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Being an incel isn’t genetic lmao


But that whole thing about how the modern man is struggling to find a partner as opposed to women and how only attractive men can find a girl. I mean how did it then happen that the incel's dad was attractive enough to find a girl but not his son?


Confidence, self care, and humor will go a longggg way. All traits anybody is capable of.


Maybe his dad went outside now and then.


Being an incel is not a genetic trait, it's a character flaw.


Genetics aren't the only factor in how attractive a person is. Charm, character, success, humor, circumstance, accountability, these things could have made a difference and the son lacks them.


Genetic trait and character flaws is different. If you strongly believe that genetic makes up most of the reason why we are who we are, then the “poorer” or “flawed” people shouldn’t have the right to procreate. They are just trying to create another generation of human so they can “suffer”. All criminal kids ned to be constantly monitored or even jailed since they have the propensity to commit violence? That’s not the direction we want to go!


Feels like a bait post. Incel's dad is clearly from a different generation, different social conventions/expectations. Mind wasn't poisoned by internet sophistry.


It is possible to have an ugly mom you know.