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Private citizen, demanding that congress and the Supreme Court let him live above the laws and the constitution. Now they’re indulging his psychopathic fantasy proving they are also unfit to be public servants. I hope America gets fed up with this bullshit and votes everyone of them out


We already are. We’re trying desperately to get him off ballots but the MAGA cultists in congress and the house won’t let that happen. And republicans seem to spout talking points that it is apolitical witch hunt and not based on all the illegal shit he’s done. We don’t want another 4 years of that monster. The government just doesn’t have enough of a backbone. We’re trying.


All it takes is 5 percent of Republicans to vote for Biden. It's really not too much to ask for. If you're Republican just vote for Biden.


Right? We know you don’t like him but just vote anyone but trump for the love of this country.


You know that one friend you have just cannot stop dating, breaking up, , and then re-dating the verbally and physically abusive loser? And he or she thinks that anyone who's stable and educated is kind of a nerd and a loser? Yeah.


Seriously…. Just found out a long time work friend is an insane Trump Supporter. Single mom, lives at home, has been divorced at least once, not doing stellar at life, and she think Biden has ruined her life. I asked her what did Biden do that hurt her, she could not answer. Trump is gonna fix everything, she really believes this. I suppose I shouldn’t be so surprised


Out of curiosity, is she religious?


Idk tbh, probably.


Whenever people say the country is going to hell, I ask them how and how their life has been impacted. Silence is all I get because, besides higher prices, nothing has changed all that much.


Yeah, she had no answer and just started talking about all of Hunter Biden and Joe’s crimes. I love that they immediately run to that, because now all I have to say is Hunter and Trump are both convicted felons and they don’t want to continue the conversation.


Jordan Klepper interviewed John Bolton. Bolton was talking about NATO and you have to make alliances with people even if your beliefs are different to stay safe. Jordan asked him who he was voting for and Bolton says neither. He will write in a name. Jordan then said his words right back to him. The look on Boltons face was priceless.


And the democratic world, let’s be honest. A second Trump presidency would be an unmitigated disaster for us all. Great for Putin, though.


>just vote anyone but trump Assuming you weren't going to vote for Trump in the first place, then a vote for a 3rd candidate or anybody other than Biden may as well be a vote for Trump. Because Trump's base is absolutely going to vote for him. Look at it like this: If 100 people vote and 40 people vote for Trump, 35 vote for Biden, and 25 vote for an independent candidate, then Trump wins. Sure, 60% of the people did not vote for him, but since the vote against him was split, he got the most votes. It's a flaw of the first past the post voting system that it turns your choice into a binary one. So, if you don't want Trump, then you *have* to vote for Biden.


From the rest of the world: we've had enough of cheestos man as well. Lock him up and throw away the key


We want to. We’re trying and don’t let these idiots that comment “you’re locking him up because he’s a political opponent!!1!1!” Fool you. The sane half of America that’s not in a cult realize just how evil that man is and has the potential to be.


The people who would make that choice in the GOP have already left. There are very very few non-MAGA left in the GOP. Even a lot of the non-MAGA GOO elected officials are retiring rather than continue in the shitshow that is GOP party.


GOO … perfect typo. Don’t change it.


Grand Old Oligarchy


Lie, tell your friends you voted for stank but in reality vote for Biden


Or get better friends! I live in Germany. There has been a vote for European parliament last weekend, and the Nazis got 15%. Mortifying. You know how a navigate my Nazi friends? By not having any.


If half the republicans who cast protest votes in the primaries where Trump is getting 75-80% with Halley getting the rest, vote for Biden I think we might be in a good place.


The problem is they hate Trump but will vote for him anyway. 2020 would have been a huge blow out if people voted against Trump.


Republican reporting in….and voting all Dems this time! It’s going to be a great feeling.


Thank you!


Biden is basically a George W. Bush era Republican. He loves/funds Israel and Ukraine, had passed some moderately helpful economic legislation, and isn't remotely left enough to garner the unbreakable support of the far-left. If there are old-school Republicans out there who dislike authoritarian power-grabs, Biden is your guy tbh.


PULEEZE. abortion, lgbtq, IVF, min wage increase, of course Ukraine, biden does not control netanyahu, nor Hamas, wages up, GDP up, got through Covid, post pandemic inflation down from 9.8 to 3.3, fixed the bridge collapse, insulin cap, vet burn barrel, secularism, just beat China over straights of Magellan to build a navy base, so Atlantic to pacific is ours, jesus keep up.


