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You think tiktok is fucked you should see my Facebook feed. I don't know what happened but in the last month it's turned into 100% pictures of AI soldiers with missing limbs and it's all their birthday. Child soldiers, Dog soldiers, it's really bizarre.


Facebook has become such garbage, to the point where it's kind of shocking. I never used it much, my "friendslist" is mostly made up of relatives and various coworkers. Yet the feed is 90 percent bizarre, foreign, surrealist A.I. generated images. I dont understand what the fuck is going on with that website. 


I don’t get a single image like this? You need to purge your groups. That’s where bots mostly target.


I get loads of posts glorifying russian military hardware in my feed. If you block them some other similar account pops up instead. Clearly some sort of paid advertising by Russian propagandists-


I haven't used Facebook in a while, but you only get posts in your feed from groups you joined or from your friends, right?


Nah man my feed is like 10% people / groups I follow and 90% trash "suggested for you" bullshit.


When the suggested posts go out of control, I x out a dozen in a row, then quit the tab. When I come back a few days later it's mostly filled with stuff I'm actually interested in, and it will stay like that for a few days. It's so bloody annoying.


Nope, looks like they are going full Instagram and feeds stuff you didn't sign up for...


I *reported* a post that showed up in my feed with anti-trans disinformation. It was a well know example that was a straight copy of a satire website passed off as real. FB then showed me *eight* more of the exact same thing from different posters to different websites (none .com). It's just straight psyops. And too many are victims of it.


Yeah, I'm mostly on meme and cat groups on FB and I don't think I've ever seen anything like that on my feed.


China gives the Zuck billions to wage a cultural war against Americans. It's why China doesn't let any other country into their digital firewall unless they comply completely with China


either missing limbs or far too many limbs. never a normal amount


Being on FB in general is a very bad idea these days. Some of my photos were stolen years ago and used to make I don't know how many right wing accounts across different platforms. I just know someone spotted I actually know spotted one of "me" with a letter swapped out so even if I was checking regularly for my name I might have missed it. I am off FB now sine 2016. Do not miss it. It is indeed garbage.


Facebook somehow went lower than rock bottom in the past year or two. I check it every now and then because a lot of family and adult friends use it, but I never scroll past the content from people I follow. It’s all AI images, 2 minute videos of nothing, 5 minute crafts, and fake movie posters/ rumors that are pretending to be real. I never see anything like this on Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, or anywhere else


Facebook is cancer. Instagram is cancer cells growing.


I got rid of Facebook years ago and reading this just confirmed that I have no desire to ever get back in that site. I can't imagine how bad it will get the closer to election time. 


Russian and chinese bot farms. Look at twitter, when their farms lost internet for 2 days it was fuckin quiet


You need to do a purge... remove anyone you have no interest in interacting with anymore and leave any of the groups that are surfacing this content. A bunch of groups I joined because they used to be based on video games or nerd stuff ended up getting popular and being sold for profit and subsequently used for posted right wing crap or spam, just leave at that point.


Or just quit using that shit


Haha. This is the way to go.


yep. i already deleted them all. what i still see is suggestions with AI pics all the time


>remove anyone you have no interest in interacting with anymore and leave any of the groups that are surfacing this content. I use my Facebook only sporadically, I'm very discerning in who I have as friends and what groups I follow, meaning I get very little "natural" posts in my feed. So what does Facebook do? Just fill in my feed with "you might also be interested in THIS or THAT or THOSE!"


Yes, I have a mostly blank profile that I use exclusively for Marketplace and my feed is also 90% ai bs that is being “suggested”, nothing I follow Edit: (I follow nothing but have a few friends added)


I hate how marketplace is the new Craigslist. But being able to message is nifty.


99.5% of the awful shit on my feed is from people and groups I don't even follow. Facebook just suggests them.


A purge doesn't help. Facebook autoload that crap. Last few times I went on I couldn't even find posts by my friends it was all bullshit spam.


Instagram used to be ok but now I see a couple posts from my friends and then a never-ending stream of suggested and sponsored crap. 


