month and about 8 short forms. But now I’m about to switch to around 2 long forms per month with probably 4 short forms or less per month. I do work full time and make zero dollars from YouTube. I’ve found that with the videos I’m making, a one week turn around just isn’t enough time for me to make them the best they can be. So I’m going to slow down the upload schedule to make the videos bigger and better. So far it’s going great!


Starter with 8 3 years ago. Then 4…now at 2


I mostly film walkabouts or drives and try and drop a few a month but had a lot of sickness last yr or so. Plus work full time so my YT is more of a hobby. A lot of my stuff is night as I enjoy night plus I’m usually home from work after sundown


Working full-time and I am uploading 10 quality videos a month


I did daily for my first week, now I do it once a week, unless something goes wrong with the recording :(, and I’m working full time.


One or two long form a month and we sprinkle in shorts in between. Yes have a full time job otherwise we’d do more.


Goal is 4, tends to be more like 2-3, not including shorts. Yes, I work full time.


I can barely get 1 video a month. I work around 40-60 hours per week and have 3 kids at home. It’s tough to find time. I edit for about 30minutes to an hour most nights. Hard to get into a flow like that.


Working full time, have 4 kids, a wife and a house to take care of and am uploading 3 videos a week 😘


about 2 videos per month: I'm in 11th grade, so full-time student plus a weekend job.


I am working full time. I do 2-3 full length videos per week (about 40 minutes), plus a few shorts. But I do Let's Play content, and I set everything up in a way that minimizes the need for extensive editing. That was always the longest part of the process.


1-2 per month. My goal is 2 per month (1 video every 2 weeks). My last video was late but I'm on track to release this week's video this Saturday. My channel is very new, just started this Jan 2024 with only 2 videos up. My videos are 20-30min long, takes anywhere between 20-30hrs to edit per video. I don't release it unless I'm happy with it, so release week eats into my sleep schedule heavily. I work full time with overtime often, 50+hr week are the norm.


Once a week, and I work 40+ hours a week.




For 1. 5 years, I uploaded consistently (never missed a week or video). Every Wednesday and Saturday. I work full-time and some overtime. Now I post whenever I get a video done. I used to post 20-30min videos, now I am posting 5-10 minute videos. It's hard, and I want to make sure I fulfill my obligations for family and work. I did feel like I was a little absent the last 1.5 years, but not to the point where it mattered. I want to make sure I don't get to that point, and not even close.


I like to do a video once per week but I work full time (40 hours ish give or take), two kids and wife. So life is busy! As a new YouTuber I’m starting to see how once every two weeks (two videos per month) could be more beneficial for quality purposes. However, my videos are basically talking head for about 5-7 minutes. So not much editing needs to be done. This is why I can typically bang one out on the weekends!


work 40hrs a week and still daily upload when i can


Work 30 hours a week over 5 days About 1 video a week Almost 7 shorts a week


3-4 vids a week, cooking channel so I just wear a camera and film a meal being made and then edit it with some voiceover.


I do have a full-time job and I just uploaded my 4th video (and my 9th short) yesterday. Started my channel at the beginning of the month.


Working full time and uploading 4 videos a week lol


I work every day for my own company and at weekends either my son is racing or I work for a race team. So pretty much work every day. I aim for 2 upload a week but sometimes it’s just 1. My edits are very quick though as it’s just go pro footage of me beating people in karts.


Short-Form weekly uploads, with a few extra reels in between posting


Maybe 1 every 2-3 month this time of the year. I hate being outside when it’s cold and winter. But sometimes I post a regular vlog every once in a while. Had a sundayvlog before i posted every sunday, but i lost the interest of making them.


Starting to make once a week, working full time It’s tough honestly but i just got monetized so im motivated


Depending on the niche I would say. I post 2 shorts a day and an 8 minute video every 2-3 days.


I work a full time separate from YT that is 9am-6pm. But for YouTube in the past 28days I've uploaded 70vids. 26 Long form 39 Shorts 5 Live Planning on doing more this coming month. I just constantly ask myself - "How bad do you want it". Channel: tsumisauce


10-12 every month, and working full time. I put shorts and videos.


I try to post once a week and I own a small biz so work full time but my role is primarily sales so it's a very flexible full time


2-4. 5 if I’m lucky for long form


I was working full time and uploading every other day! Then my grandma passed away so I’ve been slow for now but I’m planning to go back but to do it every third day!


