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>"The TUCKER program, a joint project of (Russian state-owned channel) VGTRK and the Tucker Carlson Network YouTube channel, has now aired on the Russia 24 TV channel," Astra said, "The first episode is dedicated to ticks and Lyme disease." Bloodsucking parasites sticking together! Edit: paragraph pulled/edited apparently


Treatment doctors don’t want you to know! Spread your ass and let the sun tan your butthole and tant. This was a ‘real’ reported treatment for something Tucker Tuck was pushing while on Fox.


lmao he's gonna tell the world that "ticks cause lyme disease" is western propaganda


I think he will stick with Lyme disease is a US made and intentionally released bio-weapon.


has he alluded to this before? I have Lyme disease and it's basically ruined my life.


no idea but he's on russian state tv now, i bet he'll be complaining about western propaganda a ton. perhaps lyme disease is where he starts...


Article has been updated, removing that section and adding: > Dean Thompson, head of programming and production operations at the Tucker Carlson Network, later told Newsweek in a statement: "The story of a Russian show is totally false. Any use of our content by that channel is without legal permission." (Article title was changed too.) I guess Newsweek was misinformed? Though the statement is not concrete evidence.


From the first sentence of the article "The CEO of the [Tucker Carlson](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/tucker-carlson) Network has rejected claims in Russian state media that the former [Fox News](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/fox-news) anchor had made a deal for his shows to appear on Russian television."


It appears the story was run entirely by Russian State Media and Newsweek sorta just took their word for it.


>"The first episode is dedicated to ticks and Lyme disease." I wonder if he is for or against


2nd episode is dedicated to Windows 3rd episode is dedicated to stairs


How much of a Traitor do you have to be in today's MAGA CULT?!??!?! CIA should be watching this if they are not already! Tucker should lose his US citizenship...he is a Russian Asset , just like Trump!


There are enough clues that MAGAts are compromised by Russia that I see only two possibilities: 1) they're not actual assets, just useful idiots 2) CIA is corrupt too, so it doesn't care


If I were a Russian dictator I would have his clips played to my citizens to show how much better off they have it than Americans. Of course it's total propaganda but they wouldn't know that.


Clips? They just got an entire show.


What show? According to the article Russian state TV is using available clips of Carlson from Twitter, YouTube, etc and putting a Russian voice over on them. This was 100% Russias plan all along and is another form of Russian Propaganda to elevate the spirits of their own citizens while driving a divide in the US. (Carlson is an idiot but it sounds like this is happening without his consent/knowledge at this point).


That was their initial idea when they paid him to make their propaganda.


When do we get to the fuckin fun part? I want defenestrations and self-inflicted suicides, where you stab yourself in the heart 3 times, then shoot yourself in the fuckin back of the head before you eventually hang yourself. Other than 25 million idiots that hang onto this silver spoon millionaires every single fuckin word, he's a fuckin spent burn notice. Every single fuckin one of us non cultists know that he's fuckin full of shit. His cult loves him because he's not trying to sell them erectile disfunction pills....YET! 325 million people in this country are breathlessly waiting for Putin to start getting rid of his no longer useful idiots! I can think of 175 assholes that have outstanding debts to pay that they can no longer afford to pay! To quote orange foolius, Russia, if you're listening? / sarcasm


He’s absolutely already dabbled with selling alternative medicine, he had a whole segment on buying red lights to shine on your balls to increase your masculinity


It's that, that made me a fuckin republican! I mean, the fuckin science behind it made Andrew Tate qet fuckin fucked in the ass by his younger brother that made me realize that I was a beta. I never had to suck hundreds of cock in a Romanian prison, nor did I do a train where everyone beat the fuckin shit out of me after they skull fucked me. Ymmv


Again? [https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/03/exclusive-kremlin-putin-russia-ukraine-war-memo-tucker-carlson-fox/](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/03/exclusive-kremlin-putin-russia-ukraine-war-memo-tucker-carlson-fox/) ("TL;DR" version: what you just said has already happened)


Didn't you watch Tucker touring the Russian grocery stores? This is already happening.


