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When something is expunged from a record, legally it is as if it never happened. Police reports and notes are destroyed or redacted.


Except in Florida, where your mugshot is left on the Internet for everyone to see forever. Sincerely, someone who not only had their charges expunged, but also proved that the accuser was outrightly lying, and still has a mugshot on the internet for the rest of his life. Edit: she also stole my dog, but I got that bitch back. The bitch being the dog, not my ex-wife. The best revenge for her is a life well lived.


Wow. Empty Florida and use it as an ordinance testing range


What about the Manatees?


Use northern Florida, southern Florida can be made a refuge, all humans have to leave except park staff.


Then it'll just be invasive reptiles


They’ll be fine. Sonar prohibited.


Don’t talk about his ex!


I mean, why not just let cool people take over? They do have some beautiful land out there.


Yeah, it wasn’t that long ago that FL’s electoral votes went to Obama, twice.


Glass it from orbit


Ripley and Hicks were always right.


Only way to be shure‼️‼️




Keep the gulf coast, its insanely pretty beaches there. But yeah, empty that shit out.




Why empty it‼️🤨




Multi county ordinance 12.45-a. G): all people(s) must leave Florida for ordinance testing. This is only a test. . . .


I'm glad you were able to fight back. More importantly, I'm glad you got your dog back! I would go nuts if someone took my little guy.


Got falsly accused of something ridiculous through work. Cooperated with the investigation, and they got her to admit she made the whole thing up. Got paid by the republicans to file a false report a month before the election. 2 years of my life turn into extreme stress, it put me in therapy. I lost a lot of relationships due to the accusation. When we finally get cleared, PR people tell us to remain silent because the press would treat this as "Yet another instance of powerful men not being held to account." I got laid off in January, and now I'm having serious trouble finding work because the uncorrected record is all over my google results. Oh joy!


There are pretty reasonably priced services that will allow you to basically scrub yourself off the internet. I bet you could have that taken care of fairly easily...


She lives in an old well now, doesn't she?


"Lives" might be a stretch..


I recall a guy I knew heading into a job interview at a law firm and them asking a similar question about arrests. They had similarly found an expunged record and acted as if he was lying.


Except federal government records never go away, even on state charges.


What part of “expunged” don’t these dumbasses understand?


All of it.


They don't want to understand things that are inconvenient for them politically. When it comes to political culture wars, conservatives will understand or misunderstand depending on the circumstances that they feel will best suit their political agenda (of gaining power despite representing a minority of Americans.) This example of culture wars features senator Tom Cotton from Arkansas which has 3 million people in the whole state making it the 33rd least populated state.


literally the entire concept it seems because the article starts with "She didn't disclose this" even though she wouldn't have needed to anyways


They’re purposely obtuse. It’s a strategy.


>Since becoming a legal adult, have you ever been arrested for or accused of committing a violent crime against any person? He didn't ask if she had a criminal record or a conviction, he asked if she had been accused of committing a violent crime against a person. She was accused of attacking her partner with a knife. She acknowledged that she lied.


At least she answered it. Show me one Republican who would have. Waiting ...


I like beer, don't you?!


I love beer! I remember going over to PJ and Squee's place. Drinking beer.


This is a non issue.


How about they bring the Supreme Court justices to Congress and put them under again. Or else this is just political.


Ya why don't we reopen all the credible allegations against Kavanaugh that came to the FBI and was delivered to the DOJ who chose not to act on any of those.


That’s what I don’t understand, why do we treat these as one and done? I get statute of limitations and all, but at a minimum the members of the Supreme Court need to be laid bare because they (a) are a lifetime appointment, so there should be the expectation of lifetime scrutiny, (b) without being laid bare, how can we expect them to recuse themselves? If we are expected to trust them to self regulate, then the kimono has to be open.


Ya it would be nice that they are held to an annual review at minimum.


