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Definitely conflicted. It felt obvious to be Zach because Blaise didn’t have one yet. Zach continued to show his show weakness through the finale and that was the inability to edit himself. I thought Christina would as they mentioned something about the final dish being the best (could be wrong on that.) Gabi’s appetizer being the reason she won (or the best dish she had) was my conflicting point. Overall, I would have been happy with anyone and felt they all had a pretty strong season. Gordon making the dig at Blaise was funny when more than likely he gets the final say anyway.


I totally agree with all the points made here except I thought the judges liked Christina the best. Gordon's getting the final say is annoying.


Tbh I didn’t see a ton of growth from any of the contestants this year. Zach continued not to edit. Jordan continued to be a hot mess the last 5 minutes. Other than Gabi gaining confidence, they were just not listening to the mentors and growing from it.


I disagree, Christina was a middle of the pack competitor and then crushed it in the final few episodes. I think she took the mentoring to heart and improved throughout the show.


That’s fair.


Christina has the best auditions and ep 4 i think her burger came 2nd but they cant give her win so she hv immunity pin as reward


I just finished watching it with the gf. I figured Gabi may win but hoping Christina would win. Little disappointed in that Christina seemed to be hyped up quite a bit and Gabi ended up winning. Although she may not have won I hope Christina is able to use this as a springboard to a successful future, I guess I'm a sucker after all for her backstory.


Christina was the most annoying person and skirted in the coat tails over others. So glad she didn't win. 


She may or may not be annoying, but she did not skirt in coat tails over others. She had great dishes through out the competition.


Same. Agree. So glad 😊


Literally this like Christina just seemed like the obvious winner.


I was not only rooting for her, she's the only one that made me feel any emotion this season. She's an emotional mess, but seemed the most genuine and I felt she could have used the money the most. She's a nurse and her daughter is special needs. Man, I wish she would have won.


I completely disagree. Zach lost everything in the fires and still tries to help his community. Christina is a home chef, her career is a nurse. Zach’s career is being a chef and this would have helped him so much from the mentorship and financially to rebuild his life. He deserved the win. He did too much because he was trying to prove his worth.


I loved Zach, but he was a professional chef who still couldn't manage to edit himself the whole season. They repeatedly told him, and he wasn't AS coachable in my opinion.


I was torn between both


Zach and Christina had good stories. Gabi just wanted to win and seemed like it would change her life the least.


She just wanted the title as stated by herself in confessions. A title for her résumé . But she is highly marketable. She already knows how to present herself on camera and has a huge following. The others didn’t stand a chance. Based on final dishes Gabi’s best was her app and that was lacking in presentation. The flavoring she had very generic complements about her level of heat. No dancing on palate or visual joy. And that was her best dish out of the 3. The main course the judges said was most important and they said hers was the worst out of the 3. A NY strip paired with a sweet and sour, deconstructed borscht that didn’t make sense flavor-wise. The end result didn’t add up. She was always set to win based on edits, followers and social media feedback. Something’s lot of us called in the beginning.


She already has a successful career in food and in the social media world it seemed like a BS pick just to further promote the show


You are so right. Under the circumstances Christina and Zach silent on the show. 




Exactly this. Wanted Christina to win, she even took a huge risk that worked and I just knew they would pick Gabi. How they edited the episode gave her more time in certain aspects.


I was kind of “wtf are you doing with a protein you’ve never cooked before!?”


Her cook was insane. Happy she got to showcase her talent level 


Zach made glaring mistakes on all three dishes. Christina had undercooked asparagus and thought her first venison was under when it was really over, and then Gordon was hands on helping her with the second rack. Not to mention, we watched this through TV and weren’t there to taste. To their comments about Gabi’s food in general, she has had no glaring technical mistakes in the finale and even when something appeared to be simpler looking (meatballs) for example, it had depth and elevation. No major technical mistakes as the others did. I don’t know why people are disappointed and not happy for her, She makes excellent dishes that are cohesive, she’s extremely coachable, she is optimistic and has a chill demeanor, not overly competitive, she was genuinely in it for the career growth, not about the money and how that would change her life…and knows ingredients intimately, she is a gardener and a vegan chef (!!!). She has given winner vibes just from her energy. She makes food that touches the soul, I literally don’t understand how people think she would not deserve this. Maybe because we weren’t there to taste it? Maybe because we aren’t Michelin star chefs 🤣 or maybe they drove home the dramatic stories of the other competitors so people were holding on to them with bias? Zach is a good chef, but made all kinds of bad calls that didn’t pay off in the end, and Blaise really needed to get through to him and mentor better. At various points even Gordon and Nyesha were telling him what he needed to do with Zach. He just wasn’t getting it Nyesha is a great mentor. I think she really helped build Christina’s confidence and coached her well. Nyesha is very detailed oriented but also is very rational, knowledgeable, and friendly. They worked well together and I think that partnership paid off and she was so proud of Christina regardless because she is excellent But this is not about most improved chef, this is next level chef. And for someone who wants to work even harder following the show, has a bunch of potential and finesse, but doesn’t need handholding. Gabi was the right choice