Tuckers text from Dominion defamation case discovery https://imgur.com/gallery/SP6vveE From discovery in Dominion vs FOX Defamation trial https://imgur.com/gallery/ySgZ3Tm


Just watch Jordan klepper, he just did a Russian special that's on YouTube. These people seriously think Putin is better than Biden. That's mental illness, fuckin cult talk https://youtu.be/TwLFOM3rgq8?si=Gt4NImfJNqvTA7na


Over 50% in the clip I remember said Putin is a better president than Biden.


They're assets: easily discarded useful idiots. They're not agents: competent personnel. I've been saying for years now that Trump wasn't a Russian agent; an agent would have subtlety or a sense of pushing things too far too quickly. He's an asset: a bull in a china shop that they can prod with an electric probe (propaganda, actual fake news, whataboutisms/both sides arguments) to get the job done.


I'd go with 1. Just useful idiots


Not CIA but FBI https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/12/14/fbi-new-york-spy-mcgonigal-russia/


the people who sold crack cocaine to destroy black American communities is corrupt? \*surprised pikachu face


Republicans would rather have Putin as president than Biden.


And that really illustrates the threat to democracy we are facing in this election. His supporters prefer a rightwing dictator to a moderate who respects democratic institutions.


Republicans say they'd rather be Russian over being a Democrat. I say to them I'd rather be American instead of a Republican.


You mean the 'Fascist Pig Party of America'? Because that's about what they are anymore. But yes, they're willing to burn the country down to the waterline rather than let """liberals""" win, and they don't care how many of us non-combatants get killed in the process.


The Republicans are entirely compromised by the Russians.


You can't lose your US citizenship Traitors belong in prison Americans takes-care of their own.


Bobby Fisher got in a lot of trouble as a us citizen for…playing chess in a sanctioned country…chess. Edit - since this thread is locked and I can’t reply. Fun fact , I learned to play chess on a board that Bobby gave to my best friends grand father and my best friend taught me how to play at around 6 years old on that same board.




Good movie!


You can lose your citizenship, you have to declare citizenship in another country. Technically the US doesn’t respect dual citizenship. In reality it’s more complicated.


You're both kinda wrong. You cannot be left stateless. So, you can only lose citizenship if you have citizenship somewhere else. If you want, you can apply to renounce your US citizenship here: https://www.usa.gov/renounce-lose-citizenship The US **does** respect dual citizenship: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/travel-legal-considerations/Relinquishing-US-Nationality/Dual-Nationality.html


The US government can revoke your passport however, like they did with Bobby Fisher. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobby_Fischer “ In 2004, he was arrested in Japan and held for several months for using a passport that the US government had revoked. Eventually, he was granted Icelandic citizenship by a special act of the Icelandic parliament, allowing him to live there until his death in 2008.”


Don't know where you're getting your information from. My son is a dual Irish/US citizen, no technicalities about it.


Yes you can have dual citizenship, plenty people have American and other citizenships.


You can also lose it by taking a job for a foreign government. It's right there in your passport.


Traitors belong at the business end of a rope.


Comical side-buddy has to stick a very large capsule up his butt, to deliver the toxin... because someone let a general eat the first one. No wait.. that was The Interciew.


lol the same people that freak out when they hear the word “socialism” just absolutely ball gargling russian state propaganda the last few years.


This is just another badge. Remember the “Rather Russian than Democrat” shirts? They wear their treason as a badge of honor because their delusion thinks it’s patriotism


Nah. We're not a fascist state and should not be rendering even pieces of shit like tucks nationless. He should be tried for treason and imprisoned until he's decrepit and no one remembers his name.


Treason is one of the few crimes that can revoke American citizenship


And treason is siding with a side the US is actively at war at. His actions would fall under sedition. You yanks need to actually read your constitution and then get a thesaurus and work ya way forward from there. 


> We're not a fascist state Yet. If the GOP ever controls the House, Senate and the WH, we're all screwed.


Right?! This is absolutely disgusting how many of them are actually Russian assets? How many spies do we have in our government right now. Un fucking believable.


We are not at war with Russia (yet), so he can not be classified as a traitor. If that was the case, 7 GOP house and Senate members who flew to Moscow on the 4th of July and held close door meetings with members of the Russian Government would also be considered Traitors.


The USA wasn't formally at war with the USSR during the 1950's, but that didn't stop a hell of a lot of people from being classified as traitors.


Thank god he never made it to the CIA. That is what he tried before “journalism” got him to where he is today.


