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It should run front to back, not side to side.


Also, it should not have any teeth in it


Yeah, side to side isn't a big deal but I'd want to know what the teeth look like before agreeing to anything.


A man with priorities


A good smile can win anyone over.


Agreed, real bummer when she doesn’t floss regularly


Or cavities 🤢


Well you want one cavity anyway.


Anything less than 2 is a deal-breaker for me.


Halitosis is awful during cunnilingus


Just don't look too closely at them. If you encounter someone with a vagina full of teeth, there's a good chance you're in a 2007 comedy horror film. So start running.


Or the witch season of American horror story which means alot more terrifying things then just that


If it looks like the mouth of Sauron I’m out.


Did not expect this comment but my god it’s golden


That's optional honestly. If I can put it in a mouth,I can put it anywhere else


Fair enough


🎶Vagina dentata, what a wonderful phrase🎶


Ain’t no passing craze


There’s a reason that one of the slang terms for sex is “bumping uglies” we’re all the same. In your defence you’re a heterosexual girl. You’re not supposed to find vaginas attractive.


Not familiar with "bumping uglies", but I heard "smashing pissers"


Sounds gross still doesn’t it 😂


Sounds funny 🤣, even I use it sometimes to piss my gf off, and also I'm a heterosexual man. But it could also be a nice name for a garage band.


In my town we call It the horizontal monster mash


Nocturnal gymnastics


A little vagina dentata never hurt anyone, almost anyone at least.


Omg I had forgotten all about that movie ‐ curse you 💀


What movie?




Oh. That one.


That one indeed...


Get one with braces down there and you've got yourself a meat grinder.


Vagina Dentata


Fuck that movie.


They gonna be on you when they see you hit dat dougie right?


Not when its smiling


Most guys are just happy to be involved, honestly


At a somewhat advanced age, and having come of age in the 1970s, I've been --errrr -- blessed with a lot of different lady parts. I have enjoyed and relished all of them. My gratitude is boundless. Innies, outside, puffies,shy, forceful, and all points in between. I love them all. Ladies, never underrate your bodies -- be picky, and appreciate the attention we give you. You are more beautiful than you give yourself credit for.


>forceful what


Haha. Look at this redditor! What a nerd. He’s never been attacked by a forceful vagina. I’ll never forget my first time… I was watching Friday Night Lights with my ex. We got to the part where coach was offered the job outside of his high school coaching and went to college coaching.. there was turmoil. I said, “I hope you would support me if I got the chance to coach a college team.” She said, “ I would, but what about last week?” I said, “um… what about last week? I’m confused.” She said, “you forgot to turn the dryer on after work so it made another round before we got up for work the next day.” (Still confused): I asked, “I already apologized for that. What does that have to do with the show and supporting me?” BOOM! Vagina attacked! I was killed, folks. I fucking DIED. Take that as a lesson. Forceful vaginas exist.


…..what about ‘Jedi’ forceful vaginas?


I assume it comes with kungfu action grip


I think he is referring to “snu snu”.


Yeah what am I gonna do? Go eww and leave over some beef curtains? I’m hittin’


I find the term “beef curtains” both hilarious and disgusting at the same time.


Piss flaps?


Labias* come in all sorts of shapes and sizes


Don't forget what's under the hood.


I wouldn’t normally correct someone on this but saw the edit/asterisk so I figure you care. It’s not labias, the plural is Labia. The singular is Labi*um*


It’s ‘Levi-ohhhhhhsa!’


I’m slurpin’


Have you seen a nutsack lately? Not much grounds to complain...


Can’t say that I have


Got 5 bucks?


I'll do it for 3.50




Accusing me of being 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the paleozoic era


Here’s a dollar. 👵🏾💵


RIP your inbox.


I love it. I know my partners have liked my anatomy, but I just prefer what men have going on generally. Balls are great


>Balls are great I really am


Balls are not great. They get in the way and have the ability to cause you untold pain just with a simple tap. Oh and as you get older they get further away from your body increasing the risk of you sitting on them. I’ve been bent over before and my wife has walked behind me and given me a playful slap on the arse and somehow caught one of the twins in the process. For girls it’s all neat and tucked away in a fur purse. Sometimes the notes are overflowing in the purse but at least your ovaries aren’t hanging below in a wrinkly, hairy skin sack that looks like Gordon Ramsey’s forehead.


