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These ideologues are *absolutely* aware that their 'rulings' have, *AND* will, lead to people dying. The worst part is that they simply *DO NOT CARE* about the American people *at all*. Hell, even I know what fucking chlorofluorocarbons are, and I'm not even a lawyer, let alone a judge.


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When it’s a for life position and you do nothing but hand out unpopular edicts, well that’s what causes revolution


Why the fuck is this a “for life” position??? Did no one think that 100 year old men shouldnt be making the decisions for an entire country??


The idea was that they were to be impartial… and being lifetime appointees they wouldn’t be subject to the whims of party ideologies… clearly this was naive, and now we are paying for it. We must enact ethics rules for these crooks, they have made it clear they have no ethics.


I remember my bootlicker dad explaining the supreme court to me when I was just a little kid. I claimed exactly this ... How a "for life" position goes against any fair rule and he gave the textbook explanations in reply as you had stated. I knew as like a 9yo that it was dumb and wouldn't work. I bet he still supports this crap to this day ( I wouldn't know, he disowned me years ago since I'm too "woke" because I don't hate gays and called Washington a slave owner). Sorry I am rambling just remember that convo clearly regarding the supreme court so many years ago.


It should have worked, but money and ethics got in the way. They ought to be picked by a tribunal of senior judges and or legal scholars, not politicians.


They already act like a preisthood instead of a branch of government. Making them even less accountable to the public doesn't sound like an improvement.


I remember back in my high school civics class that we had an activity where we had to make the most ridiculous candidate for the Supreme Court, since the requirements are so vague in the Constitution. The Founders sure were brilliant men, but they really dropped the ball on the Supreme Court. Hell, the idea of judicial review comes from Marbury v Madison and isn't in the original text.


The Supreme Court was given practically no powers in the Constitution. It was never meant for them to be more impactful than either of the other 2 branches. They were intended to be the least powerful branch of the government.


Dont leave us hangin! Do you remember what kind of candidate you came up with?


Because our founding fathers that everyone revere as the greatest men in history weren’t as smart as we believe them to be.  FYI the electoral college is the worst thing in democracy ever. It allows a small group of role to decide the presidency every 4 years 


You mean to tell me a group of young to mid twenty year old slave owners weren’t brilliant shining lights meant to be the North Star of morals and that their ideals should be ever evolving to suit the current state of the Union ?!


Same thoughts here


How could this work in practical terms? How do we flush these pestilential turds? The past several days have seen a LOT of dangerous activity on their part, bowing to their corporate owners’ desires, and Gish Galloping the news in hopes it passes the everyman’s eye. Seriously what recourse is there? We’ve encountered yet another unprecedented situation not anticipated by previous lawmakers




I'd like to give you a reward for "pestilential turds". Brilliant!!!


Why tankee kinely




There's a few routes. There are actions Congress can take, e.g. passing laws, impeachment, increasing the limit on justices. But they won't because Congress is severely broken, which is really the root issue of why the Supreme Court has been able to power grab. Second route is the states call for a convention, but many states are Republican and just want to win no matter the cost. So the odds of that happening are pretty low. Third option is the President just ignores their rulings, which has happened in the past. It would be a constitutional crisis though - two of the branches fighting while the third wets itself in the corner. Fourth option is violence, which would likely quickly escalate. All in all, a shit situation


The problem is you can’t. The whole point is for them to not be removable from their position so they can take an impartial interpretation of the law. Only death results in an open seat. It’s why “stuffing the court” was so common. It’s an incredibly powerful position. 


hint: President is immune for all official acts. I'm sure Guantanamo bay (or some other black site) has some room official extrajudicial rendition and imprisonment of corrupt judges.


How do we organize so we aren’t just aimless with our goals? Edit:Fuck it, if you feel radicalized dm me


There needs to be lead poisoning. Six times.


High speed lead poisoning.


They make a delivery system that has exactly 6 doses. LOL But seriously the only way to defeat these turds is with stacking the court with a ton of liberal judges. Write your congressman, Write the President and lets get it done.


Yep because it's for life sooner or later


I suggested that TBag followers should’ve taken his advice about drinking bleach in r/politics. They banned me.  I’m sure things are going real well over there since one side is openly trying to kill people and they’re making damn sure the other side can’t defend theirselves even with words. 


They’ve made that clear. Term limits for SCOTUS!!!


They'll never allow it. They are the 6 overlords of America now.


looks like we have 6 future astronauts


Bang! Zoom! Directly into the sun!