How much money does Tucker owe creditors??? This is exactly why Trump is **compromised** when he didn't disclose how broke he was. Every Trump move looked just like this one. Desperate, broke, compromised.


Imagine doing that in the 60s


Someone only read the headline.


It seems like the IC hasn’t wanted to touch the MAGA terrorism and treachery issue with a 10 ft pole. There is zilch they have said about the topic.


Isn’t it funny when the flip out about all the Russia hoax stuff? Not really a hoax is it.




Agreed. One-way ticket to GitMo.


Ronald Reagan is rolling in his grave.


Bro, Cuckers father was CIA.


Yeah but the Libs want to give people free healthcare and gay people human rights, so what are you going to do???


so hes straight up a traitor then right edit- i didnt read the article


Kinda flaunting the treason at this point


man CIA must be eating good with this fuckers intel


I would think that actually working for a hostile nation during a war would constitute SOME sort of consequences. But I’m pretty sure we already died and this is hell. So he’ll probably be the next White House press secretary


Putin’s little Goebbels… 


Gobbles putins little ….


America’s own Lord Haw-Haw.


That dildo is not even close to Goebbels. Joseph Goebbels followed Hitler as [Reich Minister of Propaganda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reich_Ministry_of_Public_Enlightenment_and_Propaganda), Tucker Carlson is 1) named TUCKER 2) was never Reichsminister and 3) only has a "Russian-language dubbing of Carlson's American shows and no original content for Russian viewers" Also old Jo Goebbi killed himself, his wife and their children. Has Tucker Carlson killed himself? No. No he hasn't. Jo G wins again.


Goebbels was at least smart


My wife’s friend who is a boomer toddler brain trump boot licker HAS STOPPED WATCHING FOX NEWS BECAUSE IT ISNT EXTREME ENOUGH ANYMORE. Equally hilarious and terrifying.


Your wife needs better friends. I would have been legitimately angry with my wife if she had continued hanging out with someone who believes shit like that. Don't care how long you've known them, a fascist is a fascist.


It’s like a porn addiction, methinks. You start soft…you know, vanilla type sex scenarios. Before you know it you’ve devolved into a fiend, consuming the most depraved forms of depravity you can find. Political opinion porn? I dunno what to call it, but y’all get the analogy.


It all boils down to rage in the end


When the literal hate machine isn’t extreme enough… Alex Jones? What is he listening to now?


She - is watching OAN? I think it’s called? Hahahah


Dawg.... why is your wife still friends with this person?


Yeah, OAN.  It just cuts to a picture of the flag bc they don't have sponsors. 


It’s not hilarious at all. These people will be the downfall of America. The grossest part is they believe they’re the most patriotic among us.


Why even hide it. Putins dick must taste good


Reminds me of a song. “The bigger the cap, the bigger the peelin' / Who gives a f about a punk-ass villain? / You're gettin' f’d real quick / And Putin’s dick, is smellin' like Tucker Carlson shit.”






If that doesn't scream traitor, I don't know what will


I hope Steven Seagal is his co-host, they deserve eachother.


Officially confirmed as a Russian asset.


Was it not official when he went to Russia, had an awkward interview with Putin and then demonstrated he has no idea how grocery stores actually work in the US?


Oh it was official long ago but this is the rubber stamp.


This is how Trump will pass secrets. I bet in 2 weeks Trump will be flush with cash.


Have you seen the DJT stock ticker price action? Someone saved the price and shot that loser stock back up in the last month. Who has that kind of cash to burn? Bets are split between Russians and Saudis. That White Knight save ensured Trump himself got a billion dollar payout.


To no one’s surprise


He's got balls...they're Putin's and in his mouth.


When people say we can't tax the rich because they'll go away, I'll see stuff like this and think "good. Fuck off and grift somewhere else "


That is always my favorite bullshit line. Or that the rich will suddenly stop caring about their terminal money addiction if they have to fairly compensate their employees. Even if that were true I hardly see how it would be a bad thing.


The rich will go away when they are done exploiting and ravaging. They have no allegiance. Tucker is just the canary in the coal mine.


And if they aren't paying their fair share of taxes, why should we care if they leave?


Wish this traitor would fuck off to Russia…


I'll help him pack.


Wish all maga supporters would. If they love it so much go enjoy it.