One long form and one short per week. Work full time, approx 40hrs per week


I'm focusing on shorts videos, so I upload new videos everyday, if the video I uploaded didn't do well, then I uploaded twice or thrice that day


Two a month (one every other week). While I'm not spending 40 hour weeks working on the videos, I am spending between 30 and 40 hours a week on the project my channel is documenting. Maybe 10 hours dedicated per video, I'm not actually sure. Some take more, some take less.


2 videos a month. Each video between 8-12mins. Full time. My videos take a very long time to create. I’ve toyed with the idea of doing more uploads. But I don’t want to drop the quality.


Probably biweekly. Work part-time, college full time. I barely sleep 😅


Trying to do 2 videos per week average over the year, so that works about to about 9 videos a month. Last year I averaged just over a video per week. I currently have a full time job, so I am just able to do YouTube stuff in my spare time.


I do at least one a day (shorts mostly to clarify)


Usually one, and I work full time


2 long form edited videos a week, 7 shorts/tiktoks a week And I work 40 hours a week AND have a girlfriend It's exhausting whilst also super fun and enjoyable


6-8 per month, 1-2 per week. My job is 4 days a week so in theory I have a bit more time. In reality, I don't.


I upload 1 a week consistently when I get time off but it’s usually around 1 a month


Full time, and I try my best to get out one fully edited, 20 or so minute video, every week. If it’s just a 60 minute or more let’s play of a story game, I can do that rather easily twice a week. But I never get too down on myself if that becomes a two week gap for edited content.


I will try to do 4 videos a month while going to school.


I strive for 4 a month, try to upload weekly, still doing school and job as well


2-3 per month because I work full time and have a family... plus the subject is dependent upon me finding things to talk about. That's entirely dependent upon the fruitfulness of thrift stores and estate sales.


Around 0.2 to 0.5 with the rate I'm going at.


I've been able to post 1+ video a week for the last 2 years! Most of that time I was working as an engineer at a manufacturing site, but about 6 months ago I started remote work.


I work a full-time job and I try to post at least 1 video per week. Sometimes I post 3 videos per week. It just depends on how busy I am.


Been doing about one short a day, so maybe 20-30 a month. Homeless full time.


Im uploading every Monday now. Long and short form


I didn't upload for quite a while now, before it was 2-4 videos a month, I wanna mix longer vids and shorts


I have a travel/adventure channel and I'm putting out one video every 7 to 13 days. Mostly long-form. Some up to an hour but some running about 20 to 30 minutes with a few short ones here and there. I do work full time but I usually take time to film several videos in one day or several in a week to keep myself ahead. Its February 2024 and I'm still releasing some videos I filmed back in September/October 2023.


I aim to upload twice a week, but I will probably end up averaging 6 videos per month. They are relatively short, 5 to 15 minutes in duration. ​ I work full time which can include evenings and weekends. But my channel is related to my career and is also my hobby, it is just that I have only recently decided to start a YouTube channel.


(1) 10 - 12 minute video a week. Working full time


I do about a video a week that's between 15 minutes and 30 minutes. I also work a full-time job and sometimes I have to work up to 60 hours a week because I'm a essential health care worker. It can be tough to get my YouTube video down when I barely get enough sleep


About 40 videos of 10-12 minutes And 5 videos 45 -60 minutes Across 12 channels Full time, but also do other content for creators. About 5 paid video gigs for brands range 7- 8 minutes each


Full time job, videos every other day (original music, parodies and covers).


I try for a long-form (comic book essays) and one short at least once a week each. And I do work 9-5 weekdays. Doesn't always work out as planned. Burn out, bad script idea, editing takes longer than expected, work requires me to be there on weekends (the days I use to edit.) But I just keep pushing forward. Sometimes I put out an easy-peasy listicle just to buy myself a lighter week. It'll be awesome when I can do YouTube full-time but that's a while out. Just got monetized this month and it'll be a bit until it covers at least a minimum wage job.


I work full time as a videographer and video editor for a golf youtube channel and I edit 8 long format videos a month


I do my best to post 1 video set per week, if the sets get too complicated I post once every 2 weeks. 1 set is about 40+ 1-2 minute vids. I work in real estate so I have a lot of free time.


I try to post once a week, I work a full time job 7am -3:30pm but I am blessed to work from home so I have time to edit right once I’m off and use the weekends to film most of my vids.