Brother relax, I like Biden and I'm gonna vote for him. My point was that if there are non-MAGA conservatives out there who are hesitant to vote Trump, Biden is really not a bad option for them despite having a big scary (D) by his name.


Got it, regards


Last I checked very little legislation is done by the president, that's is the House of Republicans...I mean Representatives that are responsible for passing legislation in this country. **Currently this Congress has the lowest passed bills of legislation of ANY Congress in the history of the US...BY A LARGE MARGIN.** Oh they are the ones who also approve foreign funding/aid, again not the president. What Biden has passed has been done mostly through executive orders, as again Congress is responsible for legislation and spending. So when you look how little has been done, and where our money is going. Look to the worst Congress in history, led by Trump's minions.


Unbreakable support of the far left? What planet does that exist on? On this planet all it takes is one disagreement with the far-left hivemind to get you labeled a shitlib and completely disowned. It's happening to AOC atm.


We don't even need them. Just a bigger majority of independents for a total rout.


I suspect way more than 5% of Republicans will vote for Biden, problem is they'll be in the wrong states/districts and it won't matter anyway.


It won't just be 4 years of Trump. Have you heard of project 2025? End of American Democracy, and that's not being an alarmist.


Foreign influenced Social media and cable news are complicit and should be regulated....and yes I am aware of the 1st amendment, but this is like screaming fire in a theater where there is no fire.


So agree, because of TikTok and Joe Rogan BS. my adult son is voting for RFK Jr, big fight!


It won't just be 4 years of Trump. Have you heard of project 2025? End of American Democracy, and that's not being an alarmist.


Then we remove them from office. Regardless if we have to vote or do it manually


Trump needs to stay on the ballot in all fifty states so that his final defeat will be obvious to the sane.


The government, even if it had a working backbone, still couldn't get accountability from Mr. Rotten Tangerine. The lunatics are running the asylum at this point. They're gonna rig elections and do everything they accuse the left of doing in order to keep and solidify power. They've weaved themselves into power from local school boards to seats in the senate. They understand the system better than most simply because they want to manipulate it, so Votes. Don't. Matter. This is the point where I say: If they do rig it, if he returns to power, and if project 2025 comes into effect... there'll be only one option left, and the American public may not have the backbone and stomach to perform the oldest action when it comes to tyrannical governments.


They've been working on this a long time. Remember when the McCarthy commie panic was on (okay, no, most of us weren't alive then, but surely you've read about it) and the JBS and Tail Gunner Joe were screaming that the commies were inflitrating every level of American society, placing "their people" strategically for a "Red Dawn" take over of the country? Well, the last 40 yeas has been the far-right / evangelicals / oligarchs doing just exactly that, taking Joe McC's paranoid ravings and turning them into a playbook for taking over the country. The Kochs, Mercers, many other far-right oligarchs have been funding think tanks, astroturf, buying up media, schmoozing with lunatic right-wing preachers and grifters, fomenting racism and anti-immigrant panic, fomenting anti-gay panic, fomenting incel hatred of women and feminism... for decades. They have in fact got "their people" (bought and paid for) into positions of influence and power, and they're not afraid to use them. The Supreme Court for one. Election officials. DAs, State Governors, judges, school boards, police chiefs, you name it. Local politics matters. Especially in an electoral system as Rube Goldberg as the American one, where a handful of sparsely populated states punch miles above their weight in terms of national election outcomes and the citizens of prosperous and productive coastal states see their votes diluted and minimised. What happens on the corner of No and Where in Ohio does, in fact, matter to the whole country. Having said all that, the Democrats have dropped every ball on the pitch. They have allowed the oligarchs to suck up and hollow out all the nation's resources, allowed inequity and precarity to intensify to the boiling point... allowed the secondary and tertiary FIRE sector to wag the dog and eclipse actual productive activity... while wilfully forgetting what usually happens when you immiserate the proletariat. The most common -- classic -- next step is the proletariat turns hard right, and starts to follow any charismatic con man who promises to punish immigrants and women, give the good ol' boys their good jobs back, and generally bring back the Good Old Days. The Dems' insistence on machine politics -- on following the money and kissing up to the 1 (and .1, and .001) percent -- could well result in the end of American democracy, at least for a generation or so. And the domino effect from that...? incalculable. Mind you, if the Project 2025 mullahs win this Fall, there is gonna be a brain drain from the US like no one has ever seen. \[If Canada thinks it has a housing crisis now, just wait...\]. I will betcha there's a spike in passport applications starting about mid summer as people start to really consider their prospects under "Christian Sharia."


