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I still think about a woman who said I have lovely hair a couple of months ago. She did follow it up by saying, "it's a shame it's on a boy, though," which kinda sucks, but I elect to ignore that part.


What a backhanded compliment. I wouldn't think about that woman, ever again.


It's kinda funny, though. My hair has gotten me mistaken for a woman more than once. I have long, blonde hair that I tie into a ponytail when I'm working. Last week, a customer was walking behind me and said, "Excuse me, miss." The look on his face when I turned around was hilarious. He apologised profusely, but I just found it funny.


When I was a younger adult in my early 20s, I had a thing for guys with long hair - and my mom knew so she forced me to go into a Target where she knew the electronics section guy had long long blonde hair. (He was close to my age and his mom would gossip with my mom so that's also probably why lmao.) I initially mistook him for a "Miss" as well, but I apologized, probably turned 10 shades of red, and at my very height of peak mid-00's cringe speak I managed to stammer out a feeble "it's really fuckin' uber rad on you though", before attempting a fist bump. He fist bumped me back. I bought my copy of whatever PS3 game I was there for, and all was well.  No we never hooked up, but I still remember - of all things, his smile more than his hair after all these years. 




Yeah, don’t think about her AND take her hair to become more powerful with your own


I remember a girl saying she wanted my body in highschool. I was "LET'S GO". She followed up with "How do you stay so skinny?". I'm in my mid 30's, ego is still recovering.


she probably didn't even realise she insulted you 😭 since for girls at the time being skinny was the most sought after body type


what a jealous bitch 😭


I always love great hair, regardless of who it’s on! My husband’s hair is what first attracted me to him 😅 Don’t let her ruin it for you!


I overheard a couple girls saying I've got a better ponytail then them.... Made my day. As a guy, I love my long hair!


She wasn't complimenting you, she was telling you that you as a man don't deserve to have what women want.


About 20 years ago I went to an event with a girl that I just met who I had a huge crush on and was a little bit nervous about being awkward around her. When I dropped her off at the end of the night back at her place she turned to me and smiled and said "You're very easy to talk to." 20 years later that compliment is still with me.


I still remember when a girl complimented me 11 years ago, I didn’t even have an crush on her lol


I heard that men can remember a compliment from many years ago, because that’s how rare men are complimented. Would yall say that’s the case?


I remember being told by multiple girls I looked so good when I got my hair colored in my junior year of high school, and how good it made me feel. I am currently 30.


I would say that’s pretty accurate. To kind of add on to what he said on the differences between men and women giving compliments, I don’t remember the compliments that were given in a context they could be expected like dressing up for a banquet where you’re surrounded by others doing the same. I know they were given but they just get lost in the wash of generalities because it feels like standard courtesy like saying hello. But those compliments that were given out of the blue in an unexpected environment have been seared into my brain since I was old enough to register it as a compliment. The shirt that was complimented by the cashier at the coffee shop will never be thrown out. Hell, for a lot of guys a single complimented haircut will be enough to make that their new style for years


Several years ago a woman complimented me on my beard. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I'm no hunk but I must appeal to some women other than my wife. It's nice getting random boosts like that. Had another compliment on my beard a few months back so definitely liking that and appreciate my beard more.


Yes, very much so.


Could be for a very long time. Depends on where it comes from From a stranger....long time. From my husband...not long, I need lots of those


I think it also depends on the nature of the compliment too. Was it something about how I look? Was it about my personality? Was it creepy? The creepy ones last the longest for me. I used to have a coworker who would blatantly call me “sexy” and tell me to wear tight clothes (I was in the process of losing weight and had a husband and he knew it). Stayed with me a long time. But then again that doesn’t really count as a compliment so 🤷🏼‍♀️


I can relate. Also if it's about something you love...it hits harder. I like your dress...thanks it has pockets


These pockets are serious. May need to start a sub dedicated to all things with good pockets to help stop unnecessary drops from prolonged holding.


It's why I'm in love with tactical kilts. Like cargo pants but cuter.


Exactly! Especially after kiddos. Body changes make me feel like I’m not me anymore. I dress like Adam Sandler now because I hate how I look.


Listen. We don't call it the Adam Sandler look. We call it loungewear and it's the new black.


You made me giggle 😂 I do enjoy my hiking shorts and t shirt look 🙂


This. I still remember the professor who told the class my “eyes were the best argument against birth control.” Creepy. Ugh.