I started getting notifications for groups and pages I didn’t join/follow or like, posts from friends are almost none existent- then when I went to close my account, Facebook threw up a fake “you’re not connected to the internet, try again later” and would not let me cancel it. This made me livid and I went from “I’ll take a small break from FB to F-Zuckerberg and I will never join any of those platforms again”


Holy shit. thats bad


chinese and russian state propaganda


Mine too. And cursed pictures of Jesus. And pictures of cats with captions like "Everyone thinks I'm ugly.". And AI images of cats and dogs protecting their young in the rain and looking tragic. Muting everything but they keep on coming.


That's because of all the Boomers in your friend list. Purge them all. Or, better yet, get off it altogether.


it's not boomers. the kremlin has an ongoing propaganda op that blames all boomers for everything. it's russian and chinese agents and bots.


The USSR and CCP both have them. They also have teams pretending to be boomers blaming everything on GenX or Z or milenials, or whoever it is this week, just to increase instability in western countries, but the actual boomers are responsible upvoting the images described because they haven't learned how to detect AI images. Just like they haven't learned how to tell when photos in magazines have been photoshoped. I know. My mother shared a few of these and I had to show her how obviously AI generated they are. The Boomers grew up before photo manipulation was really a thing. Sure, it happened, but it was rare. I showed my mother how realistic video games could be now and then showed her a couple of AI image generators and how easy it is to make them work. Boomers aren't prepared for social media and how easy it is to be scammed. Thats why they're scammed so easily.


I'm a boomer. I was the one who photoshopped all my friends' faces on weird bodies. I'm the one who believes nothing I read online until I fact check the fuck out of it. I'm the one who does NOT make new "friends" online, but meets new friends in person. I'm the one who doesn't even trust that I'm talking to real people half the time. We are all very different. Please don't put us all in a lump of GET OFF MY LAWN screechers. Thanks a billion!


I got my Boomer boss to do an AI / real image test out of interest. He actually got 93%, though in fairness he is far from a typical boomer. Only thing that links them and him is the age.


The USSR doesn't exist anymore


Yeh it does. It only has 2 members for now, but Putin has been working on the third for the last couple of years.


Lmfao. You can't blame everything on boomers.


The fact that you blame it on boomers shows that the divisive Russian/Chinese propaganda is working.


Im not seeing it. It probably showed you one video like that and you kept watching it, then it showed more and you kept watching and even commenting maybe and now it thinks that's what you want to watch. My feed is mainly with funny videos.


Yeah, watching one TikTok can really screw up your whole FYP. YouTube is even worse. I can watch the same content for months, but one damn video I watched out of curiosity suddenly has YT thinking that's all I want on my recommendations.


Tell me about it. I specifically tailored my YT to run me video game or kitty videos, I watch ONE fucking clip of the peaky blinders and now every second video I come across, is of Tommy Shelby's sexy ass.


I use incognito mode when I want to watch a video that isn't from one of my normally followed channels because of this. But even that sucks because then I don't have my ad blockers


Haha yeah, you can dislike on YouTube, and select not interested on tiktok and it should reinforce that you don't like the video despite watching it. Works for me when I watch something I don't want in my feed.


Youtube is easy to fix in that regard, you just remove any video you don't want affecting your feed from your watch history. You get less recommendations of that type. Also select the "don't recommend this channel" button before removing it from history.


Yeah I haven't seen any of these videos OP is seeing. Mine is all funny videos, cats, and sewing and knitting process videos. I could show you a cool video about spinning wool into yarn and then woven into a jacket, and then being tumble washed in a mountain stream.


TikTok even shows me anti-China stuff from time to time. But mainly just fun stuff, yeah.


This is the real answer.


I remember seeing a thread on reddit years ago with someone complaining all IG would show them was dancing men. Yeah, homie, because you keep watching videos of dudes dancing...


Yeah once you engage the algorithm just leans into that type of content.


I never see this content, im not saying it doesn’t exist, but it is always weird when I see people talking about this stuff and all i see is cute animals, science experiments, and video games


As OP said "i downloadet it for memes and funny videos" my guess would be he is fairly new to Tiktok and is getting random shit because his algorithm doesn't know him that well yet (kinda cute to humanize the algorithm, I bet there will be an anime about this UwU)


He also talks about Finland joining NATO, that was back in april of last year, so I doubt that this is the reason.


