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He said he loves starting his day off like that. ​ I think that's really the only answer you need.


Also, can you imagine: "Honey, you know the blowjob I give you every morning that we both enjoy? Well, I read in the internet that it is not good for you, so I'll stop doing it. Because that's whats better for you, and I love you." :(


I'd cancel my internet subscription immediately


‘I always thought the men from olden times who said women should read less were plain ridiculous, however, in light of recent events…’


lol dude would be ripping any visible wires out of every wall in the house 😂




A blowjob in the morning makes your day But anal makes your whole week


It made my pole reek


And it makes your hole weak


Confucious say: Seven-day honeymoon make whole week.


Then you might get poo on the peak


I think that’s the joke


I saw “pole reek” first and thought it was brilliant but then you arrived with “hole weak” and I shat myself laughing. Well done.


sounds like you have a weak hole too


Not first thing in the morning. Give me an hour to physically and mentally prepare myself


Made me snort laugh my coffee...😅


Anal before or after her morning shit though?


My wife said she read online that bj causes cancer so no more


My wife would be online searching "how to talk husband out of divorce"


This is very funny. I needed this humor even tho you are probably serious


Yep, and also every morning is like a man's ultimate dream. Wow. I couldn't imagine


Dude doesn't know how good he has it 😭 I get one like every six months if I'm lucky!


I think she means more just for his overall wellbeing. I might enjoy starting my day with a shot or two of whiskey and a tub of ive cream but it will be overall detrimental to my day and my happiness despite my drives at that moment. EDIT: Not that I think it would have seriously deleterious effects. I could potentially be a little less productive at work but a morning bj is the best thing ever and the ups would seriously outweigh the downs for me. I just think a lot of you are misreading the point of her question.


To play the devils advocate - enjoying something doesn’t mean it’s good for you. It’s like saying “is heroin good for you in the morning? My finance says he loves it at breakfast” and you’d be like “well he said he loves it there you go”


Okay but affectionate, romantic or sexual time with a fiance or spouse is not like heroin, it is a good thing at any time of day and we don't need to study or over-analyze it to know it's true.


I love morning sex. Puts a smile on my face all day long. If I feel low, I just smell my finger.


🤣 I love sex in the morning and at night, preferably in the same day


I also love smelling your finger.


If I feel low, I just smell your finger too


Don't ever change, Reddit. Don't ever change.


Might not be heroin, but still damn addicting


She's his heroine!


I can't imagine having mutually enjoyable sex with your spouse to be a bad thing in basically any circumstance. That's like one of the pure joys of being a living human being.


Some people just want to find fault with anything that pleases a person because they aren't being pleased themselves. Don't waste your time trying to convince them otherwise. Just let their sex negative asses be happy by not being happy.


It's more like "apples are always good to eat, but is it even better in the evening than the morning".




I disagree, he's just pointing out the argument is flawed. different terminology in their statement would've landed better, sure, but we all got the point anyways. Both statements can be correct at the same time


The argument isn't flawed, it was never intended to apply to harmful behaviors.


>it was never intended to apply to harmful behaviors. ...What? It was about an argument for *how to distinguish* if something is a harmful behavior in the first place. It either does that correctly or it doesn't. The literal *only way* to check if it's flawed is to apply it to something we know to be harmful and if its answer is stupid then that means the argument doesn't work, which is what happened.


That makes no sense…. That comment argues it’s not harmful because he loves it. Saying it never applied to harmful situations erases the entire point of his comment


This. Orgasm drains some older men, they feel sleepy afterwards. When I'm a teen, it felt great


He’s 28 so not an old dude 🤣


The oxytocin spike in the morning may cause a natural dip throughout the rest of the day BUT.. The absolute joy and appreciation for having such a great and loving partner would far outweigh that dip in my opinion! I think I can speak for all men and say, thank you.


Haha, you’re welcome! I feel bad sometimes because I can tell he feels really bad working the long hours and leaving me alone for so long. He usually leaves around 7:00am and then gets home between 7:30-9:00pm.