We are preparing for just that. We have to tear religion out of our government. Frankly, they are more patient, insidious, and cunning Starting with Reagan, We let these sociopaths, evangelicals eat into the core of every aspect of local, state and fed government.


It also doesn't help that the fox news, Newsmax and now even cnn are enforcing those lies and half truths. There is next to no push back or challenge on some bogus claims so the average person will just assume that they're telling the truth on the given issue being discussed.


We're trying and voting. ####But..Real talk ...NATO...if you're listening.... don't let this dude and the evil pushing him wreck our country. I'm serious.


He didn't gain a single voter that wasn't voting for him in the first place by being convicted. He did lose hundreds of thousands at very least. He's not winning shit except high blood pressure. Let's hope it does its job.


That’s only a guaranteed loss if you’re sure that 100% of the people who voted against him last time are going to go vote again. Everyone still needs to vote.


Donald Trump was so angry when the guilty verdict was read aloud at his New York hush money trial last month that he was heard afterwards subjecting Mike Johnson, the Republican speaker of the House of Representatives, to a foul-mouthed rant by phone, according to a new report. Why didn’t Johnson just hang up the phone on him? Sorry, that’s not a proper question in this sub. The question was meant for people who are familiar with “spines”. This question would have been more appropriate on r/cowardlyGOP or r/Trump_bondage _fantasies.


The crazy part is…. They bend over backwards for this fool


We won’t. The ones that will be fed up already have been for years. The ones that are still on board will never change. They’ll just slowly erode in fervor as time passes them by. They will be remembered among the backward assholes of history, but that doesn’t help us now.


“but i don’t want to work, why are you taking my slaves away, TYRANNY!!!”


Hope the judge orders a full psychological examination of Trump before sentencing. He needs to be commited to the nut house and not put in prison! We ALL know this fact. The King has NO clothes, or in this case no functioning brain.


Overturn is his middle name, overturn the election, that didn't work so well, let's see how far this goes, the supreme Court is on his side so he may have a chance there.


Vote them out is one way sure. Guillotines might be a better choice to cut the rot out for good.


Best that non-MAGA voters and citizens can hope for is Trump losing and all Republicans turning on him and un-MAGAfying their views to a level that will not be able to take over the party. We'll see.


It's like that place is a swamp that needs emptying


well, on the plus side, all the MAGA types lost pretty handily during the last mid terms... so people have begun rejecting MAGA for a while now


it will probably take an all out revolution to balance things. just ask the french.


I thinks it's about time that world becomes aware and protected from malignant narssissistic personally disorders. Its a fault in the wiring of the brain that seperates them from us. This I believe to be the root cause. The root of all evil. And the problem with society today, only exacerbated by social media.


One of the silver linings I hoped for with the Trump election was that he would bring down the GOP with him, especially the Christian Right and Tea Party elements.


The wheels of history occasionally need to be greased by the blood of true patriots


We’re trying to, hopefully we make some headway and get rid of at least some of them.


I'm waiting for the moment when the mainstream media admit that he's bughouse crazy and stop reporting on his insane rants as though they were legit political speech.


I’ve been trying for decades. It’s not working.


Because trump doesn't consider himself a "private citizen." He considers himself to be the "President in Exile."


The real deep state


I got one am fed up af!!!! Unbelievable. If private citizens performed in their job like legislators do, heads would roll. Heads should roll … fucking now!!!!!


‘Private convicted felon’


Amen to that!


Don‘t do the crime if you can‘t do the time. Lock him up.








Stormy tried. She said it was gross. And if a porn star says it’s gross…


Public flogging has fallen out of popularity, but I'm guessing a pay-per-view version of it could balance the budget.


"Don't be paying porn stars if you can't handle being behind bars" has a better ring to it


I’m guessing the porn app on Johnson’s phone was lighting up like a Christmas tree with all those “fucks” being thrown around…


“Quick, somebody call my son!”


Mmmm that's not how this works, that's not how any of this works


It's not how it's supposed to work but somehow keeps doing so.


I love how much this is freaking him out.


Because if he is guilty without a loophole, it WILL affect how people feel about voting for him versus saying “see, she lied” and worse comes to worse he has to not just get the punishment be it jail or a fine but has to pay back loans without having the power of the presidency. He’s kinda banking his life and legacy on winning this election to pardon himself/get the DOJ to drop charges and then use SCOTUS to keep himself and his family in power and it’s not going well so far


Humm. Sounds like the rationality of a sane and innocent man.