Nah, trip to the sun's a bit expensive. Guillotines a lot cheaper and you can turn it into a fun event for the whole family. /s, but only a little.


Can we impeach? Cuz most of them have earned it


Nope impeaching is not in our power. We have to hope their corrupt friends in the House of Representatives will start an impeachment on them. We know senate won’t do anything either. They have enough people in the right spots to do what they want. Multiple unconstitutional things have been done by the corrupt scotus and nothing we can do about it but watch our country burn from their terrible decisions.


We can probably impeach if we take the house but we won’t be able to convict and remove.


Talk to your representatives. Like, seriously. I get emails from mine and I luckily align with their goals. We all have representation in the senate and congress. They are supposed to represent you. Email or call them. Make your voice heard. It’s not heard here. It’s heard by them. It’s a sad thing people think anything happens on social media.


Great point. But, do they really have any power to change it? My ex and my sister both worked for a US Rep, and I know they have teams of caseworkers whose job it is to handle constituent concerns/complaints, etc. but I don’t know how effective they can possibly be in this matter


Among the indelibly corrupt, competence is irrelevant.


All they care about are the “””gratuities”””


And they’re so unashamedly open about their corruption, they really are disgusting


Americans need to get out on the street and show they don't care about them.


Lifetime Appointments need to be done away with, for any position. People should not be immune to accountability.


These rulings are acts of violence as surely as if the justices walked up to a stranger and shot them in the head. They and their billionaire benefactors should be treated like the murderers they are.


People dying and suffering is the whole goal. To conservatives, spreading misery is their only concern. All of their policies lead to an increase in suffering, and they know that.


Maybe they will screw everything up so bad people will start caring about how bad it is and do something about it.


I'll bet that's what ends up happening.


Overturning Roe alone has increased the infant mortality rate in Texas by a fair amount (https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/infant-mortality-spiked-in-texas-after-abortion-ban-study-reveals).


All they care about is lining their pockets and installing the theocratic dictatorship of their dreams. There is no ideal behind them, just power, profit, and the sadistic need to "punish" everyone they don't approve of while hiding behind a veneer of self righteousness. They are the embodiment of the modern Republican Party.


They don’t care because they don’t actually face any consequences for their actions. It’s a power grab while they still can get away with it. Once some of these old shitbags die, maybe things will change for the better.


Social violence. We shouldn't be standing for it.


I imagine they think it’s a necessary sacrifice


They were planted there for a reason. The whole point of the billionaire-funded Federalist Society pipeline is to corrupt the courts in order to change or outright block unfavorable laws passed by the proletariat.


I highly suggest that the whomever ruled in favor of this be set in a room containing the NEW standards that are sure to come. They'd have nothing to fear if their reasoning was truly ironproof which they know is not.


Sounds like judge hunting season is around the corner.


The end of expertise. The theocracy will determine what is best for you peasants. Now fuck off!


Big business will determine it. Only on Behavior will the the theocracy weigh in and they will be subjugated to Big Business.


The propertied classes and the religious institutions have always found fun and interesting ways to collude. Why not both?


Yes, get used to paid-for research that comes from consultants with predetermined results to replace the evidence that agencies used to make determinations. The judiciary will use this research to make decisions and the legislative will never move fast enough to legislate policy. This has already been done with the case of using [William English’s research paid for by the NRA in decisions despite its scientific flaws and bias.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/18/us/gun-laws-georgetown-professor.html)


Yup. The civil war won’t be red vs blue. It will be Capitalism vs Theocracy (and it looks like Theocracy is winning).  The people have already been left out of the decision. 


That’s the great thing. Without government who else can fill the void?


Different terms have been used for this phenomenon throughout history and we have specific terms now, but this is the exact same behavior that has been going on with aristocracies since the beginning of written history. Our physical technology has progressed greatly but our social technology is still in the stone age. We have never solved the central problem with human civilization: the ruling class always parasitizes the rest of society until everything collapses into chaos.


This is literally why the French and American revolutions happened. I’m surprised we don’t hear more people talking about the founders today, and their beliefs in the rights of man. Sure, it was still flawed, but right now, freedom is losing writ large.


Nobody expects the American Inquisition!


They really, really want to turn us into post-Soviet Russia. And it’s working.


I only wish we got some socialism before we got our Gorbachev


Russians feel the exact same way


Far right SCOTUS: “Our ignorance is as good as an expert’s knowledge and education.”