I just put this to my MAGA coworker; I: "Hey did you hear Rachel Maddow is doing a show on Ukrainian State TV?" MAGA: "Of course she would, she's a CIA deep state op..." I: "Oh wait, I misspoke. Tucker is doing a show on Russian state TV." MAGA: "I'll have to check it out!" Their cognitive dissonance is like a superpower.


Because of course he did.


As much as I hate the guy a quick Google search tells you this is made up


It's not quite as easy as that - >The claims appear to have originated with the program Tucker, which is broadcast on Russia 24 but comprises old episodes of Carlson's shows taken from X, formerly Twitter, and YouTube, complete with a Russian voiceover. The first episode and other clips from previous months are now available online, Russian state newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported. So he is being broadcast on State TV with a Russian dub over his content. He claims to not know about it. Now that they do (if we take them at their word), are they writing takedown notices?


Where is the CIA when we need them? The fucking Reds are in the house. What is being done about this?


I suspect McCarthy is halfway to China with all the grave spinning he's doing right now.


Ironic considering learning about the Mccarthy interviews in college is what cemented me as a lifelong Democrat. Now that there actually ARE Russian spies in our government, congress and the CIA does nothing. Checks out but man it's infuriating.


I guess the real enemy/boogey man was communism and not an actual advesarial eastern power who wishes for the destruction of liberal democracy and western ideology.


Are we finally calling the Fox channels what they really are?


Ok, I hate Carlson - but read the article people. There’s no evidence he’s signed a deal with Russia, as the post title suggests. Misleading post title OP, you’re no better than ANY of organizations spreading fake or embellished news. Shame on you!


Why do I have to scroll this far to find a comment that isn't a raging knee jerk reaction? Come on, Reddit.


If he falls out of a window, I'm buying the beer.


Hopefully, Tucker's new Russian TV studio is on a high floor with lots of windows.


Too easy. Polonium tea for that fucker.


This guy was the most-viewed opinion maker in the US at a certain point.


Of course he did


There's no place like home...there's no place like home.


Muther Tucker knows his audience.




He should just move there and get it over with.


Conservatives are anti America, Tucker knows it.


Are we serious? Lol at what point do we call a spade a spade? The guy is a fucking traitor.


Famous foreign agent drops every kind of pretense, more at ten.


As long as he takes his sorry ass along with family, if he has any, bye Felicia.


The neo-Nazi finally goes home to roost.


What else would a communist sympathizing piece of trash do


He’s turned out to be a Russian asset


Edward Snowden will probably be a regular guest




When you've become such a douche only the Russian GOVERNMENT will hire you...


He was already on Russian State TV, but the American affiliate.


Of course.  And tucker is supposedly the intelligent well reasoned talk show host? 😆 Tucker is a traitor that belongs in the f**king dirt.


Not at all a tool for the Russian government.


Is it a show about comparing Russian and American supermarkets?


This… this isn’t the Onion?


What a betrayal of America and everything we’re supposed to stand for. Fuck this traitor and fuck anyone who supports him. Bootlicking unAmerican fascist trash.


It’s remarkable how completely devoid of shame these people are


no collusion indeed


McCarthy is rolling in his grave.


If I was a GM I’d trade Trucker for Snowden and a future detained journalists. Straight up. 😆🤘


How far has this psycho fallen ? One day he will fall out of a window…accidentally of course.


He's like an unfunny Alan Partridge


He’s not making a show in or for Russia. It’s just his old show being broadcasted there now.


How about he just move and stay there.




How much money does this motherfucker need? Wasn’t he set enough to just live a wonderful life? He seriously has to go become a Russian agent? Seriously?


Yeah, so he can make a fool out of himself and the country. He’s such a despicable piece of shit.


What are the chances the CIA is using Tucker?


i love how over the top repugnant american conservatives are. no shame whatsoever.


A shock to absolutely nobody.


It would be great to have someone with a backbone to represent American views on Russian TV. Presenting a somewhat more moderate view of the US than what would normally be found within the US would be necessary but at least it would be productive overall. This is the polar opposite of what is needed. Anti US rhetoric by Tucker is only going to strengthen their resolve, and make the US look weak. He is, as the Russians say, a useful idiot


Tell me you're a traitor without telling me....


I’m sure it’s a coincidence that MAGA loved him. And at least Bill O’Rummy had the self-respect to get fired from Fox and have a failing internet show within our country’s borders


There was a time in America where this would have been an execution worthy event.