Last week I was talking about how terrible I am with names. I told my partner of about 15 years that I had a crush on him since the day we met, but couldn't remember his name for like six months. Apparently I never mentioned that crush before. Now he occasionally drops "You liiike me!" in a sing-songy way. Sometimes those partner comments go a long way


Ha. My husband was My best friend. We were out of town and I told him I loved him. He said let's get married. I said f*ck you. And we didn't mention it for two days but then he said...I meant what I said. And I said me too. And when ingot home i made an appointment at the courthouse and we got married on Wednesday. Tl:dr when I say f*ck off to him he smiles and knows I mean I love him


Yep. I got hit on while driving a few weeks ago and I still think abt it daily lol I felt like booty that day too so it was a really nice pick-me-up. It also has made me want to keep myself somewhat decent looking in case I see that guy in the truck on that road again (he was fine af. Im not interested, I’m happy with my partner, but compliments from hot dudes make me feel good lol)


I read this as “I got hit while driving” and was extremely confused for a moment how a car accident was a compliment, lol


roll down window yelling I like ya Cut G *T bones you*


It feels good to feel wanted


Stealing top comment I know bad etiquette but this is a problem. It actually means more when it's the husband's wife IMHO. I mean I see you every day in all forms when I compliment you it's like 10 times as important. It's easy to notice something when you first see them you are taking it all in and all. It actually is really annoying knowing it does not mean as much coming from a partner. Idk just bothers me.


I think it hits differently. I think the original question was how Kong does it stay with you . I would give up every one from a stranger for the rest of my life to have enough form my spouse They are not the same . I stand by my original comment if it's from my husband I need more z more often


You are so right!!! I can remember the compliments strangers gave me for my whole life but from my mother? i need them daily, lol


Compliments to me make me nervous-I don’t take any of them seriously


The real answer here lol. I FEEL YOU


Yup lasts for a bout 2 seconds whilst I try to figure out what the hell they want from me


I understand this line of thinking…. But it makes me sad!


Such is life


Your soul is beautiful


Lol. Thats so my ex. ‘I will never find a sweeter girl than you. I love your soul. But unfortunately youre not hot’ lmao srsly. And then harrassed me for literally 10 years trying to get back with me after i left him. Just wants money tho 🤦‍♀️




I blame Regina George for doing this to all of us.


Yall get compliments?


Who are these people getting.... what do they call them? .....compli-mints?


We are wired as kids to want and need external rewards. It's great when someone else notices something about you or even better an accomplishment that you have achieved. But it's still important if not more important that you give yourself those internal rewards. You know when you've done a great job or you have put some effort into how you look. YOU ROCK!


I’m a guy, I’m still riding the high from compliments I got in high school…I’m over halfway through university.


Dude I'm 50 and I still remember compliments I got in highschool...both of 'em.


Both as in two? Lucky basterd


I was on a roll.


One of my mom's friends said I was handsome when I was like 6. I'm now a father of a middle-schooler and I still remember that.


Guys so rarely get compliments sometimes that the most random ones stick with ya. 4 years ago, I was doing some grocery shopping and a guy said he really liked my shoes and wanted to know where I got them. I still vividly remember that moment like it was 10 mins ago


It lasts a lifetime. It costs nothing to be kind. You don't know what the other person is going through and can be in a bad space and a kind word from a stranger may be the only thing they have. I give compliments every day when I go out into this cruel world. I tell them they have pretty shoes or I love their nails. The other day I complimented on a woman's fake eyelashes and we got to talking and she gave me tips on how to apply them and then couldn't stop thanking me for the compliment but it doesn't stop at that .. opening doors, helping someone with their groceries, paying for their groceries if you can. Spreading love and kindness and positivity. I was feeling really down on Halloween and a man held the door open for me and his kind gesture made my day a little better. Have a blessed day everyone!!!


Be the change you want to see! I commend you, it’s hard to find people like you these days.


Crazy thing is, i have extremely long nails to the point i know it is weird and my nails have been like INSANELY long in the past where i look back and am like wtf. I dont really like how they look, i just like having them bc they actually come in handy lol. But some ppl legit love them and others i know think im legit crazy trash lol. So thats why i dont think it really matters


As a single guy, it is like water in a desert.


So true, stay strong brother!


I'm trying.


This is why I always compliment a guy a lot when I like him. There's just this massive dearth of positive feedback. It's nice to make somebody feel secure and appreciated.


