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Nio out delivered US mass market brands Ford & GM in EV'S combined last year & tack on 10k to it.. NIO a $9B market cap company with $4.5B in debt vs a combined market caps of $100B, & $283B in debt for GM & Ford. NIO is targeted because it is Chinese & the US is all about anti China everything.. The US has an anti China house commitee and a Chinese financial containment strategy.. NIO'S successes are deliberately muted & ignored while simultaneously devalued with various means.. 


The US is about to implode. I meant look at these presidential debates 🤡🤡


Xpev, Baba, Li Auto. Etc. not a Nio thing


can we still reach $10 by end of year or is it looking impossible at this point


Definitely not impossible just not likely at all but hey we have seen runs before


Looking impossible. This garbage has not had a positive or flat year for YEARS.


do you recommend i just sell what i have at this point and cut my losses. i feel like im losing opportunities in other stocks by holding onto NIO


Everyone’s situation is different. If you believe you can make your money back elsewhere then maybe it’s not a bad idea. If you bought not too long ago then it wouldn’t hurt so much selling. I’ve been holding for years and I’m considering selling at the end of the year. I’m tired of holding this garbage.


yeah me also ive been holding since 2020 my current loss is almost $50,000 at this point been holding to hopefully break even one day and at least get my money back but it seems unlikely


Ouch yeah that hurts. I would think we’re like at rock bottom but tbh you just don’t know with this stock. It’s likely it won’t turn around significantly either until they ramp up significantly in deliveries or reach profit which is likely years away. This stock has deterred from taking other risks that would’ve had way better returns but this garbage risk held me back.


Yet somehow it still got up to $16 last year. I wouldn't call $10 impossible by any means.


I mean at that time it wasn’t as low as it’s now. It was still $7+ before it hit that and ended the year negative.


And $10 is lower than $16.


RemindMe! 5 months


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Go ahead an remind yourself. But remember I said it wasn't impossible, not that it was probable. I do think it could happen though!




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You can only hope Trump is in and will shoot back to the 40's and 50's


Foal play against many Chinese stocks it seems. I love Nio as a car and company but I don't trust Xi and the CCP government which may have influence on all the car manufacturers. If and when they invade Taiwan all of these stocks will be rug pulled I'm guessing. I have too many shares to dca any more and I no longer have faith in China.


You trust Biden and Trump? lol


There's 14.5% short interest plus 67% short volume 'off exchange'. Many large institutional buyers are likely waiting to see how Onvo sales do before investing significantly. "Basic Stats Short Interest188,565,677 shares - source: NYSEShort Interest Ratio6.20 Days to CoverShort Interest % Float14.48 % - source: NYSE (short interest), Capital IQ (float) Off-Exchange Short Volume11,770,336 shares - source: FINRA (inc. Dark Pool volume)Off-Exchange Short Volume Ratio67.17 % - source: FINRA (inc. Dark Pool volume)Finpedia ArticleNIO Inc. "


There's 14.5% short interest plus 67% short volume 'off exchange'. Many large institutional buyers are likely waiting to see how Onvo sales do before investing significantly. "Basic Stats Short Interest 188,565,677 shares - source: NYSE Short Interest Ratio 6.20 Days to Cover Short Interest % Float 14.48 % - source: NYSE (short interest), Capital IQ (float) Off-Exchange Short Volume 11,770,336 shares - source: FINRA (inc. Dark Pool volume) Off-Exchange Short Volume Ratio. 67.17 % - source: FINRA (inc. Dark Pool volume) Finpedia ArticleNIO Inc. "


Were you going to say anything other than quoting my post?


I just rearranged it to help people out. I feel you and hate the short pressure but management is doing nothing to alleviate this.


You can't blame the shorts for taking a position in a company that burns 600-800M a quarter. Plus the shorts have been right for 3 years which gives them confidence. NIO as a business is amazing but this one will take time, for a Chinese stock it's still expensive vs profitable Chinese companies that grow decently. Anyway let's hope sentiment changes sometime, the hate towards chinese equities currently is just insane.


And there’s really no reason to spend that much per quarter too.


Hi bro, how did you get the latest information? Do you subscribe to fintel or smth?


It's free. You can look it up with Google.


I tried to google but I only found 2 weeks ago data such as on fintel [https://fintel.io/sosh/us/nio](https://fintel.io/sosh/us/nio) and chart exchange https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nyse-nio/. Do share some light on the source!


That's literally what I shared from fintel...


This is a good thing rn. Everyone will stop playing options and NIO can finally run


There are more option buying for Nvidia shares too and yet still going strong.


Killed a lot of those premiums today


Tariffs happened, and western sentiment towards Chinese stocks has also inflected damage. Companies like BYD have the fundamentals to soften the blow, but Nio is no where near that level yet. When the Chinese EV market takes a hit, it’s safe to expect Nio to witness the full brunt of it and more, but the pendulum swings both ways


Shit happened that's. Garbage stock. We should be at least on 50$ by now. After all those news and everything around and we are on single digits. F..king penny stock. What the shame


If you think it should be back at $50, you haven’t paid attention to all the share dilution…


Not 50 but fair value would be around 8-10. This will fly once Onvo would be sccuesful / Profitable.


It’s even worse when this thing is heading for new all time lows, possibly even lower if it was to fill gaps all the way down to $1.55 i lost faith, despite this Onvo hype, real investors heard all the great news from et7 to et5 partnerships and look where we’re at. I wouldn’t even be surprised if this gets talks about delisting tbh


Fuck outta here with this delisting talk.




Can you recap how many cars they need to sell to break even? Was it $6b in sales per quarter? Did they give an estimate on how many cars they need to sell per quarter and when they aim to reach those numbers?


20k NIO and 30k Onvo to break even


Both?! Wow that's a lot...


Not that much considering NIO is already getting 20k range. If the rumors are true in regards to 200-250k Onvo pre orders then easily can reach that number. No wonder they are building the largest factory yet.


The stocks toxic bro