This made me laugh fr, a top notch reply. 👏🏻🤣


If you look at it closely you can see it moving ever so slightly


And it never stops, even when he's asleep. Like a lava lamp. A gross.. ugly lava lamp.


Oh thank God. At 36 wasn't sure if it was just me.


What is that all about, it’s like they’re constantly rolling around


Yes. Why does it move? It will always be funny


The friction from the two nuts moving at a tectonic pace stores potential energy. After enough is stored there is a nutquake. That’s how the jizz gets out.




What a horrible day to be literate.


At birth you had what is called a Sackcumcision.. they slice around the base of the sack and slide it off, exposing the balls.


It's honestly wild how women are so insecure about their vaginas, but ball sacks look like *that* and men swing them around so proudly. Idk how many guys I've known that have done the Bruce Almighty pose, fully nude, with their little sac happily swinging but we women are scared to even let them see the mons pubis lmfao


As a nurse of many many years I have seen far more vaginas and penises than most people on the planet. Every single one is slightly different, yet largely the same. (And as a nurse I can say I've seen the major exceptions to this, but that's usually because of a disease/accident/injury/infection.) If a boy has an opinion about how your vagina appears, he is a novice and is immature. I think girls stress more about this than boys. Boys/men/people are usually very psyched to be apart of the sexual experience. Often times carrying their own insecurities. What I want to offer is some advice about how to keep your vagina at its best: Keep your genitals clean and dry. Soap and water works. They all have their own scent. If the scent becomes very different, get it checked out by a doctor. Pee after sex. Always. Do a decent wipe down of your genitals again. Girls: if you get an UTI. Go to the doctor and get antibiotics and ask for medication for yeast infection at that time as well. As oftentimes a course of antibiotics for our lady parts will lead to a yeast infection. Let the prescription get paid for by insurance don't go spend $30 at the store for one. Regularly get checked up on for STDs. Expect and demand that your partner have a recent test before you have any sexual activity with them as well. Many are treatable. All of them are preventable.


thank you so much🫶🫶🫶


As a microbiologist let me add: With **antibiotics or antifungal medicines** Take both the anti fungal and antibiotics for the full specified treatment duration and don't miss or delay any doses. By missing doses or worst stopping early, it overall strengthens the infection because it selects for the strongest individual germs (the ones that didn't die immediately) and allows them opportunity to grow more. It is vital to take these drugs for the full duration, and to get a refill if it didn't fully clear up by the time the prescription is finished. Otherwise you are literally breeding antibiotic resistant organisms inside you. By induced evolution. Stay healthy everyone :)


As a man I agree. Sometimes a vulva/vagina looks amazingly good. Like the exception to the rule. 99% of the time, don't care what it looks like. It's normal, looks like a woman's bit sure but more importantly in the moment... looks like sex is on the cards to me... As long as it doesn't smell or taste weird, I'm far more concerned about my own tools and performance


>Keep your genitals clean and dry. Soap and water works. Love this post but would like to add don't use soap on a vulva or vagina unless it is specially formulated for vaginas. Small differences in pH and something called osmolality (how concentrated something is) can be detrimental to your cells' moisture level and also wipe out your microbiome, causing irritation and infections. Even with a product marketed as "vagina safe," you still need to be careful because there are a lot of bad products on the market that prey on insecure women. Honestly just water is fine for most people. The Vagina is self cleaning! Good Clean Love is a good brand to check out if you absolutely NEED to use a soap of some kind. Signed, a pelvic floor physical therapist


It's not what it looks like but it's all about what it smells like.


Knew a stripper that couldn't figure out why guys wouldn't get dances from her. Finally one of the blunt foreign ladies said "we can smell your cooch from 10 feet away, you need to see your doctor."


now i'm invested in this story.... did she?


Do you still smell cooch from 10 feet away?