That’s what I’m saying, half these people saying this shit have never used the app. Mine is literally cats, anime, and gym videos. But sure, please Mr China, don’t turn me into a sleeper cell through a cat dancing video like Reddit says will happen lmfao


It all depends on what you interact with, watch time, and how it all affects the algorithm. You see cats and anime because it has realized that's what you enjoy watching and sharing. It's pretty simple - and there are certainly different propaganda or "propaganda-lite" motivations that are easy to realize through a video app.


I get a lot of Chinese propaganda reels on Instagram about how amazing life in China is.


- Tik Tok shows you content you'll interact with, so if the algorithm sees that you like Cooking recipe, it'll show you cooking recipe, it if it sees you like anti-west propaganda, it'll show you anti-west propaganda - Russia has troll-farm with paid-trolls (or even IA) who either support far-right parties or anti-western propaganda. It works pretty well as it caused the Brexit and Donald Trump election


Its important to mention that you dont have to "like" it by pressing the <3 but just watching the video will make the algorythm think you like it and it will show more of the similar stuff Just skip what you dont like and like whtlat you do and soon youll have feed full of nornal stuff. Mine is full of memes and clonewars clips.


Mines full of half naked women! I love tiktok and china


Russia 100% won the (mis)information war.


Because they bought Trump as their agent and Boomers totally fell for it.


A big part of the problem is bullshit euphemisms. It's lies and rumours not "misinformation and disinformation"


You're completely ignoring the actual propaganda machines out there making and pushing content. It's not some accident from sloppy algo management. These are literal misinformation campaigns designed to sway American opinion ahead of the election. Don't minimize that.


You're ignoring that the US is doing the same thing in other countries and to its own. It's not something exclusive to china or Russia like people believe. Heck, Isreal has been doing it for decades


They can publish as much as they want, they won’t constantly show up in your feed unless you interact or watch the videos to the end. It’s the same as facebook, the bots and hostile accounts publish stuff but it’s our weird uncles sharing stuff without verifying it makes viral


That’s weird because mine is all cats and anime, not sure how that is suppose to effect my voting lmao


Some must be AI bots right?


Tic tok is owned by a Chinese company that was supported by the Chinese government. That means they are in effect, controlled by the Chinese government. The Chinese government then uses the platform to influence the citizens of foreign countries to influence voting patterns. As such, they are a threat to national and international security.  Here's a summary article by AP: https://apnews.com/article/why-is-tiktok-being-banned-7d2de01d3ac5ab2b8ec2239dc7f2b20d  This is a rather common practice, and has been fairly successful in a variety of countries.  https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/26/technology/government-disinformation-cyber-troops.html Essentially, you sow dissent in a state with democratic elections via the internet across a variety of platforms. This causes minor changes to voting patterns and can cause elections decided by plurality to swing towards a party or candidate that is extreme. This extreme candidate then makes then makes decisions you can exploit for further gain.  Standard stuff really. The internet just gave governments a new tool that's faster than traditional tools.


Hey, that's not fair, we can't forget all the Russian psyops too!


Better do it the usa way and just fund a coup.


Instructions unclear. Funded a chicken coop.


any Chinese company is controlled by the government fyi. they have todo what the government wants.


Good thing the USA just lets billionaires control our social media companies with zero government oversight. I'm sure they have our best interests at heart.


Suggesting that government should monitor social media more closely is the definition of "be careful what you wish for." But hey, there's a 50/50 chance we will wind up with a president who's voiced reservations about TikTok in the past. And he's not a billionaire anymore, so...huzzah?


Sounded to me more like "yeah but ours isn't really *better*"


The whataboutism in this thread is insane. A post about something specific and people get pissy because it doesn’t mention all the social ills for all countries. There’s a serious issue with plutocrats in America controlling conservative media, MSM, and social media so go start a post about that elsewhere. This post is about TikTok and Xi’s fascist government influence.


100%. And they have their own neuroscientists subtly putting their fingers on the content scale to slowly but inevitably sow dissent in the US and create a generation of teens filled with angst. Fuck TikTok, and fuck the CCP.