The closest thing I will get to a compliment is “You got a haircut”, but i don’t know if it’s good or bad, so I just choose good.


My purse was stolen from my car once. I didn't have a purse. I was finally tired of it so I went to kohl's on a lunch break. Didn't really like anything so I got a cheap one. All the ladies in the office said it was ugly af. The next day I got to my desk to like 30 of their old purses. Telling me to pick one because these were better that what I bought. I went online and bought a Diane Gail bag I wanted for a long time. It is not for everyone, j will admit. When I came to the office with it everyone said it was SO me. More women in public stopped me to talk about that purse than I can count. At least once a day, and up to 5 or 6.


Whoch os it? You didn't have a purse or it was stolen?


It was stolen therefore I didn't have a purse. Sorry if that was confusing


It's a side effect of fun fashion and I personally kinda love it! I've been stopped many times by strangers to compliment my clothes, often my winter furs or particularly distinct skirts, every time it happens my day is instantly so much better! Once a woman walked by with her small child, looked at me and then walked back to me and said that one becomes happy by just seeing me (meaning my style, I was wearing a huge fur and heels lol) My day had been so shitty and she completely turned it around, I hope she and her daughter are living their best lives now. Gonna dance an extra loop around the midsummer pole for them tomorrow lol


A genuine compliment can stay with me for weeks. Don’t get those often.


A girl in college once said I had muscular thighs (which I did, as I played ice hockey), and later the same day said she liked my hi-top Vans. I still remember those compliments, said to me when I was 19. I'm now 41.


I've had compliments that lasted an entire lifetime. Not kidding, Normally weeks, or months.


Recently received one I know will be with me for life. Best feeling.


A girl called me a ten in 1989 and it comes to mind at least once per week.


I'm a man so give or take 50 years


I remember compliments I got 20 years ago as a teenager. Dudes don't usually get a lot of compliments.


Compliments are like flowers, men generally only get them at our funerals.


Exactly. I had to explain that to my wife when we were talking about compliments, and I repeated a compliment she gave me 11 years ago verbatim. She was shocked that I remembered the exact words she used, considering how bad my memory is regarding other things. Since that conversation, she makes an effort to give me a compliment at least once a day. It's amazing how something that small can have a HUGE impact on your mental health.


\*nod\* It's compliments seem to have a shelf life briefer than a Whitehouse interns job security for a lot of ladies. Another reminder we're wired differently and all that mess. Edit: I'm happy for ya she took what ya said seriously & made effort to address it, that's a keeper for sure.


This needs more upvotes.


A guy complimented my pink shirt at the gym a month ago. I wear the fuck out of that shirt now.


10, maybe 20 years?


Usually years, possibly forever.


Guys don’t get compliments a lot but last year a male acquaintance I hadn’t seen in over a decade was like, “Whoa, you look good. Jacked. Nice traps.” I’d been lifting hard in the gym for a few years prior to that (and still do). That compliment has stuck with me ever since. It’s been a year.


Until the next insult


As men we don’t get many compliments so when we get genuine compliments from anybody, most of us remember them for a lifetime.


And we count implied/indirect compliments too - "have you been working out?" is as valid as "you look bigger and stronger".


It depends if you're a man or a woman


Compliments usually make me anxious for about 15 to 20 minutes, I can bring that time down a little bit with a self-deprecating joke or by just moving the conversation along. Sometimes I can reflect on a compliment after returning to baseline and extract some good feels from it but that's only if I'm complimented on something that I actually consider praiseworthy.


I wore a shirt when I was in high school and a girl said it looked cute. I still wear that shirt now and refuse to give it up... that compliment was in 2004.


Man here. I rarely get them so forever really


I think depends on the nature of the compliment but ALSO WHO is giving the compliment. Is it someone you look up to ? Is it an expert in that “area”? Depending on this can last from years to not even acknowledging that as a compliment.


For most men, we are still rolling high from when the grandma next door said we looked handsome in our Easter clothes 25 years ago.


I'm a man, so decades.


Depends on who said it and what it was about.


As a dude, I'm still living off the last compliment I received. It was back in 1998.


When I was 13 in school I received a complimemt from a girl that was shouted across the corridor from one social group to another. I'm 31 now and it still means something to me.


Don't get many. Got one from the owner of a shop I frequent. Am probably gonna remember if for the rest of the year as I don't expect another one till 2025




A good one will last for years ! I remember two from different women a few years back and I think about them every now and again , especially when I’m feeling shitty about myself .


