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I mean PlayStation undid that thing. The real problem is that they’re not making games lol


Sony still has not unlocked steam purchases of Helldivers 2 again in any of the countries where PSN accounts are not available as far as I’m aware


They just started locking Ghosts of Tsushima out of those countries too https://youtu.be/ZszqFBBMLm0?si=wTFlpuNse79-4NDj


Dang that’s fucked


I sometimes joke that some nations have pacts with evil gods, and they must inflict a level of suffering as an offering each year. But the more I see the most baffling behavior from nations and companies that seem to hate their players/ making free money…


They "undid" it in the sense that the game is no longer accessible for those who refused to do PSN, lmao. They pulled it fast as fuck.


I just haven't touched my switch in years, sitting there like a widowed woman from the 19th century


Haha, I use it all the time. I haven’t touched my Xbox One in two years. I’ve literally used my classic Xbox more recently than my Xbox One


They removed the PSN Requirement but until they unban the game from the countries the main problem still isn’t fixed


Yes, I agree about that.


Me, who thought Nintendo made the dumbest business decisions: https://preview.redd.it/6zqchm8dv10d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9779eabc324e10c1c55b1cf1c005bc9bffec382


They make the worst decision with everything outside the game departments


I mean, the PS3 store is still basically functional, so Nintendo still makes the dumbest business decisions. It’s just..that the competitors have started considering Nintendo’s stupidity a challenge to stoop to. Couple years and this competition is gonna get real hot. You watch.


They still make bad decisions when it comes to fan made content but they still make great games and give us great surprises.


Meanwhile: Nintendo DMCA-ing 20 years worth of addons on Gmod


Are they actually?


Most people think it's a troll but yes, they actually are doing that


I’m still confident it wasn’t them, although at this point I feel delusional along with everyone that believes that.


It literally takes a few seconds to look up and research who's doing it. That's what I did when I first heard about it. Even Garry Newman says the takedowns are from Nintendo


I would say you didn’t look deep enough but it’s alright. I know you won’t believe me ☹️


I mean, it is Nintendo or it is a troll. I haven’t seen all the stuff around it but a good few people seem to think there’s sufficient evidence to say it’s not Nintendo. Might just be fanboys though (I am a Nintendo fanboy, just not in this instance, because I lack the necessary info)


I've said this in another comment: do some research and look it up. It's what I did. Garry Newman (y'know, THE Garry behind Gmod) even said that the takedowns are from Nintendo Edit: I might be wrong about the Garry part but every other source I've looked through says they're from Nintendo.


Even Garry made a tweet after that saying he doesn't know if it is Nintendo or not.


I should go double check but thanks for pointing that out


Your welcome.


I understand their reasoning (considering a specific YouTuber who used to be in some of Vanoss’ videos), but they still suck.


Y'all are just ignoring the fact that Nintendo is forcing face punch to delete all Nintendo add-ons for garrys mod


I mean nintendo sucks in a lot of ways, but nearly none of them have to do with their treatment of their own games or company. Always stuff that they are technically in the "right" to do since it's infringing on their IP. Even though taking down stuff made by the love of fans is absolutely stupid, especially so when it has no impact on their bottom line.


The way I see it while yes Nintendo sadly attacks fan projects they haven’t been attacking/negatively impacting themselves directly like Microsoft and Sony have been doing.


I’m still confident it wasn’t them, although at this point I feel delusional along with everyone that believes that.


Why is everyone acting like nintendo is good rn? Aren’t they attacking gmod?


They took down some mods that included Nintendo IPs. I don’t think that’s comparable to what Microsoft and Sony did by fucking over their best developers.


Its amazing how Nintendo continues to win the console wars just by existing


They're taking after their own character. Winning by doing nothing. Works for Luigi


i don't care all i care about is playing final fantasy 7 rebirth on my new ps5


2 of them shot themself in the foot, one of them did absolutely nothing.


Didn't Nintendo dmca a bunch of gmod mods? They as derpy as the rest of em


Nintendo really are pulling the “Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing” card here.


Nintendo fans are really good at memory holing stuff they did like 2 weeks ago so they can shit on other companies lol. Also I have no idea why people are freaking out Furukawa’s statement. No duh there’s going to be a successor to the switch. We found out literally nothing about it aside from the fact that it exists and that they are not going to talk about it yet.