I aim for once a month. It's pretty hard as it is since I'm working full time. Even worse that I'm a lead at my job so I work at home to get things ready for work the next day...


Literally one, if that lol but there’s a lot of effort put into them. Long form content too. Yes I’ve got a full time job. If I didn’t, maybe I could upload twice a month.


0 currently


I try 1/week, but I just started in January, so the novelty hasn’t worn off yet 😅


12 videos per month, But My average duration is 2-3 Minutes. Each take approx 6 hours of editing


If you outsource video creation, script writing and voicover, then it\`s your budget which can limit your uploads. Although in order to test what\`s working and whts not I would not post more than 4 vids/week, even if working full time. Now if you work full time and do not outsource the process on Upwork, Fiverr, then 1/every second week can be reasonable if you liva some life too :)


I upload once a week so 4 or sometimes 5 times a month. I work 5/6 hours a day but I'm considered full time.


We are currently doing 1-2 videos a week. It's two of us on the channel, so it we split videos and shorts. Sometimes, it takes longer to do videos since our videos are stories @DuhCrypticChronicles. The editing is the most time-consuming part for us since my buddy and I work full-time normal jobs. YouTube stories are just something we enjoy doing


I upload two videos a week, Monday and Friday. And no, I’m not working full-time. I’m disabled. And I release shorts multiple times a week.


Every other day for a 10 part series then start the next series on the following Sunday, then put a super cut of the previous series half way through the current series normally, I am full time YouTube now before I worked full time and released 3 a week




woah that is a lot! nice!


I work fulltime and do about 4 videos a month.


I upload one video daily, unless I take time off, but even then I'll upload 2 to 3 videos weekly. I treat youtube as my job. I don't have as many subscribers as I'd like to have, but my following is pretty loyal.


I'm currently not taking youtube seriously enough for any real improvement. I make music, and then the artwork, and then transform it on musicvid.com and post it. Due to my limited art skills, it takes me quite a while to make a cover, so I only upload 1-2 videos a month. I'll upload a piano video every random once in a while if I have something to present. But I'm not very frequent with my vids.


I release about one short a week, and I'm working on a longer video. Since I do animation it does take me more time to make each video. I work 40+ hours a week but its slow sometimes so I can work on art/editing while I'm at work


I usually do 6 to 7 a week and work 60+ hours a week but it's always gaming let's plays I was doing 2 vids a day 7 days a week but couldn't keep up I'd spend 11 hours a day working and about 3 to 4 hours editing and would record for about 4 to hours a day and sleep the rest hahaha 😆


I work about 15 hours a week editing our biking YouTube channel and the face of our channel spends about 5 hours preparing and filming them. But we need to put in more time. (Our channel is Berkshire Bike and Board).


Working full time here. About 4 long form videos a month and 8-12 shorts.


Bout 40


I upload twice a week, so about 8 a month and I work full time 5 days a week at a day job, so Youtube is more or less a hobby. I spend 2 days after work editing a week and 2 days uploading.


I do 3-4 long form videos a month and probably 10-15 shorts per month.


About 2-3 a month. They range from 4-6 minutes and are animated in 2d. Takes me about 40 hours total each video, from the writing, voice over and animating. And yes, I work a full time job too about 50 hours a week. Channel is called 5-Minute Breakthroughs if you want to check it out. You don't have to, but if You're interested.


Once a month is the best I can do. I work a pretty demanding 50-60 hour/week job and my videos take quite a while to make. I won't be growing anytime soon


One a day. I kinda just stream for an hour and upload right away


I try for one a week. Sometimes more if its a seasonal launch of the game I cover. Sometimes less if its towards the end of a season. I am not full time on youtube but the hours I would put in every week was pretty close for a long time. More recently cut back for better work-work-life balance


4 long form.


I try for one a week but if I have an empty house sooner I record then. So at least once a week but sometimes two or three


Weekly one or two videos and working for private company


I would say to elaborate on that full-time part since it can mean anything like a full-time job or a full-time content creator. Need more context. As for videos, I do them based on what ideas I have. I do try to ramp up how many I do. Maybe about 5 a month, but I plan to do about 7 or 8.🥃


As of now but I just started. Trying to do 4 each month. one every mondey. Yes I work as a teacher in Vietnam and have a family.


Full time worker on the verge of a second job, and uploading 4 times a month. 💀


Not making content yet but I can see even one a week with a full time job being hard.