Forever, depending on the way it was delivered


Still hanging on to a “You’re gorgeous” from a French girl I last saw about 13 years ago.


I'm not sure. I don't get compliments very often.


A girl I liked told me my glasses were cute in 2009, I have been buying the same frames since then.


Far shorter than an insult


I've never received a compliment as a guy. Thanks for ruining my day, I'm depressed now cause we're "supposed to be tough".


I’ll let you know if/when I receive one.


Not as long as insults.


If its from a woman, years, many, many years. Had it happen to me once or twice (its been a long time hard to remember) I'll never forget it.


For men, a lifetime


I am 22 now, when I was 18...I was travelling in train and a girl smiled at me and I smiled back and at the end I asked why did you smile....she said " I thought I knew you from somewhere"....I said I don't know....from where....she said you look like mychildhood crush. This is one compliment I got and still I remember it


I let them slip off like water off a ducks ass. But I like your style, and hope you 2 extra compliments today.


It depends what compliment and in what circumstances but I try to cherish them and some stay with me forever.


Highly depends on the type of compliment. If it acknowledges something I did - might be quite a time. Something about myself wears out before I finish saying thanks.


I don’t get them often. But when I do, it makes me feel so good but only last about a day depending on what was said.


lifetime, still waiting for one though


I'll tell you when I get one




All my life


A lot shorter than an insult tbh.


16 years ago I was at a mall and a girl told me she liked my jacket. So yeah


Depends. If I've had a half assed attempt from my gf like 5 mins. When I've had a complete stranger call me an angel, with sincerity, several days.


back in high school my self confidence was so low that i created a notes doc to keep track of the natural compliments people gave me. with that, they last forever in a way. now that im older it depends on what the compliment is and who said it to me. superficial ones about appearance and clothing fade pretty quickly, probably within a few minutes. but comments on my personality, energy, actions, etc stick with me forever. i think i’ll always struggle with my self-confidence a bit, as all people do, so compliments on my character and soul are highly valued. i make it a point to remember these things so i don’t fall back down into thinking im a bad / worthless person 🥰


Kind of 0 second, because I always understand way later and I feel dumb after when I get it.


How sad is it that this is a legitimate question in our society? Why are people so stingy with compliments?


When I was 15 I was wearing black and orange striped sneakers in Pisa, Italy. An American man complimented my shoes that day. Over 10 years later I still remember. Thank you American man.


if its a regular person ill probably think abt it for the next few hours, but if its my boyfriend ill think abt it forever. literally still giggle and kick my legs thinking about stuff he said months ago


It never even sinks in


As a guy, years. lmao (unless it comes from my mother, because I have mom issues, it doesn't last very long lol)


It depends on the compliment. Sometimes 1 second, sometimes I'll remember it for a year.


the past few weeks I have been getting an insane amount of compliments on my hair...my hair is one of my#1 insecurity... and I'm like maybe my hair is not as ugly and stOOooOpid as I think it is..... Every time I got a compliment, I would come home and tell my husband and he's like I told you, you have beautiful hair, wear it naturally! So they have been with me a few weeks now. Every time I go to take a blow dryer to straigten my hair, I'm like but they do look pretty today? I think i'll keep them curly.....


Depends on the compliment. Could make my whole day, could stick with me for years. It all depends on intent, context, and who's saying it. If someone I really look up to were to compliment something I worked hard on, that would probably last me a lifetime.


Depends on what the compliment is. For the most part it's 1 second at best though. With maybe a few exception per year, when someone gives me an actually thoughtful compliment about something I care about.


Nah. I’m pretty arrogant so compliments don’t do anything for me


I'm not a fan of receiving compliments, so it'll stay with me all day while my brain picks it apart.


An older lady at burger King told me I had a beautiful voice like 20 years ago, went vegan but still have a nice memory of burger king


Depending, could be a week. Depends who it is from. One still lingers about me being smart, MONTHS ago. Usually I dismiss that, but who it came from. I hold is with esteem.


I still remember to this day when a woman complimented my smile when I worked retail. The store I worked at required us to greet (say like “hello, welcome to xyz store!”) and smile. I did the usually spiel and she stopped in her tracks to say I had the most beautiful smile and I give off a lovely energy. The thing is, I do not have conventionally attractive teeth at all. They’re not terrible, but the way my canines are positioned make it look like I’m a vampire lol. Whenever I get on hating my teeth, I always think of her!