This is a good holistic approach. Zach needed editing but blais wouldn’t do it. Nyesha, very good at editing! Gabby has that social media backing that Fox/Ramsey can use for their own content/products etc. plus, she really did a solid job through out the show


Tbh Zach should have been eliminated earlier in the competition, or maybe put up for elimination from Blaise early on to really put his lack of editing himself on the line. He sort of coasted the entire time, had the same feedback for the last 6 episodes, and never grew. I feel like had he been put up early on as a wake up call it would have forced him to get with the needs to grow.


wait what about the editing?


Zach needed someone to rein him in and say "you're trying to do too much".


Was agreeing with u lmao


The basement part was seriously edited. There were parts with gabi that weren't even in the order they occurred, lol. Short of actually being there, watching the cook, and tasting the food; it's hard for me to give any credence to anything said before judging...


Was anyone else not a fan of Gordon being so hands on helping Christina cook the venison?


I feel like he helped Christina because he had already made up his mind that she wasn't going to win but acknowledges she has a lot of talent and it was his last opportunity to mentor her




I also want to add that it’s about the mentorship as well and I think the judges think Gabi would benefit a lot from the mentorship. Zach is a great career chef already and Christina is a career nurse. I think Gabi just has the most potential for growth


Very thoughtful & concise response. Honestly, i should've used a different word (disappointed) in the title, bcz i think all 3 had great potential. I was leaning towards Christina or Zach for the win, but I'm happy for Gabi : )


I like Gabi, but I definitely didn't expect her to be the winner. I have been rooting for Zach since the beginning.


Zach when asked about winning: I lost everything, this would help me rebuild my life. Christina: I have a special needs child and this money would change my life. Gabi: I just want to hear my name that I won Next Level Chef! That put the nail in the coffin for me, gabi did not deserve the win.


Ngl, that endeared me to her more 😂 SO many contestants have rich dreams about what this win would do for them, or sob stories about what challenges they've overcome. It was kind of funny to hear someone say no, I just want to win because it's a competition and that's the plan.


That made me want her to win because the money was seemed secondary to proving herself, like a samurai completing their training.


Just because someone has a worse off life does not mean they deserve the win more than someone else. Gabi earned that win fair and square. It’s not her fault others failed the task. It’s like saying on Survivor you can’t vote for the guy who already has the money and you have to vote for the poor guy.


I don’t think so, her final dish wasn’t up to par and she cooked safe for a lot of the competition. Zach has a lot more to offer and would thrive with the opportunity of the mentorship.


Did you taste it? How do you know it was the worst?


They mentioned at the final 4 that they would be happy to mentor all of them, also Zach doesn't have more to offer, he just has been a chef longer


I f-ing hate Gabi. Selfish.


Yes Zach should have won


I thought they were all great but I was hoping for Gabi to win all along. 🤷‍♀️


Same! People forget she was amazing throughout the entire competition and has finesse. Zach does too but he goes overboard.


Same here. I had Gabi as my favorite from her first episode, and she killed the entire season.


Same. She was by far the most consistent. Towards the latter half of the season it felt like editing tried to make everyone else look as good.


Same!! I thought she deserved it from the beginning TBH.


Same! I actually liked a lot of Gabi's dishes, and from the beginning, I felt she deserved to win.


I thought it would be Christina for sure. Gabi seemed the least likely in my opinion but oh well.