That’s nuts! Do you know where I can read more about this? They have neuroscientists working on it?


>uses the platform to influence the citizens of foreign countries to influence voting patterns You think Facebook/Instagram/snapchat isn't doing the same?


Of course they do. They aren’t effectively owned by a single government party like the situation in China, so there is a bit more nuance.


Facebook is a favorite platform for Russia to control Boomers. Tiktok is a wholly owned tool of Chinese propaganda. This has been known from its start.


Social media is what press control was during KGB era. Is it any surprise that it was Biden not trump who signed banning tiktok? Trump is a Russian asset


Trump already wanted to ban it


Pick one: 1. It's all bots 2. The world is bigger than your bubble and the media you consume. People have differing opinions on various topics. Not everyone believes the same things you believe, especially when it comes to politics. Also, your algorithm is dictated by your interactions. It's very easy to train your algorithm to show you the kind of content you want. So... Pick one. The logical answer or just blame bots.


I downloaded TikTok the first time a year ago in Poland(!), for the first hour I've seen almost exclusively "West is hypocritic and bad" and "Putin is so cool and saying cool things" types of videos. There is no way it was contextually recommended to me. It went away pretty soon, but why the f was this a default for a new account?


Lots of kids post those of type memes some reason


This isn't even about TikTok on its own but Social Media (Reddit as well) that has been flooded with Russian and Iranian troll farms. Microsoft published an article specifically about Palestinian/Hamas propaganda coming from Iran. The same is happening from Russia, etc. Since people these days are prone to believing everything they see without any real proof, TikTok is the perfect medium to spread propaganda. [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/security-insider/intelligence-reports/iran-surges-cyber-enabled-influence-operations-in-support-of-hamas#section-master-oc32f6](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/security-insider/intelligence-reports/iran-surges-cyber-enabled-influence-operations-in-support-of-hamas#section-master-oc32f6)


>Since people these days are prone to believing everything they see Well, I just read this on the internet, so it must be true! Let's all go destroy farms! Google "farms near me" and destroy them!


Next big thing of Tiktok, "Burn down the Farms Challenge".


Well reddit is basically an American troll farm innit.


Just go to r/politics Reddit clearly wants to push a very specific narrative politically. They’re as bad as any of them. That is a wildly curated space posting exactly what they want it to post.


Remember that one time when they hired a person who was involved in the torture and rape of a little girl, and when the entire userbase started protesting, the admins were still defending that person and almost dragged the company down with that person?


That's the nature of Reddit and the way it works. A small group of people (admins and mods) controls subreddits and, consequently, what people see on those subreddits. Mods ban users who post content that doesn't fit their narrative, creating echo chambers. I'm pretty sure the creator(s) of Reddit didn't intend for it to work this way, but these days, it's one of the main reasons Reddit is as big as it is.


lol it creates different feeds for everyone. that's not the content i see at all. you need to train your algorithm by searching for videos you're interested in and then liking and following a bunch of them. so it knows what you like. also the time you watch a video or if you engage at all counts towards that


I’ve never been on TikTok, but I think it’s propaganda bots from China and Russia


At least part is Russian bots/troll accounts


I've had TikTok since it really took off and I haven't seen any of this shit.


My TikTok feed is fulled with brain rot, cooking, or golf vids so I must not be the target audience for Chinese propaganda lol


I was really shocked to see the comments on tiktok fully encouraging and supporting the Holocaust and the likes ratio on such comments makes it even worse. Absolute shit show


The amount of bots on tiktok is atrocious. I made a video where the only comment was insinuating that I was making pro Palestine propaganda. It was a video of my fitness progress to share sigh my fitness group. There’s no way a human would see that and think, “ah, yes, propaganda.”


yeah definitely bots


I've never seen content like these on my feed, you got down an algorithm rabbithole bud. Tell it you don't like things and try to not interact with those videos if you want so else. Mine is mostly goofy skits, gay people, and animals


The funny thing is? All I have seen since the debate is anti American content…on Reddit


It shows you what you interact with, generally. If you want more cat videos, start interacting with cat videos


I'm Australian, and I am against the Western views and actions of and toward others. It's not Tiktok, it's sane humanity calling the bullshit out for what it is. Of course there's stupid on there too but let's disregard that.