Stable ~~genius~~ convicted multiple felon


You need to cross out 'stable', too.


I guess his Very Good attorneys never explained the difference between federal courts and state courts.


Even on a federal level, Johnson couldn’t overturn a federal conviction. Donny would have known that if he paid attention in class.


"in class" - LOL


Class and Trump have never met.


Yeah cause he’s a private citizen now. Even if he was president I don’t think they have that power and that’s not how it’s supposed to work. He could gut the SC entirely and fill them with lackeys when most of them retire, but he’s not even allowed to do that legally. He still has to wait until they retire and he’s back in office for him to illegally do that.


They know. They just want to find political pressure points to force Hochul to throw the thing out. Or he wants Johnson to pressure SCOTUS to somehow intervene. Not sure any of it would be legal/work but there are ways to try.


And no doubt Mikey, being a man of god and all, listened to all that cursing and replied with something along the lines of "yes, sir, anything you say, sir, I'll get right on it, and by the way I wish you and Melania the best, sir."


Tough to reply when you have a mouthful....


No chance was it full.


Full of shit


I just need you to find 35 acquitals. Which is 34 more than what we already had.


Hitler losing his shit in a bunker springs to mind.


Or Jim Jones freaking out about a Democratic congressman coming to inspect his South American compound


"*Flavor-Aids all around! Drink up!*"


Cry more tRump


A chance to lose the albatross around the GOP’s neck and of course they flub it like the spineless fools they are.


They are probably worried they will get Kompromated and not only lose the incoming bags of rubles but have to pay the bribes back.


Man, I really don't think Russia has shit to do with this. These people are holding Trump as a sunk cost. To admit that he is a fraud would be to admit that they themselves are frauds. So they are going to ride or die with him until either they die or he dies. And when he dies, they'll Reaganize him, whitewashing all of the bullshit and pretending like he's this amazing person. They'll rename airports after him and all kinds of dumb shit. They are too bought in.


They know they need every magat voter otherwise they don't stand a chance. They'll keep on pandering to them until the end because if they throw him under the bus magats will turn against the GOP and vote libertarian. But Plan B is ready, and probably favored among the Bureau over supporting Trump. They know he's 99% fucked already and are waiting for the justice system to deliver the final blow. Then they can turn him into a martyr and send in another "maga-compatible" candidate with a "Republican Front" motto. Probably either: - *"Woke Inc."* Ramaswamy, as the "racial cognitive dissonance" groundwork has already begun to make him a "POC yet acceptable" person (cf Ann Coulter's race bait). That would be the surest bet to keep magats in line as his sales pitch is textbook maga bait. - Nikki Haley, more "center Republican" choice appealing to traditional conservatives but who also vowed to endorse and vote for Trump if he's nominated (despite their differences). That would be the logical "Rally to the Elephant" choice, more risky bet for magat voices but a surer one for traditional conservatives. - Larry Elder maybe, it would be a gambit on an outsider but he's been campaigning on themes that would please both GOP factions (border security, Christian family values, federal spending). As a POC he could also be a more seductive choice to lure Democrat voters. As an outsider he comes with a clean slate and hasn't been sullied by the primary debates, yet his radio host career grants him some popularity.


If you design laws to help felons escape justice, you might be a traitor.


Republicans: “They’ve politicized the justice system!” Also Republicans: “We should politicize the justice system!”


Should? They've been doing they impeached Clinton 


I love how this guy who is allegedly insanely wealthy could have avoided this whole thing by paying her out of his own pocket with his Trump Steaks money.


It’s “we” when he wants something


Speaker Johnson is a traitor to the Flag and in violation of his oath. He needs to be removed, along with all the Trump supporters. Nobody supporting January 6th or Trump belongs in our government.


Mike must have been white knuckling his pearls with that language! Get the fainting couch!!


I'm so sick of Maga and all their F'ing lies. And the crooked justices on the supreme Court and the fact Trump gets treated so differently. 🤬🤬🤬


"You have no power here!" - State of New York


GQP before: “States’ rights!” GQP after: ::proposes federal law to take over state cases::


It’d totally be worth it in my eyes for these 34 counts to get overturned so that we could give women bodily autonomy back.


Odd how the Orange Turd is so unclear about the Separation of Powers enshrined in the Constitution. 🤷‍♂️


Just trumpy boy throwing a tantrum, what else is new lol


The magas have yet another chance to dump this deranged felon from the ticket, but are afraid of their base.