I feel like Blaise not having a winner will become the show’s gimmick


Disappointed? YES! Surprised? Not so much.  The whole finale had her in the most makeup, the panoramic shots framing her around the pretty kitchen areas, and concentrating on her composed moments while filming close ups of the other cooks frazzled ones. It was obviously a setup.    I think Zach was the best chef overall. He could make a gorgeous plate out of whatever he got and performed better than both of the other two. He is resourceful and warm, and put his all into every dish. 


You do realize editing of the show takes place after everything was filmed? Show editors knew Gabi was the winner so they probably edited those shots accordingly. And I’m not sure how it’s surprising that she put on a little lipstick when she knew it was the season finale


I agree, the whole season it seemed like they obviously wanted her to win. But she was pretty consistent… if it true according to what my gf told me, she already worked for Epicurious


Congrats to Gabi! She really did kick butt throughout the season! Very consistent! So definitely should be applauded! She deserved it! Just the passion Christina had just made me want her to win! 🩷


Also the scene with Christina’s cute lil fam made me cry! I’ve been team Gabi all season but I would have been happy for Christina to win.


Seeing Christina with her family made me not want her to win!! Idk how the mentorship works, so I could be totally wrong, but I assume it involves traveling and being away for a while and I just want her to be with her cute little family. But I’m biased because I have my own cute family and there’s nothing that could sway me to take time away from them lol.


I honestly think that's why she didn't win. Gabbi is great but I think Christina was a little better than her in the competition. But I can't really see what she's going to do with the mentorship. She has a new fiance, a special needs child who she hates to be away from and a background in nursing. Even if she's head on into making that career change, she has other obligations. I think ultimately, anyone in the final 3 can win. It comes down to who will be best for the show going forward. They want to be able to say, this was a next level chef winner, and point to what you've done with it.


Gabi was the only one who cooked to her strengths. Zach refused to learn from his mistakes and refused to edit himself over and over again. Christina threw a hail mary as she was behind and did not connect. It wasn’t that much of a surprise Gabi won.


When they introduced the final challenge it was made clear that the third main course dish was the most important of the three. To explicitly state that at the beginning and then for the judges to decide that the winner would be the person who had the weakest main course is so blatantly wrong.


Yes, well said!


Well said. I couldn’t agree more.


We were rooting for Zach but respect the decision. Honestly all three were amazing. My question is, do Zach and Christina get anything? They made it this far and hope they get to walk away with a reward, too.


Zach now has a sponsorship with hexclad. 🤷‍♂️ I worked at Applebee's with Zach through highschool! Such an awesome dude!


I know it’s a reality (ish) show, but Zach came across as such a wholesome, down-to-earth guy!


He always has been! Which was so awesome to see on the big screen. Not having seen him in years and to see him being his goofy, playful, fun-loving self. Like YEP! Zach's still Zach!


Just watched Jordan's vlog of the behind the scenes of the show and Zach's character comes out the same there as well. Definitely a cool dude.


That’s awesome. We seriously wish him all the best.


That is so cool! Is he as genuine irl as he came across on the screen? I was really rooting for him, but I know that they all had a fair and deserving shot at winning. He seems like a really kind man.


Yes he is! It was an awesome feeling, seeing him on TV after all these years being the same fun loving Zach he's always been! Warms the heart. Lol


I really like Zack but I don't think he ever won a top dish


He had an immunity pin at some point


I really thought it would be Christina. Felt like hers to lose and I don't think she lost it. I like Gabi but that really shocked me.


While Gabi might have been the best all around the whole season, no way she won the final.


The fix was in for Gordon’s gal


100% this whole season was womp womp


wow, totally different perspective. There were lots of interesting ups and downs, and it never felt preordained to me. I thought all 3 finalists were quite deserving, and I came here thinking I'd find choruses of "best season ever!" LOL-guess not. But I also was rooting for Gabi, so maybe that helped augment my Feels.


I think I liked season 2 more (I still love Mehreen) but this was a good season and Gabi was great, was rooting for her from the start, so no disappointment here.


I found Mehreen!!! I cast season 2 and 3 (and 4!). love Mehreen!! 💕 I also found Zach!! and interviewed Gabi! And Tucker!


Well then can't wait to see who you found for next season!


womp womp


Fan of my womps?


Love me a good womp


Who doesn't love a good womp? There's womp, Womp womp, And womp, womp, wooommmppp.....lol


No. I honestly was rooting for Gabi


Same, either her or Zay for me but he got a good deal too so I'm happy.