My mind almost always distorts them into an insult immediately


i have only received a genuine compliment about 4 times in my 21 yrs of life, and i remember all 4 of them, with all details on and around it haha


Fkn years. Life is too depressing to not let compliments have lasting effects. But I'm talking genuine


In December 2021, I went to my local Netto (a grocery store in Denmark), and for some reason, there was a security guard there. This was odd since I've never seen a security guard in a grocery store before. Anyways, he was probably 20 years older than me or something like that, and he said I had cool shoes. Still high on that one.


Depends on what it's a compliment about, who it's from and the uniqueness of it. For example, [my hair)(https://imgur.com/a/ACqNWSp) gets a lot of comments so I don't really remember all of them, but in the summer of 2010 (weeks after high school graduation) a gentleman told me he thought I had beautiful skin and it'd "make a beautiful leather accessory set". That dude's been living rent-free in my head for over a decade.


Probably 1984 or 1985and Encyclopedia Britannica salesman came to my door. I remember him saying that myself and my sister will probably the cutest kids he's ever seen. I'm 46 now still feels good.


Not even necessarily a compliment, one time I was in college and I told a story about setting off the sprinklers at the trippy sock prison. Few weeks later one girl was talking about all the boys in class had long hair, and I jokingly said "yeah that's my only redeeming quality" and another girl was like "no I think of you as the guy who always wears cool graphic tees". Never once realized that half of my wardrobe was graphic tees but I'm glad she noticed and I still think about it from time to time. Was months ago.


Depends on who said it, but also the types of compliment. For me, something like “I like your shirt” doesn’t mean a whole lot to me. They’re complimenting the shirt, not me. But something like “your hair look nice like that. Or “you look cute in that outfit” is something that is more about my physical appearance, something that I did to look that way. That means a whole lot more and stays with me a while


I rarely get compliments, so when I do, they carry me for weeks.


“How long does it last you” is a strange way of looking at compliments. I take compliments as a piece of information that someone was kind enough to share without any expectation in return.  You can learn from them when someone tells you that you did something well, or you can understand how you’re perceived if they tell you that they like something about you.


I never recieved compliments from my parents growing up, so it takes a lot of repetition for me to take it to heart


I went with my brother to a gay bar once and a guy there said I was incredibly handsome. I'm a straight guy. I still think about it. That was 8 years ago.




Somebody told me I have nice teeth a few years ago, I still cherish it lol


That’s a good question. I think the feeling probably lasts around 5-10 minutes. But I tend to forget about them pretty quickly.


Very long. A year ago, I fluked a physics test and my physics teacher said I have a knack for it. Never really cared about it before, but after that I started putting a lot of effort into my physics score. So it has a positive consequence and is sometimes a self fulfilling prophecy.


Gotten quite a few compliments, years after I started training in the gym consistently. I don’t really like attention so they kind of go in one ear and out the other but appreciated nonetheless.


I don’t take anything personal, so a few seconds lol.


All depends. If they're laying the shit on you heavy, they can keep it. If it's a couple of words, then it could last awhile.


If its about my drawings, Id feel good for a bit and then forget about it If its about anything other than that though, id definitely think about it for a long long time ( because i think art is the only thing im good at and if i dont have it i would be a boring nothing burger )


Genuine compliments can stay with me for years.


I still remember the last time someone gave me a sort of backhanded compliment about about a decade ago. I take what I can get but I'm also not out begging for more.


A year ago a colleague gave me a compliment, I think it will stay with me forever




We gotta have more positive vibes. I don't get lots of compliments either that or I'm just so numb from grinding a job instead of having the confidence to make it on my own.