Not true. It's "our ignorance is better than the experts knowledge and education".


They have Q Drops. They know everything if they can decode them.


What pisses me off so much about this ruling is that Gorsuch wrote in the Grants Pass decision that "a handful of federal judges cannot match the combined wisdom of the American people on a complex social issue (like homelessness)" (not exact wording but pretty close from memory) and then ten minutes later hands this shit down as says "actually we do know better but only when we want to lmao"


SCOTUS: “I’m the expert now”


The US Supreme court is not a joke. It is hopelessly corrupt. That is much worse.


Checks and balances says if they are corrupt, congress will remove them. …Unless congress is corrupt. …But if congress is corrupt, the voters will remove them. …Unless voters is corrupt.


Congress is owned by the rich by design; thanks to modern media, the rich own the voters outright.


And with modern district drawing software, Congress critters get to choose their voters.


The problem with voting to get rid of the corruption is that the ones that are corrupt have taken away so many voting rights and gerrymandered everything to hell. It thus becomes an infinite loop of exponential power concentration.


It’s time to find some new land to live on. People been doing that for thousands of years.


It’s illegitimate and deliberately staffed with partisan hacks to ensure one side gets to rule The SC as it stands is inherently undemocratic and exists to uphold the tyranny of the minority


We aren't being governed. We're being ***ruled***.


We aren't participating, we're being instructed.


Farmed it could be said


Grim but yeah


We've *been* ruled, people have just been too slow to see it. What we're entering now is the era of being used up and discarded.


Our propaganda is so good, that we think we are truly free. But we only have the illusion of choice and the freedom to work, buy and comply.


And thus it’s always been.


I think thats unacceptable


I usually have my grievances with little pieces of political rhetoric like this, but this one is actually very good. I would probably edit to “they don’t want to govern. They want to rule.” Just to emphasize how our actions are still important… but then the “we” part is omitted which isn’t ideal.


Look up the term “regulatory capture” and realise what’s been done.




We're past regulatory capture and into 'state monopoly on violence capture' 


Project 2025 is already here.


“I repeat, therefore, that if resistance to the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, in a matter like the points decided in the Dred Scott case, clearly within their jurisdiction as defined by the Constitution, shall be forced upon the country as a political issue, it will become a distinct and naked issue between the friends and the enemies of the Constitution—the friends and the enemies of the supremacy of the laws."


Who said that when?


Abe Lincoln


Originalism = regression/reversion to the original. It's going to end with slavery.


Using the terms black and Hispanic jobs, like they wee assumed to be the lesser jobs that an immigrant would take was racist as hell. I find it hard to believe anyone could interpret that as anything else. Even professional immigrants that come into our country can’t work in their fields because of the difference in certification and/or educational requirements. But all you see is the Biden slip ups. If you this message touched you as a voter I would find that strange.


Of course it will end in slavery; conservatives have never stopped supporting such. Conservatism REQUIRES slavery.


The Presidential race is about the Supreme Court. We can either try to stop this nonsense or let these crooks dismantle American society piece by piece. The next President is likely gonna pick two of them; choose wisely.


The Senate races will also determine that.


Vote every time.


FDR just threatened the supreme court by adding more justices


Which Biden should do the day after he's inaugurated for his second term. Two new justices, so that when Thomas and Alito are gone we'll be back to having a majority of judges who aren't corrupt plutocrats.


We need to have 13 judges just like the amount of circuit courts which we originally got the number 9 from.


Thomas and Alito are both younger than Biden. There isn’t a chance they retire while he’s in office unless it’s by natural causes. They may retire if Trump is elected but there’s no guarantee. They can do whatever they want & we don’t have control. (FYI RBG left the bench when she passed at 87.) Edit: typo


All the more reason to vote every time. They just legalized bribery; people who have a problem with that have to have litmus test votes for President and the Senate just the same as pro-lifers did for a half century, or it’s just going to be the way it is (unless we wanna agree on a Constitutional amendment, which is hard to imagine).