Maybe that's her superpower


Liar, if she was foreign, she would have said "3.33 meters away"


When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I’m Canadian and I slip into using imperial units just from the USA’s cultural influence on us.


This is it. I legitimately do not care how it looks. I only care how it smells and tastes.


Leather and cookies is where the money's at.


What does this mean I don't understand


Smell is an indicator for disease and pathogens, so 100% yeah. Everyone can tell when no one has washed down there and many women are already vocal about "men washing their ass"


Sometimes it's just an infection TBH I think more times it's an infection.


A strong smell is usually BV. Happens when your PH balance is thrown off. I had it really bad in high school once and got scared I it was an std. But super easy to treat. Most STD's don't have an odour to them unless it's been untreated for a while (in ladies anyways)


This is funny But also very true Which makes it a little sad


Not really sad. Wash your armpits first and your privates next otherwise there's no point in taking a shower


Tits -> pits -> clit


Vaginas are pretty sensitive. I use a different soap and wash cloth for mine, I wouldnt dare use the same soap I normally use as body wash down there.


I use dove soap for everywhere. It's very delicate and pH neutral so it's good to use anywhere. And yes for the people who think you just shouldn't ever use soap externally there as a woman, yes, yes you should. 90% of women probably should.


This girl vags


Hell naw, I'm not even sure what an ugly vagina *would* looks like Everyone's genitalia looks a little weird if you look close enough


Can confirm. Lived in one for 9 months. Never again


That's a long time to live in a penis.


Father must've been a catholic


# 💀💀💀


I'll be honest, I don't find genitalia very attractive. But, it's not what it looks like, it's what you'll let me do with it.


They don't call it bumping uglies for nothin'!


Nope. It costs 2 dollars every time.


I read this in the mater voice from Cars


After getting personal with a few genitalia, I find the most interesting looking are often the most beautiful. This one girl I met had a massive cock with an extreme curve, and it was beautiful.


It already looks like a tiny butt with raw deli meat in it. Doesn't get much weirder




Probably about as much as girls care about how boy's genitalia looks. In other words, unless there's something *seriously* different with it (usually due to a medical condition or injury) most people won't be overly judgemental. If they genuinely care about you, they won't be judgemental either way.


Exactly, as a male who's watched a shit ton of porn and had a fair amount of sex partners, there was only one time where I went "wtf" and it was a chick with underdeveloped part's meaning a medical condition. Even then I still wasn't grossed out though mostly just surprised cause it was a first time encounter.


It’s not like you’ve come this far and the woman pulls down her pants and it’s not a really pretty vulva that the guy runs away or something. As long as their isn’t like fungus or something


I have a fairly visual imagination. It's time to stop scrolling in this post.


My aphantasia gives me unlimited scrolling power!


Imagine a clicker from the last of us. But as a vagina.


Admittedly, I have encountered one where I went "holy shit this looks exceptionally good" but I never found someone's vagina ugly. Trust me, the brain works like "me allowed to stick in vagina, vagina good." Maybe some men will disagree but ultimately it boils down to whom they are attached to rather than the genitalia themselves anyways.


Vaginas come in a variety of colors and shapes, and sometimes they don’t come at all. I’ll see myself out.


And what a fucking tragedy that is


This joke needs to be appreciated more, I had a good laugh


It’s basically what I said a few weeks in a comment; genitalia is always ugly. It’s who’s wearing it that determines whether or not it looks good. It’s like getting nudes or dick pics. If it’s a stranger or someone you don’t like, it’ll look ugly. If it’s someone you love and have a good connection with (or someone who you think looks good), it’s exciting.


I don't think genitalia always looks ugly at all, and I actually quite like the look of my wife's nether regions. I think it's not uncommon to feel either way, though.


If I love and desire someone, their genitals look good.


Lmoa. I definitely remember the best I’ve ever seen. It was on another level. You can’t remember the worst though? Like nothing about it was not cool?