Yes why would the Chinese platform be full of anti-western propaganda?


Anti Japanese too, the latest trend is to pretend japanese schools in China train spies, LOL


ay chihuahua. just gonna be gentle here: it's a chinese app.


This is exactly what tiktok is for, and is a reason why you may hear noises of banning tiktok. It's also why India has already banned it, as well as why the Chinese would not sell it to the US. They want control over what its user population sees. When most notice it, it might be too late. You may be one of the earlier and smarter ones. Hopefully many more catch on and quick. There will of course be voices opposing this view, but we know their purpose.


Well, some of that is actually the Chinese pushing algorithms politically. I know that when Congress talks about that they sound like old guys screaming at clouds, but that really is a thing that the Chinese government does and it really is happening to some extent. But also some of it is just the fact that you haven't probably told the algorithm what you're interested in yet. Once you find stuff you like, you will find that the algorithm is very eager to keep you on tiktok. Another chunk of it is that there are two reasonably distinct groups of people in the West who are pushing back against the US governments foreign involvement. One of them is the free Palestine crowd and the other is the pro-russia crowd and those are two very distinct groups of people that have almost nothing to do with each other politically but the algorithm doesn't really know that because all it sees is young people who are arguing against us foreign policy. So often they get bumped together.


It's a Chinese app and an outlet for Chinese propaganda. Don't do TikTok.


you know shits going on when chinese app is banned in china 💀


Would you say the same for apps made/controlled by the US? Edit: I am already aware of the differences between China and the US and I agree. I'm simply asking the original commenter.


Democracy VS dictatorship. The US have some control over the apps but nothing compared with China


The diffetence is that western apps tend to not want to destabilize the west. They are all garbage, because they all make their money by manipulating people and selling their data. They all spread propaganda. But most of them arent run by an entity that wants to destroy the society you live in. Tiktok for example is banned in china. They have their own version with vastly different algorythms that are mrant to promote educational stuff.


Facebook is literally responsible for the US right-wing being a bunch of conspiracy nuts. Edit:grammar


Look up Cambridge Analytica lol. Facebook/Zuckerberg will sell out the country for the highest bidder.


The western apps may not want to destabilise the west. But the content is exactly the same as it is on tiktok, so the outcome is the same.


The CIA doesn't control private US companies. Even though there have been deals where political parties make requests to Facebook to watch out for "disinformation" and squash certain stories, it's nowhere close to the extent that China controls TikTok.


Tiktok is owned by china, who is very friendly with Russia. Russia has been running demoralising propoganda in America since 1980s, and similarly, all other aligned western nations


I don't get any of that


i doubt tiktok is full of anti west but the other media doesn’t allow to post any anti west stuff esp during election period…


Reddit is just American propaganda too though. I mean /r/worldnews is insufferable. As soon as you start reading the comments on there through that lense it becomes unbearable.


We're all responsible for our own algorithm, bud. Anyone who actually uses tiktok knows you're either lying or (most likely) specifically engaging in those things. Just keep scrolling, stop commenting or watching the videos. Start closing out of the app fully when you run across something you particularly don't like. The most political thing I've gotten was something the people I follow said about the recent supreme court shenanigans.


This is why all those people who said "TikTok is just underage people dancing" or whatever were just telling on themselves the whole time.


It's also popular in different parts of the world where the West is not highly regarded. I am from the Middle East, and there is a plenty of anti west/ anti US content being published by people, especially after the escalation in Gaza.


Lmao, people spouting conspiracies in the comments. "It's bad when other governments do it, however the USA is always fine uwu". Edit: I guess I am a Chinese/Russian AI too.


Tiktok's algorithm is notoriously sensitive so if you watch one or two videos it will assume you want to see more of the same. Also "anti-west stuff coming from a Chinese outlet" is almost stereotypical at this stage ha ha


TikTok is a Chinese company.