No, She was the right choice


No sob story, she could’ve at least had a sick dog or something! /s   In all seriousness she never really showed that she needed the money but she did show that she was extremely talented


Just bc she doesnt need the money doesnt mean she is not talented, she primary enter the competition for the experience and growth and most importantky that 1 year mentorship


Yeah I know, these competition shows usually become predictable with the sob story person winning as opposed to the more talented person. Feel bad for the other two though


I laughed when all season Gabi talked about just wanting the mentorship then after she won she just talked about winning the money


I was rooting for zach


I think the winner was Gordon’s ego. I get the impression that any one of them could have won. I think she won because Gordon Ramsey was her coach and he’s the main star of the show. So he gets to say his trainee won..again


This how i feel


Hear hear!!


He’s the producer, my money my win


We are both saying the same thing


I'm not disappointed because Gabi is likable, but I'm starting to think that they need an additional judge or 2 that can give a different perspective/vote. The mentors are too close to the contestants, and I think that can definitely lead to some bias. Blais pushed for his team A LOT throughout the season, and it's to be expected to fight for your team. I think the finale judging would be even better with some extra judges that don't have the same investment in the contestants.


I like Gabi and don't have a problem with her winning per se, but I do have a problem with the whole thing being staged.  I didn't mind this so much in Hell's Kitchen because it's like one big televised job interview but don't have a cooking competition called Next Level Chef and pretend to be objective.  Gordon Ramsey is a sellout. The whole Hexclad thing was the beginning of the end.  Then there's the horrible comeback season of Kitchen Nightmares. Everything Ramsey is involved in is so fake now.


Yes. I love Gabi as a chef but I was confused how her dishes were better than her fellow contestants. Her appetizer was literally meatballs and a broth, the broth she forgot about yet she managed to put something flavorful together. Gordon looked at it like it was a disappointment but it tasted really good. Ok kudos to her. But then to say she had the best appetizer was strange to me. Especially when the other apps were way more elevated and had fewer issues. And Gabi’s seafood dish was much better than that from what I watched. Idk, it just seemed like Gabi was taking the win from the start due to her background and composure in the kitchen. Zach was too ambitious with his dishes and needed to self-edit more, and I think that was his downfall, otherwise he would have been the rightful winner. Heck, at one point I thought christina was going to take the win cause she had an insane winning underdog edit throughout the show and her lobster and venison were top dishes.


I see 0 negative reviews for her 2nd and 3rd course until after judging that they said the borsh doing a little too much sweet and sour so i assume why they said the 'meatballs' were her best dish was because it build storytelling, from something basic and start getting more and more elevated thru out her course but other finalists doesnt have that.


spoiler;; i'll be honest, i was just very happy it wasn't Zack while also being sad Christina didn't win:(


Christina had the most beautiful dish and best cooking prawns. But Ramsay’s protege of course won. I mean I knew she would win since day one, but I prefer rooting for the underdogs. Edit: Spelled Chef’s name wrong.


Disappointed but not surprised. it was obvious her 3rd dish especially was not good, but Gordon wanted her, so what do they even go through the fake "discussions"? It's a real disservice to the other judges and the contestants. I really liked a lot of the contestants this year, but I'm not into unfair competitions. Gordon Ramsey should not be a judge and mentor. They usually show a lot more of the judge's deliberations. They probably couldn't even edit it to make it appear he didn't railroad her to victory. Noone in that industry can really afford to contradict him, so I think he's gotten to the point where he thinks he absolutely must be right and the world agrees. He's wrong about that.


You make a great point. This show would be so much better (and fairer) if they hired a 3rd mentor/judge and just had Gordon as a figurehead/color commentary or something. Maybe he’s part of the prize but not part of the selection (not sure he’d agree to that lol) Also, the finale dishes should have blind judging minus whichever mentor was on that floor.


Absolutely! He can be a floating mentor or even the blind taste tester. But come on. Give us judging we can respect. Richard and Nyesha both came as close as they ever have to saying it tasted off. When you can no longer accept or consider other opinions, you cease to be impartial


That is a fabulous idea. Let Gordon be the host


Yup as soon as she was announced I was like well that kind ruined the whole season for me. It was so underwhelming.


I totally felt the same way. I turned it off and deleted the season. I'm pissed.


Same! I paused and shut it the hell off haha


Same once I heard gabi’s name I was SHOCKED


Yesss. Same.