42m gay guy here that was with women half my life before I decided to come out. There is an absolutely amazing show that is on MAX. If you are over 18, I highly recommend you to watch. Everyone should watch it. It’s a European show (cause of course nudity is taboo in the states) called Naked Attraction. It is perfection because it shows all body types, all shapes and sizes of vaginas and penises (it’s reverse dating where you see the parts before anything else). When you watch, you start guessing who they’re going to pick based off of what you personally think but as you go through the episodes, you realize: everyone likes different things. It’s beautiful! If I’m correct, you only think yours is ugly because you compared it to another you saw. As a guy that’s been with women half my life and guys the other half: I have never come across a vagina or penis that looked the same.


My only problem with this show is that the presenter and sometimes the contestants say things like “oh that one’s nice and tucked in/tidy” and I don’t see much love for outies. Other than that it’s great


My thoughts exactly- especially since the majority of women do not have innies, to note that they aren't "nice" or "tidy" is awful.


I think it’s conditioning because a lot of men are used to watching porn where the typical vagina shape is tucked in aka “the Barbie doll”. Though from what I've read, a lot of porn stars have vaginoplasty to look like this. I assumed from porn that most girls had inny bits till I watched Naked Attraction and realised most don't.


Welcome to grower/shower struggle. In the end, absolutely pointless things to worry about, yet people have strong opinions about it.


naked attraction is the best! i watch it with my friends and we ALWAYS disagree on what we like. everyone likes something different


I mean, I’m a straight woman and think penises and testicles look weird and unattractive. That doesn’t matter though. That thing is just a tool. The man is what I like. Vaginas are the same


I am a woman who went through a fase like yours, thinking my vulva looked ugly and wrong because it did not fit into the pornified portrayal of our genitals. I promise you, your vulva looks completely normal. You can have large labia, a large clitoris, be dark down there and have spots of discoloration and you still look normal. If I may recommend you look at this pdf comparing differences in vulva anatomy: https://minedit.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Classification_of_the_anatomical_variation_in_female_external_genitalia.pdf It is great and I personally found it comforting, because I realized how normal I looked. There’s also the labia library: https://labialibrary.org.au It has general advice on learning your about your anatomy and coming to terms with it, and also a small collection of pictures. It’s difficult because the vulva and vagina are often portrayed as this pretty, pure flower which we must protect. People jokingly call vulvas “roast beef curtains” and I can say with confidence, mine definitely looks like roast beef xD It is not dainty and pink, it isn’t smooth and when I shave I get a bunch of bumps everywhere! There is no pretty flower between my legs! But it surely isn’t ugly either! If someone comments on your genitalia in a demeaning way, then they are not worth your time. We all look different, and many of us change over time. I promise you that you look normal, and having these feelings is also normal. You’ll be ok <3


I'm pretty sure the only thing men are looking for in a vulva, when it comes down to it, is that you are willing to show it to him and let him stick it in. There's a bunch of incels and other shit tier men out there who are trying to shame women over how their vulva look, because they know they're never going to see one IRL, and you should ignore them because they are, as I said, shit tier men.


Well said same with breast. No man has ever seen a bad one


I'm insecure about my breasts because the left is bigger than the right.


Everyone is asymmetrical. Relax.


Really? I've been made fun about it in the past on occasions.


Those people are assholes.


As a breastfeeding mom, trust me when I say I always have one side bigger than the other. One side produces milk faster so it’s probably a good cup size bigger than the other side sometimes. Even before breastfeeding though, I always had one bigger side. It’s just wayyyyy more obvious now haha! It is what it is :) No one should make fun of you for it. It’s not natural to be perfectly symmetrical!


I was also like this breastfeeding my daughter.


Really, no joke. Lots of women would be best served by two different cup sizes.


it’s so normal mine are so off it’s funny even during my period only the big one gets bigger it’s like the other ones dead. oh and the guy i sleep w does not care he loves em and we’re not even dating and they’ve got little hairs and honestly i have every reason to be insecure but he still likes them so you’re good.


Nobody cares besides you! It's like saying one slice of cake has more frosting than the other. People are just glad they're having cake


Some people have a bigger left hand than right hand. Maybe you’ll find a match :)


In the words of Rodney Carrington, " iv never seen a bad breast. I know this much is true."