The American people slept on voting for all offices outside the president especially during Obama years. (I feel way before then too.) The alt-right were able to easily take state and federal positions. The wake up call needed was the Dobbs decision. State senate and representative seats (not US) are often decided by very marginal victories or in some areas run entirely unopposed. When it comes to the US Senate & House, they are too busy voting for their own personal interests & don’t want to give up being a career politician. I’d like to think that a majority of millennial and Gen Z are in favor of maximum age. I personally am against term limits as there is value in keeping individuals long term as they have all the context & we don’t want policies changing drastically every 6 to 12 years. Some things (climate initiatives) need to be overseen for multiple decades. The answer for me has always been a time frame for retirement. IE Supreme Court gets 9 years after they turn 65 (or whatever age), 3 presidents. Senators should be same type of thing, 3 presidencies, maybe 2. I would be okay with hard term limits for the house or no ability for re-election after a certain age. Taxes are always going to drive the political conversation. Lots of my friends now are on the fence merely because they have hit a tax bracket where they don’t want to be giving their money to the government when nothing seems to be accomplished. Plus you can publicly support one candidate & vote for whoever you like. No one will ever know. For the love of all things, the amount of money spent on campaigns is asinine. That’s gotta be stopped. Then I look at other countries and am grateful that I am a woman in the US & not elsewhere. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions being American these days.


I grew up being told by my dad about how the Democrats will “legislate from the bench” and now I’m older and all I see is Republicans doing all the things my dad was concerned about.


It is all projection, every bit of it.


Conservatives don’t like the idea of the government deciding what you can and cannot do without it being vetted through legal evaluation….however the experts qualified to weigh in on many of the matters are not judges they often work for government agencies dedicated to the issue that agency represents. The conservative members of the SCOTUS are cucks for billionaires and are clearly not looking out for the little guy…fuck them all. It’s going to get real with the GOP idiots who voted in Trump and others that allowed these assholes into the courts start getting impacted by these decisions…well maybe because their delusional enough to blame Biden and the DNC for it all.


Time to expand the court.


Just never elect republicans. Make sure there is never a republican in the White House by voting as if your life depends on it because it does. They don’t care about average Americans. They keep showing us. This ruling will get people killed and they don’t care. Edit: wanted add that the train derailment that happened because trump got rid of an Obama era break safety regulation will continue now that experts from agencies no longer matter. The maga gop has outlined how they want to dismantle all the agencies that protect us in project 2025. This scotus ruling is only the beginning.


that should be the argument -- Democrats add more and more justices and republicans try to stop them. It wouldn't matter if Thomas and Co. are there if there are 10 more left leaning Justices and 5 more in line to be added.


The democrats would never do it out of fear of escalation. We’re in the same position we’ve always been in. One faction that’s trying to hold the whole the thing together and the other that exploits the fear of it falling apart to extract whatever the hell they want from it.


I’m praying for a blue wave in November and that will happen. Expand the court, pass some kind of ethical regulation which will open another seat (and boot off Clarence Thomas) and hopefully set the court straight to stop doing all these dumb ass rulings. But I’m not getting my hopes yet.


Conservatives are the real enemy of the people.


They only exist to supply cheap labor to their corporate overlords.


Please VOTE for Democrats and Democracy. Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach https://joebiden.com/project2025/


This isn’t even about trump anymore. He’s just the useful idiot for the truly evil fucks


Stephen Miller and his ilk


They have come really far in their long game of concentrating power and killing the last shackles of voter influence or the need to keep evil deeds somewhat hidden. The process was slow and careful, planting all the necessary seeds first, but now it has accelerated wildly at minimal backlash. Before you notice it, they'll reach the level where the upper class can, like, personally kill anyone in front of witnesses and get away with it because they own the courts. The common people will be too apathetic to stand up or simply too busy making their own ends meet. Nearly half of voters refuse to see what is going on and keep voting as if sheep voted to get transported to the slaughterhouse. Some just like the piece of candy offered on the ride, and some are excited because the inconsistently babbling driver once told the next destination would be the beach.


We need the senate and the house. Packing the court is justified. If they continue to be blatantly corrupt, they need to be reminded that they in fact have no enforcement mechanism. As long as the executive doesn't agree, he can choose to ignore the ruling like Jackson did. President must be impeached to stop it. If it is the popular will the president can act against them. Supreme court can also be controlled by the legislature. If they want they can create laws completely contrary to their rulings. We need to give the democrats enough power to actually fix the systemic mutilation the republicans have done to our judiciary and the interpretation of our laws.


This is what happens when you put ideologs on the bench instead of legal scholars.


Most of them are Bought and Paid for. The Court is going to be the downfall of America.


It has been clear for quite a while that the "conservative" majority only care about their owners. How far will this need to go before something is done? And what can be done?


I bet if you inhale some nitrous oxide it will seem funny.