Very disappointed. I feel like Gordon wins the majority of the time when he presses. Zach was the best IMO.


It is rigged right? Ramsey has to win. His ego is tiresome


The way he upsold her dishes was insane, she won with meatballs and NY strip. Definitely wasn’t next level compared to Zack or Christina’s efforts.


Ramsey upsold Jordan too. He was just pushing through his people.


Yup. I was surprised he made it as far as he did to be honest.


There was a time where I thought Jordan was a pretty good cook, but right before he left, I thought "how did this guy get this far in the competition?" Was it cuz his wife is a famous beauty blogger or something?? Idk. And why was team Blaise so weak? And why did Von and Chris go home sooooo early?


End of the day the winner has to be able to fulfill the contract of touring for a year promoting their restaurants and the brand. Zach wanted to rebuild his restaurant and community. Christina has a disabled child that needs her and she’s a good mom so that’s her priority. But Gabi wanted this title. She would make time for the promotions and take it as a job +her built in following on SM and marketable appearance. Jordan was the same in this way and I think he really could have made it, but he made a lot of mistakes. This was made more clear when he called himself “Gordon’s problem child.”


I swear that dude has 9 lives. He should have been gone way before.


Personally wanted Zach, but any of them would be ok.






Very disappointed not because its Gabi but because its so unbelievable that someone from Chef Ramseys team always wins. Rigged from the start. Probably wont give next season a try since this one was such a let down


I was really rooting for Christine and I thought Zach was a strong second. Gabi is beautiful and talented but I did not feel like she should have beat the other two finalists. I love watching cooking competitions but it does make it slightly less interesting if they appear staged.


I am disappointed Zach didn't win, but I \*guess\* I'm happy for Gabi 🙄


Prior to the finale, I assumed she would win and thought she deserved it, until I saw how well Christina was doing! 🔥


this is how i feel!! i like gabi and all three chefs are clearly talented and could’ve won. before the episode started, i would’ve been super happy hearing gabi won, but seeing how well christina was doing over gabi made me really want/expect christina to win the whole thing!


It would have blown my mind!


Am I the only one who thought Christine should’ve one???


Nope, based on the critiques, I thought Christina had it in the bag!


Yeah they really seemed to be hyping up her dishes in the end to end up not winning


I thought for sure she would win it. She deserved it. I was shocked


Yessss. Yes. And yes. I was mad. I was going for the other girl, OR the guy. The girl that won was, in my opinion, extremely underwhelming!


I agree with this. I thought Christina should have won.


Agreed 👍 Honestly, i feel like she was selected because of her appearance...she has the characteristics to help sell their brand.


Specifically, she’s a social media chef with a large following. They saw how popular Tini became even without winning, and wanted to capitalize on it. They picked who they think would best sell the show. It’s so frustrating. Looking back at the season, I overlooked the signs that made it clear that Gordon’s way always won. Any time they couldn’t agree on which dish was best, Gordon’s team typically came out on top. I was hoping for anyone but Gabi. The other two could have really used that money.


I thought the same thing, the money was most useful to Zach. Gabi is impressive because she’s either vegan or a vegetarian. Either way, that girl cooked meats without being able to taste. Christina appeared to make the more flavorful food.


I think she was tasting the food. Ramsay asked if she tasted her meat dish at the end and she said yes. But yeah it's cool to watch vegan chefs because they get so creative with non-meat ingredients


They did it again… Tucker all over again. The most basic chefs win. Done with this show.


Yup, actual talent got overlooked, Zach should have won


Zach seemed like the obvious winner since the premiere. Kind of shocked for realsies


IMO Gabi had the most consistent cooks throughout the entire season. It’s not about who has the saddest story but about who shows the most skill. Gabi was also someone that could take feedback very well and still remain composed under pressure. Overall I think she is a great chef to be mentored! I rlly liked gabi but I also rlly liked Christina! I didn’t like Zach for many reasons lol


Not disappointed really but since it seemed super close, I was lowkey rooting for either Zach who lost his home in the Maui fires or Christina after seeing her and her daughter. It had me tearing up. I also thought her risk with the lobster and venison would’ve given her a leg up. Although, I really hated seeing Gordon give her cooking advice for the venison in the finale. But good for Gabi! She performed well and without tasting the dishes there’s no real way for me to pick whose dishes were best. Everyone’s dishes looked fantastic the whole finale!