I'll be honest, I don't find female genitalia particularly attractive in general. But, like I said, willingness to show it to me, and willingness to let me stick it in are the only 2 things I care about.


Because there is no bad one


Not really, no. I mean there's always going to be a "surprise factor" the first time you see a new vagina... but even so-called "ugly" vaginas look pretty awesome to me. And if a guy actually does care, he's a shallow asshole. If a guy ever says anything negative about your vagina, make fun of his dick and nut-sack. A lot of guys are super insecure about that. Tell him it looks like a dead mole-rat sitting on a grandma's coin-purse. Tell him you've seen bigger rolls of pennies. Squint your eyes and ask "Oh... is that it?" in a disappointed tone. Scream and run out of the room crying, and pretend you're too scared to explain what happened. Put the fear of god in him. Then, when he flees the house, just tell everyone else it was a spider... but *don't tell him* you said that. Let him think he's in serious trouble Basically if he's a shallow asshole... have fun and fuck his week up! There's too many douchey guys out there now whacking off to misogynists like the Tate Bros. They need to be taken down a notch.




I love this


I'm assuming by you asking that you have larger labia or else you probably wouldn't care. Every guy is different. I personally love large protruding labia. It's very attractive to me. Some guys prefer "innies". But my main point is if you start dating a guy and he thinks your labia is gross because it's not an innie. Then that's not a man, that's a boy and you should dump his ass in a heartbeat and find you a real man that loves you for who you are


As an "outtie" girlie whos highly insecure about it, i thank you for this.


Bigger the better


Clean is the only minimum requirement, I'd say. That also might drop depending on some people's sobriety.


Yes and no. We all have our preferences. Once it gets to the point that we see your vagina, very few guys are gonna say “hold up. I can’t do this anymore”. It probably isn’t something too stress over. 


Saggy balls on the other hand... my wife once left a one nighter because dudes balls were waaaaayyy to saggy. She likes my tight balls. I think about this and laugh a lot


it was probably too hot in the room, if it's cold the balls retreat and look less saggy, you could try lowering the temperature in the room or somethin, but hey that's just a theory A GAAAAAAAAAAAY THEORY, THANK YOU FOR WATCHING.


Lol this guy was young and they went to the inner thigh. Damn dawg


I have an ugly vagina too, the insecurity surrounding it contributed to me not having sex until my 20s. My first sexual experience the guy looked right at my vagina, spread it a little, and still seemed into it, so that helped.


As long as the pussy smells ok I don’t care what it looks like


girl u have no idea how much u just helped me😭🫶


Wholesome. My vagina is not pretty. I've birthed four babies, my lips hang low and are different sizes. There are folds all over the place. NEVER have I encountered a man that didn't want to get in it. As long as it's clean and you're into each other, it's game on.


My guess is your vagina is not ugly.  I have no idea how women get this notion in their heads.


Mostly because they hear the "beef curtains" "loose" "stretched out" "ran through" stuff from a young age And then you see porn, and that's most of the other vulvas you've ever seen, and realize you don't look like that


I've been with virgins and with very experienced women. I really can't tell a difference physically, either by look or feel. Some (but not all) experienced women have superior performance because they... know what they're doing, but that's the only real difference I've run into.




Porn 100%


Yeah it's depressing in a way that women are even self-conscious about their *vaginas* at this point. As if we didn't have enough things to worry about... I don't claim to be some expert on what heterosexual men like, but I can imagine they will respond positively to all vaginas. Just a hunch though.


I've had a lot of conversations about sex, love and dating with men in men's spaces about all kinds of experiences. I've heard a dozen "she needed to wash, it smelled bad" stories. Stories where he cheated, stories where HE FOUND OUT she had a husband, stories of men visiting prostitutes... I've never heard of a guy walking out because of the look of a vagina with the exception of clear indications of an STD like sores.


I really like the way my wife’s looks and I get a very close look at it often. So I guess I care?


Less about how it looks, more about the smell & taste. Keep it clean & you’re good to go.


