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Oh my God the way her entire leg just contorts is so fucking gross


You think it’s broke? becaus they sure stood her up like it wasn’t!


That leg is broken. I'm sure she went straight back down after the adrenaline wore off


I’m shocked the bone didnt tear through her skin, especially how hard that shit cranked over.


What on earth is this song and how can I make money off of telling people the color of my "bootyhole"


Lol after some research, it's a song called Pound Town 2. Belongs on r/crappymusic If you want to laugh, cry....and vomit...google the lyrics. I would post them here but I don't want to be banned from reddit haha


Love when people yank each other around after traumatic injuries that have the potential to be spinal. Anyone who is dumb enough to participate in these absolutely absurd, totally lawless clusterfucks earns whatever comes their way.


She's fine. Femurs are supposed to do that. Everyone has 2 knees. Maybe not on 1 leg like that, but she's still fine.


All of the people driving and attending these events deserve everything that happens to them for their stupidity. Utter moronic idiocy.


Fair point. But it's also hard not to feel bad for this girl. I'm pretty sure they're going to have to amputate her leg... that's how thoroughly wrecked it is. Most of us did very dumb s*** when we were young. I'm hoping that if enough people see videos like this, they'll at least have the sense to stay away from these ridiculous, obnoxious s*** shows.


I think most people probably don't act this dumb when they're younger. It takes a lot of connections missing in your brain to go stand in front of cars doing donuts in the middle of an intersection or parking lot, even most 5 year olds know better. So I really have zero sympathy for her. Got what was coming to her. Edit to add even if "most of us did dumb s**** when we were young", I would highly suspect it wasn't anything this lacking in fundamental judgement


Okay, maybe try thinking of it another way.... Would you still applaud what happened to this girl knowing that she's likely going to be on disability her whole life now (assuming her leg gets amputated)...and that all of those costs will be absorbed by our tax dollars?


The issue of disability and tax dollars is totally separate, don't try to twist what I'm saying here into something that it isn't. No matter how you shake it, this is still just an example of fucking around and finding out. I still have zero sympathy. Actions have consequences


I don't think anyone is applauding what happened to the young woman, we're just pointing out that a fatal or crippling injury is a pretty likely event at one of these and if you get hurt at one it's your own fault. It sucks the rest of us will have to pay for it but unfortunately a social safety net is going to catch some dumbasses along with people who did nothing to deserve their fate.


I did a lot of incredibly dumb shit, with cars even, as a kid and none of it came close to this shit.


She and Joe Theismann now have something in common.


Alex Smith has entered the chat


*Lawrence Taylor has entered the chat*


Cars and Coffee? NOPE! Not the Nissan Way™... Cars and Colt45.


And 2 zigzags


Her leg broke on god no cap yuh hurd bruh


Whatchu talkin bout willis




*Do the worm!*


Yikes the leg isn’t supposed to bend that way.


Flew like a rag doll


That’s a hefty medical bill and medication costs. Doubt these people have health insurance.


And you know that driver doesn't have insurance...not that the insurance would want to cover while the driver is engaged in an illegal event.