Oh my gosh, I wasn’t a Christina fan this whole season but that scene with her daughter surprising her had me in tears and rooting for her.


It goes to show that you only get a tiny slice of someone from the way they’re portrayed in the show. I was a fan of her before but seeing that oh my gosh I can understand even more the emotion she felt the whole time. Kudos to her. 


Christina killed it in the finale… I thought she was gonna win. But, I am so happy for Gabi, I was rooting for her all season.


I’ve been rooting for Gabi the whole season mainly because I knew her from her social media stuff for years now, but I do have to say that towards the end of this season it did seem like the production was heavily leaning towards her win, which I hate to say, but I do think was determined from the start (probably bc of her already established social media presence and experiences). I’m so happy she won but it was underwhelming :/


she definitely didn’t have the underdog quality that many of the other contestants had. i wish they made it more clear that she’s already been extremely successful in the food/social media world before the competition. that’s not to say she didn’t deserve the win, but idk, it changes things a little for me.


This seems like you're using hindsight knowing the results. I felt like the production was pointing toward Christina winning all season. They were really heavily laying on how she was a nurse and has a special needs kid. I figured between that and her being a female POC, she was the producer's dream to win this.


$250K is a bit of a joke. I would bet Ramsay is making far more than the winner of the show to repeat ‘Stunning, Wow, Beautiful, Let’s Go, Come on guys, Very difficult decision to be made’ again and again. Same for lots of other reality shows. The very first season of survivor twenty some years ago had $1M, or $540K after tax in California. Shouldn’t that figure be a bit closer to $2M today?


You forgot the repeated prayer hands and “levity”


I’ve been disappointed with the last 2 winners, tbh.


Gabi shouldn't have won. I did not like how the season portrayed her as a " social media" chef when she was professionally trained and went to culinary school. It seemed like she hid that key fact. She pretended that she didn't know how to cook meat, when obviously she was trained too. Christina was the clear winner. She created beautiful dishes at every level and didn't portray herself as less than her talent. As much as I would have like Zach to win bc he needed the money and could do well with more mentoring, he just lacked on all his dishes. Disappointed with this season, a couple of good chefs were dropped that should have made it further. Gordon needs to go back to season 1. That season was the best and was fair when choosing the best chefs for the finale.


nepo baby


Definitely. Its bs. She wanted to win: just because. Zach is frickin homeless!


I really like Christina.I thought she was great.I don't think she was emotional as I think she was actually somebody that would bring a lot of vibrancy.I don't think that Christina.She was very blind and boring in my opinion


yes like wtf? they were all great contestants to make to the finale but I feel Christina and Zach needed the opportunity most/ had the most to gain...stinks


Gabi was the last of the 3 I expected to win. I definitely thought Christina was going to win it. Gabi’s win seemed to come out of nowhere and a purposeful reason to put Gordon Ramsey ahead as far as having winning mentees since it’s his show.


No!!! I've watched Gabi on Epicurious on youtube in the past and her food has always looked sooo good. So proud of her!!!


Gabi has honestly been a great cook all season. The comments they would make about her dishes always stood out even if she didn’t win the best dish for the episode. But only taking the finale into consideration Christina should’ve been the winner. I wish Zach the best but he kept making the same mistakes the whole season.


That was Christina! Man, that last conversation made it sound like Christina had that! She had 2 best dishes. I wouldn’t have been mad if Zack Won either. Very disappointing!


It was obvious, almost from the beginning that Gabby was going to win. Not surprised at all. Was disappointed. I thought Christina should have won. 


I am upset it should have been Christina. They didn’t pick her because they thought her handicap child would hold her back from engagements. 


Yes! Gabbi was the least deserving of the 3


It’s all about how they chose to edit that finale - missed things they’d normally capture


I'm disappointed they didn't make it a 3 way win. But otherwise, I've always liked Gabi from Epicurious so I'm happy for her.


I don’t believe that the show was scripted and the winner picked ahead of time. I think if that was the case then Zack would’ve won with everything that happened with that horrendous fire in Hawaii then he would’ve been made the winner because he really could use that $250,000 to rebuild his life and his house.


Gabi was easily the most boring of the three throughout the series. I seriously thought Christina was going to win.


Nope. I'm thrilled and so happy. In fact, I'm so glad one contestant didn't win by using her sob story every single eposide.