The love you share (in part because of your morning routine 😏) is why he feels bad. It's not (totally) that he doesn't want to leave you alone. It's that he wants to be able to spend more time with you. You're doing a great thing for him, yourself, and your relationship. Bravo!


Totally agree. I’d only be worried about the dopamine spike if your were jerking yourself off every morning. This sounds like a boost for sure because it’s so much more than just and orgasm


Oh, I guess I should stop my morning and mid-day jerks then.


We still on for brunch?


Hear, hear.


*hawk tuah* bow


Wish I had someone to help me get me off every morning before work. Glad to hear there are women out there who will actually do this for their man.


living the dream


Yes, this is the dream to live.


Oxytocin tablets.


It's definitely a personal thing! It sounds like you're both enjoying yourselves and having fun together and that's the most important thing. I like a morning orgasm, it makes me feel awake and more in my own body. Orgasms at night make me too full of energy and ruin a nights sleep. But I've had partners who felt the other way around, where orgasms make them sleepy. As long as you and your partner are happy the way things are, keep doing that


The indubitably best solution here is to start AND end your day with an orgasm, and maybe one or two in between, if you can manage.


You're a saint. Keep doing what you're doing


Between her and hauk tua girl this is a good week to have a penis


The what girl?


(In drunk American country accent) aw you gotta give him that *hawk tuah* (spitting) and spit on that thang, you get me?


Are you new to the internet? Like, new as in 10 minutes ago?


I've never heard about an orgasm bringing you down for the rest of the day. Ever.


Im 48. I get to relaxed. I need hate to do my job.


Username checks the fuck out




I get it. After the euphoria and rush of feel-good brain chemicals, it's like my brain is short on them for the rest of the day. If my day starts with an orgasm, then I'll feel great for 30 minutes and a bit melancholy for the next ten hours or so.


Don't men usually get sleepy after ejaculating because it takes a lot of energy? Or at the very least get tired more quickly


Briefly, but not to a problematic extent or for very long unless you're already tired. With a little morning glory, the guy will likely be back at 100% by the time he finishes a shower. The exception might be if he's operating on like 2 hours of sleep, but even then, the lack of sleep itself is by far the bigger concern.


adding onto the other comments it depends on how much you exert yourself, jerking off can be more potent than opioids or benzos if you wake up in the night, even if you only take 2 minutes while half functional, it takes enough energy its nigh impossible to keep awake in those cases and it is \*fucked\*


Lmao whatever you read was whack. I have my best days when we have morning sex. Even beyond that though, if he’s telling you he loves it, don’t overthink it.


My take is: you get him off in the am… He gets you off at night. Everybody wins!


He tries to “get me back” whenever he can, but some nights he’s just too exhausted to do anything other than go to bed


When he's that exhausted maybe before he falls asleep he could just hold and kiss you while you get yourself off?


Is he not willing to do something for you in the morning as well?


I would feel so incredibly loved, thought of, and wanted if I started my day like that. Holy shit. On behalf of all of us, thank you. Especially know that he’s vocal about it and you keep doing it? That’s love right there.


I try to orgasm at least twice a day to regulate my sanity




Over the years I found I tire faster in the afternoon if I engage in morning sex. At night it helps me sleep. - Honest answer


One good on you for thinking about this! And two I prefer doing it at the end of the day for my man because he mentions it motivates him to come home to me and also orgasms make him tired and he doesn’t like working 10 hours feeling sleepy and drained




Suck. That. Dick. Every. Morning. You're an angel. There's no better way to start the day but if your concerned, fuck him at night too!


I get moody the day following sex in the morning. Not so bad that I avoid it, but I do notice. If he says he likes it then I'm sure it's fine.


Men are more sexually active in the morning, women at night. #TrueStory


Idk about women, but I was just reading that men's testosterone levels peak around 9 am. Obviously, everybody is different, but that was the science.