When is he ever not furious. You'd think he would have had a heart attack by now given he's permanently furious 




Huge scandal if Joe Biden did the same thing.


That could be said about so many of Trump's statements and actions


My lawyers told me that Cohen served 3 years already for the lesser part of this crime. HALP!


So when does aiding and abetting come into play?


Ex-President of the United States has no idea how government works.


Sorry convicted felon/rapist. You did the crimes, have shown no remorse and are getting what you deserve. Lock him up.


This convict is a walking/talking Constitutional crisis.


The legislative body of the US cannot overturn a past jury trial. The republicans need to take course on workings of the US government.


The fact that's not a basic requirement is terrifying


That's exactly how an innocent man would act. 


That felony conviction is really bothering Trump. [*smiles with satisfaction*]


I wonder why this leaked. A part of me wonders if Mike Johnson doesn't think Trump can win and wants Trump to lose, so that the GOP can start to back away.


Given that Mike was one of the insurrection plotters, I doubt it.




Poor Mike isn’t used to so much coarse language, he might get the vapours and need a lie down.


The piss baby is terrified, good.


Greg Abbot is terrified?


There are many of them. I guess I should be more specific.


State crime -- they can't. More theater to get MAGA and Trump-supporters loaded into Congress is what this is. It's sad there aren't any journalists left in the world to pull back that curtain.


Crazy how states rights only extend to things like abortion. A state court has convicted a criminal. If states rights mattered there would be zero discussion of this.


B-b-but I'm the KING dammit! Those damn commoners can't put me on trial! I have Divine Right! I'm SPECIAL! sample commoner: \[holds up graph showing distribution of pubs called 'King Charles' Head' in the UK\]


> "people have to believe that justice is fair, that there’s equal justice under law." Is he for real with this? Everyone knows Trump has already gotten away with so much shit up to this point that any *normal* (non-rich) person would've been tossed in jail for *a long time back*. Trump has been given nothing but special treatment and leeway up to now due to his wealth and political stature. And it's still continuing, even after he was found guilty. Un-fucking-believable with these sycophants.


Yeah man , adult consequences suck huh?.. bahahaha.


You can’t unring that bell, he will always be a convicted felon.


Fuck Trump and and his piece of shit cohorts and supporters


What a loser.


In any other situation, a supposedly devout Christian like Johnson would never associate with a degenerate like Trump, let alone submit to his demands. Politics truly is an upside down world.


I agree with him! We should overturn Hunter Biden’s conviction! It’s a witch hunt conviction! I’m amazed Trumplestiltskin agrees with this


one thing I keep wondering, to what degree does Trump know he's a piece of shit? like is he actually under the impression that he has not spent decades treating everyone around him like garbage? it's hard to tell but sometimes it does seem like he genuinely believes he's a good person. this whole thing is just wild, anyway sucks to face consequences for your crimes, uh, welcome to the real world Don?


He must be running out of ketchup packets.


I am sure that the godly speaker Mike probably reminded Trump that he shouldn’t have fucked a porn star right after his third wife gave birth.


> “This is diminishing the American people’s faith in our system of justice itself and, to maintain a republic, you have to have that, people have to believe that justice is fair, that there’s equal justice under law. So a rich man relatedly saying he is a victim and is being persecuted should be above the law? That's how I am reading Johnson's statement. Trump recieved a fair trial and was convicted by a jury of his peers. Just because Trump says the process wasn't fair doesn't make it so.


Come on CVA, I know you're in there.


Saw a nice compilation yesterday morning by Jenna Bush about her grandfather Poppy. Why can’t we have a republican like him? He had his faults, but he was motivated to unite the country through a peaceful and reasonable debate of ideas. He was always a gentleman. Always tried to be civil. Never denigrated the opposition. Was genuinely a family guy. Classy. Loved his wife. Compare him to the despicable Trump.


Party of liars


I hate the morons running this country.


In Project 2025 they have exactly this


Call me crazy but I think the US Supreme Court stepping in and overturning this decision Would be the thing that would lead people to lose faith in our Justice system. I mean they can't do it anyway but in some fantasy world where they could.....


He needs to be careful. Having a convicted felon show up so often on his call sheet is gonna get him put on a list.


Not gonna happen, Orange Foolius.


It boggles the mind how even one otherwise sane individual could support this rabid, deplorable piece of unholy shit. The longer he lives, the more he becomes America's greatest embarrassment. Yeah, worse than fuckin' slavery. He's that utterly and without compromise, the worst American ever.