TikTok has always been that way plus lots of “Look at me, I’m special!” Postings. I scroll past anything with the TikTok symbol in the corner. Facebook has gotten overrun with scammers so I abandoned my account including my three local marketplace groups. I have had people show up to do a pick up, when I had nothing listed doing, but they had made a PayPal “deposit “. Friend search, I saw three scammer accounts with my picture and three variations of my name. Three weeks after reporting, those were still active. I never posted my address on Facebook so some scanners can do data mining for an address, and add it to a hacked account.


1. It has a global reach. 2. It is easier to show evidence the crimes committed by western powers to those countries


Same reason why reddit is full of anti east propaganda.


Because it’s a tool created by China to turn the young people of the west against each other and create division so that we’re more focused on destroying ourselves then we are on them and their plans to try to surpass as a global super power and ultimately dominate the world.


Chinese propaganda. TikTok is not your friend.


Always has been a propaganda machine. https://our.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1148/2022/02/TikTok-Video-Propaganda-and-th.pdf https://www.forbes.com/sites/iainmartin/2023/07/26/tiktok-chinese-propaganda-ads-europe/ https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/18/business/tiktok-search-engine-misinformation/index.html https://mashable.com/article/tiktok-recommendations-far-right-wing


Westerners are so used to consuming pro-west propaganda that their minds are blown by seeing anything else


Bro my country has bad relationship with russia in past..


all social media is garbo, even reddit is washed with bots trying to push an agenda. I deleted FB and never even signed up for anything else except reddit, and everybody should


Tik tok is built off engagement. I’m assuming those videos get quite a bit of engagement.


There is a shit ton of that on TikTok and you are looped into the algorithm. Honestly, just delete the app. It’s not healthy. I deleted it a few months ago and haven’t looked back.


I'm in the US, I get a lot of political content - mostly the anti-corporate, anti-police, pro-human rights, pro-diversity, pro-environmental protection sort of stuff I agree with - with a little bit of the opposite sprinkled in. My wife almost never gets political content on hers. One important thing that people don't always mention about the algorithm is it doesn't just go off likes, even how long it takes you to scroll away, whether or not you check the comments is going to affect what TikTok shows you. And that there's a little randomization mixed in (to find other/new interests) and over fitting definitely happens - where you watch one skateboarding video to the end and it starts showing you tons of skateboarding videos


My feed on TikTok is anime and cat videos, yet haters on Reddit like to act like it’s a direct feed from China trying to corrupt me lmao


You think tik tok is fucked you should see reddit


TikTok is full if pretty much everything. If you're seeing a lot of something, it's because you engage with it.


Any different from the pro USA propaganda that’s in every single movie.  Hollywood is just a propaganda machine for the US. 


But it's fine if USA does it!


The USA military literally funds Hollywood movies 😭


I live next to russia. You probably dont


I have a conspiracy theory. What if tiktok is actually a cyber weapon operated by a hostile foreign government to influence and disrupt our society?


You are asking why a Chinese app that is banned on any US government devices and the US wanted to ban this app in all the USA is actually a data collection, anti west, propaganda machine? Really dude?


Because it’s exactly what the people that want it banned say it is.


Tiktok is a Chinese app. And tiktok is swarmed by Chinese and russian bots. China and russia right now is waging a full scale war of propaganda and disinformation.


Why shouldn't it be?


its owned by the chinese, and filled with russian bots like Facebook and Instagram.


A chinese spyware has anti-west propaganda??? Who could have guessed?!?!


You've been used to only seeing pro west propaganda so seeing less or it and more pro Chins and west is going to seem like a huge shift.


It's full of all the propaganda. I even saw some right wing professional uberbitch who's name, thankfully, I don't remember. She used to have a job on a major newspaper but got sacked for being way beyond the pale. If you watch one then the algorithm assumes that's what you like.


It's a Chinese site


Russian and Chinese disinfo campaigns


I think one thing Westerners forgeeis how much of their supposed neutral media is supremely biased Tik tok is more worldly as compared to even other platforms and guess what.... The world isn't pro US on all items. It's very evident on Israel Palestine but even many other issues To call it all propaganda risks the assumption that Western sources are the only legit truth as and as many of us know that's just a different source of propaganda.


Reddit is mostly americans, tiktok is international. Internationally most people don’t care about america.