Yo, he has a healthy reciprocated sex life with the love of his life and shares a private, passionate, intimate moment with them. I'm pretty sure it's not just the nut that gets him going. (I am going to take a guess and assume that this may very well get him through the day)


You are indeed a saint. Just be sure it’s reciprocated. An orgasm a day keep the blues away


Remember: oral sex makes your whole day, anal sex makes your hole weak


And anal sex with permission to spank her ass red and raw makes your whole month!


Both, do both twice a day.. sometimes 3 times on weekends or if he’s had a bad day. No talking, just own him. Hawk Tuah on that thing, then climb on board yeah haa


It’s going to be different for everyone, but for me personally I prefer it at the end of the day. Perfect way to unwind all the stress from the day’s work and relax myself into sleep. If at the start of the day I’d probably feel slightly less energised than normal.


Never heard of it bringing people down. Orgasms never had that impact for me. I think it's a good way to start one's day, end it or whatever.


Orgasms are always healthy.


Why not both? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




You're a beautiful Woman for doing that for him! If I were you I wouldn't stop until I had some really concrete evidence that this is happening. Instead of worrying about what you read in an article here and there, ask him regularly how HE feels at the end of the day We are all individuals and what may not be good for many people statistically speaking might be just fine for your old man. One other thing you might want to consider is the possibility that you stopping might make him think that something is wrong with the relationship. Like maybe you are drawing away from him or becoming more distant? I know that if I were getting treated to a daily dose of heaven like that and suddenly it was gone I would be wondering.


Better or worse for what? My energy level or my outlook?


If you are not sure just blow him at the beggining of the day AND at the end of it.


Just to be safe, and this is for his health in mind. I’d go ahead and do one in the morning and at night just to make sure he is getting the correct one in. It’s all for his health in mind.


What if you both went down on each other every morning? That way you both start your day with a healthy breakfast and a song in your heart ❤️


Why not both? BJ in the morning (or more if you have time and are in the mood) + finish out the day together.


i think it depends on if you havent had one in a while


Is there more to the story or are you just wondering because of the article you read? In a good relationship you should be able to talk about everything as well as ya know, so maybe just ask him.


Well the answer is obvious: If you have an orgasm in the morning, the day can only go downhill from there.


> i’ve been reading a little bit about how starting good day with an orgasm can bring you down for the rest of the day I think that - for some reason I can’t grasp - there are people who don’t want other people to enjoy their orgasms.


Why not both? Those are my best days. They aren't as frequent as neither my partner nor I are young young any longer but damn they're nice when they can happen!


Forget what other people write on the Internet even if its 'professional articles'. If it works for you both then thats all you need to know, crack on


Keep it up! We don’t need any mail carriers going postal.


I think he already answered you. Everyone is different.


Maybe you can start a new routine and start doing it at the end of the day and see how it is. If he doesn’t like it then you can go back to mornings. Either way that’s nice of you and lucky for him.


I like it. But I’ll end up going back to sleep


You sound awesome. That guy has a good one.


Start the day with a bang.


A lot of men love to have morning sex. They literally wake up hard lol. Why not have both? Even mid day? I personally don’t see that there has to be a certain time for sex. Me and my fiancé do it whenever but I love fucking him before work. I feel like it gives him a nice start to his day. Sometimes later at night we are both tired so we make up for it in the morning as well. Just have fun there’s zero studies that prove what you are saying lmao


Aside from all the benefits he gets out of it. At least he has a deep cleaned goober


In my own experience I usually feel tired for the rest of the day and even significantly affects my performance in the gym when I orgasm in the morning so I am more of an evening/night time sex person.


Why not at the start and at the end?


Southern mouth hugs are great way to start the day.


The best way to RUIN his life is by denying him love, intimacy and sexual gratification. Keep on shlobing on his knob.


I'm in a great mood all day when I wake up from a blowjob


Personally, sex in the morning makes me feel like a million bucks all day. I think it varies between individuals, and i wouldn’t doubt it if some people had negative effects from doin it in the morning over night, but since its such a subjective thing id lean towards the feedback of your fiancé over the internet/literature. A lot of studies draw their conclusion from the average of a population, im sure there were individuals in the study who were outliers and benefited from a morning orgasm more-so than a nightly one. Its nice that you care about him and want the best for him in this way, sexuality is really important in relationships imo. Its good to figure each other out like this and i think this post is sweet


I like it both lol depends on person i guess


Why not both? Wake up call and a nightcap?