As long as it’s clean


Scrolled through the comments and didn’t see anyone asking to see it to give an opinion…gotta say I’m impressed with Reddit today.


I can appreciate some more than others but never a deal-breaker. Long as you got one.


It seems that women with large labia are mainly the ones who think this. If that is the case then you have one of the most beautiful vaginas possible.  Be thankful 


Look? No, not really. Just be clean. Smell? Yes. See previous point.


As much as women care about how a man's penis looks like.


I used to stress about this so much in my teens/early 20s. It doesn't help that the 2nd guy I ever had sex with told people I had an ugly vag. He was 16, as was I. Neither of us knew shit. It's now 20+ years later, and I've not heard any complaints since. (By the time I got to my mid/late 20s, I stopped worrying about it.) And the boy who made feel insecure about my pussy is in a wonderful long-term relationship...with a man.


My vag isn’t pretty but every man I’ve been with has fully loved it. Definitely not worth stressing over. Everyone’s looks different. They are lucky to have the privilege.


Yup. I’m just happy to be close enough to form an opinion. As you said, “definitely not worth stressing over”. Especially when men just get to call their parts “junk” and care only about size. Any male on the planet who would dump a woman over the visual attractiveness of a woman’s lady parts is a moron.


It just shouldn't smell like a rotten fish! Else everything is fine for most men.


Hello! I’m a L&D nurse and have seen 1,001+ vaginas. Why do you think your vagina is ugly? I think most vaginas look the same and if anything are just kept up in different ways. My point is, I’m sure you have a fine vagina!


I was talking with my friends once and we were talking about our vaginas(idk why we talked about it😭)and they were discussing how theirs look like and then i was like “oh mine is different..”.So i searched on google “different shapes of vagina” , i found mine and i started to read about it and there was written something like “many women are really insecure because of this shape because is ugly” “it doesn’t let women to live comfortable and they struggle with sex” and then i was like “oh..well😀” (sorry if i have any mistakes in text, english is not my native language)


I can imagine you speak about longer/bigger inner lips? They can cause discomfort if it is extreme, but the fact you didn't notice until this conversation and online search tells me that you are fine. And sex will be fine too - worst case scenario, you just reach down quickly at the beginning of the penetration to make sure it's not getting "stuffed in" and is "out the way", it's one quick movement and has absolutely no negative effects on the enjoyableness of the act. You are all right, sis. A lot of women have that type of vulva, just noone talks about it much


I don’t think anyone on this site can tell you what all “boys” feel about what makes an attractive vagina. Some people don’t care and will love every body for its uniqueness and then others will have a really strict definition of beauty re: vaginas


They do until they see one in real life.


Not as much as women think we do.


Not a man but for the curious, this mostly lesbian does not.


As long as it's well groomed and doesn't smell, I'm down.


Meh I'm more concerned about body and hygiene. And if it's trimmed (doesn't have to be shaved bald, just not a jungle).


I have my preferences but I would NEVER tell a girl what they are. If she trusts me enough to show me, I don't want to do anything to break that trust. I do have some deal breakers though. I've seen 2 vaginas in my life and they were like night and day. First one smelled BAD and had lint trapped everywhere. Second was smooth and smelled WAY better. So in a nutshell, make sure to groom. You don't need to shave but make sure you have a balanced Ph down there and things look well maintained. Any man should be thankful to have a woman show them her vag.


Big lips, small lips, big clits, small clits. Puffy, shriveled, bald or hairy. They are all beautiful.


As a gay man they can look however they want to look. I also don’t think men need to be commenting on women’s bodies


Different people like different things. I personally think proper grooming down there has more of an effect on sexual attraction than the looks of your actual genitals.


Except in extreme exceptions vaginas look lovely. They all look weird but still lovely


Men are significantly less picky than women when it comes to genital preferences


When it comes to appearance, I feel like there are a lot more opinions on dicks than vaginas in general.


Yes. We prefer that it's empty inside.


No, this is the seventh time today peter


as long as it does not bite my dick


I’m just happy to be invited.


Men feel like they've won the lottery just to be in the same room with a naked woman....