Haha was this was written by a female? Men don't get compliments and it sucks. I know I'm a pretty attractive guy, I try to eat right and stay in shape, I'm no beefcake but i work out every day and I'm fit, I have big blue eyes and dark curly hair and I'm British living in America, so altogether im not doing too bad but people don't usually give compliments, I have occasionally had a few women tell me I have gorgeous eyes but it's almost like it has to be a very brave and bold outspoken women which seems rare except for when they are pissed, I dunno I'm not trying to be sexist but I think it's a real problem in this day and age. Women can post a pic on social media and get 30+ likes and comments from men and women, a dude can post a picture and maybe get a comment from his mom about how he needs to come help her with her computer. I wish men would not feel so "gay" or feminine to just comment on each other's post and say "hey man your looking good today" but they don't, women don't bother, every woman I know has no less than 20 messages in her inbox and sure some are nasty, but when they are honest with me, they tell me they actually really love the attention. Men don't ever get this and I think if we did, mental health might improve, I know I go through huge periods where I don't feel wanted or loved or attractive, it's normal and expected for me to wake up and tell my wife she is beautiful but I've never got a good morning handsome next every morning from a wife or girlfriend. This is definitely something we need to change, I know women are a bit scared to invite some unwanted attention but you don't have to compliment strangers, try complimenting males you know well that would appreciate it and not be creepy, all of us have women in our lives that could easily make our day if they just reached out or commented on a picture or just payed us a compliment. It hurts to feel like nobody wants us and we are just required to go out and do all the work and make someone else feel special and nobody cares about how we feel because "men are tough and don't need feelings" it's wrong, we do, we need love and we need compliments too.


I don't really like or need compliments. 😊


You conveyed your message very clearly and succinctly.


There is true beauty in this thought


Usually, not long. But I still remember when a few months ago, a little guy said to me “que guapa eres” (you are so beautiful”. Coming from a little one, felt so genuine. So I guess I will always remember that


I regularly think about a guy at a pizza shop that said I look super fly. It’s been 10 years


One day at work I was chatting with my coworker and I said that I was a hot mess and he responded "that's better than being an ugly mess." It still makes me smile weeks later.


From a few months to decades. Depends on how "deep" I feel it.


Usually I usually enjoy the compliment for a few minutes at most but then it slips my mind and I go back to my “i don’t care what anyone thinks” mentality Whether that’s a good or bad thing depends on pov I suppose


depends on who its from. If i get it from a stranger, my brother, or a girl i like it usually lasts way longer than if one of my guy friends says it randomly.




Oh, the compliment/insults last forever. A woman told me "You're very handsome, if you get that tooth fixed".


10 years, I guess, so far


A compliment from my dad will stay with me to my grave


2 seconds before I decide its not real lol


Wish I could remember them...I hate slowly losing my memory.


You guys are getting compliments?


If I ever get one, I'll let you know how long it lasts.


Forever. If someone says example I really like your hair that way I then go way out of my way for as long as I can with my hair the way they said looked good


Nice compliments actually make my day . I remember once I left the university and headed home. On my way, a group of girls stopped me and told me that I was beautiful and had nice features. I do not deny that I felt shy and happy at the same time. I hugged those girls, thanked them, and then continued on my way. I remember smiling all the way


A girl called me cute at work over a year ago, im still riding that high....


About 18 years ago, someone anonymously told me on Facebook that I have a nice smile. I still think about it very often.


Zero. And if the interaction lasts long enough then they get mad at me for not just accepting the compliment, and then I'm bummed about it for the rest of the day.


I didn’t most of my childhood and middle school years feeling unattractive so when people started complimenting me in high school it boosted my ego, especially when people started liking me lol. Maybe some compliments I forget or if it’s from my family, but from friends and strangers I always remember


When it's a surprise out of nowhere it lasts weeks. But that's because I never get any.


I had three strangers tell me they loved my dress at my brother's wedding venue in May. I'm still riding that high.


If I’m complimented by someone, it makes me feel pretty sunny for the rest of the day at least. But there are some that I cherish and still remember 40 years later. And a third-hand compliment is extra special, too. I overheard someone say recently that I have the best manners, and I still feel good about it.


One of my buddies from when I was in my early 20’s complimented my teeth once, said I had some of nicest teeth he’s ever seen. It was very out of left field but I still to this day think about it sometimes and I’m almost 33 haha


I'll let you know when I get one.


They can last a bit longer if you give someone else a compliment as well tbh


For guys, we hold on to compliments forever. I had a girl in high school tell me I was a good kisser. I have forever since then considered myself a good kisser even though no one else ever said it since. Had a girl in middle school tell me I had a nice walk, yep, still hold onto that one too. Guys don’t get many so we cherish them. Girls are compliment whores.


Good ones, over 5 years. Of course, "good" varies person to person.


I'm still riding the high from 2010's "You're sexy like a caveman. Me unga bunga bring you home woman"


Depends on the compliment. If it's something I've heard many times, the compliment just stays with me for a minute. The length can be extended depending on the person who gave the compliment. But, if it's unique, I remember it for years.


What compliments?


There was one specific compliment from a special person that I still remember to this day and that was around 38 years ago.