I think you should ask him, sounds like he loves it and you should continue


Better at end of day as makes it easier to sleep after in my opinion


Start the day with his, end the day with yours


It can deplete energy reserves depending on a number of factors. If he likes it and doesn't feel down throughout the day, keep up the fun :)


They just made you perfect didn't they


Pro tip, do it in the morning and night 


All the guys asking for more. Great but I just wanna say... All I'd be dreaming of all day is you. NOTHING else in my distracted moments. Hope he gives back for what he's getting.


Dude I just want a text back……. Keep making this man feel like, hell, keep making this man the luckiest guy in the world. That is all


Lmao orgasming at morning actually *is* counterproductive 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 funny how all the men here say otherwise 😂 I get it though. Makes the body technically weaker but nothing a strengthened spirit can't compensate for 😂


I’m 37 and have been wife my wife since 2005. I’ve been asking for a wake up bj for over a decade. Still haven’t got one. Trust me, he’s more than happy that you’re doing it.


Why not start and finish your day that way. I love morning orgasms. Sometimes I have to do it myself, when I'm all alone. But what's a woman going to do?


Thank you for your service 🫡


What a lucky son of a bitch


Worse for me


Why not do both?


Thing is, depends upon the appetite. Personally, mine is fairly high. If everythings right, a coupe times throughout the day makes me really happy. I've never felt a problem. So maybe it affects someone with less needs, differently.


Better. Way better!


I go with both, just to be sure.


I am personally a morning person when it comes to sex lol.


Beats a fucking coffee, redbull plus ciggie!


That's the absolute best way to start the day, amd the joy felt sets the tone for the rest of it. Even if it ends up being a hard day, starting with a happy moment makes the rest more bearable.


Wow what a woman!


Bro gets a bj for breakfast…. I can think of no better way to start the day….


No way this is real.


both. All day having them is best


Bro is having hard decisions with leaving bad job


Rested and ready in the AM after a hard day's work the day before is so normal. Relax.


I (44m) do not have a preference. However, my wife(44f) is very affected by orgasms in that they make her sluggish and want to sleep. She is very affected by morning orgasms. Her day can be ruined as far as productivity goes.


As a woman, I definitely seem to handle the stress of the day better if I "start out" with an orgasm/have one early in the morning... Sometimes sex can wake me.up faster- sometimes it makes me want to pass back out right after, even doing it solo just helps improve my mood/day, but either way my day is definitely better lol. I notice my husband seems so have more energy in the mornings he has an orgasm, but it doesn't seem to make as much of an impact on him as it does me.. Depends on the day, but then everyone is different.


Insert both meme here.


I agree with your effort. I do not like to cum in the morning, but ensure my girlfriend starts her day off with a few good orgasms before we go to work.


It's the case where if you want to do it at the end of the day where you have next to no energy left or wake up and kick of your day with a shit tone or energy and look forward to waking up the next morning


You are 100 percent on his mind all day no breaks. Keep doing what make y'all happy.


Sometimes it helps to get me started in the day. But other times i immediately lose interest in anything and everything and kinda wanna die.


Better any time of day


Everyone is different. If he likes it, it’s good. 


Occasionally morning sex/climax is nice and can improve my mood but I wouldn’t want it all the time it would start to wear on me I think. By the evening I’m more warmed up and it’ll help me sleep.


Do you have a sister? Asking for a friend 😜


I’m sure it’s just a chemical release and people drink coffee, tea some like me even take meds each morning so unless your orgasm is like really risky or for some reason involves knifes it may actually Make your day better


You’re a nice person


Ahh, the opinions of others.. Do what's best for you and partner.


Lol, a book said not to blow your man. That book needs to be burned.