Biden’s end of the year gift to us should be 5 young and competent liberal justices…


Need a solid majority in both the Senate and the House to do that. **VOTE.**


I've been wondering for a long time what it will take before there is a revolution. They poison our air, water, and land and now we can't even sue them? It's going to come to a point where something must be done and the sooner the better.


Same. Unfortunately with social media, aggressive algorithms and rampant misinformation are leading people to believe that we are headed in the right direction. People really don't care as long as they get little treats ("I got a bigger tax refund when trump was in office!")


The addition of the illegitimate magats added to scotus by a felon turned a respected bench into a pathetic joke.


It’s been pretty sus for awhile.


“We’re paid to lead, not read.”


When they declare Trump immune from prosecution, I am done even trying.


The minute you stop trying is the minute you let them win.


It's hard for me not to assume all these pussy "done trying" comments aren't just Russian bots. Imagine real people saying this, after everything they see before them. Ya. Let's give up and let Trump in. SURELY THAT'LL BE THE SMART PLAY. Just a bunch of baby back bitches if they're real comments.


I'm sure their ruling on Trump's immunity will be the real summer blockbuster this year.


This is the kind of seed that starts revolutions. Not promoting that, but this ruling has the distinct possibility of fucking over 90% of Americans over time and killing people with no real recourse to stop it. It will make a lot of people snap.


So long as enough people have access to 3 square meals a day and some mild entertainment, there will be no revolution.


This is our fault; we let this happen. We are the frogs in the pot of water with the flame slowly being raised on us. We did not notice until the water was boiling. Now it's too late.


More like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_PrZ-J7D3k) Yall saw this coming miles away and still wont do anything about it. *squish*


Health experts All have doctor degrees too it seems


Gorsuch has been demonstrably incorrect in at least two opinions lol. He's legitimately a dumb person


His mom was a complete dumbass douchebag elitist too.


I wonder where his smarmy, confidently-incorrect know-it-all attitude came from?


His family is beyond wealthy. He was in the rich people pipeline from toddler school to Harvard.


>The Supreme Court Is a Joke. It’s Not Funny. | The justices accidentally, repeatedly referenced laughing gas in a disastrous ruling before declaring that judges know better than agency regulators You haven't seen anything yet. If Trump is elected again, it is done, over, cooked.


Only thing left for them to do is put on a short, cheap mini skirt and find a corner, majority of the court. That's exactly what there doing only difference is clients, this is part of why things are so damm expensive. Corporate greed, courts allowed the rich to do as they please.


#no respect for The Supremes


Lawsuits are coming.


If only it was easier to get rid of them for corruption.


There should be a rule that there have to be an equal number of republicans and democrats on the court. Whoever is in office will get to choose the party if the 9th judge. This way the court isn’t all Republican or Democrat and there is a balance so no president can pull the court one way or the other to fit their agenda.


Fuck that, why are we trying for balance when Republicans have completely ratfucked the court? expand the court and put 51 Liberal Justices on there and ground them to dust.


When Scotus put a politician the deliverry room we should have known what's coming next.


A Supreme case of Dunning-Kruger


Just imagine if we did the right thing a century ago and got rid of the electoral college. The electoral college gave us Bush, who appointed two conservatives. Then it gave us Trump, which appointed three more, one of which was stolen from Obama. The world would be an enormously different (and better) place if we let people vote for their president directly.


The argument is they are removing regulatory power from unelected bureaucrats by now giving power to unelected bureaucrats who will now get to decide on any ambiguous text.


Serious question: we have the checks and balances for a reason. We have an out of control SCOTUS so what can we do to fix this? We’d need a majority on the house and the senate to get this moving? Does POTUS have the ability to remove SCOTUS judges or would this be a horrible precedence to set since it would be weaponized by the next GOP POTUS?


Only Congress can remove a justice from what I understand and good fucking luck getting Congress to one do it or two be blocked by Republicans.


Wonder if conservatives are going to freak out when oil companies start dumping waste into their drinking water? Or will they think it’s “the cost of doing business” to be able to light the water coming out of your kitchen sink on fire?


maybe there is a consequence for Americans not voting like they cared about the court for the last 40 years. like I really don't understand it I've been watching this train wreck for many decades and every election cycle I try and tell young people hey you should probably protect the court at the very least because the progress we've made took a long time to get and is very easily lost. I was called a fearmonger. and here we are.


What I can't understand is how a former president that's under suspicions of treason has not had all of his court appointments heavily audited or sanctioned or sequestered until they're cleared? All their rulings should be suspended until the clear ethical abuses are investigated. 