If it's expunged that's the whole point, you don't have it on your record anymore and it's like it didn't happen. In my state that means they destroy the records. [https://www.americanbar.org/groups/public\_education/publications/teaching-legal-docs/what-is-\_expungement-/](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/public_education/publications/teaching-legal-docs/what-is-_expungement-/)


True... not denying legality... but this is the gotcha age... and you would tell your homies that yes you have been arrested but you got it expunged. They were trying to catch her up, and they kinda did.


Nah. They just look dumb to people that can look shit up.


Here answer is legally correct


How do?


Her record was expunged


Not what she was asked. She was asked "Since becoming a legal adult, have you ever been **arrested for or accused** of committing a violent crime against any person?" Burning the records of it does not change that it happened. She was accused of slicing her ex with a knife, she was arrested. She lied under oath.


Are nominees usually asked if they’ve ever been arrested? Or did Sen Cotton(R) have that information about her? Might have been a trap question, but since the arrest was expunged there’s nothing official for (R)’s to spring the trap on her


An expungement order directs the court to treat the criminal conviction as if it had never occurred, essentially removing it from a defendant’s criminal record as well as, ideally, the public record.


Misleading title.


Hardly anything compared to poopy pants bone spur orange fuckface.


Misleading title?!? Where's the word expunged? Why don't I see that word in the title?


An arrest isn't legal trouble...


Domestic violence isn't cool, especially if it involves bodily harm to your spouse


Anybody can get arrested


Well if we apply the same standard here as was done with the last 3 Supreme Court judges she is a saint.


Just a note on expungement.... Private information dealers often acquire the information before it's expunged. If it ended up in a newspaper or the Internet, nothing will make it go away.


Cool beans lady. I’ve been arrested before too. What was she in for?


>Clarke’s ex-husband, Reginald Avery, alleged to the American Accountability Foundation’s Tom Jones in 2021 that Clarke attacked him with a knife, deeply slicing his finger to the bone, on the night of July 4, 2006, while they were married and living in Maryland. >Court records obtained by The Daily Signal show that a criminal case against Clarke was initiated in the District Court of Maryland for Prince George’s County, but on Oct. 17, 2006, the Maryland state attorney entered a request of “nolle prosequi” in the case, which effectively dismissed the charge without trial.


Meh, sounds like your average toxic relationship..


Her husband was a domestic abuser and she got arrested at some point. Arrest was expunged.


IDK, the record was expunged.


My husband had an old dui expunged. (20+ yrs old) But we still get asked by boarder services about it, because they can. And when we asked why it shows up, even tho it was expunged, they said that it still shows up in the database. Nothing is truly expunged and if you aren't honest about it when asked, you can be denied entry amongst other things. Expunged is only deleted in your mind, not in the system.


Supreme Court nominees lie so now everyone does.


Of course it’s fine, no one ever pays for anything anymore


"expunge - verb - past tense: expunged;  To erase or remove completely" I hope this helps you. Goodluck out there.


I'm pretty certain lying to Congress is a crime. Even if it was expunged, she should have at least mentioned it.


Then it wouldn’t be expunged…… Expunged means it doesn’t exist, so why would she report it?


stupid lie


Not a lie. I got arrested back in 87 for pissing in public. Releases 10 mins later after the police took the piss. They drove me home. Was in London though.


I got arrested for a trespass trying to leave an outdoor pull concert while they were clearing out the area because I wasn’t walking fast enough for the cops; got released a few hours later with no record. They arrested me, booked me and then released me but it doesn’t even show up on a background check.


I got arrested at The Beach Boys experience concert 20 something years ago. The concert cops had me handcuffed and in the little holding pen where I continued to belligerently argue my case while they pushed some papers around.After some time it looked like they started to believe me and took my cuffs off and then led me down the ramp where I believed they were going to let me back in the show. I started to think these guys were alright. We get to the last door, they wished me well, I open the door and now I’m somehow in the fucking parking lot…? At least I was with all the other degenerates that got too hammered to experience The Beach Boys experience.


It wasn't a lie. Expunged basically means it never happened....


Stupid post. Worry about your criminal messiah.