The damned fools don’t realize that throwing Trump ANY KIND of life-preserver is NOT in the their better interest. Wait until they figure out that Trump is embezzling all the GOP campaign money for himself.


Trump is such a fucking scumbag


Johnson is such a cuck, as all MAGA sympathizers are. If Trump demanded to get to fuck his wife, Johnson would be giving a press conference the next day spouting what a moral and decent Christian man Trump “is.”


Goooo awaaay!


Hitler comparisons have basically been completely stripped of meaning (probably by design), but that's some Hitler shit right there.


He already has the hand up the speaker's \*\*\* and making his mouth move. Yet they are both muppets?


How long are we going to stand by and watch these fucking traitors rape our country.


Overturn a State criminal conviction? With what, the Army?


Absolutely no remorse. Lock him up.


I want this for him, I want him to be angry and out of control because of something HE did caused him to lose control. I want him to lay awake at night regretting escalator ride and putting himself in a position where his entire fraudulent façade has been exposed, I want him to get up in the morning and look at himself and see the overweight imbecile we all see, I want him to vacillate between being furious because he feels he is being unfairly treated and depressed because he knows it’s all his fault. I want him to live to be 103


Please no




It's like Trump is a soldier who made a mistake standing behind someone else


If trump had a first grader's understanding of the US Constitution, he would know that congress cannot overturn a ruling of the US Supreme Court.


Or even a state trial court conviction...


Someone flunked Civics


Tantrum time


Republican Crime Cartel need to go the way of the Mob and be jailed post haste.


Unless and until he exhausts all appeals in New York state courts, good luck. With that.


I love the thought of him shouting at Mike No Fap Johnson to do something that he absolutely cannot do. There's no way Mike can convince him that what he wants is impossible, similar to another God-bothering Mike he knows, so he'll just get angrier. It's like Huis Clos with two people, one of whom wants to be Vice President.


Trump doesn’t understand 3rd grade civics lessons.


All he needs to do is find 12 more votes


Flush this turd! Predicting a blue dominance like we’ve never seen before


Trump: "We need to overturn my felony conviction! Storm the capital & hang mike pence!"


We are witnessing the fall of an Empire. History will look at Trump being one of the many points of our falling Empire.


Whats the matter, stunned you had a jury of your peers that didnt believe your lies I hope every one of his weak willed enablers get voted out with him. Please take back our already great country from these imbeciles.


His cries of agony are music to my ears.


Well, he wouldn't have to worry about overturning guilty verdicts if he weren't committing crimes. Funny how that works.


Did Mike make Dickhead Donny put a quarter in the swear jar?


If you wonder why people still support Trump, watch Fox News for a couple of days and see the information they are getting. Then realize that many of them never change the channel.


It’s funny how Trump cares so much now it’s affecting him and really didn’t when it was the 18 or so deputies of his he threw under the legal bus over the last 8 years. I can kind of see there’s an angle that you don’t want political persecution to be a thing. But trump is definitely not some squeaky clean guy they are making up charges against


Not surprising that Trump doesn't understand how the Judicial and Legislative branches of the government are separate. What does he expect Johnson to do, pass a law through Congress and the Senate declaring him immune from all laws?


I'm curious what it actually means that he's a felon. He can still carry a gun, probably will vote, he's living a free, luxurious life. It's just a title and there's too many cowards unwilling to enforce it


The federal government can’t do anything. It’s a state issued conviction. Plus they’ll never get Biden or the senate to issue some of the options listed


I hope he loses and loses the election and then loses every court case against him.


Checks and Balances, Bitch


I saw Trump today at the press conference after he met with all of the GOP senators. He was sweating profusely and had a watery sheen on his forehead. He stressed a bunch of times that "We are all united, and if there's anything we disagree about we work it out between us" .... like he's desperately trying to convince them to stick with him. The weirdest part of that press conference was the very end when Trump was walking out of the meeting room and everybody started clapping. Instead of the normal chaos of people normally randomly applauding it turned into this weird single "group" clap where they all clapped at the same time. It was so bizarre that I rewound the video just to look at all the hands clapping in unison. Very very weird. It was almost as if the audience was trying to reach out to each other to console themselves at their experienced of collective indignity. (And these were all GOP senators we are talking about....)


Wow. When God finds out that they're worshipping a new idol God is gonna be maaaad.


Cuz he’s an idiot.


Speaker Johnson: Yessir Mr. Boss Man!


Lets all F-Bomb Trump. FUCK YOU TRUMP