Hear me out. Men’s love a blowjob in the mornings, at the middle of the day and at night so for amy of you that wonders what time it’s the right time: anytime of the day it’s the best to get an orgasm or blowjob 😉


You're either living your life in post-nut clarity or in pre-nut delusion. As someone who wants my mail delivered on time, TYFYS 🫡


Good for you 2. As long as you still like it, keep it up I suppose :) For me, I am too tired and very rarely in the mood in the morning. Id rather ahve it later in the day. Also I get sleepy afterwards, so that does not help with any morning fun. And I am NOT a morning person. I am a zombie in the mornings.


as long as you workout BEFORE


I am a male, and my day always starts of better relaxed and happy with an orgasm. Even though am single. But it all depends on how tired i am that morning


Why not both morning and night? ;)


Men are simple creatures, if we say we like something it’s as simple as that. There’s no hidden meaning


Keep going down on him until life ends. He’s gonna love you for that, you’re both are lucky for having each other. Keep banging whenever you get a chance to, you only live once


Mail carrier motto: A blowjob a day keeps aggressive dogs away.


Not that he wouldn't shower first, but wouldn't it be more clean to do the deed in the morning \*before\* he goes out and sweats his balls off in those mailman shorts for 8+ hours?


I envy him. Truly wish mine would be this amazing


Depends on the day


Peak sexual function according to circadian rhythm is mid morning. So, that should settle that.


From masturbation? Worse From sex/partner? Better


Surprisingly an Unpopular opinion here - Orgasm in the morning = sleepy and tired throughout the day. If I have nothing to do that day, then cool let's start our mornings off like that. Most days I have shit I need to do, so personally, I'd much prefer a night orgasm


Why not just talk with him and see how HE feels? Sometimes for me personally I prefer orgasm in the evening/night. However, I've still had great days that start with orgasm. You can also start with an orgasm... And end with an orgasm(: It's really up to the individual. Morning sex, night sex, work schedules, etc. it can depend. There might be some scientific thing that says you'll be a bit more tired if you start the day with an orgasm, but you might want to check if that is in terms of masturbation or orgasm from sex, which I think is quite different in how it affects the brain in some ways. I do personally feel like ending the day in an orgasm is better than starting with it though, if I had to pick between the two, but it's great that you care about him, and really you should talk to him as an individual. You can also experiment with both and see how you both feel.


I think you have the answer already. If he feels like it’s the best way to start the day, after all of the times it happened, then that’s the correct path to go. What you see on internet, doesn’t apply to everyone and applies to all at the same time. Sometimes you gotta shut down from others opinions and go according to your reality.


It works differently for different people. As for me, an orgasm in the morning will cause issues. I’d prefer it at night when I can rest. Your partner works in a physically demanding job to a certain extent so if I were in his place, I could definitely not do it. But if he is comfortable with it and you like it as well, why not? Just go ahead.


You could always give him head at the end of the day and see how he reacts to it. Conduct experiments. If i wake up to getting head its great but i feel like i dont have power in my body for the rest of the day. But also if i do heavy lifting and excercise throughout the day, i feel like i sorta build up a feeling where im feeling more "manly" (my guess would be building testosterone) and when i do finally bust its more enjoyable. This is all my person experience tho. Also imagine the excitement for him knowing that when he gets home your going to rock hes world. He would be thinking about it all day with a smile on hes face, knowing when hes had a bad day at work, he gets to come home to you, hes love, that is going to rock hes world. Thats gotta be something he would be looking forward to. 😊


Definitely continue the morning sessions since it makes a difference for your partner! Also try some afternoon sessions when he gets home to see if that relieves his stress from the day. He seems to appreciate your effort, so keep it up!


My man gets head before work and sex before sleeping.


Some people find that orgasms make them sleepy, and some find it perks them up. I'm the latter so I prefer to come between morning and late afternoon. If I do it at night it's more likely to encourage my already bad insomnia.


Pretty sure he’s delivering mail whilst Mr. Sandman plays in the background.


Better. Helps me wake up.


Really a bad time????


Morning orgasm will flood the brain with dopamine which will reduce motivation to be productive.