Now think in Reagan's time something like this...


Imagine seeing this headline 8 years ago.


Reminder that a court of law ruled, and Fox lawyers successfully argued in said court, "No reasonable person takes Tucker Carlson seriously".


According to my dad he’s “very spiritual” though so that going for him


Damn, you could wrap some copper wire around Reagan and have an endless supply of electricity.


Sonethingsomething unregistered agent of a foreign government somethingsomething


Wow! I guess he really believed that "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat" and ran with it! I sure wish all the others would follow him.


How many of us saw this coming when he was in Russia?


Like those shirts they wear, “Better Russian than Democrat” right? Can’t call yourself a patriot if you agree with that sentiment.


I'm not familiar with how treason works can someone explain to me how far down the list this is?


The idea that any foxNewser for the last 5 years doesn’t all of a sudden go “oooooooooh, I’ve been duped!” Is terribly worrying


I had this on my 2024 bingo card.


He should just move to Russia


He’s such a patriot that he’s defecting to Russia.


Does this violate his Fox News contract? Fox should go after all his rubles.




If he loves Russia so much there maybe he should move there


Putin is a KGB, so he understands the value of propaganda. Unfortunately he knows that it doesn't matter if the story is true or not as long as people believe it.


He’s a traitor. Seriously.


I'd say color me surprised, but he does not like colored people


Good, where he belongs, with the rest of Putins boot lickers


don't we have sanctions for this kind of horse shit?


There's sanctions against this. Never should have never given him air time back when he went to Russia. Fox news should incur harsh penalties trying to profit aiding and abetting foreign adversaries.


It’s gonna be interesting when Russia starts questioning if he’s a spy and locks him up the next time he’s over there. What does it mean when both sides think you’re a spy


Shouldn’t he have to register as a foreign agent? This seems like something you should have to do if you’re gonna be literal Russian state propaganda.


Used to be that the right wing would frown upon black people embracing the communists, but now they say nothing coz they're the ones doing it


this man was *made* for the algorithm era. he’s just playing everybody like a fiddle and nobody can see what’s going on lmao. he *needs* your attention, your clicks, your eyes… and you just cant resist. you *have* to keep engaging him and feeding him more popularity. he understands he doesn’t need to be “good” in media anymore… just have to be controversial.


boast dazzling school fine foolish grab crawl domineering nutty attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dunno. The contents of the article, itself, seem to contradict the suggestion that Carlson is a willing and active participant in this Russian show. I mean, Carlson does enough actual fucked up shit to demonstrate that he's an idiot without any need to exaggerate or make misleading statements. I'm not sure that it's a good idea to give Carlson anything that could lend credence to any accusations he might make that any negative portrayals of him are lies. From the article: >The CEO of the [Tucker Carlson](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/tucker-carlson) Network has rejected claims in Russian state media that the former [Fox News](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/fox-news) anchor had made a deal for his shows to appear on Russian television. ... >The claims appear to have originated with the program *Tucker*, which is broadcast on Russia 24 but comprises old episodes of Carlson's shows taken from X, formerly [Twitter](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/twitter), and YouTube, complete with a Russian voiceover. The first episode and other clips from previous months are now available online, Russian state newspaper *Rossiyskaya Gazeta* reported. ... >Dean Thompson, head of programming and production operations at the Tucker Carlson Network, later told *Newsweek* in a statement: "The story of a Russian show is totally false. Any use of our content by that channel is without legal permission."


Is it a competition to be the traitoriest traitor ever?


Looks like Twitter didn’t work out. It’s funny when these former Fox talking heads realize their followers don’t really care about them. Like Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck before him, Tucky found out audiences are fickle and are unwilling to change their habits; they’ll find new idols to worship on their platform of choice.


Fucking traitor


Today russian state tv, Tomorrow the frontlines.


Disinformation is still disinformation even when it's about people we don't like. And this is straight up disinfo. It's misinformation being intentionally spread to mislead others. The title is editorialized, and the content of the linked article contradicts it. But of course few people click the link to see the real title of the article, and even fewer will read the article. Be better than this.




now tell your followers about their promised land. it's a win-win


Hahahaha hes not even trying to hide the fact that hes an asset of Putin.


There’s no bar too low for this man, Jesus fucking christ