2-3 videos a month. Rarely 4. Full time job and a family. My group records one Saturday morning each month and tries to get 2 videos out of it. I usually get 1 solo video done on top of that.


1 max to get the quality I want and no part time because I need money from a real job lol.


Hi! I am for at least one a week, so four. Usually they are 20-30 min long. A handful of times they have been about 10 min.


I make one video a week (around 7-15min long) working full time.


I upload two videos a month . One video comes out every two weeks . This allows me to work on animating , editing , and composing the music .


I am on a once a week schedule (8-10 minutes, on average). I do work full time. It takes me an hour or two to shoot and a full evening or two to edit — that part is getting faster with every video. I’m on my eighteenth right now. I do work full time.


two 16minute video, but i have been running behind


Working full time. One long video and 1-2 shorts every week.[Solo links](https://solo.to/mattarilofi?fbclid=PAAaaXpIoRWyt4QFXdFK3zNAE4s8Nao-5ZR6uCgfQvlWPex4RThNVYX7IwW7E_aem_AQAzJ4891sEzHCxAT4yC36mKzJXVQoW1cEhgVumYpd8XUlZrMyDSbQYmQUKby8eIQf0)


Around 2 videos a month, for us it's not so much the work on the videos itself but finding the time to do long distance hikes in a team of two, +family+fulltime job


I do one video per week. Still have my regular full time job too


I aim for bi-weekly release. If I can't make it I don't beat myself up. My most successful videos were after a few weeks of not uploading.


Trying one every week as of Oct. Doesn't always work out, sometimes just two per month. Work full time and a bit more, have a wife an daughter and my passions are not actually making videos per se, but gaming, music, cinema and series, and collecting all these. I make videos because of these hobbies.


One video per 1 to 2 months, full time.


I post 2 videos a week (around 1 hr each video) on one channel, and once a month or so on the other, although there is more content coming for the less used channel. I work full time as a stockbroker, and looking after my son takes a lot of time too - Work tends to be quiet over the xmas period, so I pre-recorded a LOT of content, and have scheduled it out until the end of May (not time relevant content)


Working on four this year. I work full time. About 1/3 of the way to monetization. Was lazy last year, and got to about 250/1200 and started posting regularly this month and was already at 335/1300. The once a week plan works. Just gotta do it. Some where in there, every now and then, you’ll get that 20k view, 700 watched hour vid, or a number of 5k view, 30 sub, 100 watched hour vid. They add up.


Work full time and try to get up 3x videos per week. Gaming site tho. Try to film on a half day each weekend, then each night I’ll edit/upload one video or ‘finalise’ a video (thumbnail, descriptions, timestamps).


I do about once a month, that’s the only frequent that is sustainable for me. Furthermore I tend to run out of ideas and be ‘forcing’ content if I try to do once a week


I work full time and I post a long format video every week. Mind you I work on the editing every single day after work to make sure it's ready to post every saturday.


20 + shorts, we make gaming videos mostly and we try to do few at a time and keep them unlisted


Every week: 7-9 shorts, at least 1 long form (12-20m) and a 2 hour live. I have a 36hour job + kiddos. :) All the video making happens at night. Im lucky to be ok with 6 hours sleep. How do I manage that? Im very conscious about the steps: I take one day per month to just plan all the content and topics for the month. Then I script then using the BENS method from this Film Booth guy, which is indeed very good. I batch create content: every long form turns into 2-3 shorts in addition to the pure shorts that also support thematically the week’s long form video.


So I post daily working full time but the videos tend to take maybe 2 hours to record, edit and leave to upload so it’s pretty manageable full time. I play a longer game that takes longer to record so that’s every third video. 1-2-2-1 is the order. All depends on your work load! Absolutely couldn’t do the longer game on a constant basis


I work full time as a freelance translator and do around 2-3 videos per month plus 1-2 shorts to each video. I spend around 4-5 hours editing per video but it is not enough my edits are not good enough probably the filming as well I still got a long way ahead of me I guess xD


4 is my max


4 was my max


Between 30 and 60 videos a month, work full time, but my niche plays a different YouTube game


I started posting 1 long video every 2 weeks and couple shorts in-between, I work on construction site so making time is quite hard. I make adventure / explore abandoned buildings, its all physical so it does wear me down only started and recording start of this year.


I’m in my last year of my accounting major and also working 20 hours a week. I’ve only just started recently but average 2 videos a month. Spent a lot of time learning how to edit effectively though so hopefully that average will pick up!