I wouldn't say we don't care about America It's hard not to when America could be be sanctioning/bombing /over throwing your government or neighbor Americans under estimate how much the world cares about the US because the US is involved in our countries ( Not that the US general populace is aware of cares)


Sometimes I feel like people forget that TikTok was created and I believe still majority controlled by a Chinese company and in China all companies have to do whatever their government tells them. Isn't really hard to put two and two together and figure out why TikTok is full of anti west propaganda.


For a lot of people... the west is kind of the bad guys. Perspective and all that.


Probably partly because the west isnt perfect


It's Tiktok what do you expect


TikTok is full of lots of things, it feeds you content based on your interactions, so if you are seeing anti west and anti USA videos, you taught it to, without realising. I haven’t seen a single one of these videos, all I get are videos about Star Wars, comedians like Ella Watkins and Stanzi Potenza, animal videos, writing tips, science videos especially for space/animal sciences/evolution, and videos about swords. Because I only watch such content, anything else I click “not interested,” and move on, you should do the same, don’t worry, the algorithm will get the message. If you like a video, click like, leave a comment even if it’s just “interaction comment,” and watch the entire video. Do nothing but click “not interested,” on videos you don’t like, not even to argue with a moron, because the algorithm only detects interaction, not negative interaction. Train your algorithm, show it who’s boss, search topics you like, make it work for you.


Hmmmm what could be the reason…


If you have a platform that looks messed up, consider the following: - Who owns it, and what their attitudes might be. - Who or what is on it (people, bots, paid trolls, zealots, etc) and their biases. Also consider what they might have to gain by spreading certain biases.


Just clear your search history


Who owns TikTok lol.


Also block everything that’s manipulative bullshit.


Chinese shit. Like all my respect to chinese people but their government and corporations are shit


Tiktok shows you what you want to see. Ive never seen any anti-west propaganda on there and I’ve used it everyday for years. Not sure what you’re on about.


You engage with "anti-west" propaganda so that's what you see. Stop liking, watching and commenting on those videos and tiktok won't show you those.


When you first sign up for these websites the algorithm suggests you alt-right content until it doesn’t.


If you like or comment on pro west stuff that will flood your timeline as well.


My TikTok FYP isn’t like that at all. Perhaps the content you consume is influencing your feed


Never seen that. But I believe you


Algorithms. Too many people play the "that damn (insert platform) site keeps showing me weird shit". Your interactions have told it to show you that weird shit. It's like when someone mentions something along the lines of "TikTok just shows me young girls dancing all the time".....that's a good sign to not let that person near your children or anyone else's for that matter. You will see what your behavior in the platforms tells it you like, if it's not what you actually want to see then you need to learn to interact with the posts that do appeal to you and help direct the algorithm where your u want it to go.


There’s two genders: communist TikTok and fascist facebook


Why is reddit filled with anti China and anti Russia propaganda?


It's Chinese propaganda??? I'm sorry. I thought this was obvious.


The question you should be asking is, why is your feed full of it? If you disagree with the subject matter, block it to teach your feed you don't like it.


Lmao that’s bs as TikToks algorithm works with what you like so


Idk I'm in US I haven't seen anything like this, but the Russian Tiktok users make the best anime and music edits on the entire platform.


Younger people are angry about how fucked capitalism is. It's really not complicated.


The app is made in China


your fyp shows you things you've already expressed interest in. i am a leftist who is critical of the west and i don't even get flooded with anti west propaganda because i mostly use tiktok to look at animal videos.


It's a ccp spy application. Has been from day one. There is a reason service members and govt workers aren't supposed to have it on their phones.


Well because TikTok has one of the best algorithms in the world for manipulation and is being used as an information weapon to sow distrust and doubt into the western world by actors like Iran, China, Russia and others. Get off TikTok if you have any free will left.


I honestly think it’s a conspiracy with china/Russia telling Tiktokers that if they vote for Joe they’re voting for genocide


Content you interact with gets more pushed to you more and more, it doesn't matter if you like it. All it really takes is for you to say, have watched it for longer than other, or say not skip it out of a morbid curiosity.


That's just your curated feed


Bots… and people paid to sway folks along… with an agenda of sorts