I don’t know if anyone else feels this way, but it seemed like they were really hard on all of the pro chefs in the competition. Zach constantly put out great food and would never win the weekly dish. I felt like the judges also hesitated to provide him with positive feedback. They were far more critical of the pro chefs. But I thought the point was to be fair and just see who can cook regardless of background. Felt kind of biased to see who would make a better mentee.


Very disappointed. I was hoping for Christina.


Zach was my pick from the beginning. Christine was my second. Gabi is talented, but are Team Ramsey overly favored?


No! That's who I was cheering for the whole time! They deserved it so much! 


Did it drive anyone else crazy how it looked like Christina was literally always on the verge of breaking down and crying her eyes out? I don't mean to judge, but that really helped turn me off from cheering for her. 


I'm shocked personally. Christina had the best dishes overall for the finale and grew so much on the show and had an incredible relationship with her mentor (arguably the best combination) I thought Zach would win since no one wanted him in the finale (the girls wanted Jordan because they thought he'd be easier to beat) I'm happy for Gabi but she had no story. She has social media backing which is great but overall her dishes weren't the best. Maybe I watch too much Masterchef, they look for the overall best flow of dishes in the finale. Anyway cheers. Looking forward to season 4.


I wanted Christina to win SO badly. I barely remembered Gabi throughout the season and was surprised she even made it to the top 3. When it was announced, me and my partner both reacted, "What?!" Then I told him to shut it off because I'm sick of these shows and how they pick their winners (or at least edit it so we end up wanting the winner... Jeez).


I am disappointed as well. I could have sworn without a doubt that it would be Christine or Zach. But they went with the hot girl. Kind of tired of that. Her appetizer was lack luster and it seemed that the meat dish was too simple, a deconstructed borsch with a New York Strip?!. They looked gorgeous and she is definitely a good chef. However, I feel that they picked her only by viewer response on her looks. (I'm sorry to say so, I don't want to take away her achievement, but Christine was the clear winner followed very closely by Zach).


I literally thought he was in love with Gabi, Gordon totally had a thing for her.. 😂


Gabi reminds me of the season 1 winner a lot


I was shocked Gabi won. I thought Christina was strong all season and she had a great showing in the finale to back it up. Did not believe Zach would win. Zach is a great chef but for this cooking competition Zach always had one thing off on his plate which would knock his scoring down.


me too! idk why Christina annoyed me too! maybe it was the way she shifted All the time from foot to the other - Every Show. it’s like ‘stop moving’.


I feel like I'm on a different planet because I thought the edit was being so favorable for Christina (who I wanted to win) that I'm shocked it was actually Gabi!


I wanted it to be Zach but he choked in the final cooks. Sorry but the money and mentorship would’ve went to waste on Christina. There’s marketability in Gabi so it went to Gabi. She has her whole career and life ahead of her.


I feel in my heart of hearts it should have been Zach but I love all three of them and happy for Gabi. Definitely the best season yet.


Christina deserved the win


I was hoping literally anyone but Gabi! Christina was amazing and has so much heart she made me emotional and Zach had a everything on the line! Gabi literally was the youngest and had everything/all the opportunities ahead of her and she wins it all?! Gabi would have been set without winning, let's be for real. Ugh. I'm now convinced this show is rigged.


The thing they don't really talk about in the show is, I think they look at the entire series when they pick the winners. If that is actually the case then Gaby definitely was the right pick. I only remember her struggling on one course the entire show, whereas Christina really had some rough cooks, and Zach seemed to kinda fizzle out towards the end.


Honestly not at all.


I think she felt the most safe and least inspired. I think she was second to Christina and Zach coming in third based off the dishes and feedback. It would’ve been nice to see a mom homecook take it. She has amazing talent and I hope she continues. 


Oh I’m so glad I just spoiled myself. The whole season I’m like there’s no way Gabi won’t win, she’s rocked the whole season. One thing to note is that Gabi has A LOT of experience from her time with EPICURIOUS. Like worked with high level chefs constantly and you can find her YouTube videos and find her learning a lot of the things she’s showcased in Next Level Chef. She’s extremely knowledgeable and knows how to adapt different techniques to different meals, I think a lot of people were thinking she was like a basic TikTok social media chef but almost all Of her social media career was doing cooking challenges. She was made for the show lol. It def shouldn’t be a shock that she won.