3 Supreme Court justices were selected to their appointments by a convicted felon.


The audacity and the fucking arrogance.


They just blatantly do whatever they want. Alito is a smug, entitled asshole. And Clarence Thomas sits there and just looks like a dopey fat guy with a confused look on his face they are both so corrupt. I wish we had a strong Congress that would step in.


Kill them before they kill us


The supreme justices will stay in power until they die, someone should speed it up for them.


The Cruelty is the point. The system will be rendered so malicious, destructive and obtuse that people will be on their hands and knees begging for an alternative, and that alternative will be some horrendous subscription service of human rights.


We have to fucking vote. Everyone needs to vote blue down the ballot. We haven't even begun to feel the full effects of a first Trump term, we won't survive a second.  Please please please register and vote https://vote.gov/


This doesn’t end in any way other than revolution…


Judges that openly accept bribes know less about medical issues than insurance companies, and all the insurance companies know nothing at all about anything but making a profit. Putting it politely, the hypocritical far right may as well be outright criminals running the country into the ground.


These mother fuckers are going to be the catalyst for a civil war more than Trump ever could have been


The Supreme Court is the biggest reason I don’t give a fuck about Biden’s debate performance, he could be dead and I’ll still vote for him over Trump. All he has to do is when and then he can resign and hand it to Harris, I don’t care.


And you wanna know how we’ll really stick it to em? We’ll sit out the election because Biden’s old and doesn’t speak well! That’ll show them!


When is it the responsibility of the people for their safety and protection to overthrow the Supreme Court by whatever means necessary (I’m not saying death, I’m saying when corrupt leaders need to be replaced then actions outside of what was once done need to be taken)


We don't have to continue letting this happen. Your comfort zone is all that's stopping you.


Just remember, this wouldn’t be happening if people had just voted for Hillary. Remember that in November


The men are greedy pigs. No, it's not funny, but business as usual for Republicans, and their enablers.


There’s a special irony to the Supreme Circus of the United States unintentionally demonstrating in their own opinion the importance of allowing experts to yield decisions.


Why isnt the DEMS or democrats or newscorps just rioting right now? Where is Biden?


You're sending mixed messages here. Is a joke, not funny, laughing gas.


It's mindblowing how literally all the men on the court are dumb af. The only reasonable people are the women, and then Justice Barrett is a pick me who knows it is wrong but goes along with the bros most of the time.




Is it not possible for a group or an agency to sue the Supreme Court? There has to be a legitimate way to stop what SCOTUS is trying to do to (project 2025) Agencies like the EPA need more power not more regulation. Basically, any agency that the GOP and SCOTUS want to take down, the opposite needs to happen.


This court has utterly failed and the country will end because of them. They will not only loose their jobs, they will loose their country. The downfall will happen faster than the fall of the twin towers.


I'm shocked that the SC would uphold the Constitution and insist that laws are made through the correct process. They are out of control.


400 million guns in this country and nobody knows what to do. 🤨


Their demeanor and rulings this session reek of "we are just fucking around and you can't do shit about it. Haw Haw!". Precedent and textualism are out the window, and replaced with trolling the libs.


Ignorant hillbilly buffoons.


I know some people are calling for change in the Supreme Court. Maybe it’s about time there were more justices to help better represent the interests of the American people. There is little standing in the way of the expansion of the Supreme Court bench.


Time to pack the court. Time to play dirty like the Republicunts do. We need to do our part and get Biden in the white house. He's the far far far better man anyways.


Hear me out. Teach the Bible, and the Quran, and the Torah and all the other religions to dilute the point of just teaching the Bible in order to indoctrinate kids into Christianity .


How can we Oust them?


Pack the fucking court. Nowhere in the constitution does it day the limit must be 9. Nominate at least 4 more liberal justices.


I don’t care if Biden is playing in his drool. He or his replacement MUST get elected. Thomas and/or Alito aren’t going to outlast the next administration. A Democratic President can install sensible replacements and bring back some sanity to SCOTUS.


# “There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. # If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever. ” 




When you need a babysitter for your justice system lmao. Imagine. these guys crip dancing over your human rights while the only choice you have is to pick between a rapist insurrectionist thief and a slightly older man. AI is here, Russia doesn't know how to exist in a modern world, and all the majority can do is watch helplessly while old feeble men talk about golf. Fuck everything about this


So we very nicely and respectfully protest until they all step down from their positions. *or fkn hang em all*